Role-playing game “Sailors” (middle group) material (middle group)
Summary of the role-playing game “Sailors” for children of the second junior group. Summary of the role-playing game "Sailors" for
Quiz for 1st grade with presentation. We choose sport
Summer sports presentation for a lesson (group) on the topic Slide 1 Get to know
Line and points
Final test in geometry (grade 7) methodological development in geometry (grade 7)
Test No. 1 (1st quarter). “Initial geometric information” Option I 1. On the segment KN
"My little homeland." Notes on nodes for getting to know the outside world in the senior group. November 29, 2015
Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group “My city is my small Motherland”
Abstract of the OOD on cognitive development “Miracle Rowan Berry” for the middle group
Reports and messages Plants Rowan Rowan is an unforgettable plant, the bright berries of which are often
Poster promoting conservation of nature
Ecological movement - the “Eco-preschool children” detachment, as one of the modern approaches to the formation of primary ecological culture among preschool children. material on the surrounding world
Children's drawings and pictures on an environmental theme The problem of environmental pollution through the eyes of children is expressed
Lesson notes for the senior group “This Amazing Forest”
Summary of GCD for drawing in the senior group “Drawing a tree” Topic: Drawing a tree Objectives: to teach
Role-playing game “Travel Agency” in the preparatory group
Bunina DilyaMuzamirovna, Korbashova Olga Valeoevna, teachers of MADOU D/s No. 11 of the urban district of the city of Ufa
Lesson in 3rd grade in computer science on the topic “Collecting information”
The concept of information, its types, properties, methods of obtaining Information is information about objects, events,
I AM A CITIZEN OF A GREAT COUNTRY STUDENT 9th CLASS MAOU GOOSH 3 SOSNOVOBORSK KUZNETSOV YURIY City competition “Student of the Year 2015” - presentation
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