Family traditions, their educational significance for families in raising children

When we remember our childhood, what moments come to mind first? Sometimes it's something special, and sometimes it's just everyday things we do together. Family holidays, traditional fishing trips or to the forest, decorating a Christmas tree together, kneading dough for grandma’s famous pies or picking out pits from cherries for jam. Family traditions warm our souls with memories as we grow up. Let's talk about why it is so important to have established rules, rituals and good habits in the family.

Family traditions are not at all some ancient rituals like round dances on Ivan Kupala Day, which were performed by our great-great-grandmothers. In fact, these are just habits adopted within a particular family. For example, if you tell your child a story before bed every night, this can already be considered a family tradition.

If it is customary for a family to celebrate a special date, to visit friends or relatives on December 30, if grandma always gives everyone knitted sweaters for the New Year, and mom bakes That Very Birthday Cake - all this also belongs to family traditions. Yes, sometimes we roll our eyes, hiding the fifteenth sweater with deer in the closet, but we still feel grandma’s love and care.

Feeling of calm and security

Psychologists say that family traditions, whatever they may be, are important for a sense of peace for all family members. We understand that we are not alone, that everything is fine in the family, nothing goes beyond a comfortable life. Children are especially susceptible to rituals. From a young age, the child absorbs the habits of his parents, observes them and forms his own attitude towards life and family.

Joint evening gatherings and exchange of news of the day, trips to a cafe, skating rink, cinema or shops on Saturdays, even helping each other with household chores - all this gives the child a feeling of security. It is these seemingly insignificant moments that are remembered with tenderness in adulthood. We are proud of our parents most often not because they save the world from alien invaders (although anything can happen, of course), but because mom taught us to cook potatoes, and dad helped build a snow fortress.

The role of family traditions in raising children

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 4 “Buratino”, Kuzovatovo village

The role of family traditions in raising children


physical education instructor

Abagyan O.A.

We are growing together as a family. The basis of the foundations is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home.

Family, the kindred feelings that unite its members, do not lose their enormous importance throughout a person’s life. The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. Children especially need love and support, as they give them a sense of confidence and security, which is necessary for their harmonious development. The family has a decisive influence on the development of personality in the preschool years of a child’s life. It is fair to say that during this period the role of the family in the full development of children is irreplaceable.

In Rus', all families had their own traditions, which united them, making them strong and strong. But after the October Revolution of 1917, many traditions were abolished, both folk and family.

Changes have also affected the original roles of men and women. Women wanted equality: receiving the same education as men, the opportunity to decide who she would like to vote for, even earnings became approximately equal. All this contributed to the fact that the main, natural roles faded into the background. The woman has ceased to be the keeper, and the man has ceased to be the main breadwinner and protector. The ancient purpose of a woman, the keeper of family traditions, has been relegated to secondary roles.

Views on the concept of “family,” on loyalty in the family, and on raising children have also changed. Many of the traditions that made a family a family were lost. But it is the family that gives a sense of stability and protection from early childhood, which we carry throughout our adult lives and pass on to our children, and so on from generation to generation, gaining wisdom and experience.

Therefore, traditions are the basis of the way of life of a family, a family that is friendly, strong, and has a future. That’s why we need to revive traditions, family traditions .

They are able to bring together, strengthen love, instill mutual respect and understanding in souls, something that is sorely lacking in most modern families.

Raising a child begins with the relationship that reigns in the family between parents. In the minds of children, habits similar to adults, tastes, preferences, preferences are deposited long before the process of realizing what is happening begins. After all, the construction of children’s behavior follows the example of copying .

Children are raised not only by their parents as such, but also by the family life that develops.

It is with the family that the introduction to culture begins; the child masters the basics of material and spiritual culture. In a family environment, human forms of behavior are also formed: thinking and speech, orientation in the world of objects and relationships, moral qualities, aspirations, ideals. become involved in family traditions through the personal example of the parents themselves.

It is the family that gives rise to a sense of continuity between generations, and through this, involvement in the history of one’s family, and the development of the ideals of patriotism. The family, providing stability, reveals the abilities and strengths in the family member. And when raising children, no other institution can replace the family; it plays the leading role in the formation of the child’s personality .

Tradition is translated as historically established and passed on from generation to generation forms of activity and behavior, and the corresponding customs, rules, and values.

A good tradition is to discuss issues of family life .

For example, when having evening tea, all family members talk about what interesting things happened to them today; in addition, they discuss plans for the next weekend, the main thing is that the children also express their opinions. A useful custom is to analyze your own mistakes out loud; this makes it possible to conduct an impartial analysis of actions and draw the right conclusions for the future.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which consists of: daily routine, way of life, customs, and habits of the inhabitants.

The formation of traditions must begin at the very beginning of creating a family, when children have not yet appeared or are still small. Traditions should be simple, but not far-fetched.

The role of family traditions in the lives of children

  • They give you the opportunity to look at life optimistically, because “every day is a holiday.”
  • Children are proud of their family.
  • The child feels stability, because traditions will be fulfilled not because it is necessary, but because all family members want it so, it is accepted.
  • Childhood memories that are passed on to the next generation.

Rules to follow if you decide to create new traditions.

  • Tradition always repeats itself, because it is tradition.
  • The event should be bright, interesting for family, positive
  • It can involve smells, sounds, visual images, anything that affects feelings and perceptions

A good tradition is to celebrate birthdays , and the celebration should not only involve eating something tasty, but doing something special and fun. For children, all holidays are unusual and fabulous, so the task of adults is to make sure that the child remembers his childhood as often as possible later, when he grows up and raises his baby.

Together with your child, you can begin to draw up a genealogy tree , on which all the ancestors of the family will be present. The main thing is that your traditions bring happiness and interest to the whole family, and are not a burden to them.

When raising a child, do not allow excessive severity, as well as freedom, because both lead to overstrain of the child’s psyche. The instability of the home structure leads to the fact that in the child’s soul a feeling of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the entire surrounding world is formed.


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  3. Artistic creativity and the child. — Ed. N.A. Vetlugina. – M.: Pedagogy, 1992.

Developing a sense of responsibility and importance

When a child participates in family rituals, it helps him feel like a full part of the family. Therefore, it is very important to distribute responsibilities among everyone. Even if it is a very small matter, let everyone participate in it to the best of their ability.

If you are expecting guests, trust the children to arrange the dishes on the table, and they will feel that this is their holiday too. Then, many years later, they will tell their children: “When I was little, my mother always asked me to arrange the plates for holiday dinners.” Thus, with the help of very simple actions, a connection between generations is formed - parents with children, grandchildren with grandparents.

Formation of traditions

What to do if traditions are not formed? Do they need to be invented and supported? Certainly! Traditions bring people together, make the atmosphere in the family warmer, and give a feeling of a reliable rear. Children perceive life in a more optimistic way if there are many different rituals in the family in which everyone participates. A person retains the feeling of serenity and tranquility received in childhood into adulthood.

When creating traditions, it is important to remember that they should not be a burden. Still, this is not a heavy duty that the whole family must unconditionally bear. Everything changes, so you need to take into account the lifestyle and habits of all family members. Forced dinners with relatives or the obligatory “New Year is a family holiday” will only cause rejection if someone had other plans. How to create spiritual traditions so that all family members, from the older to the younger generation, are happy?

Family traditions, their educational significance for families in raising children

Temerova Svetlana

Family traditions, their educational significance for families in raising children

Raising a child is a very complex, labor-intensive process that cannot be neglected, because every parent wants not only to raise a child, but also to help their child develop as an individual. Family plays an important role in . Family , the place where a child was born, grew up, took his first steps, where he is surrounded by love and care. Each family is unique , therefore, the children in it grow up very different. A child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that happens in the family , behavior, manners, speech, through the family he gets acquainted with relationships with people and studies the world around him. What influence do family relationships and traditions ? Let's try to figure this out.

Values, traditions , and norms of behavior help shape the child’s worldview. Everyone knows that family traditions pass from generation to generation, of course they change over time, like the whole world, but their function remains the same: strengthening family relationships , nurturing such personal qualities as mutual support, understanding, love, care.

Traditions always show and clearly emphasize the characteristics of a family . Through traditions family belongs , its faith, nationality, and cultural development. And the richer it is in tradition , the more versatile the child will be. For example, if a birthday celebration is accompanied by fun, lively games, surprises, and guests in the house, then the child will be friendly, kind, active, and hospitable. But if the holiday comes down to feasting and drinking, and there are no games or competitions, then the child will lose interest in it, he will think that this is how celebrations are held family

Traditions carry many different functions: first of all, it is education , the emotional development of the baby, saturating his life with events that will give him certain experience, they will allow him to raise the child more harmoniously and successfully and unite your family .

What are family traditions ?

Family traditions are a strong family , because nothing better unites all family than good, good traditions , with which adults and children receive a charge of positive energy.

1. Shared breakfasts, lunches, dinners

It is not necessary for the whole family to gather around the table every time it is time to eat. Let it be breakfast or dinner, when parents and children, sitting at the same table, discuss planned events, or what happened during the day.

2. Morning exercises

This could be jogging in the park or “squatting and jumping”

at home with the whole
family .
3. Joint recreation

Seasonal picnics or hikes, country work with obligatory rest after, cycling, skating, sledding, rollerblading, visiting exhibitions, performances, concerts, fishing, trips to the seas and lakes, to visit grandma, to another city for the weekend. Anything, the main thing is that it is fun and interesting, and most importantly, together.

3. Personal family holidays

Wedding anniversary, the day when mom and dad met, birthdays, christenings. All this must certainly be remembered and celebrated in the family circle . Stories about where and how grandparents met will become an interesting fact, and maybe even a legend for future generations.

4. Home decoration

family members even closer together if you approach these holidays wisely and take advantage of the occasion to show all your creative skills.

5. Subbotniks

Cleaning the house from dust, unnecessary things, and debris on the balcony will not only be a great help to the mother, but will also create an atmosphere of community and care for the “native nest.”


6. Shopping with the whole family

Such a trivial matter as buying groceries and necessary household items can be turned into a real event if all family . The main thing is to control children’s and warn them in advance about the need to behave well.

7. Handicrafts

In order for children to learn to work and be able to be independent, parents need to pay attention to this important aspect. children and parents very close together .

8. Maintaining family albums

To chronicle your family life, all you need is a camera, an album and an excuse for a good family photo . You can create occasions yourself or catch random beautiful moments. The main thing is that you and your family remember these moments and cherish them.

Spiritual and moral education of children

“Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You nurture it in every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all the turns of your thoughts reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them.”

Makarenko A. S.

great importance for education . The family is hierarchical , and this is very important, but upbringing requires the correct hierarchy: father - mother - grandfather and grandmother - older brothers and sisters - me.

Each family should have his own place in this hierarchy. Let's start with the fact that the child should not have any privileges, no special rights that would elevate him above his parents. He must know his place in the family . At first he is small because he does not go to school yet. Then he is small, because he is still in school. Then he is small, because he is still studying at the institute. And all this time a person demands special privileges for himself because he is small.

By the age of 3, the child becomes aware of his personality and begins to say “I”

At this time we must begin to teach obedience. Obedience is the beginning of education . From an early age, children should understand what is permitted and prohibited. Along with instructions, parents must set a personal example. To learn to empathize with another, children must see how a mother or father consoles a crying baby, helps elderly people when crossing the street, or gives up a seat on a bus to a disabled person. And of course, be sure to tell your children how people helped you in trouble. We instill in our children a sense of responsibility; first of all, we give them the opportunity to prove themselves: trust them, set tasks for them that they must complete, say, around the house or caring for pets.
Irritation of parents has a harmful effect on the psyche of children and causes reciprocal irritation. Parents should never quarrel in front of their children or complain to them about each other. Children should always see their parents as one.

Children cannot be scared away by severity; they only cannot stand lies.”

Tolstoy L. N.

When a child is raised in a family , from constant communication with adults he absorbs an adult attitude towards life.

The entire structure of the modern family practically destroys the connection between generations. The father spends the whole day at work away from the family . This is the first blow to the family . How do children see their parents? The tired father came home from work, he lies down on the sofa and starts reading the newspaper. Most women are also at work. Throughout the day, dad is at work, mom is at work, children are in kindergarten or school. Where is the family ? You can answer: everyone gets together in the evening, and on weekends they all get together too. But what is the purpose, as a rule, for adults in the evening and on weekends? Relax. And children often run away at this time for a walk or to sit with friends.

… It is not the parents who need to condescend to the level of their children and start running , jumping, cavorting, building towers and Easter cakes, it is the adults who need to accept their children into their adult lives. If a child is included in the lives of adults, he will be developed! You need to wash the dishes with your child, clean the house with him, teach him to do laundry (that is, introduce him to your adult life)

- then there is hope that he will be hardworking. He is happy that he is joining the lives of adults.

All children constantly imitate adults, but they need to be given the opportunity to express their desire in real work. It all depends on the family - we are constantly determined to raise helpers for ourselves . The soul of a child requires role models. If you do not give them to your child or do not follow what is offered to the child as an ideal, then he will not imitate what you wanted. The child needs to be literally surrounded by those images and examples that you consider useful. Russian fairy tales, good old Soviet films and cartoons - this is what can fill a child’s soul with beautiful, kind and wise images.

Modern parents are preparing their children for their future life by enrolling them in a prestigious university. But it may be more important to cultivate modesty , a hardworking person, a kind and loving family man , a patriot and a citizen.

The problem with many parents is that they try to instill in their children qualities that they themselves do not possess. A parent who smokes, drinks, or swears is unlikely to convince their child not to do what they do. This does not mean that parents should be ideal in spiritual and moral content, but they should always work on themselves. In spiritual life, what matters is not how perfect you are, but how much you are able to work on yourself.

That is why the first and main task of parents is to create confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for. Never, under any circumstances should a child have doubts about parental love. The most natural and most necessary of all the responsibilities of parents is to treat the child at any age with love and attention.

We are special

And if you want your family to have very special traditions, come up with your own holidays. Don't get carried away, even if it's just one or two options, but take them seriously and always be sure to celebrate with a big family dinner with cake for dessert. Maybe it will be a family birthday, a day where parents met, or something else. The main thing is only your event, which connects everyone involved in it with special threads.

Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. And traditions make families stronger. Therefore, do not brush them aside, store and develop them. This is the only way you will become closer to each other.

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