Experience and advice
GCD summary in the preparatory group for the fairy tale “At the Pike's Command” GCD summary in the preparatory group
Slide captions: Sibirtseva Marina Andreevna, English teacher of the first qualification category, Nakhodka
Class hour: “Hurray! Holidays! Safe behavior." Class hour “Hurray! Holidays! Safe behavior in spring." Target
The use of electronic presentations in the educational process of preschool educational institutions Bibliographic description: Sizyakova, N. N. The use of electronic
Lesson game Me and the world of professions The hairiest (hairdresser...) The most childish (educator, pediatrician,
Unregulated activity “Pets and their babies” Communication “Pets and their babies” Monday
Methodological development “Ohm's Law for a section of a circuit” Brief description of the document: Lesson in 8th grade
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Presentation on the topic “Interaction with family at musical events” Musical director of the GBDOU