speech development centers
Summary of an open lesson in the early age group “Lambs”
Which centers in the group should be used for speech development? Speech is one of the important mental
Summary of a modeling lesson in the junior group “Mushrooms for a squirrel”
Mushrooms from plasticine are the model that children begin to sculpt almost first, in
PROJECT on speech development in the middle group through gaming activities. - presentation
Presentation “Speech development of preschool children in the preparatory group” SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE SECOND PREPARATORY GROUP
Lesson summary on the topic State. Author Zhuravlev A.A. lesson plan in social studies (grade 9) on the topic
State Social Studies 9th grade. — presentation State Social studies Grade 9 What is a state? STATE
Complex work with text in a repetition lesson (grade 7)
Lesson “Working with text according to the tasks of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language” (grade 10)
Lesson applique boat in the middle group. Summary of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development “Boat. Photo gallery “Steamboats and motor ships”
A preparatory group for preschoolers is a great opportunity to instill in your child a love of creativity and skills
presentation - a walk in the forest for the senior group; presentation for a lesson on the world around us (senior group)
Presentation “Journey to the Forest” May 3, 2013 Competition “Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013” ​​Nomination
Relay “The Lord of the Rings”
Extracurricular activity in physical education, 3rd grade
BRIEF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE Sports relay races for an extracurricular sports event, proposed by a physical education teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution
“The layout, as one of the elements of the subject-spatial environment in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education
Consultation for educators on creating game layouts Playing with layouts is a higher degree
Safety riddles for children of primary preschool age, material on life safety (junior, middle group)
Fire safety riddles Use these riddles in your work. if you have
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