Technological map of a lesson on the subject technology on the topic: “Computer-aided three-dimensional design”

Instruction cards used in technology lessons. Instruction card 1. Using a marking tool. Exercises: 1. Applying marks using a metal measuring ruler and scriber. 2. Punching. 3. Using a marking compass. 4. Use of center finders. 5. Using a reimus. 6. Sharpening and refilling of marking tools. Equipment, tools and devices: • metal measuring rulers; • scribers; • marking compasses; • single-needle reimuses; • vertical rulers; • center finders; • center finders; • cores; • mechanical punches; • metalworking hammers; • wooden blocks; • marking plate; • templates for checking the sharpening angle of the punch; • grinding stones. Instruction card 2. Using the measuring tool. Exercises: 1. Measurement with a ruler (measuring metal). 2. Measurement with a caliper. Tools and accessories: • metal measuring rulers; • calipers with a vernier reading value of 0.1 mm. Instruction card 3. Marking flat surfaces (marking with straight lines). Exercises: 1. Preparing the metal surface for work. 2. Applying mutually perpendicular marks. 3. Applying parallel marks. 4. Marking with dimensions measured from the center line and from the edge of the workpiece. 5. Applying marks located at an angle to each other. Tools: • metal measuring rulers; • marking compasses; • scribers; • flat squares with a wide base 90; • cores; • marking protractors. Equipment and materials: • marking plate; • sandpaper (skin); • copper sulfate; • chalk; • quick-drying varnishes and paints; • metal brushes; • scrapers; • casein glue; • rags. Instruction card 4. Marking flat surfaces (marking with curved lines). Exercises: 1. Marking circles and dividing them into parts. 2. Pairing straight lines with curves. 3. Connecting curved lines with straight lines. 4. Marking curved contours of flat parts. Tools: • marking compasses; • metal measuring rulers; • metalworking hammers weighing 200 g; • cores; • scribes. Equipment and materials: • marking plate; • templates for marking; • sandpaper (skin); • chalk; • varnish; • casein glue; • copper sulfate; • brush; • bench clamps. Instruction card. Metal cutting. Exercises: 1. Cutting strip metal at the level of the vice jaws. 2. Cutting down a layer of metal on a wide flat surface. 3. Cutting out curved grooves. 4. Cutting metal on a stove. 5. Sharpening the cutting tool. Equipment and tools: • metalworking hammers weighing 500-600 g; • metalworking chisels 175 mm long; • ditchers; • metal measuring rulers; • scribers; • cores; • marking templates; • sharpening machine; • templates for checking sharpening angles. Equipment and materials: • parallel vice; • plate for chopping (anvil); • chalk; • safety glasses. Instruction card. Metal editing. Exercises: 1. Straightening of strip metal bent in a plane. 2. Editing round metal. 3. Straightening metal bent along an edge. 4. Editing sheet metal. Tools and equipment: • metalworking hammers weighing 500-600 g; • hammers with soft metal inserts; • a sledgehammer weighing 1.5 kg; • rulers; • screw press. Equipment and materials: • straight plate (anvil); • soft metal linings. Instruction card. Metal cutting. Training exercises: 1. Mastering the working position when cutting. 2. Throwing punches. 3. Elbow strikes. 4. Shoulder strikes. Tools and accessories: • metalworking hammers weighing 500-600 g; • wooden blocks or training devices. Instruction card. Metal bending. Exercises: 1. Bending in a vice. 2. Bending using devices. Tools and equipment: • metalworking hammers weighing 500 g; • measuring ruler; • marking tool (scriber, marking compass); • screw press. Equipment and materials: • vice; • different mandrels; • different bending dies; • bending device for scribers. Instruction card. Cutting metal with a hacksaw. Exercises: 1. Installing the blade into the hacksaw frame. 2. Mastering the working position when cutting metal with a hacksaw. 3. Cutting metal with a hacksaw. Equipment and materials: • parallel vice; • wooden spacers (clamps); • chalk; • machine oil. Instruction card. Cutting metal with scissors. Exercises: 1. Cutting metal with hand scissors. 2. Cutting metal with lever scissors. Tools and material: • hand scissors; • measuring ruler; • marking tools (marking compasses, punch); • lever scissors; • chalk. Instruction card. Filing. Exercises: 1. Mastering the working position when filing. 2. Mastering working movements when filing. Tools: • flat, blunt-nosed files with notches No. 1 and No. 2, 250-300 mm long. Equipment: • parallel vice; • training devices or channels No. 10.

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