Nomenclature for 7th grade geography on the topic “Eurasia”

Geographical nomenclature for 7th grade students

Nomenclature, 7th grade


Dushina I.V. Geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries. 7th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / I. V. Dushina, V. A. Korinskaya, V. A. Shchenev; edited by V. P. Dronova. — 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 349, [3] p.


Nature: Strait of Gibraltar, Suez Canal, Gulf of Guinea, Somali Peninsula, Madagascar island; Atlas Mountains; Ethiopian Highlands, East African Plateau, Mount Kilimanjaro; rivers: Nile, Congo, Niger, Zambezi; lakes: Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad.

Countries: Egypt (Cairo), Algeria (Algeria), Nigeria (Abuja, Lagos), Zaire (Kinshasa), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Kenya (Nairobi), South Africa (Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg).

Australia and Oceania

Nature: Cape York Peninsula; Great Australian Bight; islands: New Zealand, New Guinea, Hawaiian, New Caledonia, Melanesia, Micronesia; Great Barrier Reef; Great Dividing Range; Mount Kosciuszko; Central Lowland; Murray River, Lake Eyre.

Cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra.

South America

Nature: Isthmus of Panama, Caribbean Sea, Tierra del Fuego island; the Andes and Aconcagua mountains, the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus, the Orinoc and La Plata lowlands; rivers: Parana, Orinoco; lakes: Titicaca, Maracaibo.

Countries: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia), Venezuela (Caracas), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Peru (Lima).

North America

Nature: peninsulas: Florida, California, Alaska; bays: Mexican, Hudson, California; islands: Canadian Arctic archipelago, Greater Antilles, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Bahamas, Aleutian; mountain systems of the Cordillera and Appalachians, the Great and Central Plains, the Mississippi Lowland, Mount McKinley, the Orizaba volcano; rivers: Mackenzie, Mississippi with Missouri, Colorado, Columbia; lakes: Great (American), Winnipeg, Great Salt.

Countries: Canada (Ottawa, Montreal), USA (Washington, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles), Mexico (Mexico City), Cuba (Havana).


Nature: peninsulas: Taimyr, Kola, Scandinavian, Chukotka, Hindustan, Indochina, Korea; seas: Barents, Baltic, Northern, Arabian, Japanese; bays: Finnish, Bothnian, Persian; straits: Kara Gate, Bosphorus, Malacca; islands: Novaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk, Sri Lanka, Philippine, Greater Sunda; plains: West Siberian, Great Chinese; plateaus: East Siberian, Deccan; mountains: Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Altai, Tien Shan; highlands: Tibet, Gobi; Krakatoa volcano; rivers: Ob with Irtysh, Lena, Amur, Amu Darya, Pechora, Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Odra, Vistula, Yellow River, Yangtze, Indus, Ganges; lakes: Onega, Ladoga, Geneva, Issyk-Kul, Balkhash, Lopnor.

Countries: the main countries of large regions of Eurasia named in the textbook, their capitals and largest cities.

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