Description of the work experience “Ecological theater as an innovative form of work on the environmental development of preschool children”
"Dramateshka" is the largest archive of children's plays in RuNet Since we are destined to breathe air
Teaching older preschoolers how to divide a whole into equal parts
Summary of OOD on FEMP on the topic “Part and Whole” for children of the older group.
Presentation using EOR “The Wonderful World of Indoor Plants”
Journey to the winter forest: lesson notes on logorhythmics in the middle group of compensatory orientation for children with STD No. 9 “ABVGDeshka”
Preparing and conducting a lesson on logorhythmics in kindergarten Classes on logorhythmics in kindergarten
Ecology quiz “Nature experts” (Preparatory group)
Design and equipment of the office of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 
The role of a teacher-psychologist in preschool educational institutions The educational standard includes various areas of the comprehensive development of children
Quest - a game for students in grades 1-4 “Journey to the musical country of Notograd”
Interactive technologies in music lessons educational and methodological material on music on the topic Municipal budgetary general education
Material for developing the project “Seasons - Autumn” (2nd grade)
Parent meeting “Seriously about health” as part of network interaction.
Parent meeting on the topic: “About health seriously” Parent meeting in the middle group “About health
Forms of work on the development of speech in preschool children
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