“Journey to the Country of Ecology” Class hour for 5th grade. Prepared by Vasilchenko O.V., class teacher of the 5th grade of the MAOU secondary school in the village of Buribay. - presentation

Collection of environmental problems grade 5


  1. In Eastern Kazakhstan, non-ferrous metallurgy is concentrated at 226 local industrial enterprises, there are about 7,000 sources of pollutant emissions, of which only 6 out of 10 are equipped with cleaning facilities.

How many sources of pollution do not have a means of cleaning?

  1. In the Karaganda region, the main polluter is Timertau Mittal Steel JSC, where out of 2,200 sources of pollution, only 1/8 are equipped with cleaning equipment.

How many sources of pollution are equipped with cleaning equipment and are poisoning the air in this region?

  1. When producing aluminum, 45 kg of fluorine is consumed. In this case, 2/3 of the fluorine enters the air atmosphere.

How many kg of fluorine poison the air? How long does it not poison?

  1. When smelting 1 ton of pig iron in Kazakhstan, 4500 kg of dust, 2700 kg of sulfur dioxide, and 600 kg of manganese are released into the air.

How many harmful substances are released into the air?

  1. One hectare of spruce plantings can contain up to 32 tons of dust per year in the crowns. Pine plantings are 3 tons more than spruce forests, elm plantings are 7 tons more than pine forests, beech plantings are 2 times more than spruce plantings, and plantings are 10 tons less than beech plantings.

How many tons of dust will these forests hold?

  1. One hectare of coniferous trees retains up to 40 tons of dust per year, and deciduous trees about 100 tons.

How many tons more do deciduous forests retain dust than coniferous forests?? How many tons of dust do coniferous forests retain if they occupy 35 thousand hectares? How many tons of dust are retained by deciduous forests, if birch forests occupy 175 thousand hectares, and aspen forests – 25529 hectares?

  1. There are 500 thousand dust particles in 1 ml of city air, and 1 ml of rural air has 100 times fewer dust particles.

How much dust is there in the village air?

  1. Japan ranks first among other countries in terms of air pollution emissions. Every month, about 15 tons of soot, dust and other pollutants settle on every square kilometer of the Japanese islands.

How many tons of pollutants settle throughout Japan per day, month, year, if its area is 372 thousand km2?

  1. In Tokyo, 36 tons of soot fall monthly (30 days) for every 1 km2 of urban area. In New York it is 2 times less than in Tokyo.

How much more soot falls in Tokyo than in New York per day?

  1. During one transatlantic flight, a modern jet aircraft uses 35.oxygen.

How many people would have enough oxygen to breathe if the average person consumes 500 liters of oxygen per day?

  1. On the morning of October 26, 1948, thick fog shrouded the city of Dakar (USA). Soot began to fall from the mixture of fog with smoke and soot, covering the houses and sidewalks with a black blanket. For two days visibility was very poor. Soon, doctors were besieged by coughing and choking patients who complained of shortness of breath, runny nose, sore eyes, sore throat and nausea. 5,910 people out of 14,000 residents of the city fell ill, 20 people died, and many dogs, cats and birds died.

How many people are still healthy?

  1. Around the globe, the supply of pure sulfur is almost running out, and every year in different countries, 110 million tons of sulfur oxide go into the air with smoke from production enterprises. This sulfur oxide, combining with water, forms sulfuric acid, which, together with rain, falls on the ground, destroying forests and fields, rivers and lakes.

Chemical has come up with a trapping device and a new way to produce double sulfur oxide from smoke.

10 million tons can be extracted annually. From this dangerous gas, 15 million tons of sulfuric acid can be obtained, which is 1/3 of the country’s need for sulfuric acid. This is the country's need for sulfuric acid per year.

How much sulfuric acid can be obtained from sulfur oxide that goes up into smoke every year?


  1. Water is the most common mineral on our planet, and yet the problem of rational use of water resources is one of the most pressing.

Industry uses a lot of water. To smelt 1 ton of nickel, 4000 m3 of water is consumed, and to smelt 1 ton of pig iron – 200 m3.

How much less water is consumed to smelt iron?

  1. To get 5 tons of steel you need to consume 750 tons of water.

How many tons of water are needed to make 1 ton of steel?

  1. To get 1 ton of paper you need 250 tons of water.

How many tons of water do you need to use to get 2t, 4t and 6t of paper?

  1. To produce 1 ton of cotton fabrics, 250 m3 of water is consumed, and to produce 1 ton of synthetic fiber - 15 times more.

How much water is needed to release synthetic fiber?

  1. Currently, 760 km3 of water is consumed for the needs of industry and energy, and 7 thousand km3 for irrigation.

How much more water does agriculture use?

Current technologies are water-intensive: smelting 1 ton of steel requires 250 m3 of water, producing 1 ton of paper requires 650 m3 more, 1 ton of nylon requires times more than 1 ton of paper.

How much water is required to make 1t of nylon?

  1. To grow 1t of wheat you need 800m3 of water, 1t. cotton - 10 times more.

How much water is needed to irrigate wheat and cotton?

  1. 1 hectare of birch forest evaporates 47 thousand liters of water, and 1 hectare of spruce forest evaporates 43 thousand liters. water.

How much more water evaporates in a birch forest than in a spruce forest?

  1. Recently, there has been an acute shortage of fresh water. Most of the fresh water is spent on irrigation. 7 thousand km3 of water is consumed per year for irrigation.

How many km3 of water is consumed in 5 years? In 8 years?

  1. For the world's population, the need for water resources is as follows:

Irrigation -7 thousand km3;

Industry - 1700 km3;

Domestic needs – 600 km3;

Wastewater dilution – 9 thousand km3;

Other types of consumption – 400 km3.

How much water do people consume at one time?

  1. Water is used for household needs of the population. One resident of Moscow consumes over 400 liters of water per day, per resident of St. Petersburg – 320 liters, in London each resident uses -170 liters of water per day, in Paris – 160 liters, in Brussels – 85 liters.

How much more water does a Moscow resident use than a Brussels resident? How many times less is the population of Paris than of St. Petersburg? How many liters of water do the residents of all these


  1. Water is part of the body of plants and animals. If you dry 1 kg of watermelon, you can get 20 g of dry matter.

How much water is in 10 kg of watermelon?

  1. 7/10 of a person's weight is water.

Knowing your weight, find out how many grams of water you have?

  1. The total land area is 510 million km3.

What is the area of ​​water if the land area is 148,920,000 km2?

  1. Fresh waters of rivers and lakes, oceans and seas account for 230 thousand km3, glaciers occupy 24 million km3. Groundwater is 60 million km3?

What is the area of ​​salt water in oceans and seas?

The amount of fresh water in the world is 42 million km3, of which ¾ of fresh water is the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica, 1/5 of it is groundwater. The rest circulates in rivers and lakes.

How much fresh water is in rivers and lakes?

  1. The largest ocean on earth is the Pacific Ocean. Its area is about 180 million km2. This is 12 times the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean.

Calculate the approximate area of ​​the Arctic Ocean?

  1. The Black Sea really turned black. “The Mediterranean Sea is on the verge of an environmental disaster. All living things will die in it by 2050,” say French scientist Francois Dominique.

Among the reasons for the impending disaster, as the Hürriyet newspaper reports, he named harmful waste coming from the Black Sea.

In the 60s, 23 species of commercial fish were caught in the Black Sea, currently there are 18 species less.

How many species of fish are currently caught in the Black Sea?

  1. Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater body of water in Europe. It contains more than 900 km3 of water, which is 3 times greater than the reserves of the Aral Sea.

What are the water reserves of the Aral Sea?

  1. In winter, only 1/10 of the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean is not covered with ice.

How many km2 of surface is covered by ice?

  1. The Aral Sea is a unique lake-sea in Central Asia. This word, which has come down to us from ancient times, means “island”. The sea - and suddenly an island! Isn't it strange? But let us remember, by the way, that the most precious lands were called “islands” in Rus'.

The Aral Sea region is a zone of environmental disaster.

The Aral Sea was fed by the Amudarya and Syr Darya rivers. Now all this is in the past. Both great rivers do not reach the Aral today. The death of the Aral -

the deliberate work of human hands is taking second place among global environmental disasters.

The volume of water in the Aral Sea in 1960 is 900 km3. Now the volume of water has decreased by 2/3.

What is the volume of water in the Aral Sea?

  1. The salinity of water in Apala is 10 g per 1 liter. At this time it has increased 5 times.

What is the salinity of the Aral Sea water?

  1. Salty dust storms have become common in the Aral Sea region. Today, the total amount of salts falling onto the soil surface of the Aral Sea region per year has reached 520 kg per 1 hectare.

How many kg of salt falls in 5 years on 10 hectares, on 15 hectares?

  1. The Aral Sea is drying up at catastrophic speed. Over the last quarter of a century, the surface of the Aral Sea has decreased by 1/3.

What is the surface area of ​​the Aral Sea now, if previously its area was 64,500 km2?

  1. Every year the water level in the Aral Sea drops by 40 cm.

By how many cm will the water level drop in 2 years? In 5 years? In 10 years?

  1. The guys lived near a small lake with clear water. Every day they swam in the lake and often played a game: who would find the most bivalve mollusks (“shells”) and throw them ashore. Every day, up to hundreds of “shells” washed up on the shore, where they quickly died without water and food. After two months (60 days), the water in the lake became cloudy. The guys didn’t think about the fact that bivalve mollusks pass a lot of water through their bodies and clean it of small plant remains and clay particles.

How many of these wonderful animals did the guys kill?

  1. In one year, so many harmful substances enter the world’s water bodies that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains.

And in 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Reduce the number by 10 times, by five times.

Balkhash is one of the oldest lakes in the world, like Michigan in America and Baikal in Russia.

The venerable age of the steppe sea has created many problems that have been aggravated by the active life of humans, industrial enterprises and military training grounds on its coast.

Previously, the fish catch in Balkhash was 10 thousand tons, now the catch has decreased by 2 times.

How many tons of fish are caught currently?

  1. The predatory muskrat trade on Balkhash reduced the population from 1,200,000 to 50,000.

How many times has the muskrat population decreased?

  1. The area of ​​Lake Balkhash is 17,800 km2, it is 6 times larger than the area of ​​such a Western European state as Luxembourg and is equal to approximately half of Taiwan.

What is the area of ​​Luxembourg and Taiwan?

  1. There are 1515 lakes in our region, of which 1320 are freshwater.

How many salt lakes are there in the area?

  1. Lake Shchuchye, a large, fresh lake in our region, which once amazed the first settlers with its wild beauty and huge pikes, is in a very poor condition. The lake level is steadily falling due to uncontrolled water intake for irrigation of household plots.

The lake is polluted by the Shchuchin glass factory and sanatoriums located on the shores of the lake that have liquid fuel boilers.

The length of the lake is 7 km, width is about 4 km. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the lake?

30 years ago the depth of Lake Shchuchye was 18m 50cm. Since then, the water level has dropped by almost 7 m.

What is the depth of the lake now?

  1. One day, scientists explored the bottom of the river. On a section of the bottom 5 km long they found: 14 large reinforced concrete slabs, 16 large pipes, 34 pieces of rails, 9 coils of barbed wire, 27 curved iron sheets, 43 fire extinguishers, 18 saws, 31 axes, 112 sleds, 108 pots, kettles and saucepans , 36 frying pans, 27 irons, 2486 broken bottles, 814 broken glass jars, 2214 tin cans and much other trash.

How many different objects have scientists found? Do the math.

  1. Pollution of rivers with industrial and household waste and toxic substances continues to grow. In May 1986, the Tourist Newspaper summed up the results of a treatment plant on the Po River (northern Italy). 1,400 m3 of various oils and fats, detergent residues, 2 times more were extracted.

How many m3 of detergent residue were recovered from the river?

  1. In the Po River, 435 nitrogen compounds, 36 tons of phosphorus, 50 tons of zinc and other metals, and 35 thousand organic pollutants were found.

How many total tons of pollutants were extracted?

  1. Do you know a river in Kazakhstan whose name is read the same from left to right and from right to left?

Name the numbers that are read the same from left to right and from right to left?

Such numbers are called palindromes. Get a palindrome using the number 95?

  1. Oil is enemy number 1 in modern pollution of seas and oceans. Oil spills in the seas lead to serious environmental disasters, in particular the mass death of marine mammals and birds. As a result of the supertanker accident, 10 tons of oil spilled into the sea.

What area of ​​the sea surface will oil cover if 1 ton covers 1200 hectares of water surface?

  1. 1 ton of oil spreads over the surface of the water and can cover a water area of ​​10 km2 with a film.

If we take the average annual pollution of the oceans to be 20 million tons, then how much area of ​​the ocean will this amount of oil cover in a year?

Oil is one of the dangerous water pollutants. Only 1 ton of oil is capable of covering a sea area of ​​1200 hectares with a thin layer.

In 1967, the supertanker Tory Canyon crashed off the coast of England, spilling 130,000 tons of oil.

In 1970, the tanker Erie, from which 6 thousand tons spilled. oil.

In 1976, the Urquiola supertanker off the coast of Spain hit a wall in the sea, spilling 60,000 tons of oil.

What area of ​​the sea was polluted with oil due to these accidents?

  1. On April 22, 1977, a gush of oil occurred in the North Sea at the Ekofisk oil field. 25 thousand tons got into the sea waters. oil. The area of ​​the oil spill reached 4000 km2. With the help of peculiar “vacuum cleaners”, only 800 tons of oil were collected from the surface of the sea.

How much oil is left to poison all life in the sea?

  1. One drop of oil can cover about 300 cm2 of water surface with a continuous film.

How many tons of oil will cover 3 drops of oil?

  1. Filtration feeding is observed in 40,000 animal species. As a result of this activity, biological self-purification of water bodies occurs, which means the purity and transparency of natural waters is the result of the activity of living organisms. Marine organisms that participate in the process of self-purification of water include shellfish (mussels, oysters, scallops).

A dense settlement of mussels with an area of ​​1 m2 filters up to 200 m3 of water per day.

How much water will mussels filter from an area of ​​1 km2, 3 km2, 10 km2?

  1. One large mussel, 15 cm long, can filter 70 liters of water per day, and the cardium mollusk, 3 cm long, manages to filter 15 liters of water per day during feeding.

How many times larger is a mussel than a clam? How many liters more water does a mussel purify by passing through itself?

  1. 500 liters of water flows out in a stream as thick as a match from a poorly closed tap for 24 hours.

How many days would this water last for a family of 4 people if they need 100 liters of water per day?

  1. People have polluted the earth's water bodies so much that invisible orderlies (microbes) now require unimaginably long periods of time to clean them. It takes at least 25 years to clear up Lake Erie, and 16 times that time to clear up Lake Michigan.

How many years does it take for microbes to clean these two lakes, provided that humans no longer pollute the water bodies?

  1. 8 liters of water flows out of a faulty tap in 1 minute.

How much flows out in 1 hour? Per day?

  1. In one day, 400 liters of water are lost through a loosely closed tap with a stream as thick as a match.

How many eight-liter buckets of waste come out of this tap in 30 days?

  1. The water tap in the apartment is leaking. Two drops flow out per second, and in 12 minutes a full glass of water fills.

If the faucet is not repaired in time, then how many liters of water can pour out of such a faucet in vain within an hour? During the day? (in 1l-5 glasses).

In another faulty tap, water does not drip, but flows, and 480 liters are poured out per day.

How many liters of water can be wasted from such a tap in 10 days? How many people would this water last for, if we assume that a person consumes 100 liters of water per day?

  1. 1 sheep drinks about 2000 liters of water per year, and a cow drinks 10 times more.

How much water does 1 cow need?

  1. The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is 371,000 km2, the area of ​​the Aral Sea is 331,000 km2 less, and the area of ​​Lake Balkhash is 21,700 km2 less than the area of ​​the Aral Sea.

What is the area of ​​Lake Balkhash?

  1. Deaths are mass deaths of aquatic inhabitants from suffocation when, for some reason, the aeration of water is greatly reduced. Winter freezes even occur in rivers due to ice cover, which prevents the penetration of oxygen from the air into the water.

On the lake, high school students drilled 15 holes on day 1, 8 more holes on the next day, and 5 holes less on the third day than on the second day.

How many holes did the students drill to save the fish from dying?

  1. In the World Ocean, due to predatory fishing and ever-increasing pollution and environmental destruction, a huge number of valuable commercial fish and marine animals are dying.

Every year, up to 250,000 individuals of various species of dolphins are destroyed. How many dolphins die in 2 years? In 5 years?

  1. Marine fisheries today have more modern and efficient fishing gear, which can only be called barbaric, for example, bluefin tuna fishing. This beautiful fish swims close to large schools of dolphins. When fishermen see dolphins, they realize that tuna is nearby. Huge nets are thrown out, trapping dolphins. They cannot get out of the nets to breathe air and die. Every year, 10,000 dolphins die for this reason.

How many dolphins die in 2 years? in 5 years?

  1. In recent years, there has been a steady trend towards a reduction in the number of sturgeon species. The state of their stocks is characterized as crisis. Over the past 10 years, the catch of commercial fish in the Red Sea has decreased by 10 times.

A fisheries protection boat detained the poachers. In their boat they found 16 sturgeon and 34 salmon.

Determine the fine that poachers must pay for the damage they caused if they must pay 100 rubles for each sturgeon, and 75 rubles for each salmon?

  1. In 1988, 1/5 of the 15,000 seals living in North Sea waters died.

How many seals died in 1988? How many seals have been killed over the years, assuming that the number of seals killed per year has not increased?

  1. In the Antarctic spring, seals give birth to pups. The weight of each seal is about 20 kg. This is 1/20 of the mass of an adult seal.

What is the mass of an adult seal?

  1. Seals dive under the ice for food.

How long did a seal spend under water in a day if it made 4 dives: two dives for 27 minutes, one for 19 minutes. and another one at 34 minutes?

  1. When a seal is on the surface of the water, its heart beats about 506 beats per minute, and if the animal dives deep under water, the number of beats is reduced by 2/3.

How many beats does a seal's heart make deep underwater?

  1. A blue shark swims at a speed of 30 km/h.

How far can a shark swim in 10 minutes at the same speed?

  1. A swordfish lives for 6 years, and a dolphin lives for 26 years.

How many years longer does a dolphin live?

  1. Currently, dolphin fishing is prohibited. There have been cases when dolphins saved drowning people, drove sharks away from people, easily learned to swim when called, jump through a hoop, play with a ball...

They can be taught to explore the seabed, find sunken ships, shells with pearls...

They are ready to serve people no less diligently than man’s land-based friend, the dog.

A man swims in water at an average speed of 7 km/hour. The dolphin swims at a speed of 49 km/h, and the swordfish swims at 91 km/h.

How many times is the speed of a person slower than that of sea creatures?

  1. Buy pike, bream and perch. Pike is heavier than bream, and bream is heavier than perch.

Which fish is the lightest?

  1. A sniper fish lives in Asian reservoirs. Young fish shoot water 1 dm, and adults 44 cm further.

How far do adult sniper fish shoot?

  1. A whale sleeps underwater. The whale's brain consists of two halves. When a whale sleeps, the halves of the brain work alternately: while one is sleeping, the other is working.

How long did each hemisphere of the brain work if the whale slept for 1 hour 56 minutes?

  1. In 12 min. The whale must breathe in fresh air 4 times.

How many times should a whale breathe in 1 hour 36 minutes?

  1. The giant of the sea, the blue whale, has a mass of up to 130 tons, and a blue whale calf at birth has a mass of 2 tons.

How many times does the mass of an adult whale exceed the mass of a calf?

  1. For one feeding, the baby whale received 18 buckets of fatty milk from its mother, for the second feeding, 2 buckets more, and for the third, 5 buckets less than for the second.

How many buckets of milk will a baby whale get in three feedings?

  1. A blue whale calf weighs 2 tons at birth. The baby whale grows quickly, gaining 300 kg in 3 days.

What will be the weight of the baby whale two weeks later, 25 days after birth?

  1. A baby whale is born 3 times shorter than its mother, whose body length is 21 m.

How long will the baby whale be after 7 months?

  1. The whale is a sea giant, which, like many animals, could not protect itself from persecution by humans. In 1855, 60 ships sailed in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, catching 35 whales a day.

How many whales did hunters catch in a week or month?

  1. Hunting began off the coast of Japan in 1600. and was carried out until 1880, when there were no whales left in the coastal waters.

How many years did it take man for the whales to disappear from this part of the sea?

  1. After the spring flood, puddles remain in different places. They usually contain a lot of fish fry. They are in danger of dying when the puddles dry up. The guys from class 5 “a” caught and transferred 15 jars of fry to the lake on one day, 23 jars on the second day, and 7 jars less on the 3rd day than on the first and second days together.

How many jars of fry did the guys carry into the lake in three days?


  1. Forests are “the lungs of our planet.” House for plants, animals, mushrooms. Protector of air, water bodies and soils. A place for a person to rest. Source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants. Source of wood. Forests on the planet occupy 1/3 of the land surface.

What area does forest cover if the land surface area is 120 million km2?

  1. At current rates of logging, the forest can be destroyed in 50 years. Their restoration in these areas occurs only within 100 years.

How many times longer does it take for forests to be restored than to be destroyed?

  1. On earth, every minute people cut down approximately 20 hectares of forest (this is an area 2 km long and 100 m wide).

How much in 10 minutes? in an hour? In 2 years?

  1. The world community is especially concerned about the problem of forests in tropical and subtropical zones. Of the 11,000,000 hectares cut down annually, only 1/10 is restored by plantations.

How many hectares of forest are completely destroyed?

  1. Tropical rainforests are being cut down and shrinking at a rate of about 26 hectares per minute. There is a fear that they will disappear in 25 years.

What will be the area of ​​tropical forest destroyed?

  1. Every day in the jungle, 5,000,000 trees fall under the saw!

How many trees die per month? In year?

  1. The accumulation of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere leads to the formation of sulfuric and nitric acids, their salts and acid rain, which damage the forests of the planet. In West Germany alone, more than 1,500 hectares of Bavarian evergreen forests have been lost over the past 5 years due to acid rain. In our country, the area of ​​dead forests is 4 times larger.

How many hectares of forests have died in our country due to acid rain?

  1. Forest fires cause significant economic and social damage, devouring the green landscape every year, leaving behind monstrous traces. In just 8 months of 2010, 673 forest fires were registered in Kazakhstan, which is 40 more fires than in 2008.

How many forest fires occurred in 3 years?

  1. The role of earthly plants in cleaning the air of cities is great. One tree per day restores as much oxygen as is necessary for the breathing of three people.

How many trees should there be in a city in our region with a population of 266,400 people?

  1. In one warm sunny day, a hectare of forest releases 180 kg of oxygen.

How much oxygen does the forest release in 10 warm days? In 20 days?

  1. A person needs about 17 kg of clean air per day.

How many kg of clean air does a person consume per year?

  1. What role does the forest play in the lives of animals? A birch tree with 200,000 leaves can be home to 600,000 insects.

How many insects can live on a birch tree that has 300,000 leaves?

  1. In a week, 20g of acacia and linden leaves capture 2 hectares of dust.

How much dust will 70g of leaves collect in a week? How much dust will 50g of leaves collect in two weeks?

  1. Oak absorbs 85 liters of water daily, aspen 462 liters per week, birch - 1800 liters in 30 days.

Which of these trees absorbs the most water per day? Least amount of water per day?

  1. Spruce can live 1200 years, pine is ½ of this age, and rowan is 520 years less than pine.

How many years can pine and rowan live?

  1. Pine needles live for 2 years, and spruce trees live 10 years longer.

How many years do spruce needles live?

  1. In 25 years, a birch tree reaches the height of a five-story building.

How many years does it take for a birch tree to reach the height of the first floor of a house?

  1. In 1 day, an adult birch tree absorbs 41 buckets of water.

How many buckets of water does a birch tree need per month? For 2 months? For 3 months?

  1. Among plants, bamboo is the champion in growth speed.

How long does it take for a 20 cm tall bamboo to reach 1 m if it grows 40 cm in a day?

  1. According to scientists' calculations, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied to the soil 1:1:1. If this ratio is violated, then nitrates accumulate in vegetables and fruits. Nitrates are absorbed into the human blood, poison the body and can cause cancer. For humans, the maximum permissible dose of nitrates is 400 mg per day.

Calculate how many and what vegetables you need to take to prepare vegetable stew so that the amount of nitrates corresponds to the norm, if 1 kg of zucchini contains 600 mg of nitrates, potatoes - 100 mg, beets - 2000 mg, carrots - 900 mg. When cooking, the amount of nitrates is reduced by 2 times.

  1. As a result of storing potatoes at low temperatures and good ventilation, the amount of nitrates will decrease by 1/3 after six months.

Calculate how much nitrates will remain after a year when storing 60 kg of potatoes, if 1 kg of potatoes contained 100 mg of nitrates.


Over the last 3 centuries alone, about 120 species of animals have disappeared from our planet. According to scientists, in the next 30 years the same fate could befall about 100 more species.

How many species of animals will disappear on our planet due to human fault?

Wild animals seem very funny to people and often baby wild animals appear in houses. According to Japanese police, in 1979. Japanese homes contained 1,138 dangerous animals, including 874 bears, 91 boa constrictors, 62 crocodiles, 1 gorilla, 1 hippopotamus and several elephants.

How many elephants are there at home? What could be the consequences of keeping such animals in the house?

Over the past 2 centuries, 34 species of birds, animals and snakes have been exterminated on Earth. There are 13 species of birds, 15 species of animals.

How many more species of animals and birds were exterminated than species of snakes?

The saiga population in Kazakhstan is in critical condition. According to the spring census of 2001. There are approximately 100,000 saigas in Kazakhstan. Back in 1995. The number was 700,000 saigas, and in 1970. It reached 1,200,000 saigas.

How many times did the number of saigas decrease in 2001? Compared to previous years?

A saiga escaped from the zoo. He was caught 3 hours later, 180 km from the zoo.

How fast did the saiga run?

If in the 60s. Saiga antelopes grazed on an area of ​​115,000 km2, but recently their habitat has decreased to 23,000 km2.

By how many km2 has the habitat area of ​​saigas decreased?

Currently, the big question on the agenda is who will kill the last saiga, a poacher or a wolf? According to the former Kazglavohota, the number of wolves in saigas habitats reaches 35,000. 20 saigas die from one predator per year.

How many saigas are killed by wolves per year?

A wolf, catching up with prey, can run at a speed of 60 km/h.

How far will the wolf run in 1 minute? 5 minutes?

For a wolf to have dinner, 2 kg of meat is enough, but if he is hungry, he can eat 5 times more.

How much meat can a hungry wolf eat?

Among the factors causing the death of the North Kazakhstan mountain sheep, the main one is poaching. Of the 227 cases of death of these animals, 103 argali were victims of illegal hunting.

How many argali die for other reasons?

There are 10,000 argali in Kazakhstan. About 2,000 die every year. If emergency measures are not taken to restore and replenish the population of these animals, then in how many years will we not see them even in the zoo?

Just 10 years ago, there were only 25 goitered steppe antelopes. Now their number has reached 700.

How many times has the number of goitered gazelles increased?

The kulan is a very hardy animal that has adapted to live in harsh desert conditions. It eats cereals, sedge, wormwood, saltwort bushes, and saxaul shoots. Even a cheetah cannot compete with the kulan in terms of agility and endurance, which only has enough strength for more than one short throw. In 1953 8 kulans were transported to the Barsakelmes reserve and released there. By 1980 there were 200 of them.

How many times has the number of kulans increased?

In 1981, 200 kulans lived in the Barsakelmes reserve. But with the catastrophic drying out of the Aral Sea, the salinity of the water began to rise sharply. The need arose to take the kulans to the area of ​​Mount Zhambyl. For this purpose, a square fenced area with a side of 2 km is sufficient.

How long should a mesh fence for kulans be?

200 kulans were transported from Barsakelmes Island to the area of ​​the Altyn-Emel State Park.

A year later, the number of kulans doubled. How many kulans are there in a year?

In 1959, there were 10 bison in the Oksky Nature Reserve; another 10 adult bison were brought from other countries.

What was their number in 1999, if on average up to 10 bison were born annually?

The bison has become one of the rarest animals in the world. As a result of special measures for its breeding and protection in 1966. There were already 69 bison in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve and 181 bison in the Caucasus. In 1975 the number of Belovezhsk bison reached 475, and Caucasian bison - 900.

How much did the bison population increase from 1966 to 1975?

In 1927, there were only 48 bison left in the world. Now the number of bison has increased 40 times.

How many bison are there in the world now?

A hundred years ago the number of tigers in the world was 100,000. Now all over the world the number of tigers has decreased by 20 times.

How many tigers are left on our planet?

The tiger mother weighs 210 kg, and her newborn baby weighs 700 g. How many grams does the mother tiger weigh more? How many times does her weight exceed the baby's weight?

A tiger can make a jump up to 1000cm long.

Will a tiger be able to overcome a ravine 8983mm wide?

The snow leopard is an excellent hunter. When hunting, he is not inferior in dexterity to a lion. Compare the mass of a leopard and a lion, if it is known that the mass of a snow leopard reaches 40 kg, and a lion reaches 2 kg?

The leopard is the most graceful representative of the cat family.

What distance will the leopard cover by making 12 jumps, if 5 jumps were 2 m, 4 jumps were 8 m, and the rest were 3 m25 cm?

In the United States, over 5 years, on one highway alone, 7,195 pheasants, 5,359 rabbits, 3,978 raccoons, 2,417 skunks, 1,318 deer, 928 coyotes and 615 badgers died.

How many animals have died in the US during this time?

Elephants are subjected to merciless extermination. The ban on hunting them in a number of countries caused an increase in the yen price for ivory, and with it a new wave of poaching. In pursuit of profit, “tusk hunters” kill 65,000 elephants a year.

How many elephants will die from poachers in 2 years? In 5 years?


All life on earth depends on the thin, unstable layer of soil that covers the continent. This valuable layer, the youngest on our planet, takes a painfully long time to form, but can be destroyed incredibly quickly. A layer of soil several centimeters deep may take centuries to form, but if not handled correctly it can be carried away by wind and water within a year. Kazakhstan 65% of lands are affected by desertification processes. Soil destruction or erosion occurs for many reasons, but the main ones are wind and water erosion. A field can lose 5 cm of soil in one day with the help of wind. And it takes 250 years to restore a layer of soil 1 cm thick.

How many years does it take to restore the soil in a given field?

The name “pesticides” comes from the Latin words pestis - infection and caedo - kill. This is a group of pesticides - drugs for controlling weeds, animal pests, etc. The scale of long-term use of pesticides in vast agricultural and forest areas, often with the use of aviation, leads to widespread environmental pollution. Pesticide molecules are included in the natural processes of migration and circulation of matter. But the worst thing is that they are included in ecological food chains, pass from soil and water to plants, and then to animals and birds, and ultimately enter the human body with food and water. The soil is inhabited by a huge number of microorganisms that work tirelessly, converting them into substances necessary for plant nutrition. Scientists have calculated that in a surface layer of soil 15 cm thick over an area of ​​1 hectare, up to 7 tons of bacteria, up to 1 ton of microscopic fungi, up to 300 kg of algae, 500 kg of small mushrooms, and up to 4 tons of earthworms live.

How many kg of useful living creatures live in the soil on an area of ​​5 hectares?

A layer of soil 18 cm thick can be washed away by water in a forest in 500,000 years, in a meadow - in 3225 years, and where there are no plants - in just 15 years!

What do these scientists' calculations say? Compare.

They used to think that the more powerful technology there is in the field, the better.

Now we have to think about something else: how to protect the fields from tractors. Of course, it’s impossible to live without them, but we need to make the equipment lighter, and not drive it through the fields unnecessarily, so as not to ruin the nourishing soil. It has been established that due to soil compaction in the fields, we do not receive 1/5 of the grain harvest.

What would the harvest be like if 20 centners of wheat were harvested from 1 hectare?

  1. The quarry method of mining is cheaper than underground, but it has a harmful effect on the environment over an area 10-15 times larger than the area of ​​the quarry itself. Take, for example, the noise and dust from stone crushers.

Calculate in m2 what area of ​​the environment is adversely affected by a 1-hectare quarry, if the environmental impact extends over an area a) 10 times larger than the quarry area? b) 15 times the area of ​​the quarry?

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