Creative report on ecology “Cognitive development of preschool children in the process of environmental education”

Report on environmental education

Report on environmental education in the senior group of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Ryabinushka” p. Gostishchevo". Teacher Kozlitina M.P.

to instill a love of nature from an early age for two reasons: firstly, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the animal and plant world, and secondly, to develop more complex moral feelings and qualities: humanism, kindness, sympathy.

A child’s behavior in nature is sometimes contradictory: having a positive attitude towards objects of nature, children often commit negative actions (plucking flowers they like and immediately throwing them away, torturing them - “petting” a kitten, etc.).

The guidance of an adult is necessary so that the external emotional attitude towards nature develops into a moral and aesthetic feeling, which presupposes an active, effective position of the child.

During walks, it is interesting to show children plants listed in the Red Book, introduce the children to medicinal herbs, and tell them why they are called that. Children easily remember names such as coltsfoot, valerian, plantain and others. After such conversations, they treat plants with care, even those that are widespread.

Thus, every child should know the rules for handling natural objects. It is advisable that these rules are formulated not in a negative form (“do not tear”, “do not trample”, “do not break”, but in a positive form (how to help, care, protect).

During the work with children, conversations were held: “Is nature our home?” “My Favorite Pet”, “Rules of Forest Friends”, “Wildlife”.

D/games : “Pieces of nature”, “Who will fly in the spring”, “Find a chick for mother”, “Each bird in its place”, “Tops and roots”. "Seasons".

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OOD was organized: “Nature and People”, “Red Book”. We are constantly working in a corner of nature.

Together with parents and children, we organized a vegetable garden on the window.

The event “Young Helpers of Nature” was also held. For the purpose of the action, children distributed leaflets to passers-by.

Birdhouses were hung.

We took a tour of the park with OOD.

We introduced the children to sayings about spring; We held a riddle competition.

Children got acquainted with new works about nature with interest

  1. Reading the poem by E. Trutneva “Blue, blue skies and streams”;
  2. Reading to children by V. Bianchi “Sinichkin’s calendar. "March".
  3. fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov "Malachite Box".

A viewing of the educational video “Nature and Its Phenomena” was also organized.

Presentation. "These mysterious stones."

Paper design "Birds".

  1. ​• Outdoor games “Day, Night”; "The Falcon and the Fox";
  2. • Low-movement game “Flies, swims, runs”;
  3. • Outdoor game – fun “Recognize by voice”.

The week of ecology in our group was very interesting and informative.

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