Decorating a music room for holidays, entertainment and competitions in kindergarten

How to create a festive atmosphere in kindergarten for the New Year

It is more advisable to start the process of decorating a kindergarten on weekends. In this case, the pupils will leave the walls of their favorite children's institution, and will return to a colorful and elegant room. But the older group themselves are not against taking part in the wonderful metamorphoses on the eve of the New Year. Therefore, we proceed from the age of the children.

It takes time to create decor

Preparations begin in advance, because decor does not appear out of nowhere. The best decorations are those that are created together by the hands of children and their parents. Some crafts are made in class, some are brought from home. To avoid chaos in the form of a bunch of decorations, it is better to think through all the nuances of the future composition in advance.

Volumetric letters

Three-dimensional figures and inscriptions are a very original decoration for any holiday. They also make them with their own hands. Let's consider two options: cardboard and polystyrene foam.

From cardboard

In this case, you will need regular and colored cardboard, scissors and glue. Craft process:

1. To begin, two identical letters are cut out of colored cardboard in a mirror image.

Related article: How to stylishly decorate your home for the New Year: current ideas

2. Strips of the same width are cut from plain cardboard and barrels are glued from them. The top and bottom of the barrels are sealed with plain paper.

3. Start sticking barrels onto one of the parts of the letter along its perimeter.

4. After everything has dried, glue the second letter onto the workpiece.

To avoid making paper barrels, you can replace them with plastic cups, but here you will need stronger glue.

Made from polystyrene foam

Regarding polystyrene foam, everything is quite simple here:

1. First, purchase a sheet of material of the required thickness.

2. Draw the outlines of the letters and carefully cut them out using a stationery knife. But, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the work process a lot of garbage will be generated from polystyrene balls.

3. If desired, the blanks can be painted with spray paint, decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads, or an entire inscription can be cut out.

From polystyrene foam you can make not only three-dimensional letters or inscriptions, but also snowflakes and elements for composing a Christmas tree. Carved animal figures also look beautiful and original. Children will be delighted with them!

We decorate a kindergarten with our own hands: decor of different rooms

Having made New Year's toys with your own hands for kindergarten, you should think about where they will find their place. It’s good when the decoration plan is thought out in advance. In this case, the entire registration process will be friendly and short.

The staircases, locker room, foyer, music room and groups are subject to decoration.

Stairs between floors and corridors

The staircase is decorated in two ways: the decor is hung on the railings or on the walls. If you want to combine both methods, this will be the best solution.

It is advisable to leave the handrail free for convenience; this is a matter of safe descent and ascent of children

Garlands and various thematic compositions are hung on the walls.

Textiles perform excellent decorative functions

Installations are made from different materials. For example, this could be a scene from a New Year's fairy tale

Arches are made from tinsel and wire

The thematic installation is created from ordinary materials: paper, tracing paper, oracal, textiles and cardboard.

How to creatively and fabulously decorate a kindergarten group

For such an activity as decorating a group in a kindergarten, faithful teachers always take on it. And it would be good to involve parents in resolving this important issue - who else knows the preferences of their own children better?

Handicrafts can take more than one day to prepare, so their production must be completed by the time of design work

We decorate the kindergarten group with our own hands: coniferous compositions bring the holiday even closer. Such a beautiful vase with a New Year's bouquet can stand on the teacher's table

Textile fairy tales on windows and doors

Good old snowflakes: turning a large space into a magical snowfall

Wall trees are both safe and original

Decorating the kindergarten music room for the New Year

The most important thing is to remember that just as we decorated the hall in the kindergarten, that’s how we will hold the New Year’s party there. We put all our energy and creative ideas into decorating the music room.

Balloon decor is inexpensive and impressive. Balloon figures can easily decorate a large area

2D figures made of textiles and paper are used as a thematic background. In the background they make snowmen, a snow-covered village or several Christmas trees

Long pieces of transparent fabric are used to create a real New Year's tent, which can be compared to the hall of the Snow Queen's castle

If there is a corner with mirrors in the hall, they are also decorated. Coloring is done using a brush with stiff bristles, toothpaste and water.

Ideas for teachers on how to decorate a group

Clothes cabinets can be decorated with boots or wreaths.
Every year, teachers take a creative approach to organizing holidays in the kindergarten. The team does the decorating of the groups independently, without the help of designers or the services of special companies. To do this, they turn to Internet resources and combine the old with the new.

Decorating a group for the New Year begins with the front door and children's clothing compartments. To do this, you can use homemade or purchased Christmas tree wreaths. It is worth involving children in the process of making them. Each child has the opportunity to make a wreath for their own locker.

Among the materials you will need:

  • wire frame;
  • green decorative paper;
  • toys;
  • tinsel.

Is your child expecting a gift from Santa Claus on New Year's Eve?

Not really

New Year's attributes such as snowflakes, decorative goodies, and bags with gifts can be added to the composition. These elements are used to decorate cabinet doors separately.

Drawings of New Year's characters will look organic on the walls: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, deer, snowmen, etc. Decorating in the form of children's photographs and homemade Christmas tree decorations is a good idea.

For the New Year 2020, a children's institution can organize a competition to design the best mini-Christmas tree. The main thing here is not victory, but participation. The prepared products will serve as decoration for the group.

You can attach unbreakable balls and paper figures to the ceiling. Helium balloons will add a festive atmosphere.

Important! The design of premises in kindergartens will also not be complete without a large, lush Christmas tree, but you should avoid decorations in the form of glass toys and sparkling lights. Such items pose a danger among children.

Don't forget about decorating the kindergarten yard for the New Year

Even approaching the gate of a children's educational institution, the child will experience a lot of positive emotions if there is a festive atmosphere outside. It is created by the hands of the kindergarten staff, and it is worth giving them credit for such work. If parents take part in preparing a kindergarten for the New Year, then such an institution can be proud of its students and their families.

In regions with good snow cover, snow will be an excellent decorative material. These are fortresses, figures, snowmen - they can be painted in different colors or decorated with pine and spruce branches with toys.

When sculpting, you should use a spray bottle of water - on the next frosty day, all sculptures will be covered with a thin layer of ice and will become very durable

To decorate snow figures, any available material is used, including bottle caps.

Funny snowmen will delight even moms and dads rushing to work

Within a few days, the snow-covered yard turns into a fairy-tale town

Colored garbage bags will serve as the basis for a bright fort.

They paint the snow with gouache diluted in water. The easiest way to spray sculptures with paint is from a spray bottle.

If there is little or no snow, but there is frost, then pour colored water into gloves and balls of different shapes. Once the ice forms, the shell of the balls is broken open to create a cool yard decoration.

If you use molds and don’t forget to insert a suspension into the freezing water, you can easily get a lot of bright ice toys, like the photon street tree in the kindergarten yard

Large voluminous flowers and pompoms

Pompoms of different colors and sizes can be bought in online stores. They will be delivered folded, all you have to do is fluff them up.

If you have time and free hands, you can do it yourself.

I won’t repeat myself, I’ll just point you to my article, which contains three examples of fairly large paper products. Just be careful, some flowers are made from crepe paper, while hanging balls and floor flowers are made from tissue paper.

We follow the picture, there is a description:

How to decorate a hall with such flowers?

  • can be hung from the ceiling
  • attach to the edge of the stage (as a rule, there is always something to cover there :-))
  • hang vertically on ribbons along the edges of the stage
  • lay along the edges of the “carpet” path along which graduates solemnly walk
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