“Plan for individual work with children of the first junior group” calendar and thematic planning (junior group) on the topic

The importance of individual work in junior groups of preschool educational institutions

Individual work in kindergarten is a structured system of targeted influence on the cognitive, emotional, and sensory spheres of the child, which takes into account his personal characteristics and allows him to correct the behavioral model. For younger preschool age, individual work is organized in a playful form one on one with the child or in small groups (up to 3 people), where children with similar problems come together. It is especially important to conduct individual lessons with children of the first and second junior groups (1.5–4 years), who:

  • do not attend kindergarten regularly (for example, because they are often sick);
  • have low performance, are passive in classes;
  • characterized by shyness or inhibition.

Individual work makes it possible to prevent pedagogical neglect of younger preschoolers, that is, violations in the development of the child associated with insufficient upbringing and training.

Carrying out individual work in the educational process of a preschool educational institution helps to take into account the personal characteristics of each child

Goals and objectives of individual work in the first and second junior groups

The mission of conducting individual lessons is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and the realization of the potential inherent in him by nature. The goal can be achieved by consistently solving the following problems:

  • daily attention of each child (this allows you to avoid situations when, for example, a phlegmatic child feels uncomfortable in a group simply because he does not have time to express himself during a walk, when performing a task, since his comrades are more efficient choleric people );
  • a detailed study of the personal and educational characteristics of each child for the expedient use of his potential in the educational process (for example, well-spoken children can take part in the production of matinees, despite the fact that, as a rule, in such events, due to their age, they play roles spectators);
  • methodically competent choice of forms and methods of interaction with children (for example, paired forms of work are suitable for children who have difficulties communicating with peers, and individual forms of work are suitable for those who have gaps in knowledge);
  • timely correction of relationships with friends and adults (for example, if a child sits alone all day and refuses to play, then perhaps he quarreled with a friend with whom he usually spends time in a group, on a walk).

Individual work during a walk helps children socialize

Who does individual work with children?

Depending on the direction of individual work, it can be carried out by teachers of different specializations.


First of all, individual work is carried out if the child has problems in acquiring knowledge, abilities, skills or in socialization. For a group teacher, individual work with each child is a mandatory element of pedagogical activity. In addition, the teacher in the junior group is engaged in correctional work that affects the areas of activity of other specialists. For example, learning songs with a child who has missed several music classes. This situation is explained by the developmental characteristics of children of primary preschool age. In order to get used to it, and therefore trust a person, they need quite a long time. At the time of the first or second year of visiting a preschool educational institution, the closest person is the teacher (and his assistant). This means that, figuratively speaking, a child’s educator is a teacher, musician, athlete, doctor, and even a parent.


In case of inhibition due to disturbances in the course of mental processes, for example, difficulties in memorizing material, or if there are problems in the family (for example, when parents get divorced), a psychologist conducts individual interaction with the child. The music director usually provides individual work if the child has missed several classes and has not learned the lyrics or dance moves. A physical education instructor works with children with disabilities.

It is worth mentioning the work of a speech therapist. Since we are talking about children 1.5–4 years old who are just beginning to speak, correction of individual speech disorders can only be discussed in rare cases. But providing assistance in mastering speech skills is the most common example of individual work by a speech therapist.

This is interesting. If a preschool educational institution does not have a full-time speech therapist, then individual work in this area in the first and second junior groups is carried out by a teacher.

Classes with specialized specialists are also a way to conduct individual work

When is individual work carried out in younger groups?

Classes with a personal focus in the first and second junior groups are conducted mainly in the first half of the day. Before lunch, work is organized with the children:

  • having gaps in knowledge;
  • those in need of activation of speech processes or correction of their deficiencies;
  • lagging behind in the development of motor skills;
  • inactive, withdrawn (usually this work has the nature of errands, for example, in the second junior group, a child can be asked to draw water into a watering can for watering flowers);
  • not inquisitive enough (for example, in the first junior group, a child can be assigned to watch a magpie that has flown to the site while walking).

More information about the organization of the observation process can be found in our article - Organization of observation in junior groups of preschool educational institutions.

After lunch and nap, individual work is aimed at:

  • activation of creative potential (designing, drawing, creating applications, crafts);
  • speech and motor correction (if there was not enough time for this work in the first half of the day).

During walks, individual work is aimed mainly at correcting physical development, that is, some children perform tasks on maintaining balance, some on jumping or running. And those kids who experience difficulties in relationships with friends organize themselves into ball games.

In addition, during a walk in younger groups, you can learn nursery rhymes, practicing sounds that are difficult to pronounce. By the way, such work will also be useful for those who successfully master speech. And also during your leisure time on the street, you can repeat the songs you learned in music class.

This is interesting. Individual work on mastering cultural and hygienic skills and independence is carried out throughout the day in the process of different types of activities.

Individual work is organized both in classes and during routine activities

Principles of individual work

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) outlines the basic requirements for the implementation of individual interaction with children of primary preschool age:

  • Taking into account the personal characteristics of the child in the development of an individual educational route. In other words, if the child is creative, for example, loves to draw, then the gaps in mastering basic mathematical concepts in the second junior group can be filled by creating images of numbers and geometric shapes in color.
  • Assessment of the dynamics of a child’s development should be carried out in comparison with himself, and not with peers. If the personal growth of children is brought under a common denominator, then the very essence of individual work will be neutralized.
  • Respect for the individuality of each child.
  • Finding the most appropriate ways to involve all children in different activities to determine the abilities and personal qualities of each.
  • Increasing the complexity of tasks during individual work. So, if a child in the first younger group has difficulty distinguishing between left and right, then you can come up with games in which he will first determine which side is in relation to himself, and then in relation to toys and other children.
  • Stimulating the process of self-learning. This area of ​​individual work is of great importance for nurturing the child’s independence. So, if a 3-4 year old child has problems concentrating, he can be given tasks to put together puzzles. The success of the methodological work carried out can be assessed by the fact that the child happily assembles pictures from fragments and houses, and even from a larger number of details.

Individual work in the younger group helps the child become more independent

Methodology for individual work with children in the younger group

It is known that every child is unique. It has its own characteristics of the nervous system and psychophysical development. The individual characteristics of a child influence his acquisition of skills and abilities and his attitude towards others. Observation of a child in everyday life, analysis of his behavior and activities, conversations with parents allow the teacher to plan tasks, methods, and content of individual work.

Children who do not regularly attend kindergarten due to illness or other reasons, children who are “weakened”, have low performance in class, are shy, slow, inhibited and pedagogically neglected, need especially close attention. When planning individual work, the teacher must take into account the mental and individual characteristics of the child.

Individual work with children is carried out in the morning and evening hours, as well as during walks.

Individual lessons with children who have gaps in knowledge are recommended to be organized primarily in the form of a game. The play partner can be an adult or another child

In the first half of the day, the teacher does a lot of individual work with the kids. For example, he organizes special games and exercises with those who need to correct speech deficiencies or who are lagging behind in any movements. He works with inactive and withdrawn children, giving them various assignments that require communication with adults and peers. Children who are not inquisitive enough are entrusted with interesting observations (for example, how a hamster eats and puts grains in its cheeks, tits that have flown to the site, admiring the beauty of a winter morning, etc.).

In the afternoon, the teacher conducts individual work with children on the development of movements, drawing, cutting, designing, and correcting speech defects.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, he organizes a game with a ball, throwing at a target, for others - a balance exercise, for others - jumping from tree stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills. During walks, work is also done to develop the child’s speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a short poem, reinforcing a difficult sound to pronounce, etc. The teacher can recall with the children the words and melody of a song that they learned in a music lesson.

Methods of individual training in the junior group :

  • Using an example, following the example of a teacher;
  • In interaction with the teacher;
  • Modeled after peers;
  • Using the help of peers;
  • On the recommendation of narrow specialists.

The form of organization of work is individual, however, in some cases it is possible to carry out work by organizing children into small groups. When carrying out individual work on a walk, it is necessary to take into account seasonality and weather conditions. Individual work with children during regime processes is planned (education of cultural and hygienic skills, independence, development of speech, movements, etc.) and is conducted by the teacher throughout the day, in all regime moments, in any type of activity.

The quality of individual work depends on the teacher’s ability to “see” children. The emotional state of the child during classes is very important. And here the role of the adult is great. The psychological and emotional mood of the classes depends only on him. A smile, encouragement, and sincere interest in what the adult is teaching the child will create the background against which the child will have a desire to learn. When working with children, I advise reading poetry, asking riddles, and using elements of dramatization. In addition to the aesthetic and cognitive value for the child, this creates the right atmosphere, relieves tension and will allow both you and the child to use class time more effectively.


An example of planning individual work at special times in a junior group for a week.



Morning time.

1. Collective and individual conversations with children to develop speech activity and enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers.

2. Mastering the basics of hygienic culture: Washing, behavior at the table, dressing, in a playful way, caring for things and toys. in independent activities.

3. Outdoor games of low and medium activity.

4. Working with fairy tales - repeating previously read fairy tales, reading a new fairy tale, watching a cartoon based on a read fairy tale, looking at illustrations of a famous fairy tale. -a new ending to the fairy tale, adding new heroes to the fairy tale, how to help the hero of the fairy tale, etc.


1. Observation of wildlife.

2. Individual work to develop creative abilities (collect the most beautiful autumn bouquet, what does a cloud look like?, show how a fox walks, etc.).

3. Organize collective gaming activities.

Evening time.

1. Labor education - familiarization with the work of adults (various forms of work).

2. Plot-role-playing game. To develop skills and desire to participate in gaming activities.

3. Preparing for a math lesson.



Morning time.

1 Introduction to the objective world: an idea of ​​objects, their name, structure, names of parts, purpose, how and where they can be used: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. cognitive and speech skills, attitude to the objective world.1. Mastering the basics of work. Self-service, development of work skills in everyday life, attitude to work.

2. Individual exercises in appliqué, drawing and sculpting.

3. Inspection of the kindergarten premises, examination of furnishings, household items, getting to know the preschool educational institution employees and their professions.


1. Observation of inanimate nature.

2. Individual work with children on speech development.

3. Introducing a new outdoor game.

4. Develop children's gaming skills.

Evening time .

1. Listening to musical children's works: songs, musical fairy tales, musical fragments from cartoons.

2. Child and book - reading, retelling, looking at new books, folders with pictures, albums, helping the teacher repair books.

3. Game activity: outdoor games with text, round dance (we develop tempo, rhythm, teach onomatopoeia).

4. Individual work with children (psychological relief, overcoming emotional discomfort).


Morning time.

1. Formation of the foundations of environmental education, plant world - name, plant characteristics, growth and development, comparative analysis, plant care, - animal world - name, general concepts, structure, relative size, location, needs, care. - a friendly attitude towards all living things.

2. Games with construction sets to develop finger motor skills.

3. Individual work to develop hygiene skills (play activities).

4. Memorization, consolidation and repetition of poems, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes, riddles.


Thematic walk (at the choice of the teacher, at the request of the children, according to the program). Conversation, story or observation in accordance with the topic. Organization of outdoor activities in accordance with the teacher’s tasks (walking, outdoor themed games, consolidation of motor skills). Use imitation games, facial exercises, miniature games (mini theater).

Evening time.

1. Entertainment: -concerts, meetings with older children, -puppet, table, shadow theatres, -sports activities, -mask festival, -celebration with parents.

2. Introducing and explaining the rules of a new board game for the development of speech, sensory, and logic.

3. Individual work to develop intellectual abilities.


Morning time.

1. Cognitive development: Adults give concepts and comparative analysis, Children form an emotional state, I myself develop practical skills. My family

2. Collective exercises in applique, modeling, drawing in joint activities of an adult and a child.

3. Work in a corner of nature.

4. Consolidation of dance and motor skills using musical accompaniment.


Getting to know society. Hiking around the neighborhood. Conversations “My street”, “My kindergarten”, “Shop” “Road” (familiarization with the phenomena of social life). Individual work on orientation in time and space.

Evening time.

1. Familiarity with the rules of the road. The first rules for life safety

2. Individual outdoor play activity with objects (hoop, ball, chair, handkerchief, etc.)

3. Gaming activities: HRE, gaming skills, learning dialogues, gaming situations.

4. Preparing for the next day's classes.



Morning time.

1. Exhibition of children's works in fine arts, examination of crafts made from natural materials, and, if necessary, complete the collective work.

2. Consolidation of motor skills: construction, restructuring, rhythmic exercises, basic movements. To develop in children a desire to play sports, correct posture, and precise execution of commands.

3. Formation of moral qualities through the creation of play situations with dolls and toys.

4. Development of intellectual abilities - games, tasks.


Observing people. Adult labor. Age characteristics. Communication culture. Relationships with older preschoolers. Mobile activities at the request of children. Individual consolidation of knowledge on the development of coherent speech, vocabulary development, and grammatically correct speech.

Evening time.

1. Games with sand and water

2. Construction with large cubes, cubes, Lego constructor.

3. Play activities at the request of children.

4.Creating conditions for gaming activities (GRI).


Cyclogram of individual work with children of the younger group

Techniques for individual work with children of younger groups

Since individual work is a full-fledged part of educational activities, the same groups of methodological techniques are used for its implementation as for other types of activities.

Group of verbal techniques

In early preschool age, children are just mastering speech, so the word is of great importance for the success of this process. At the same time, it is important not only to involve children in dialogue (for example, through a conversation on issues), but also to provide them with the opportunity to hear competent, expressive-sounding speech from an adult.


Any type of work must be explained in detail to the child. In this case, instructions for completing the task must be given clearly, consisting of small sentences in which all the words are familiar and understandable to the child.

For example, if in the first junior group a child learns to distinguish geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle), then I structure the explanation of the task related to determining what is what as follows: “Find a figure that resembles a window. This is a square. Find the triangle, it looks like a house. Now show me the circle. Don’t you think it resembles a coin?”

The explanation should prompt the child to think about the topic

Riddles and poems

One of the most successful techniques for motivating guys to work. Considering the age of the pupils in the younger group, it is better to choose riddles with answers that rhyme. This will allow the child to orient himself faster, since personal experience and knowledge to correlate the question with the answer may not be enough. Riddles and poems help switch the child from one type of activity to another, for example, from a game to individual work on speech development. The topic of these verbal techniques must be selected to suit the problem that is being worked on.

If in my practice I have to do individual work aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills in a pupil of the first junior group, namely, changing clothes independently for a walk, before offering the director’s game “Change the doll Lyuba,” I ask the kid riddles. For example:

  • So that Lyuba would not freeze in the cold, Mom bought her... (a fur coat).
  • In winter you put on a hat or fur coat, but in summer what? - T-shirt, ... (Skirt).
  • Whoever eats little candy and doesn’t like cakes will be very slim in the summer and wear... (Shorts).

Poems can also be classified as motivational techniques. In addition, working with rhyming lines helps to simultaneously solve problems of speech development: the child memorizes quatrains, thereby expanding his vocabulary and mastering the grammatical structure of the language.

When I work with a child of the second junior group, who really likes to draw, but refuses to sculpt from plasticine, because he does not get the intended images, before the game task, which consists of sculpting domestic and wild animals together with the teacher according to a model, I suggest repeating after me. this poem:

  • I sculpt a ball, a ball and a penguin from plasticine... But this is a hippopotamus, He has a big tummy. Plasticine ears are moving on the top of the head, Plasticine legs are stomping, stomping, stomping. Cunning eyes sparkle, Teeth crunch like grass. Eat more, hippopotamus, your tummy will get bigger.

Riddles and poems precede acquaintance with this or that material, that is, they motivate the child for further work

Fairy tales

It is especially worth noting the possibilities of short stories (therapeutic fairy tales) aimed at figuratively representing one or another educational problem that a child faces. For example, for a 1.5–4 year old child who finds it difficult to leave his mother in the morning, which causes his inappropriate behavior in the group and because of which he refuses to play with his peers (provoking communication problems), I suggest listening to a fairy tale about the kitten Kuzka and answer questions based on the text. “Once upon a time there was a kitten named Kuzka. He had his most beloved mother, the cat Murka, and a faithful friend, the puppy Druzhok. One day his mother told Kuzka that he had grown up, become an adult and it was time for him to go to a kindergarten for kittens. The kitten was very upset: firstly, he had to part with his mother, and secondly, Buddy would not be there to go to puppy kindergarten. In the evening Kuzka became completely sad and in the morning, reluctantly drinking milk, he went to brush his teeth. And then he and his mother went to kindergarten. On the way, mom said that there would be a lot of kittens in the kindergarten, Kuzka would make new friends, they would play together and have fun. And when Kuzka wakes up after a nap, his mother will take him away. The kitten became interested in who he would play with in the kindergarten, and when he reached the building, he was no longer upset at all. It turned out just as Murka said: Kuzka met the kittens, they ate together, walked, slept, and then mom came. In the evening, the kitten shared his impressions of the first day in kindergarten with Druzhkoy, they played and had fun. But when it began to get dark, we ran home, because tomorrow we were going back to kindergarten. The next day, Kuzka woke up early, drank milk and ran to brush his teeth - he had to hurry, because new friends were waiting for him.” After listening to the story, I invite the kids to answer the following questions:

  • Did Kuzka want or not want to go to kindergarten?
  • Do you think he liked kindergarten?
  • What do children (kittens, puppies) do in kindergarten?

This is interesting. Questions are drawn up based on how much the kids have mastered speech skills. If the guys have just started talking, then the answers should be monosyllabic (yes or no).

Pure talk

To master the sound structure of a language, that is, to carry out work on speech development, one cannot do without pure tongues:

  • Whoop, whoop, whoop: Mom is making soup;
  • Os, os, os: There is a coconut on the table;
  • Ka, ka, ka: Here comes the river.

Clear talkers are especially useful for working with silent people who refuse to talk

A set of visual techniques

When working with children of younger groups, pictures that illustrate the sequence of a particular action are very useful. For example, the order of washing hands, going to bed, etc.

It is worth mentioning separately about the demonstration: the teacher first plays any game actions himself, and then the child acts according to this model. For example, if finger gymnastics is intended as individual work on speech development, then the teacher should show all movements and words by example.

Using a set of visual teaching materials will help your child develop the necessary skills

Kids perceive the world through images, so it is important for them to see a sufficient number of pictures and videos on a particular topic. So, if I work with a child who refuses to eat, then as part of an individual lesson on familiarization with the environment, we watch a cartoon about Smeshariki about “corrective” nutrition.

Video: Smeshariki talk about “corrective” nutrition

Group of gaming techniques

Play is the main activity of preschoolers. As already noted, most individual work is carried out through play. At the same time, the teacher uses a methodological arsenal of all types of gaming techniques.

Games can be played individually or in groups

Table: game techniques for individual work in younger groups

Game groupType of gameGoalsExample (age group)
DidacticTabletopFacilitate the socialization process (practice the ability to work in a team).Dominoes "Fuzzies". Children play dominoes, where the chips depict domestic and wild animals. (First youngest). Note: you can make this game yourself by printing out the pictures and laminating them for durability.
SensoryLearn to analyze and compare objects and phenomena.“How similar.” The teacher asks the child to compare two related animals (plants, natural phenomena), for example, a dog and a wolf. (Second youngest). Note: for this game the child must be able to speak in complete sentences.
MusicalFill in the gaps in the material being studied.“Who sounds like it.” The child listens to excerpts of musical works and guesses what instrument the musician played. (Second youngest).
VerbalFill in the gaps in knowledge with signs of the seasons."The fourth wheel." The teacher names the season and shows four natural states, and the child determines which one is superfluous. (First youngest). Note: if speech development allows, then the baby can give arguments why the picture is unnecessary.
MovableFor imitationPractice the skill of repeating the action after the driver.“In the hole - bang.” The teacher runs in place at different paces, the child repeats, and when he says “Into the hole - bang!” jumps high. (First, second junior groups).
To train agility and attentionLearn to coordinate movements with words.“Show it right.” The teacher names a part of the body and touches another. The child must repeat and show correctly. (Second youngest).
  • Accustom to work in pairs, small groups;
  • overcome shyness.
“Mothers and Daughters”, “At the Doctor’s Appointment”, etc. (First, second youngest).
Director's cut on flannelgraph
  • Develop speech;
  • work on your reaction speed;
  • foster a sense of partnership in work.
"Turnip". The child illustrates the text of the fairy tale, which the teacher tells, with figures on Velcro for a flannelgraph. (First youngest). Note: 2-3 kids can participate in the game.
Finger games
  • Develop fine motor skills;
  • activate the work of speech centers.
  • Little girl Zinochka has Vegetables in a basket (They make their palms into a “basket”). Here's a pot-bellied zucchini I put on a barrel, Pepper and carrot I laid it out deftly, Tomato and cucumber. (Fingers bend, starting with the thumb) Our Zina is great! (Show thumb).
  • Come, birds! (“Calling” movements with the fingers of both hands) I will give sala to the titmouse. (“Cutting movements” of one palm on the other) I’ll prepare the crumbs, (Fingers with a pinch - “crumb” the bread) Bread a little. (Rub fingertips against each other) These crumbs are for pigeons, (Stretch their right hand forward with an open palm) These crumbs are for sparrows. (Extends left hand with open palm) Jackdaws and crows, Eat pasta! (Rubs palm against palm.)

Practical techniques

This group of options for interacting with children includes creative ways to implement an individual approach:

  • Drawings. The technique can be used to correct the development of a particular skill, for example, training to depict round-shaped objects (orange, sun, etc.), as well as to identify the child’s natural inclinations (especially when it comes to finding out the preferred color scheme in drawings).
  • Applications. An option for a creative way to teach your baby to be neat: the elements need to be glued exactly within the boundaries of the outline.
  • Crafts. Can be used to reinforce material on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts related to the study of simple geometric shapes: a child makes flat figures of a circle, square and triangle from plasticine.

    Crafts and appliqués are an effective way to reinforce a theme.

“Plan of individual work with children of early age group”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4 "Beryozka"

“Plan of individual work with children of early age group”

2018-2019 academic year

Volodarsky village

Individual work with pupils in kindergarten is a system of targeted psychological and pedagogical influence on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of the pupil with maximum regard for the characteristics of his personality. An individual approach to educational activities makes it possible to:

— cover every child with daily attention and targeted interaction;

- comprehensively study and know the individual characteristics of each child and it is pedagogically advisable to use this knowledge in the educational process;

- pedagogically competently choose forms, methods, means and techniques of interaction with children, taking into account the situation, individual characteristics and goals of their preparation and development (upbringing, re-education);

- skillfully create an environment and pedagogical situations to ensure the effectiveness of teaching and raising children; - timely adjust the teacher-pupil relationship, purposefully achieve success in working with him.

The goal of individual work is to create conditions that would ensure the greatest realization of the student’s capabilities in the process of comprehensive development of his personality.

Attitude to work.

Individual work.

  • D/ game “Help feed the doll” - learn to name dishes and food products.
  • D/ game “Helpers” - learn to identify objects for different professions.
  • D/ game “Show the picture” to teach how to determine what adults are doing.
  • D/ game “dress the doll” - self-service and helping others.
  • D/ game “Tools for work” - teach to recognize objects for work.
  • D/exercise “Assignment” - learn to help adults and friends.
  • D/ exercise “Where does garbage live?” - teach to maintain order and cleanliness.


Individual work.

  • D/ game “Wonderful Bag” - learn to identify geometric shapes.
  • D/game “Guests” - teach to identify many and one”
  • D / game “Help the bear” - determine high - low, wide - narrow.
  • D/ game “Tracks” - one, many, counting to three.
  • D/ game “Assemble a pyramid” - fixing color and size.
  • D/ game “Stringing large and small rings” - size and counting.
  • D/ game “Building a tower from cubes” - size, color.
  • Finger games.
  • Games with geometric shapes - “Assemble a pattern, any object - a Christmas tree, etc.
  • D/ game “Harvest” - count to three.
  • D/ game “Fly the ball” - up, down, on, under.

Creative and productive activity.

Individual work.

  • D/ game “Colored sticks” - colors, location on the sheet.
  • D/ game “Balloons” - colors, shapes.
  • D/ game “Collect a picture” - colors, shapes, location.
  • Mosaics, lacing, stencils, coloring books, crayons - development of fine motor skills
  • D/ exercises “Finish, add, add”, “pick up” - the skill of holding a brush or pencil correctly.
  • D/ exercises “What’s extra” - development of attention.
  • D/ game “What color is the car, doll” - color, parts, bodies.
  • D/ game “Which” - distinguish and name colors
  • D/ exercises “Drawing in the air” - development of the hand.
  • Finger gymnastics, with objects.

Speech development.

Individual work.

Articulation gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics.

D/ game “Wonderful Box” to expand the stock of understood words.

D/ game “Show the picture” - distinguish details, reinforce correct pronunciation.

D/ game “Repeat the nursery rhyme, poem” - finish words, phrases, memorize.

D/ game “Water” - experience with objects and reinforcement of memorization of nursery rhymes.

D/ game “Repeat” - learn to make animal sounds.

D/ exercise “Guess what it sounds like” - sound pronunciation exercise.

D/ exercise “Toy Exhibition” - form an active vocabulary, repeat after an adult.

D/ game “Guess who came to us” - an exercise in sound pronunciation.

D / game “Guess and name” - assigning objects, activating words.

D/ game “Recognize by voice” - sound pronunciation, imitation.

Game activity.

Individual work.

  • D/ exercise “build a pyramid” - the ability to build a structure.
  • D/ game “Cubes” - collect a picture.
  • D/ game “Rolling dolls” - what you can do with toys.
  • D/ game let’s set the table” - secure objects, products, actions.
  • D/ exercise “Activity with the doll Nina” - expand knowledge about objects and actions.
  • D/ game “The doll got sick” - expand knowledge about the hospital.
  • D/ game “guess and name” the purpose of objects and their qualities.
  • D/ game “Do this - that” - listen to the end of the task, comprehend and complete it.
  • D/ exercise “Bunny's birthday” - learn how to congratulate correctly, make gifts with your own hands.

World of nature.

Individual work.

  • D/ game “Pets” - teach to distinguish and name animals and their babies.
  • D/ game “Who came to us” - teach to recognize wild animals.
  • D/ game “Wonderful Bag” to teach the difference between vegetables and fruits.
  • D/ game “Whose leaf” - learn to name trees.
  • D/ game “Vegetable Garden” - teach to recognize and name gardening tools.
  • D / game “Who eats what” - teach to find out what birds, animals, people eat.
  • D/ exercise “Seasons” - learn to determine the season and signs from a picture.
  • D/ exercise “What flowers need” - teach how to care for indoor flowers.
  • D/ game "Train Engine" - teach to identify colors.

The world of social relations.

Individual work.

  • D/ game “Errands” - learn to distinguish and name toys, fix the name of surrounding objects, the name of things.
  • D/ game “Me and My Friend” - teach how to take care of a friend.
  • D/ game “The Doll Got Sick” - teach empathy and care for the sick.
  • D/ game “Who is doing what” - teach to watch children as they play together.
  • D/ game “Guests” - teach correctly, receive guests, use kind words.
  • D/ game “My Things” - teach to be careful, treat things and care for them.
  • D/ game “Help Mom” - teach how to take care of loved ones and help.

Planning individual work with younger preschoolers

When creating a plan, the teacher distributes individual work among educational areas, indicating the names of those children who need additional attention. In this case, the teacher indicates the dates of classes, tasks and types of activities.

Table: example of a long-term plan for individual work in the first junior group (fragment)

AuthorsKuzyaeva I.K., Romanova O.Yu., teachers of MBDOU D/s No. 31, Leninogorsk, Republic of Tatarstan.
dateChild's full nameTasksForms of workGames
Cognitive development
Sheremetyev Kirill
  • Teach children to choose objects of two given colors from 4 possible ones;
  • learn to select similar objects by color from 4 offered;
  • learn to assemble a pyramid of 8–9 rings according to a pattern (in descending order, by size and color, by shape and size).
Didactic games and exercises.
  • “Placement of inserts of two given shapes when choosing from four”,
  • “Let’s assemble and disassemble the pyramid.”
Rakhimov DanisLearn to compose a picture from two parts.
  • "Determine by touch"
  • cut-out pictures “Let’s glue a cup”, “Let’s assemble a car”.
Social and communicative development
Tikhonov Vladislav, Abdulin Nikita, Sabitov SamatLearn to perform several consecutive play actions while in a problem situation (feeds a doll if there are dishes nearby; builds a garage if there are cubes and cars nearby).Role-playing games.
  • Cubes and cars - “Build a garage”,
  • dishes and doll - “Feed the doll.”
Khvoronova Darina
  • Learn to respond emotionally to a game offered by an adult;
  • imitate his actions, accept a game task, accompany game and everyday actions with speech.
Looking at pictures, role-playing games.
  • "Making a car"
  • "Miracle Engine"
  • "Cars are coming."
Speech development
Rakhimov Danis
  • Learn to understand a short story (without showing actions) about familiar events;
  • answer questions about these events.
Didactic games, exercises.
  • “What did we do on our walk?”
  • "What were we doing?"
  • “Who came, who left?”
Gaisina RamilaLearn to finish quatrains in familiar verses.Reading familiar nursery rhymes, poems, songs.
Physical development
Rakhimov Danis, Averyanov KostyaLearn to step over several obstacles in alternating steps.Outdoor games, exercises.
  • "Step over the stick"
  • "Walking through deep snow."
Semin Igor, Tikhonov VladikLearn to throw the ball at a horizontal target.“Get into the hoop” (into the basket).
Quote from: https://infourok.ru/planirovanie-individualnih-zanyatiy-v-pervoy-mladshey-gruppe-na-i-polugodie-1312177.html

Table: example of a long-term plan for individual work in the second junior group (fragment)

AuthorAgafonova L.N., teacher of MBDOU D/s No. 33 “Firefly”, Egorlykskaya village, Rostov region.
dateChild's full nameTasksForms of workGames
Cognitive development
02.10.16Bukhtoyarov V., Zhuvak K., Popenko A.Develop the ability to identify geometric shapes.Didactic game"Wonderful bag"
09.10.16Mishenko M., Kibarov U., Kirichenko M.Reinforce knowledge of color and size.Didactic exercise"Assemble a pyramid"
16.10.16Pristupa A., Duyunova A., Zinchenko V.Strengthen the ability to understand and use prepositions in speech that express spatial relationships.Game exercise“Fly, ball” (up, down, on, under)
Speech development
17.10.17Bukhtoyarov M., Shchapov K., Avdoyan Z.To develop children’s ability to form diminutive forms of nouns.Didactic exercise"Big - small"
24.10.17Popenko A., Zinchenko V., Shapov K.
  • Develop the ability to write a proposal;
  • develop a dialogical form of speech.
Working with story pictures"On a walk"
31.10.17Bezukh A., Popova V., Zaitsev V.
  • Exercise children in pronouncing polite words;
  • activate the dictionary on this topic.
Didactic exercise“Who knows more polite words?”
Artistic and aesthetic activities
04.10.17Zhuvak K., Pristupa A., Bezukh A.
  • Reinforce knowledge of primary colors;
  • develop the ability to find familiar colors in a picture.
Board printed game"Colors"
11.10.17Popenko A., Popova V., Zhuvak K.Strengthen children's ability to sculpt round objects.Productive activity"Tumbler"
Physical development
05.10.17Mishchenko M., Kravtsova M., Popova V.
  • Give children the concept of “daily routine” and talk about its importance for health;
  • develop the ability to reason and make inferences.
Looking at the album"Daily regime"
12.10.17Kravtsova V., Popenko A., Ostanko V.
  • Foster a respectful attitude towards athletes;
  • develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.
Didactic game"Kind of sport"
Quote from: https://uchitelya.com/pedagogika/101479-perspektivnyy-plan-individualnoy-raboty-s-detmi.html

Long-term plan for individual work in an early age group


Long-term plan for individual work in an early age group

In our work, we, educators, pay special attention to individual work with children. I have developed a rough plan for individual work with children. If it is useful to anyone I will be glad.


Development of artistic and creative activity: free drawing (learn to hold a pencil correctly)

Development of fine motor skills: board game “Small Mosaic”

Speech development: repetition of nursery rhymes

Development of movements: hit the target

Sensory development: board game “Arrange the colored caps into cells by color”

Development of artistic and creative activity: free drawing (learn to hold a pencil correctly)

Development of fine motor skills: board game (screwing lids - panel “Flowers”)

Speech development: repetition of poems by A. Barto

Development of movements: throwing the ball at the target

Sensory development: Cuisenaire rods (we make a square of red sticks)

Development of artistic and creative activity: free drawing (learn to hold a pencil correctly)

Development of fine motor skills: “Hedgehog” lacing

Speech development: speech game “Loud-quiet”

Development of movements: game with the ball “Throw and catch”

Sensory development: arrange the cubes into boxes according to size

Development of artistic and creative activity: free drawing (learn to hold a pencil correctly)

Development of fine motor skills: stringing beads

Speech development: finger game “Goat”

Development of movements: hit the target with the ball

Sensory development: Cuisenaire rods

"Doll's House"


Development of artistic and creative activity: “Hide the picture” (drawing straight lines)

Development of fine motor skills: lacing


Speech development: repetition of nursery rhymes

Development of movements: hit the target

Sensory development: board game put the colored caps into cells

Development of artistic and creative activity: “Hide the picture” (drawing straight lines)

Development of fine motor skills: “The sun is waking up” (game with clothespins)

Movement development: rolling a ball Sensory development: sort the balls into boxes by color

Development of artistic and creative activity: “Wheels for a car” (drawing closed round lines)

Development of fine motor skills: playing with a pyramid

Speech development: telling the poem by A. Barto “The Horse”

Development of movements: crawl under the table

Sensory development: sort objects into groups based on shape

Development of artistic and creative activity: “Wheels for the bus” (drawing closed round lines)

Development of fine motor skills: stringing beads on a cord

Speech development: finger game “White-sided Magpie”

» Development of movements: hit the target with the ball

Sensory development: Cuisenaire sticks “House for the Dog”


Development of artistic and creative activity: “Cheerful palms” (handprint)

Development of fine motor skills: stringing beads on a cord

Speech development: finger game "Magpie White-sided"

Development of movements: hit the target with the ball

Sensory development: “Cheerful palms” (consolidation)

Development of artistic and creative activity: finger painting on the rump

Development of fine motor skills: board game “Cinderella” (sorting out the seeds)

Speech development: didactic game “Who is screaming?”

Development of movements: exercise “Through the stream”

Sensory development: colorful rings

Development of artistic and creative activity: finger painting on the rump

Speech development: onomatopoeia exercise

Development of movements: rolling the ball in pairs

Sensory development: dis. game "Sort by color"

Development of artistic and creative activity: finger painting on the rump

Development of fine motor skills: assembling a large pyramid

Speech development: didactic game “Who is screaming?”

Development of movements: rolling the ball into the goal

Sensory development: dis. game "Lay by size"


Development of artistic and creative activities: “Decorating the Christmas tree” (finger painting and paint)

Development of fine motor skills: games with counting sticks

Speech development: speech game “The clock is ticking”

Development of movements: jumping on two legs

Sensory development:

Did. game “Where is the bear?” (location of the object in space)

Development of artistic and creative activities: “Salute” (finger painting and paint)

Development of fine motor skills: board game “Cinderella” (sorting out the seeds)

Speech development: speech game “Loud-quiet”

Development of movements: “Throw and catch” (ball games)

Game "Collect the Whole"

(assembled toys)

Development of artistic and creative activity: “Road for a car” (drawing horizontal lines)

Development of fine motor skills: games with mosaics

Speech development: learning poems for the new year

Development of movements: jumping on two legs moving forward

Did. game “Round and Square” (development of the sense of touch)

Development of artistic and creative activity: “Path for a doll” (drawing horizontal lines)

Development of fine motor skills: “It’s snowing” (games with clothespins)

Speech development: learning poems for the new year

Development of movements: rolling the ball in pairs

Sensory development:

Game “Hide your hands in the cereal” (development of the sense of touch)


Development of artistic and creative activities: “Sticks for flags” (drawing vertical lines)

Development of fine motor skills: board game “Lace”

Speech development: looking at pictures (pets, answering questions) Movement development: rolling a ball between pins

Sensory development:

Development of artistic and creative activities: “Threads for balls” (drawing vertical lines)

Development of fine motor skills: sort beans into white and colored ones Speech development: finger exercises

Development of movements: long jump

Sensory development: sort beans into white and colored ones


Development of artistic and creative activities: drawing with our palms Development of fine motor skills: lacing, fastenings

Speech development: finger gymnastics

Development of movements: crawling on a bench

Sensory development: dis. game "Find the same"

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with palms

Development of fine motor skills: fastenings

Speech development: looking at pictures of wild animals, answering questions

Development of movements: throwing the ball into the basket

Sensory development: dis. game "Find the same"

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with a stamp

Development of fine motor skills: sorting watermelon and melon seeds Speech development: repetition of familiar nursery rhymes

Development of movements: walking on a bench

Sensory development: sorting watermelon and melon seeds

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with a stamp

Development of fine motor skills: sorting beads

Speech development: memorizing poems about dad

Development of movements: roll the ball Sensory development: games with mosaic “Collect a flower”


Development of artistic and creative activities: drawing with cotton swabs Development of fine motor skills: collecting rings

Speech development: learning poems about mom

Development of movements: stepping over blocks

Sensory development: mosaics, inserts

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with cotton swabs

Development of fine motor skills: games with counting sticks

Speech development: learning poems about mom

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with cotton pads

Development of fine motor skills: games with counting sticks

Speech development: telling the fairy tale “Turnip”

Development of movements: stepping over objects

Sensory Development: Geometric Inserts

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing with cotton pads

Development of fine motor skills: finger play

Speech development: memorizing “The grass is turning green”

Development of movements: jumping on two legs

Sensory development: classification by color


Development of artistic and creative activity: finger painting on the rump

Development of fine motor skills: finger play

Speech development: telling the fairy tale “Turnip”

Development of movements: throwing and catching the ball with two hands

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (object identification)

Development of artistic and creative activity: finger painting on the rump

Development of fine motor skills: inserts

Speech development: nursery rhymes about spring

Development of movements: stepping over a bench

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (object identification)

Development of artistic and creative activity: learn how to work with a brush correctly

Development of fine motor skills: finger games

Speech development: nursery rhymes about spring

Development of movements: jumping over a cube

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (shape determination)

Development of artistic and creative activity: learn how to work with a brush correctly

Development of fine motor skills: finger gymnastics

Speech development: telling the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” Movement development: jumping on one leg

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (shape determination)


Development of artistic and creative activity: learn to work correctly with a brush and paint

Development of fine motor skills: the game “Cinderella” (sort out buttons, beads)

Speech development: onomatopoeia exercises

Movement development: throwing and catching the ball

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (determining the quality of an item)

Development of artistic and creative activity: learn to work correctly with a brush and paint

Development of small

motor skills: game “Cinderella” (sort out buttons, beads)

Speech development: onomatopoeia exercises

Movement development: hoop rolling

Sensory development: dis. game “Wonderful bag” (determining the quality of an item)

Development of fine motor skills: finger gymnastics

Speech development: looking at pictures of transport, answering questions

Sensory development: game “Fill the jug” (determining the amount of bulk material)

Development of artistic and creative activity: drawing on wet paper

Development of fine motor skills: finger gymnastics

Speech development: looking at pictures of clothes, answering questions Development of movements: walking on a bench.

How to create an individual development route for a junior group student

In addition to drawing up a general work plan, the teacher creates an individual route for each child. This is a kind of summary of a lesson with a specific student. The fundamental points that are indicated in this plan are:

  • name, age of the child;
  • name of the group (this item is indicated provided that individual work is carried out by a specialist);
  • description of difficulties;
  • month, week of work;
  • implementation in routine moments, games, direct educational activities (DEA);
  • work of a child with a teacher;
  • working with parents.

This is interesting. The last point, that is, working with parents, is mandatory when drawing up a plan for pupils of younger groups who are going through a period of adaptation to new conditions. In the future, interaction with the family is carried out as part of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the educational process in the preschool educational institution. Closer contact is also assumed if the child was transferred from another kindergarten.

Particular attention is required when drawing up an individual route for a child who has transferred from another preschool educational institution.

Table: example of drawing up an individual development route for a child in the second junior group (fragment)

AuthorBulgakova V.V., teacher, MBOU Central Educational Institution No. 19, Tula.
Name, agePetrov Sasha, 3 years old
Group name"Fidgets"
DifficultiesThe child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.
September, 1 week
Regime momentsGetting to know the group on your own.
Games, GCD
  • Didactic game “Come to me”
  • finger game "Who's in the fist".
Collaboration with a teacherExercise "Let's get to know each other."
Working with parentsConsultation “Friendly family”.
September, 2 week
Games, GCD
  • Outdoor game "Ball in a circle"
  • game "Visiting Lyalya."
Collaboration with a teacherGame "Centipede".
Working with parentsConsultation “Here I come!”
Quote from: https://infourok.ru/individualniy-obrazovatelniy-marshrut-rebenka-vo-vtoroy-mladshey-gruppe-1717017.html


“Plan for individual work with children of the second junior group”

For summer 2020

Attitude to work.

  • D/ game “Help feed the doll” - learn to name dishes and food products.
  • D/ game “Helpers” - learn to identify objects for different professions.
  • D/ game “Show the picture” to teach how to determine what adults are doing.
  • D/ game “dress the doll” - self-service and helping others.
  • D/ game “Tools for work” - teach to recognize objects for work.
  • D/exercise “Assignment” - learn to help adults and friends.
  • D/ exercise “Where does garbage live?” - teach to maintain order and cleanliness.
  • D/ game “Wonderful Bag” - learn to identify geometric shapes.
  • D/game “Guests” - teach to identify many and one”
  • D / game “Help the bear” - determine high - low, wide - narrow.
  • D/ game “Tracks” - one, many, counting to three.
  • D/ game “Assemble a pyramid” - fixing color and size.
  • D/ game “Stringing large and small rings” - size and counting.
  • D/ game “Building a tower from cubes” - size, color.
  • Finger games.
  • Games with geometric shapes - “Assemble a pattern, any object - a Christmas tree, etc.
  • D/ game “Harvest” - count to three.
  • D/ game “Fly the ball” - up, down, on, under.
  • D/ game “Colored sticks” - colors, location on the sheet.
  • D/ game “Balloons” - colors, shapes.
  • D/ game “Collect a picture” - colors, shapes, location.
  • Mosaics, lacing, stencils, coloring books, crayons - development of fine motor skills
  • D/ exercises “Finish, add, add”, “pick up” - the skill of holding a brush or pencil correctly.
  • D/ exercises “What’s extra” - development of attention.
  • D/ game “What color is the car, doll” - color, parts, bodies.
  • D/ game “Which” - distinguish and name colors
  • D/ exercises “Drawing in the air” - development of the hand.
  • Finger gymnastics, with objects.
  1. Gosha
  2. Yaroslav
  3. Matvey
  4. Sonya
  5. Alisa Sh.
  6. Zhenya

D/ game “Wonderful Box” to expand the stock of understood words.

D/ game “Show the picture” - distinguish details, reinforce correct pronunciation.

D/ game “Repeat the nursery rhyme, poem” - finish words, phrases, memorize.

D/ game “Water” - experience with objects and reinforcement of memorization of nursery rhymes.

D/ game “Repeat” - learn to make animal sounds.

D/ exercise “Guess what it sounds like” - sound pronunciation exercise.

D/ exercise “Toy Exhibition” - form an active vocabulary, repeat after an adult.

D/ game “Guess who came to us” - an exercise in sound pronunciation.

D / game “Guess and name” - assigning objects, activating words.

D/ game “Recognize by voice” - sound pronunciation, imitation.

Summary of individual lessons in junior kindergarten groups

One lesson on an individual route in primary preschool age is allocated from 10 to 15 minutes. In this case, the work scheme remains standard:

  1. Introductory part - up to 2 minutes (motivating the child for the lesson, updating basic knowledge).
  2. The main part is up to 13 minutes (working on the topic of the lesson).
  3. Conclusion - up to 1 minute (evaluation of the child’s activity, as well as elements of reflection in the form of an answer to the question: “Did everything work out for me in the lesson?”).

At the main stage of the lesson, the teacher gives the child a task and helps if necessary.

Table: summary of an individual lesson on speech development “Sound C” in the younger group (fragment)

AuthorErkova N.V., teacher-speech therapist MADOU Child Development Center D/s No. 3383, Kazan.
IntroductionFinger game “Children walked in the forest.”
Main stageExercise “Guess by description.” Speech therapist: Guess who I’m talking about: red-haired, cunning, lives in the forest. Who is this? (Fox). The speech therapist takes out a fox toy from the “Magic Bag” and asks:
  • Who did I bring for you? (To the fox).
  • Who will you play with? (With a fox).
  • Touch the fox. Who are you touching? (To the fox).
  • What is she like? (Soft, fluffy, red).

Breathing exercise “Let’s rock the fox.” <…> “The Tale of Sanya.” Speech therapist: Sanya is little, he got lost in the forest and started crying. The speech therapist shows the syllable UA and asks: How did he start crying? The child speaks quietly at first, then loudly. Speech therapist: Then Sanya calmed down and began to call his mother. The speech therapist shows the syllable AU. The child speaks quietly at first, then loudly. Speech therapist: Mom heard it, came running and hugged Sanya. Let's show how she hugged him. (They hug). His mother gave him a berry. He ate a berry and said: AM (pronounced by the child).

ConclusionSumming up the lesson.
Quote from: https://logopediya.com/public/kt-ercova.php

Video: individual work on FEMP in the second junior group

Video: individual design work in the younger group

Individual work with children of primary preschool age is of great importance not only for correction and targeted influence on one or another area of ​​the child’s development, but also for creating in the child’s mind a positive image of a kindergarten, a prototype of a school. In this regard, the responsibility of the teacher for drawing up a complete and detailed plan for individual work with the group and a specific child increases. At the same time, it is equally important to fill these educational routes with adequate content, that is, with suitable methodological techniques for working with children.


“Plan for individual work with children of the second junior group”

As of January 2020

Attitude to work.

  • D/ game “Help feed the doll” - learn to name dishes and food products.
  • D/ game “Helpers” - learn to identify objects for different professions.
  • D/ game “Show the picture” to teach how to determine what adults are doing.
  • D/ game “dress the doll” - self-service and helping others.
  • D/ game “Tools for work” - teach to recognize objects for work.
  • D/exercise “Assignment” - learn to help adults and friends.
  • D/ exercise “Where does garbage live?” - teach to maintain order and cleanliness.
  • D/ game “Wonderful Bag” - learn to identify geometric shapes.
  • D/game “Guests” - teach to identify many and one”
  • D / game “Help the bear” - determine high - low, wide - narrow.
  • D/ game “Tracks” - one, many, counting to three.
  • D/ game “Assemble a pyramid” - fixing color and size.
  • D/ game “Stringing large and small rings” - size and counting.
  • D/ game “Building a tower from cubes” - size, color.
  • Finger games.
  • Games with geometric shapes - “Assemble a pattern, any object - a Christmas tree, etc.
  • D/ game “Harvest” - count to three.
  • D/ game “Fly the ball” - up, down, on, under.
  • D/ game “Colored sticks” - colors, location on the sheet.
  • D/ game “Balloons” - colors, shapes.
  • D/ game “Collect a picture” - colors, shapes, location.
  • Mosaics, lacing, stencils, coloring books, crayons - development of fine motor skills
  • D/ exercises “Finish, add, add”, “pick up” - the skill of holding a brush or pencil correctly.
  • D/ exercises “What’s extra” - development of attention.
  • D/ game “What color is the car, doll” - color, parts, bodies.
  • D/ game “Which” - distinguish and name colors
  • D/ exercises “Drawing in the air” - development of the hand.
  • Finger gymnastics, with objects.
  1. Evelina
  2. Sasha
  3. Ulyana
  4. Anya
  5. Ksyusha
  6. Anita

D/ game “Wonderful Box” to expand the stock of understood words.

D/ game “Show the picture” - distinguish details, reinforce correct pronunciation.

D/ game “Repeat the nursery rhyme, poem” - finish words, phrases, memorize.

D/ game “Water” - experience with objects and reinforcement of memorization of nursery rhymes.

D/ game “Repeat” - learn to make animal sounds.

D/ exercise “Guess what it sounds like” - sound pronunciation exercise.

D/ exercise “Toy Exhibition” - form an active vocabulary, repeat after an adult.

D/ game “Guess who came to us” - an exercise in sound pronunciation.

D / game “Guess and name” - assigning objects, activating words.

D/ game “Recognize by voice” - sound pronunciation, imitation.

Independent artistic activity in the 1st junior group

Natalia Sobol

Independent artistic activity in the 1st junior group

Software tasks.

Continue to strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw with circular movements of your hand. Lead children to deliberately convey images, consolidate knowledge of colors (red, blue, green, yellow)

Cultivate interest in visual arts .
Methods and techniques.

Organizational (surprise)

moment, clarity, questions, explanation,
artistic expression , encouragement, independent activity of children , individual assistance.

Pencils of primary colors, 1/2 album sheet according to the number of children with images of a cat, bun, snail; plasticine, boards, basket, toy teaware, dolls, toys - bun, cat, snail.

Previous work.

Organized educational activities , reading works of art , looking at illustrations, didactic and outdoor games, observations, conversations.


Organizational (surprise)

moment. Grandmother enters - a riddle with a basket. In the basket there are toys: a bun, a cat, a snail, album sheets with these images.

- Hello, kids! I, Grandma - Riddle, came to visit you and want to play with you. Listen to my riddles: furry, mustachioed, drinks milk, quietly sings a song... who is this? (cat, well done, you guessed the riddle correctly.

- Who is it really , he’s barely walking. If he comes to visit us, carries a house on his back and sticks out his horns, who is this baby? (snail)


-And I also have a riddle for you: it’s mixed with sour cream, it’s cold on the window, the round side, the ruddy side, it rolled…. (gingerbread man)


-You guessed all the riddles, well done! (after each riddle we look at the toy - the answer)


-Now let’s sit down at the tables and see who is drawn here (I take out sheets of drawings of riddles from the basket)


- Who is this? (the teacher invites the children to look at the pictures)

- That’s right, a cat, a snail and a bun. Let’s help our heroes: we’ll draw girlfriends for the snail, a path for the bun so that he can continue to roll.

-Children, tell me, what can you draw for a cat? What does the cat like to play with?

- That's right, balls, balls. -Murka licked her fur, tied a new bow, called her kittens, began to play happily, the kittens’ multi-colored balls are good! What shape are balls and balls?


. – Let’s draw balls and balls in the air with our fingers?

(children draw rounded objects in the air with their fingers together with the teacher).

- Well done boys. Now look, you have colored pencils and you can draw colorful balls and balls. Tell me, please, what color pencils are on your desks? (the teacher offers to name the colors, helps the children, encourages the children’s answers). – See what you would like to draw and who.

-You will have multi-colored balls and balls (red, green, blue, yellow)


-Whoever wants to draw a path for a bun or a friend for a snail can use a pencil of any color that you like best. (children draw)

-Snails crawled from the porch to the gate for three hours, and the girlfriends crawled on themselves for three hours, dragging the huts. (the teacher provides assistance and encourages the children)


- While you were drawing, our dolls got bored, let's cheer them up and treat them to tea.

Parent meeting on speech development in the younger group

Once or twice a year, it is necessary to arrange meetings with parents at which to discuss the age characteristics of preschoolers, describe the scope of the main educational goals and methods of achieving them.

Important! Communication between a child and an adult is in itself work on speech development. Therefore, it is always important to speak to children correctly, expressively and clearly.

Tips for developing speech at home

To help your child learn to speak correctly, you need to:

  • pronounce your actions;
  • read aloud;
  • discuss what you saw;
  • listen carefully and interestedly to the child’s stories;
  • try to answer his questions;
  • follow the recommendations of a speech therapist or speech development specialist.

Note! The child’s level of preparation is determined in accordance with existing Federal State Educational Standards (FSES).

Home reading with children

Children aged 3-4 years old perceive folk art with interest. The heroes of various fairy tales are the already familiar fox, hare, bear, and Santa Claus. New characters may also meet. Listening to “Winter Hut of Animals”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Two Frosts”, “Frost and the Hare” and other fairy tales, children easily remember new words and concepts.

Retelling of "Teremka"

Consistent presentation of thoughts is taught by retelling heard works. How to do everything correctly:

  1. For the first time, the teacher slowly tells and shows a puppet fairy tale.
  2. Later, showing a familiar plot, he begins a sentence and asks the children to finish it.
  3. The guys name all the inhabitants of the tower.
  4. They answer what someone looks like (gray mouse, green frog), depict their voice or characteristic habits (the frog croaks croak-quaw, the bunny jumps hop-hop-hop).
  5. Guess riddles about animals.

Finger Theater

Related reading

To help parents and teachers, there are teaching aids containing theory and practical exercises for teaching children to develop speech. The books of the author V.V. Gerbova, who has written a number of works on this topic, have proven themselves well.

The formation of children's speech is a multi-level and very complex process, the implementation of which should be approached creatively. The development of speech in the younger group increases children's interest in their native language and makes them want to learn to speak beautifully and correctly.

Lesson notes on speech development in the junior group of kindergarten

Speech development classes are an opportunity for teachers and parents to complement thematic classes and activities throughout the year.

Templates of speech therapy characteristics for children of different levels for PMPC


When practicing the grammatical features of speech, attention should be paid to prepositions.

The teacher may offer to cook lunch for the doll. To do this, you need to get the necessary dishes from the cabinet.

— What dishes are in the closet? Which one do we need? Place the pan on the stove. Let's pour water into it. Using a knife, cut the vegetables on a cutting board. Stir with a ladle.

The suffix helps change the dimensions of the described object.

— We will eat the soup in tablespoons, and the berries from the compote in teaspoons.

In this way, children learn word formation.

— Bread should be put in the bread bin, sugar in the sugar bowl, salt in the salt shaker.


The guys can be sent on an imaginary journey through the country of “Professions”. Due to this, words denoting actions (verbs) are practiced. The teacher can list the actions performed by the toys and ask the children to guess their profession. For example: “The gnome Petya works in the garden, plants flowers, waters, removes dry grass, loosens the ground. Petya - (gardener)."

You can do the opposite. Introduce a toy character and name his profession, and then list as many actions as possible.

- This is Doctor Aibolit. Let's remember what he does (he treats the throat, takes the temperature, gives injections, gives pills, bandages, applies ointments).

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

In the second half of February, events dedicated to February 23 are held in the garden. While developing their vocabulary, children describe objects they know and learn new words and concepts related to this topic.

For example, there may be several toys on the teacher’s desk at once. Children should be asked to name them in turn: dump truck, bus, military truck with soldiers, racing car.

— What can you call these toys? (transport).

Note! You can describe a racing car and a soldier's truck (the truck is large, but the kart is small; there are many soldiers in the back, and there is one racer in the kart; the military vehicle is green, and the sports vehicle is red, etc.).

Children can also finish sentences they have started:

  • the tanker serves... (in the tank);
  • The border guard guards... (the border);
  • the pilot is flying in... (an airplane).

Role-playing game

"Folk toy"

The purpose of such a lesson is to become familiar with the grammatical features of speech. The teacher can introduce the children to a new toy, show how it opens and what is inside.

— Matryoshka is a folk toy. It was made by a master. He made it out of wood, and then painted the face and clothes with paints.

Note! The children should look at the wooden toy and the plastic doll sitting next to it, and the teacher should ask what the Matryoshka does not have (moving arms and legs, neck, textile dress, hairstyle, etc.). Answers must be in the genitive case.

Games for children from 2 to 4 years old for speech development - tips for parents


At the beginning of spring, you can organize a discussion of Maslenitsa with the guys. The teacher should talk about traditional winter fun, treats and games, and teach children nicknames.

“Burn, burn brighter - the summer will be hotter,

And winter is warmer, and spring is nicer.

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!

Where the snowdrifts lie, there will be more berries.

Let the bees bring more honey to the deck.

Let the wheat spike thickly in the fields.”

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