Material for group diagnostics of preschoolers 6-7 years old

The activity of a child’s cognitive development is different for everyone, some are brilliant theorists, while others find it easy in practice. This is due to individual characteristics of the development of cognitive processes, acquired knowledge and skills. Moreover, each age is characterized by its own degree of intensity and severity, integrity and direction of cognitive content.

Game diagnostics of children 3-4 years old “Who does what”

General requirements

For children 2-3 years old, the objects of cognition are surrounding objects, sounds, and actions. Thanks to manipulation with them, incipient play activities, observations of people, animals, and natural phenomena, cognitive information is accumulated and assimilated.

Preschoolers aged 4 years are attracted not only by objects and actions, but also by their signs and properties (color, shape, size). And this contributes to their ability to conduct a comparative analysis by any category, combine objects into groups according to one characteristic, etc.

By the age of 5, preschoolers use speech as their main means of cognition. Children of this age easily perceive information, remember it well and can apply it in practice.

High-quality diagnostics allows you to make adjustments to the development of children

In a child of senior preschool age, the characteristics of cognitive development are the emerging skills of analyzing, drawing conclusions, generalizing, and classifying.

Based on these age characteristics of children, diagnostics are carried out. Games and tasks must be selected for younger children; older preschoolers need to be set up for work.

Evaluation criteria are being developed, they can be as follows:

  1. Low level - the child does not understand or does not complete tasks even with the help of an adult.
  2. Intermediate level - the child understands well what is required, completes tasks correctly and answers questions with a little help from an adult. Tries to independently explain his choice.
  3. High level - the child enjoys it, correctly completes the proposed tasks independently, and answers questions competently. Makes a simple analysis of his actions and explains his answer.

Diagnostic tasks and assessment results
It is necessary to talk with the child in a calm, confidential tone, praise for successes, and encourage him if something does not work out.
The diagnostic results will show the level of cognitive development of children, and the adult will see which issues cause difficulties and require additional attention.

Second situation “Constructor”

Kids play construction games in pairs. The teacher shows each pair a construction set and gives them the task of building something. But follow the rules:

  • do the construction one by one;
  • whoever is not building, protects the parts, gives the parts one at a time to a comrade who is currently busy with construction, if he asks.

There are also restrictive recommendations:

  • you cannot touch the details of the construction set until the second child requests them;
  • You can’t interfere in your partner’s construction, you can’t suggest anything to him, you can’t help him, even if you really want to;
  • give strictly one detail at a time.

There are also recommendations for the “builder”. He has the right to build whatever he wants, but he must not take parts without permission, but ask politely to take one that his friend gives him.

Children must follow the rules of this situation and watch as their partner carries out the teacher’s instructions. The game lasts 5 minutes, then preschoolers change roles.

The teacher monitors whether the children follow the rules.

Diagnostic examination of children 2-3 years old

Since visual-figurative thinking predominates in children of this age, all tasks are supported by illustrative material.

Knowledge of objects in the immediate environment

"What do you mean where?". In front of the child are objects (4-5 pieces each), united by one lexical topic “Toys”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Clothes”, “Shoes”. An adult points to each of them and asks: “What is this?”, or to find one from a number of objects, for example, “Show me a cup”, you can ask: “What is the fabric or glass skirt made of?”

Color name test

"Errands." Prepare a large and small hare, a nesting doll, a car, red and green cups, large and small cubes. Ask your child to list objects, determine their color and size, and complete tasks of this type:

  • treat the big hare with tea from a green cup. What else can you drink from?
  • Place the machine on a large cube. Where should the cars be put away after playing? Etc.

Knowledge of family members

The child looks at the story picture “My Family” and answers the questions:

  • who is shown in the picture? Who do you live with?
  • what does mom do? What's your mother's name? I what does your mom do at home?
  • what is grandma doing? Etc.

At the end of the conversation, it is advisable to ask: “Do we need to take care of each other? How?"

Knowledge about objects and natural phenomena

" Living and nonliving." Before your child illustrates various objects, you need to divide the pictures into two groups: “living” and “non-living”. For example, an airplane and a bird; fish and boat, etc.;

Test for 3-year-old children: name the animal

“Who has whom?” In front of the child are figures of wild and domestic animals. An adult asks “What animals are in front of you? Where do the bear and fox live? Horse and dog? Then he asks them to find and name their baby and place it next to the adult animal. “Where is whose house?” For the game, it is advisable to make models or a collage of a yard with outbuildings and a forest. An adult shows the child pictures of wild and domestic animals and asks him to find their home: put wild animals next to the model of the forest, and domestic animals next to the yard. Then the child says who he placed where.

“Who gives the voice?” The presenter shows cards with pictures of animals and birds and asks them to say who gives their voice in what way, for example, a cow moos, a dog barks, a duck quacks, etc.

“Who moves how?” Figures of animals, birds, insects are selected in advance for the child, the adult names one of them, and the child finds it and says how it moves (a grasshopper jumps, a fish swims).

Test for children 2 years old

By analogy, tasks are carried out to identify other knowledge and skills, namely about:

  • herbs and trees (3-4 species);
  • poultry;
  • wild birds (2-3 species);
  • vegetables and fruits (5-6 types);
  • some properties of sand and water;
  • labor actions of adults and children;


Preschool childhood is a large period of a child’s life. Living conditions at this time are rapidly expanding: the boundaries of the family are expanding to the limits of the street, city, and country. The child discovers the world of human relationships, different types of activities and social functions of people. The uniqueness of each person is beyond doubt. However, the ability to express it is a problem for most people. Therefore, from preschool age it is necessary to develop sensations, perception, memory, speech, imagination, attention, thinking, for future educational activities.


Exercise No. 1 “Paired objects”

Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Age from 4 years

Progress of the exercise: An adult shows the child a pair of objects that are different from each other. For example: thick and thin felt-tip pens, short and long pencils, narrow and wide rulers, etc. Then puts them in an opaque bag. The child needs to find paired objects by touch and determine how they differ from each other.

Exercise No. 2 “Rattles”.

Purpose: Diagnosis and development of auditory sensations.

Age from 3 years

Equipment: Empty boxes, various cereals, peas, pebbles, sand and other small items.

Progress of the exercise: Various materials are poured into the prepared boxes (cereals, peas, sand, beads, etc.) and the children are allowed to rattle each box individually.

Rules: Younger children can simply be asked what sound is (loud or quiet, pleasant or unpleasant). Older children can try to guess what size the objects in the box are (small or large), and also try to associate this or that sound with some phenomenon (the sound of rain, falling stones, the rumble of a car, etc.)

Exercise No. 3 “Tracks”.

Purpose: Diagnosis and development of tactile sensations.

Age from 3 years

Equipment: Cards, materials of different textures (sandpaper, cotton fabric, leather fabric, oilcloth)

Progress of the exercise: Pictures with tracks of different lengths and materials of different textures pasted on them are placed on the table in front of the child. The child runs his finger along each path.

Rules: The child runs his finger along each path and tells the teacher about his feelings: cold path or warm, long or short, soft or hard to the touch, pleasant or unpleasant, which path he would choose for a walk with his mother (which material is most pleasant for him swipe with your finger).

Exercise No. 4 “Pig in a poke”

Goal: Development of tactile sensations.

Ages 4 years and older

Equipment: Bag with various items.

Progress of the exercises: The child is given a bag in which there is something, but which is not visible. The child must describe the object by touch. Its properties (soft, cold, smooth), shape and, if possible, recognize it (you can determine the theme: for example, vegetables, animals).

Exercise No. 5 “Connect the boxes”

Goal: diagnosis and development of tactile sensations.

Ages 4 years and older

Material: matchboxes, to the outer and inner sides of which pieces of various materials are glued (corduroy, wool, velvet, silk, paper, linoleum, etc.).

Progress of the game: there are disassembled matchboxes on the table. The child closes his eyes. The teacher asks him to feel the parts of the boxes and connect them correctly.

Diagnostic examination of children 3-4 years old

For diagnostics you will need games similar to games for children 2-3 years old.

Knowledge of the immediate environment

"The fourth is odd." Knowledge on lexical topics “Toys”, “Furniture”, “Shoes”, “Clothing”, “Utensils”, “Transport” is consolidated. The presenter lays out 4 subject pictures, the child needs to choose the extra one and explain the choice, for example, table, chair, cup, sofa.

Test for 4-year-old children on knowledge of emotions

“Every thing has its place.” Prepare small pictures (clothes, shoes, dishes, toys) and large ones depicting a wardrobe, shoe rack, drawer, buffet. The adult lays out large pictures in front of the child, and showing small ones one by one, asks: “Where is the place for a cup, boots, cubes, etc.”

Ability to establish simple connections between objects and phenomena

“What is made by man, what by nature?” You need to prepare envelopes, one depicts a person, the other the sun; subject pictures depicting natural objects and natural phenomena (bush, river, rain, clouds); objects made by people (pants, cup, chair, car). The presenter asks the child to put in an envelope with a picture of the sun, pictures with natural objects, and the person – those made by people and explain why.

By the age of 4, the child should already be familiar with books

“When does this happen?” An adult gives the child pictures depicting different actions that a person performs (sleeping, having lunch, getting ready for bed, brushing his teeth, doing exercises, having dinner) and asking questions: “What do we do at night? In the morning? During the day? In the evening?". The preschooler must show the corresponding picture.

Knowledge about objects and natural phenomena

"Wonderful bag." The presenter puts vegetables and fruits (apple, orange, banana, cucumber, garlic) into the bag in advance. The child must select one object at a time and determine by touch what he has found.

Game “Wonderful bag” - guess the fruit by touch

“Find out by description.” Cards with images of wild and domestic animals are laid out in a chaotic order on the table. The adult lists the characteristic features of one of them, the child must find out who is being talked about. For example, it lives with a person, grazes in a meadow, moos, and gives milk and meat.

Diagnostics can be presented in a table.

Knowledge and skillsCriteria for evaluation
Ability to determine weather conditions: cold, warm, hot, windy, rainy
Knowledge of the characteristic features of the seasons (in autumn - leaves turn yellow, in spring - streams flow...)
Knowledge of 3-4 indoor flowers and their parts. Understanding that their growth requires water and light, human care.
Identification of vegetables and fruits, recognition of their taste.
Initial ideas about wild and domestic animals: names, places of residence, cubs.
Names of family members, their household responsibilities
Name of the city, streets, some features of the area.
Professions (3-4 types)

A course of lectures on a number of key, complex topics in the discipline “Preschool Pedagogy”

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONFederal State Budgetary Educational Institutionhigher professional education"Altai State Pedagogical Academy"LECTURE AND SEMINARSON PRESCHOOL PEDAGOGYfor students of specialties:"Preschool pedagogy and psychology"“Pedagogy and methods of preschool education”and bachelors of pedagogy in the profile “Preschool education”Barnaul 2014
N.P. Sazonova Lectures and seminars on preschool pedagogy / textbook for students of pedagogical faculties - Barnaul: AltGPA, 2014. - 381 p.

Reviewers: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Preschool Pedagogy AKIPKRO V.E. Morozova;

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of AltSPA M.P. Tyrina.

The textbook is a course of lectures on a number of key, complex topics in the discipline “Preschool Pedagogy”. Each lecture is a system that includes a plan, a list of recommended literature that expands the range of pedagogical knowledge on the topic, tasks for independent work, and the main content of the lecture, divided into subsections. The text of the lectures is accompanied by questions for the readers, which stimulate their mental dialogue with the author. The course of lectures is accompanied by the development of seminar classes, tasks for self-control and independent work of students in the discipline being studied.

The manual is addressed to students of pedagogical faculties studying in the system of higher professional education. The materials of the manual can be used as part of the study of the subject “Methods of teaching and upbringing in the field of preschool education” for students with a bachelor of pedagogical education in the direction of “Preschool Education”. The textbook may be useful to specialists in preschool institutions and teachers of pedagogical universities.

© Altai State

Pedagogical Academy, 2014 CONTENTS
BLOCK 1. Lectures on preschool pedagogy

Topic 1. Preschool pedagogy as a science and academic discipline6
Topic 2. Formation and development of preschool pedagogy and education (brief excursion)17
Topic 3. Logic and methods of pedagogical research in preschool
Topic 4. The child as a subject of education and an object of pedagogical

Topic 5. Preschool education in the holistic education system of the Russian Federation

Topic 6. Holistic pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions

45 57 70
Topic 7. The essence of play as an activity for preschoolers84
Topic 8. Role-playing game in the structure of gaming activity

Topic 9. Education, training and development of young children

99 114
Topic 10. Education in the holistic pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions126
Topic 11. Training in the holistic pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions143
Topic 12. Content of preschool education.
Trends in its renewal
Topic 13. Learning results in preschool educational institutions172
Topic 14. Project method in the system of training and education of preschool children184
Topic 15. Preparing children for school in preschool educational institutions and family201
Topic 16. Developmental environment and its design in preschool educational institutions233
Topic 17. Planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions260
BLOCK 2. Seminar classes on preschool pedagogy275
Section 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy275
Section 2. Features of the period of early childhood. Importance in personality development. 281
Section 3. Play as a leading activity for preschoolers287
Section 4. Theory and methods of educating preschoolers295
Section 5. Theory and methods of teaching preschoolers306
List of basic literature for the course322
Test tasks for independent work of students325

The academic discipline “Preschool Pedagogy” is one of the major disciplines in the system of university training for preschool specialists. It works to develop the motivational, theoretical and technological readiness of students to perform professional functions, and contributes to the formation of the necessary professional competencies.

In the course of studying the discipline, solving pedagogical problems is based on the recognition of:

— preschool childhood as a valuable and poorly compensated period in personality formation;

— the leading role of education and training in the implementation of the genetically based development program of a preschooler;

— the child’s subjective position in a preschool educational institution and family;

— the significance of personal, activity-based, anthropological approaches to organizing children’s life activities. The goal of the discipline “Preschool Pedagogy” is to contribute to the formation of a pedagogical culture and professional competence of future specialists in the field of education, training, development and organization of life of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. The proposed course of lectures and practical exercises is aimed at achieving this goal.

The textbook will help students master a number of key topics in the discipline. Each of the topics in the manual includes basic lecture material on the topic selected by the author. Studying the lecture materials is accompanied by completing independent theoretical and practical tasks. The scope of information can be expanded by completing abstracts and then practice-oriented research work. The lecture is a system that includes a plan, a list of recommended literature that expands the range of pedagogical knowledge on the topic, tasks for independent work, and the main content of the lecture, divided into subsections. The text of the lectures is accompanied by questions for the readers, which stimulate their mental dialogue with the author. The studied questions are supplemented and acquire a practical orientation during subsequent seminars. Seminar lesson plans, questions and assignments for self-control and independent work in the discipline help the student to fully master the necessary content of professional experience.

Based on the results of working with the textbook, it is important for the student to:

- know: the leading concepts of the discipline, establish connections between them, understand their general and specific aspects; see the difference between preschool pedagogy, science and academic discipline; navigate the logic and methods of pedagogical research; clearly understand the place and importance of preschool education in the holistic education system, see the problems, prospects and trends in the development of the preschool level; consider a preschooler as a subject of education and training; highlight the patterns and principles, structure and logic of organizing education and training in preschool educational institutions; understand and reveal the essence of these processes (concept, goals, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, expected results, connections with other processes, participants, nature of interaction, etc.); know the place, goals, objectives, pedagogical conditions, content, methods of organizing play activities for preschoolers; highlight the specifics and principles of constructing a developmental environment; understand the process of preparing children for school and its results, the basis for ensuring continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions, families, schools, etc.

— be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to analyze various aspects of professional activity and perform practical tasks, solve pedagogical problems in teaching practice; establish interdisciplinary connections when mastering professionally significant disciplines; show creativity and improvisation in solving pedagogical problems;

- have a value-based attitude towards the teaching profession, a focus on professional development and self-improvement.

The content of the course of lectures, practical classes and assignments in the academic discipline “Preschool Pedagogy” is developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard for the level of university professional training of students in the specialties “Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education”. Can be actively used in organizing classroom and independent work for bachelors of education in the field of “Preschool Education”

Good luck in studying the discipline!
BLOCK 1. LECTURE CLASSES ON DISCIPLINE Topic 1. Preschool pedagogy as a science and academic discipline Plan

  1. Preschool pedagogy as a science. Subject of science. Main categories.
  2. Theoretical foundations of domestic preschool pedagogy.
  3. Functions and tasks of preschool pedagogy at the present stage.
  4. System of pedagogical sciences. Connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences.
  5. Preschool pedagogy as an academic discipline.

Tasks for independent work

  1. Write down the interpretation of the concept “science” in an individual dictionary, place semantic accents in the definitions, and highlight common significant features. Based on the identified features, prove that preschool pedagogy is an independent science.
  2. Consider the sources of pedagogical science. Give them a short written description. To complete the task, use source 6 from the list pp. 40 – 42.
  3. Draw up diagrams: “The connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences”, “Preschool pedagogy in the system of pedagogical sciences”. Prepare to discuss them. To complete the task, use textbooks “Preschool Pedagogy” by different authors, the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia (vol. 1, section “Preschool Pedagogy”).

Recommended reading

  1. Bolotina L.R., Komarova T.S., Baranov S.P. Preschool pedagogy. – M., 1997.
  2. Preschool pedagogy. In 2 hours / Ed. V.I Loginova, P.G. Samorukova. – M., 1988.
  3. Dragunova O.V. Preschool pedagogy: Part 1. – Cheboksary, 2003.
  4. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Pedagogical practice in kindergarten. – M., 1998.
  5. History of preschool pedagogy / Ed. L.N. Lishtvana. – M., 1989.
  6. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy. – M., 2001.
  7. Krasnitskaya G.S., Borshanskaya B.R. Workshop on preschool pedagogy. – M., 1996.
  8. Kudryavtsev V.T. Innovative preschool education: experience, problems and development strategy // Preschool education. – 1997. – No. 7.
  9. Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy. – M., 1998.
  10. Fundamentals of preschool pedagogy / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, T.A. Markova. – M., 1980.
  11. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies / Ed. S.A. Smirnova. – M., 1998.
  12. Psychological and Pedagogical Dictionary / Ed. P.I. Faggot. – Rostov-on-Don, 1998.
  13. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: 2 volumes - M., 1994-1999.
  14. Furyaeva T.V. On the development of modern pedagogy of preschool childhood // Modern education of children of preschool and primary school age. – St. Petersburg, 1997. – P.6-8.


  1. All-Russian experiment “Development of new forms of Russian preschool education in modern socio-economic conditions.” Issue 4. Sat. articles and documents. – M., 2002.
  2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. – M., 2005.
  3. Declaration of Human Rights. Children's rights: Basic international documents. – M., 1992.
  4. Preschool education in Russia. – M., 1996.
  5. Convention on the Rights of the Child. – M., 1989.
  6. On approval of the state educational standard for preschool education // Bulletin of Education. - No. 2. - 1995.
  7. Sterkina R.B. The quality of preschool education and the main trends in its changes // Preschool education. – No. 8. – 1996.
  8. Sterkina R.B. Certification and state accreditation of preschool educational institutions. – M.. 1997.
  9. The concept of preschool education // Preschool education No. 5, 9. -1989.

1. Content of the concept “science”.
Elements that characterize science This topic is introductory to the entire course of preschool pedagogy. It sets an understanding of the main categories, functions, subject, tasks of preschool pedagogy - science. When exploring the topic, we will consider the differences between preschool pedagogy as a science and the academic subject studied by students at a university, determine its connection with other sciences, and its place in the system of pedagogical sciences.

Before talking about preschool pedagogy as a science, it is necessary to define the concept of “science”, and then consider preschool pedagogy through the prism of this concept. The science

(in the general philosophical understanding) - a form of social consciousness, including activities to obtain knowledge and its result - a system of knowledge that underlies the general scientific picture of the world.
This is a special type of human activity aimed at revealing the essential properties and patterns of the surrounding world. ?
Highlight the main logical parts of the definition.

We will rely on this interpretation when considering preschool pedagogy as a science. Consequently, preschool pedagogy as a science is aimed at revealing the essential properties and patterns... (upbringing and teaching preschool children).

Let us determine what characterizes the science of preschool pedagogy.

Any science is characterized by 3 main elements

that distinguish it from others.
This is a subject of
a conceptual-categorical apparatus
research methods

Thus, we have a general plan for considering the topic. In order to characterize preschool pedagogy - science, we must answer 3 questions:

  1. What is the subject of studying preschool pedagogy as a science?
  2. What categories and concepts does it operate with?
  3. What research methods does science use to discover new knowledge?

Having answered these basic questions, we will characterize preschool pedagogy as a science. Let us remember what subject
. These are many processes and phenomena that this science studies.

? What does preschool pedagogy study? Label its subject based on the available information.

? What is the subject of pedagogy as a science? (essential properties and patterns of the processes of upbringing, training and education of the individual). Subject

preschool pedagogy
are the essential properties and patterns of upbringing, training and education of preschool children.

Thus, preschool pedagogy studies the essential (main, defining) properties and objective connections within and between the processes of upbringing, training and education of preschool children.
The subject of science clearly indicates the area of ​​its research and the area to which research methods are directed. Conceptual-categorical apparatus of preschool pedagogy
Let's remember what concepts and categories are. Categories
are the most general and fundamental concepts of a particular science.
For another science, the same categories can only be concepts. This is a higher level of generalization in relation to concepts. A concept
is a form of thinking that reflects the essential properties, connections and relationships of objects and phenomena.

Based on the subject of research, highlight the fundamental concepts (categories) of this science. This is upbringing, training, education. What are they in relation to preschool pedagogy (PS). Categories. These are the most important, leading, most common concepts for this science.

Let us reveal the content of the leading concepts of preschool pedagogy. It is important to note that these categories were considered by different scientists from different methodological positions. As a result, there are many interpretations, often contradicting each other. It is important for every specialist teacher to know these concepts and have their own informed position in determining their content. Mastery of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of science is a necessary component of a specialist’s pedagogical culture.

The category “education” is considered in science in a broad, narrow and local sense.
(in a broad sense) is the process of transferring social experience from the older generation to the younger generation, ensuring their readiness for life and work.
(in the narrow sense) is a purposeful process of developing in pupils personality traits, a system of relationships towards themselves and the world around them.

In a local sense, education

– formation in a child of any quality, habit of behavior.

When considering the theory and methodology of the educational process in preschool educational institutions, we will rely on the definition of education in the narrow sense.

When defining the content of the concept of learning, there are many options. The differences between them depend on the authors' understanding of the functions, purposes and results of this process. So, Yu.K. Babansky reveals the learning process

as a purposeful, consistently changing interaction between a teacher and children, during which the tasks of their upbringing, development, and education are solved.

In the psychological and pedagogical dictionary of P.I. Fucking training

is interpreted as a purposeful, organized, systematic transfer to elders and the assimilation of experience of social relations, social consciousness, culture and productive labor, knowledge about active transformation and environmental protection to younger generations.

AND I. Lerner in training

understands the process of purposeful interaction between the teacher and children with the goal of assimilating a certain segment of the content of social experience. We are more sympathetic to this definition, due to the fact that learning involves not only mastering knowledge, methods of activity, but also a system of relationships to the environment, the experience of creative activity.

The concept of education is systematically considered in the Law “On Education”. Education

is considered as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the citizen’s achievements of the educational levels established by the state.

V.V. Kraevsky defines education

as a special type of purposeful activity to prepare human beings for participation in the life of society, consisting of educational and training activities and carried out in the interests of the individual, society, and state.
Yu.K. Babansky education
as the process and result of students mastering a system of scientific knowledge and cognitive skills, forming on their basis a worldview, moral and other personality traits, and developing creative powers and abilities.

This is only a small part of the definitions of leading concepts for preschool pedagogy. Each teacher, having analyzed the fundamental professional categories, determines their content and has the right to reasonably share someone’s author’s position.

Can we say that these are the only concepts of science? No. Preschool pedagogy in its dictionary uses many other concepts that are leading for philosophy (pattern, essence, principle, subject, etc.), psychology (development, personality, psyche, emotional climate, thinking, etc.), anatomy (brain, skeleton , muscle tone, physiological characteristics, etc.), etc. Preschool pedagogy uses the language of sciences that study man and society in all forms. Its language is rich and diverse, which makes it possible to comprehensively characterize the subject of preschool pedagogy.

The third element characterizing preschool pedagogy as a science is research methods

. These are the methods by which teaching practice is studied and generalized, and independent scientific research is conducted. These include: study and analysis of literature, experiment, conversation, questionnaires, interviews, observation, compilation of independent characteristics, study of pedagogical documentation, products of children’s activities, etc. We will devote a separate topic to a detailed consideration of this issue.

Having identified the subject of science and defined the main categories of preschool pedagogy, let us move on to revealing its functions and tasks.
2. Theoretical foundations of domestic preschool pedagogy
The theoretical foundations of preschool pedagogy are built on data from philosophy, natural sciences (biology), theories of domestic scientists in the field of child psychology and the history of pedagogical thought, advanced pedagogical experience. Hence, in the general theoretical foundations of DP, four main aspects can be distinguished: philosophical, psychological, natural science and historical-pedagogical.

1) Philosophical foundations.

In the organization and implementation of pedagogical research and the pedagogical process, the general principles of dialectics are taken into account - the science of the most general laws of development of matter, consciousness and society (the laws of continuity of movement and development of matter, the transition of quantity into quality, determinism, consistency, unity and the struggle of contradictions as the driving force of development , inextricable unity of knowledge and practice, etc.).

2). Natural science foundations

preschool pedagogy is determined by the teachings of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlova about higher nervous activity, and carried out by their students and followers - V.M. Bekhterev, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky. PC. Anokhin, N.M. Shchelovanov, N.I. Kasatkin, N.L. Figurin, N.M. Aksarina et al., studies of the development of higher nervous activity in ontogenesis. They showed that the neurophysiological mechanisms of a child’s mental activity are conditioned-reflex in nature; their formation in preschool childhood is greatly influenced by the processes of maturation, the implementation of genetic programs, and external influences, incl. upbringing.

Research has established the advisability of starting to raise a child from the moment of birth, because One of the regularities in the development of conditioned reflex activity is that each subsequent reflex in a child is formed faster and easier than the previous one.

Teachings of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov about three unities - the dialectical relationship of the body and the external environment, all organs and systems of the body as a single open biosystem and the unity of mental and physical development, are the physiological justification for the organization of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

The doctrine of the dynamic stereotype underlies the construction of the daily routine of preschoolers. A dynamic stereotype is the basis for the formation of skills, abilities, and behavioral habits; its formation explains the effectiveness of the exercise as a method of education and training. The requirement for an individual approach in education follows from the teachings about different types of higher nervous activity, about inclinations, and about various anatomical and physiological characteristics of individuals.

Theories about the development of two signal systems in ontogenesis serve as a natural scientific basis for determining the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the development of a child’s speech, mental, physical, aesthetic and other areas of education. Based on them, methodological recommendations for teaching methods and means are developed.

3) Psychological foundations of preschool pedagogy


— cultural-historical theory of the development of human behavior and psyche L.S. Vygotsky, the age periodization he developed, the concept of “sensitive periods”, “zone of proximal development”, the theory of developmental learning;

- teaching of A.N. Leontyev about activity as a condition, means and source of development of the child’s psyche;

— theory of the gradual formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin, works of N.N. Poddyakova, L.A. Wenger on the characteristics of the intellectual development of children in the preschool period;

— theory of “amplification” of child development in preschool childhood by A.V. Zaporozhets;

— psychology of children's play and periodization of mental development D.B. Elkonina;

— concept of V.t. Kudryavtsev about the sociocultural phenomenon of preschool childhood, etc.

4) Historical and pedagogical foundations of domestic preschool pedagogy

have ancient roots. Folk pedagogy and progressive ideas of philosophers, teachers of different eras and countries became the sources of the development of preschool pedagogy as a science. The humanistic ideas of upbringing and teaching children in the preschool period, ideas about protecting children's rights to childhood, individual development, respect for the individual, the need to develop the potential of each preschooler, laid down in history, formed the basis of the modern theory of preschool education.

A fairly broad nature of research on preschool pedagogy in our country has been noted since the creation of a public system of preschool education. N.K. played a major role in the development of preschool education. Krupskaya, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.S. Makarenko, E.A. Flerina, L.K. Shleger, D.A. Lazurkina, A.V. Surovtseva. For the first time in the history of world pedagogy, a scientifically based system of educating young children was created: N.M. Shchelovanov, N.L. Figurin, N.M. Aksarina, E.I. Radina. Issues of physical education in preschool age were developed by E.A. Arkin, A.I. Bykova, E.G. Levi-Gorinevskaya and others. The works of E.I. contributed significant importance to the theory and practice of mental education of preschool children. Tikheyeva, F.N. Blecher, A.P. Usova, A.M. Leushina, A.I. Sorokina and others. Scientists A.V. contributed to the theory of education. Surovtseva, F.S. Levin - Shchirina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, T.A. Markova and others.

In 1960, the world's first research institute of preschool education, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, was created, whose director until 1981 was A.V. Zaporozhets. On the basis of this research institute, research was conducted in various areas of preschool education. The Laboratory of Early Childhood Education was led by E.I. Radina, since 1970 A.M. Fonarev. The physical education laboratory was headed by M.I. Kistyakovskaya. The head of the laboratory of aesthetic education and artistic creativity was N.A. Vetlugina. Issues of mental education were revealed under the leadership of A.P. Usova, N.N. Poddyakova, F.A. Sokhina. The laboratory of moral education was headed by V.G. Nechaeva. Preparations for school were carried out under the guidance of T.V. Taruntaeva. The research results were published and introduced into the pedagogical practice of kindergartens and into the practice of training teachers.

The laid down theoretical foundations are the starting point in modern science. New directions of preschool pedagogy are being developed, new theories and technologies of preschool education are being developed. It is important to study, develop existing experience, analyze its pros and cons, and build research work on this basis. The need for new research is determined by changing times, changes in social life, and modifications of the goals of human lifelong education. 3. Functions and tasks of preschool pedagogy as a science
at the present stage
To understand the features of the science “Preschool pedagogy”, we will consider its functions, as well as the tasks that it solves.
A function
is a responsibility, a range of activities, a purpose, a role; a set of actions and operations.

When determining the functions of preschool pedagogy, we will proceed from an understanding of the functions of science in general.
Thus, preschool pedagogy as a science performs five main functions. Functions of preschool pedagogy as a science

  1. Descriptive – corresponds to the empirical (experimental, primary) level of research. Includes the accumulation of pedagogical facts and phenomena, their classification.
  2. Explanatory – (main) aimed at revealing the essence of pedagogical phenomena, i.e. their origin, structure, patterns of development of this phenomenon. The function corresponds to the theoretical level of the study.
  3. Projective-constructive – is expressed in the development of specific technologies of pedagogical activity, projects, programs, forms, methods of pedagogical interaction in the educational process.
  4. Predictive – based on knowledge of the laws of upbringing and teaching, the development of pedagogical systems for the future is predicted.
  5. Worldview – aimed at the active formation of pedagogical consciousness in the public environment.

Preschool pedagogy plays a guiding role in relation to pedagogical practice. Preschool pedagogy ensures the unity of the educational and training influences of the kindergarten, the family, and the continuity of the work of the preschool educational institution and the school. Preschool pedagogy substantiates the goals and objectives, content, methods, means and necessary results of preschool education.

The tasks of preschool pedagogy as a science are determined by the needs of the pedagogical practice of preschool educational institutions. At the same time, the tasks of science are not only to study and explain existing experience, but also to predict the further development of practice, to create new, promising pedagogical technologies, and to stay ahead of actual teaching practice. Let's consider the main range of tasks. Tasks of preschool pedagogy - science

1. Adaptation and justification of the general laws of upbringing and training in relation to the conditions of preschool education (clarification of the specifics of the action of the laws of upbringing and training in relation to preschool children).

2. Justification of new conceptual approaches to preschool education, consideration of methods for their practical implementation (the emergence of “kindergarten-school” complexes, groups of short-term stays of children in preschool educational institutions, private preschool educational institutions requires their theoretical justification, elaboration of mechanisms and conditions for their effective operation).

3. Creation of a state standard for preschool education (today there is a project in effect, which is in the testing stage)

4. Psychological and pedagogical justification for the developmental activities of children in a preschool educational institution, characteristics of the possibilities and means of their organization (what activities to fill the child’s stay in a preschool educational institution to ensure his comprehensive development).

5. Development of pedagogical technologies for the upbringing, training, and development of preschool children in an educational institution (justification of the components of pedagogical technologies, indicators of their effectiveness, mechanisms of their action, options for interaction).

6. Identification of content, forms, methods, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of personality-oriented preschool education, search for ways to individualize pedagogical technologies.

7. Study, generalization, theoretical justification of advanced pedagogical experience.

8. Design of methods for assessing the progress and results of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

9. Determining the possibilities for creative activity of a teacher in the context of the implementation of various educational programs. Determining the principles and conditions of pedagogical improvisation.

10. Construction of a model of a modern professional teacher, its justification, identification of ways to achieve and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of teaching activities in preschool educational institutions.

Selected tasks can be continued, enlarged, or, conversely, detailed. Based on an analysis of the literature, we have identified a number of main tasks that science has always faced.

Along with a block of permanent tasks, there are tasks determined by the one-time need for the practice of preschool education. For example, the environmental crisis has led to the need to develop environmental education programs for preschoolers, materials and recommendations for them; The spontaneous emergence of short-term groups led to the need to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of their activities. The range of such tasks is constantly changing, while the tasks we identified above are being solved systematically and constantly.

In its development, preschool pedagogy as a science constantly faces a number of problems that require the constant attention of scientists and researchers.
This is the problem of interaction with practice, the development of new theories and methods of education, training, development of preschool children, the study of the characteristics of these processes in different age groups; solving the problems of preserving and maintaining the mental and physical health of teachers and preschoolers in preschool educational institutions; finding ways to create a favorable emotional climate in groups; problems of organizing a developmental environment; development of theories and technologies for individualization of preschool education, etc. Theoretical and practical justification of ways to solve emerging problems constitutes a permanent range of tasks of preschool pedagogy. 4. System of pedagogical sciences. The connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences
Pedagogy over the long years of its formation (since the 17th century) and development has been transformed into a system of sciences about the education of different categories of people (by age, direction of education, professional orientation, etc.).
The system of pedagogical sciences represents a unity of relatively independent sciences that gradually separated from pedagogy and were previously its branches. There are quite a lot of such sciences. The foundation of the system of pedagogical sciences is general pedagogy. The modern system of pedagogical sciences includes: history of pedagogy, general, preschool, school, university pedagogy, androgogy (the science of adult education), methods of teaching various disciplines, social, special pedagogy, military, engineering, music, etc. Preschool pedagogy is part of age-related pedagogy. Its original industry. Preschool pedagogy as a science is directly related to the human sciences. Establish these connections, display them in the diagram, indicate the nature of the connections ?
Solve this question yourself; to do this, complete task 3 for this topic.
Place the diagrams in the lecture notes. 5. Preschool pedagogy as an academic discipline
Having considered preschool pedagogy as a science, we will find out what is the difference between science and the academic discipline that students study. Let's conduct a comparative analysis.

DP scienceDP academic discipline
  1. Reveals, explains, predicts pedagogical phenomena and processes, studies the laws of upbringing, teaching and education.
  2. Implements descriptive, explanatory, prognostic, constructive-technical, ideological functions.
  3. Science works at the level of objective discoveries of completely new knowledge, which becomes an element of human culture.
  1. Includes the basics of DP science, i.e. its laws, principles, theories, technologies, i.e. contains didactically adapted content of the fundamentals of DP as a science.
  2. Implements teaching, educational, developmental functions in relation to students.
  3. When studying a discipline, a student makes a subjective discovery - the discovery of something new for himself.

Preschool pedagogy as a science and an academic subject for students to study are different pedagogical phenomena. Their differences are based on the volume, complexity, objective (subjective) novelty of pedagogical knowledge, and the functions of preschool pedagogy as a science and academic discipline.

We examined preschool pedagogy as a science, identified its leading concepts and categories, revealed the subject, tasks, functions, theoretical foundations of preschool pedagogy, connections with other sciences, and correlated pedagogical phenomena - science and the academic subject.


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Diagnostic examination of children 4-5 years old

For this age, games are also offered to reinforce lexical topics with some complexity.

Knowledge about objects in the immediate environment

"Types of transport". Pictures with types of transport are selected for the child. In one option, he needs to divide it into special, passenger, cargo; in the other - water, land, air.

A task for 4-year-old children on knowledge of geometric shapes

“Which is what?” On the table there are objects made of different materials: a plastic ball, wooden and glass glasses, plastic and wooden cubes, a wooden spoon, a glass ball, a plastic spoon. An adult asks the child to divide objects into groups made of glass, plastic, wood, and talk about the quality of the materials (hard or soft, fragile or durable, what else can be made from these materials).

"Traffic School". For this age, it is necessary to play games to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road . It is useful to make a model of the street, which is suitable for this game; the portly signs are located separately “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground passage”, “Overground passage”. First the adult talks:

  • What do you call people walking down the street?
  • Where should pedestrians walk?
  • Where can you cross the street? Place the missing signs.
  • What do the traffic light colors mean?

Cards for knowing the causes of fire
“Causes of fire.” The child is offered plot pictures (the tree is decorated with burning candles, the boy has matches in his hands, the children are feeding in the depths, a fire is lit next to the dry leaves, etc.). You need to choose situations that could cause a fire and explain your answer.

"Who needs what." Illustrations of people of different professions and toy tools have been prepared for children. The adult asks to place the tools next to the required pictures.

“What is the secret?” Lay out 4-5 pieces of clothing in advance for preschoolers. An adult describes a thing, but does not name it; you need to guess what it is about. For example, “This thing is long, red, warm, has a belt, white square buttons, and a collar. What is this?"

Knowledge about objects and natural phenomena

"Children from the branch." Prepare cards in advance with images of spruce, pine, birch, oak, rowan and their fruits; it will be more useful for children if they are real - cones, acorns, rowan catkins, rowan berries. The presenter asks if all the trees are familiar and asks to match their “children” to each tree.

"What's good and what's bad." The game will be more interesting if several children take part. You need to prepare a round playing field with an arrow in the middle, divided into sectors, each with an image of negative and positive human behavior (feeding birds, loosening the soil, a cut tree, a plucked flower, etc. Children take turns turning the arrow and explaining the behavior that appears.

Attention task for children 4-5 years old

“Who eats what?” Cards with images of animals and food products have been prepared for preschoolers. The presenter shows a card with a picture of food, and the child shows a card with the corresponding animal (banana - monkey, nuts - squirrel, cabbage - goat, etc.).

The results of cognitive development diagnostics can also be entered into a table.

Knowledge and skillsCriteria for evaluation
Vegetables and fruits, care methods.
Name of plant parts: root, trunk (stem), branches, leaves
Names of trees (5-7 species)
Names of garden flowers (5-6 types)
Wintering and migratory birds (4-5 species each)
Poultry, babies
Some properties of water and sand
Professions (5-7 titles). Tools
Possession of general concepts: dishes, furniture, shoes, clothing, hats.
Transport (land, underground, water, air)
Family. Names of family members, their professions, household duties.
Names of the country, capital, recognition of state symbols.
Names of hometown (village), streets, attractions, 1-2 famous fellow countrymen.
Public holidays.
Some types of troops, military equipment


Exercise No. 1 “Pantomime”

Purpose: used to develop imagination.

Age from 3 years

A group of children stands in a circle. Instructions: - Children, now, in turn, each of you will go to the center of the circle and, using pantomime, will show some action. For example: imagines picking imaginary pears from a tree and putting them in a basket. At the same time, we cannot speak, we depict everything only with movements. The winners are determined by those children who most accurately depicted the pantomime picture.

Exercise No. 2 “What does it look like?”

Purpose: used to develop reconstructive imagination.

Age from 4 years

Stimulus material: cards with blots, “Frosty drawings”


“Now I will show pictures, and you watch carefully. Then you must say what the images you see remind you of, what they look like.” Next, cards with images are shown.

Exercise No. 3 “Internal cartoon”.

Goal: Diagnosis and development of creative imagination.

Age from 5 years

Equipment: Story text.

Progress of the exercise: “Now I’ll tell you a story, listen carefully and imagine that you are watching a cartoon. When I stop, you continue the story. Then you stop, and I will continue again. Summer. Morning. We're at the dacha. We left the house and went to the river. The sun is shining brightly, a pleasant light breeze is blowing.”

Exercise No. 4 “Draw your mood”

Goal: development of creative imagination

Ages 4 years and older

Materials: album sheet, paints, brushes.

Progress of the game: in front of you is paper and paints, draw your mood. Think about how sad it is, how happy it is, draw it on paper in any way you want.

Exercise No. 5 “Unfinished story”

Purpose: develops creative imagination.

Ages 5 years and older

Progress of the game: choose a work (excerpt), read it out and the children will continue it (complete it).

"The Tricks of a Squirrel"

Two girlfriends went into the forest and picked a full basket of nuts.

They are walking through the forest, and there are flowers all around...

The child will not only complete the story (the plot to the end, but also take into account the title).

Diagnostic examination of children 6-7 years old

To identify the level of cognitive development of preschoolers of this age, tasks can be carried out in the form of a conversation, since children already have some knowledge that allows them not to rely on illustrations.

Lesson with a 6 year old child

Knowledge about national culture

Older preschoolers have an initial acquaintance with the history and culture of Russia. To develop cognitive interest, broaden their horizons, and cultivate patriotic feelings, children of this age must be taken to museums, exhibitions, and educational entertainment must be prepared.

"Dress the doll." It would be better to play the game for two children, then it will have not only an educational, but also a competitive nature. Prepare paper dolls (a boy and a girl), images of modern clothing and national costume (sundress, kokoshnik, scarf, apron, shirt, sash, caftan, bast shoes). Children need to dress dolls in national costumes; the one who does it quickly and correctly wins.

Game-based test on knowledge of Russian national costume

"Russian customs". Subject pictures depicting holidays that have long been celebrated in Rus' (Christmas (Kolyada and Christmastide), Maslenitsa, Easter, etc.). The adult asks the child to name the depicted holidays, remember the national holidays and talk about them, based on the questions:

  • When is Christmas celebrated?
  • What holiday are pancakes baked for?
  • When are eggs painted?
  • Why do they burn an effigy?

Studying motivation in children of senior preschool age according to M.R. Ginsburg

This technique appeared in 1988. And the rating system using this methodology was developed by R.V. Ovcharova in 1993.

Goal: to determine the presence of motivation to carry out cognitive activity.

The technique is based on the principle of personification of motives. The student is offered a short story in which all the motives are the personal positions of one of the characters.

After each paragraph is read to the child, the preschooler should diagram the drawing in accordance with the content, which will help him remember the story.

The results obtained allow us to identify the child’s motives:

  • educational motive: it relates to cognitive activity;
  • social motive: it refers to the understanding of the social significance of the teaching;
  • mark: the child wants to get a high grade;
  • playful: the child transfers the learning sphere to the play area;
  • positional: the child wants to take a special position in relation to the environment;
  • external: the child simply obeys the instructions of an adult.

The results of the study using the first method are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Results of a study of preschool children’s readiness for educational activities at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

grouphigh levelaverage levellow level
experimental group213,3213,31173,3
control group16,7426,71066,7

According to the results, only one subject in the control group has a high level of readiness of preschoolers for educational activities, which is 6.7 percent of the total number, and two preschoolers in the experimental group (13.3%).

These preschoolers have a fairly large stock of knowledge, can use this knowledge to achieve the tasks they have set, cope with the task independently, and do not need additional questions or help. They have all the necessary skills and use them skillfully.

4 children from the control group have an average level, which is 26.7 percent of the total. And in the experimental group the number of such children is 2 (33.3 percent). a fairly good stock of knowledge, they apply it when solving problems.

However, sometimes they need a little outside help in auxiliary matters. If preschoolers try to cope with a task on their own, then they do not complete it to the full extent recommended by the program for their age. Preschoolers have certain skills necessary for work, use them, but need help.

106 children from the control group have a low level, which is 66.7 percent of the total number. 11 people from the experimental group showed the same result (73.3 percent).

These preschoolers have an understanding of the skills and knowledge that are expected in the curriculum for their age, but they have difficulty using them in practice. They need the help of a teacher and auxiliary questions. However, this does not bring a positive result.

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