Research work on the topic: “Bad habits and their impact on a modern schoolchild.” presentation for the lesson (6th grade) on the topic

Habits that cause harm to a person are called harmful. And the longer a person cannot or does not want to get rid of a bad habit, the more destructive its consequences are.

Bad habits occur in people of any age. Even babies are susceptible to them.

All bad habits lead to poor health. Some of them lead to nervous disorders, others spoil vision or digestion. There are even habits that can kill you.

Binge eating

You can see a lot of delicious and beautiful food on store shelves. I want to try a lot of this, but you should always remember that overeating is harmful. If you eat too much, you will definitely gain weight, break out on your skin, and make your heart work harder.

In addition, many modern products such as sausages and semi-finished products are produced with the addition of harmful components that make the food more attractive in appearance, taste and smell, but at the same time poison the body.

A short message on the topic of bad habits

Other bad habits.

Many people have such a negative trait as bad habits.
It is generally accepted that such habits include smoking, alcoholism and drug use. But there are a huge number of others, less known, but no less dangerous and harmful. Shopaholism.
As a rule, this habit affects women who love shopping.
By collecting a huge amount of things and unnecessary trinkets, shopaholics experience pleasure and a desire to acquire more and more something new, thereby cluttering the space around them. Thus, not only the budget, but also personal time is wasted. When such people run out of money, credit cards and installment plans are used, driving the owner into huge debts that there is no way to pay off. Internet addiction.
For people with an addiction to social networks and the need to be always “online”, it becomes incredibly difficult to be in places with limited Internet or without the presence of gadgets in sight.
In such a situation, a person may experience hysteria or a nervous breakdown. An Internet addict cannot fully enjoy life and communicate in reality. Gluttony.
The habit of overeating not only negatively affects a person’s appearance, but also negatively affects health.
Accordingly, the work of all internal organs is disrupted, metabolism slows down and the nervous condition worsens. For those who neglect their health by eating too much food, losing weight and switching to proper nutrition will be very difficult. Bite your nails.
Another hidden bad habit is chewing the nail plate.
Typically, the formation of such a habit begins in childhood. For some it goes away, while others continue to bite their nails into old age. Over such a long period of time, the nails are almost completely chewed off, since the plate does not have time to recover. This is not only unhygienic, and you can introduce some kind of infection into the body, but it is also absolutely not aesthetically pleasing. Picking your nose.
It’s also a habit from childhood. From harmless picking it develops into complications of the nasal mucosa and bleeding. People who do this too often are forgotten, and can get carried away with this activity not only alone, but also in public, which is absolutely immoral and unpleasant for others. There are an incredible number of bad habits that are usually not spoken about out loud. You can and should get rid of each of them. If you can’t do this on your own, you can always seek help from professionals, such as psychologists and doctors.

What are bad habits

A habit is a certain set of actions that has become firmly embedded in a person’s lifestyle and has become standard in a certain situation.

For example: most people cannot sleep without brushing their teeth before bed, because this becomes part of a ritual necessary for the psyche, and the person begins to feel discomfort.

Bad habits

Bad habits are a certain set of actions that are tightly integrated into a person’s life, becoming standard in a certain situation, but, unlike useful ones, they have a detrimental effect on a person’s life.

For example: a person in a stressful situation drinks a glass of wine or eats sweets to calm down or drown out his pain.

Bad habits are integrated into a person’s life much faster than good ones, because they require the least amount of effort.

Example: an excellent way to relieve stress is to exercise, but it is much more time-consuming and energy-consuming than drinking a glass of cognac and getting a similar effect.

Classification of bad habits


Drinking alcohol is probably

, which can be formed in adolescents without leaving home. After all, parents themselves often push their children to drink alcohol.


By pouring them a glass of wine on holidays and showing them by personal example that drinking is fun, they, without realizing it, are forming a bad habit in children and putting a positive attitude towards alcohol into their minds.

Alcohol is harmful at any age, but is especially dangerous for young children: it leads to the destruction of the liver and brain cells.

Tobacco smoking

Tobacco smoking

Despite the fact that in the modern world, smoking flavored tobacco and other sweet-smelling substances through hookahs and vapes has become extremely popular, the destructive effect of nicotine on the body, especially on the human lungs, has not been canceled.


This is one of the worst chemical addictions

in our world. As they say, there are no former drug addicts, and this is the honest truth: you only need to use it once and you want more.


A person addicted to hard drugs burns out in just a couple of years. But with “soft” drugs the situation is completely different.

Most young people prefer various smoking mixtures, such as marijuana, etc. But they do not even suspect what damage this seemingly harmless fun can cause to their health.

Young people, as a rule, do not think about the future and the fact that any, even one-time use of a drug can seriously affect the health of their future children.

gambling addiction

This is a fairly new addiction that appeared in the 20th century. It lies in the fact that a person is immersed in another reality that is most interesting to him. In the game he feels important and significant.

Gaming addiction

Introverted teenagers who have little contact with peers and do not have their own hobbies are most susceptible to such addiction. All this is easiest to stop in the early stages.

If you, as a parent, notice that your child has begun to devote a lot of time to computer games, try to find an alternative, get him interested in more useful things. For example, you can send him to a sports section or a drawing club.

The most important thing in such a situation is to captivate the child and not let him hide from society behind a computer screen.

Poor nutrition

As the media say, the problem of most Americans is obesity. With the spread of fast food chains (McDonald's, KFS), this problem began to affect Russians.


In this frantic pace of life, people have no time to sit down and eat properly, let alone cook their own food. They prefer to snack on quick, high-calorie foods fried in oil.

Such unhealthy snacks cannot but affect a person’s physical health. Plus, all this fatty food is washed down with sweet, carbonated and caffeinated drinks.

After a couple of months of eating this way, people begin to experience serious health problems: loss of strength, decreased immunity, excess weight, skin problems, stomach ulcers, etc.


In addition to the above, there are other bad habits, for example, the habit of biting your nails, not taking off your makeup at night, or staying up late at the computer. Even if they are not so dangerous, they still cause harm to health and beauty.

Option 2

A person needs 30 days to instill in himself a particular habit. As is known, during this time a certain reflex is developed in the human body and consciousness to perform any action.

Bad habits appear within such a period of time, sometimes even earlier. Good habits are much more difficult to instill, but bad ones are very easy.

The most famous of them are smoking and drinking alcohol.

Smoking creates the illusion of relaxation, which is necessary for people who are under stress. But this is all just an illusion. In fact, by replacing your next smoke break with a glass of water or a light walk, a mug of warm tea or meditation, a person will receive a unique relaxation effect. This will not harm the body, but will only improve health. In addition to tobacco addiction, smoking is known to cause lung cancer, infertility, coronary heart disease, and many other diseases. After smoking another cigarette, a person can suffer a myocardial infarction at any moment.

Drinking alcohol is just as addictive as smoking. Alcohol does not bring anything good. In severe stages of alcoholism, a person dies as an individual, and his body gradually malfunctions. Under the influence of alcohol, many people manage to escape from their problems for some time. They manage to forget, relax and unwind. The mind becomes clouded. And this gives a feeling of complete freedom from a life that does not suit a person. Drinking alcoholic beverages carries with it a large burden of health problems. Every woman should think about whether she should have another drink. The health of her offspring depends entirely on this. The eggs are poisoned by alcohol, carrying unhealthy information.

The next bad habit is drug addiction. Drug use contributes to the immediate poisoning of the body with poisons and chemicals, which are almost impossible to cope with. A person dies from excessive drug use. Huge changes are taking place in the body, both physically and psychologically.

There are bad habits such as gambling addiction, shopping addiction, and others. The consequences of such habits are not so significant, but still cause harm to a person, causing enormous damage in the form of wasted money and time. It also poses a threat to the psychological state of the human person.

6th grade. Social science


Habits develop throughout life and can change. Positive habits can streamline and improve your life. These include:

  • hygiene;
  • daily regime;
  • balanced diet;
  • sports lifestyle;
  • maintaining order.

You can develop individual useful habits that help develop memory, thinking, and imagination. For example, learning a new verse or practicing music on your own every day.

Positive Habits

Rice. 1. Positive habits.

However, many people are susceptible to negative habits - smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction. Taking harmful, toxic substances causes disruption of internal organs and leads to deterioration of health. Why do people, knowing in advance about the effects of harmful substances, begin to take them?

There are three main reasons:

  • stress – due to the effect on the pleasure centers, substances give a feeling of euphoria and happiness;
  • lack of employment - people do not know what to do in their free time and fill it with drugs or alcohol;
  • influence of the environment - they drink and smoke “for company”, so as not to be a “black sheep” among their peers.

Some teenagers try alcohol out of curiosity or because they imitate adults or idols.

Negative habits

Rice. 2. Negative habits.

Bad habits also include shopaholism, overeating, thumb sucking, nose picking, etc. The main reason for these habits is to relieve stress or gain pleasure.

How bad habits are formed

To begin with, it must be said that addiction can be both mental and chemical. Chemical dependence forms much faster than mental dependence, since the human body itself produces seemingly harmful substances such as ethanol and nicotine in the quantities it needs.

Stages of addiction formation

When they regularly begin to come from the outside, the need for their production disappears and they become necessary for the body. At the same time, mental dependence is formed.

Let's look at an example. Let's imagine two teenagers N and K at a cool party, both were poured a glass of wine, but the difference is that N gets sick after drinking and loses consciousness, and K will have a lot of fun and is having a good time.

Do you think any of them will develop an addiction to alcohol? Of course, K, since it was fixed in his memory that alcohol is an excellent way to relaxation, fun, and an easy source of happiness.

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