Lesson “Working with text according to the tasks of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language” (grade 10)
1. The evening twilight flooded the taiga, and only in the east a bluish-hazy glow came from the trees.
2. The deep silence, broken by the splashes of fish and the cries of some not yet asleep bird fiddling nearby, seemed to only emphasize the irresistible onset of night peace. 3. Almost the entire channel was covered with a thick layer of fog that came from nowhere, swirling in the coastal bushes. 4. Ilyusha cautiously stepped into it and immediately drowned in it almost up to his armpits. 5. Looking around, he saw: the fire on the high bank was shaking like a changeable golden bush, the trunks of the cedars in its light shimmered with reddish-dark gold. 6. For the first time, aching excitement from the mysterious beauty of the night entered the young man’s soul, and he wanted to do something extraordinary: run, jump from a height, fly. 7. Suddenly it seemed to him that he heard the quiet, insinuating rustle of fog rubbing at his feet and someone’s voice. 8. His heart began to beat faster, and he suddenly wanted to be at the fire as soon as possible. 9. Diving into the fog, he felt its damp coolness on his face, and, having reached the water and washed the pot, Ilyusha returned to the fire. 1. From sentences 1 – 3, write down all the pronouns and indicate their category. 2. From sentence 2, write down the present passive participles. 3. From sentences 3 – 4, write down all the particles. 4. Among sentences 2 – 5, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. 5. From sentence 7, write out a phrase with the connection CONNECTION. 6. From sentence 9, write down a phrase with the connection CONCORDING. 7. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase WASHING OUT THE BOILER (sentence 9). 8. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase SAW LOOKING BACK (sentence 5). 9. From sentence 6, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 10. Indicate the method of forming the word SOMETHING (sentence 6). 11. Indicate the method of forming the word COASTAL (sentence 3). 12. Among sentences 1 – 9, find a complex sentence with a relative clause. OPTION 1.
1. The evening twilight flooded the taiga, and only in the east a bluish-hazy glow came from the trees.
2. The deep silence, broken by the splashes of fish and the cries of some not yet asleep bird fiddling nearby, seemed to only emphasize the irresistible onset of night peace. 3. Almost the entire channel was covered with a thick layer of fog that came from nowhere, swirling in the coastal bushes. 4. Ilyusha cautiously stepped into it and immediately drowned in it almost up to his armpits. 5. Looking around, he saw: the fire on the high bank was shaking like a changeable golden bush, the trunks of the cedars in its light shimmered with reddish-dark gold. 6. For the first time, aching excitement from the mysterious beauty of the night entered the young man’s soul, and he wanted to do something extraordinary: run, jump from a height, fly. 7. Suddenly it seemed to him that he heard the quiet, insinuating rustle of fog rubbing at his feet and someone’s voice. 8. His heart began to beat faster, and he suddenly wanted to be at the fire as soon as possible. 9. Diving into the fog, he felt its damp coolness on his face, and, having reached the water and washed the pot, Ilyusha returned to the fire. 1. From sentences 1 – 3, write down all the pronouns and indicate their category. 2. From sentence 2, write down the present passive participles. 3. From sentences 3 – 4, write down all the particles. 4. Among sentences 2 – 5, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. 5. From sentence 7, write out a phrase with the connection CONNECTION. 6. From sentence 9, write down a phrase with the connection CONCORDING. 7. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase WASHING OUT THE BOILER (sentence 9). 8. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase SAW LOOKING BACK (sentence 5). 9. From sentence 6, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 10. Indicate the method of forming the word SOMETHING (sentence 6). 11. Indicate the method of forming the word COASTAL (sentence 3). 12. Among sentences 1 – 9, find a complex sentence with a relative clause. OPTION 2.
1) They gave me a marmot, fat and clumsy. 2) In his homeland, in the steppes, he is called boibak, as he has the amazing ability to sleep for a long time. 3) He sleeps throughout the winter, but when the grasses turn green in the spring, he comes out of the hole and intensively feeds on young vegetation. 4) The heat comes, the grasses dry out - the bobak crawls into the hole again and sleeps until autumn. 5) When the rains pass and the grass turns green, he wakes up a second time and stays awake until winter. 6) Our boibak was manual: he allowed us to pick him up, allowed him to stroke him and feed him tasty things: carrots, dried fruits, milk. 7) One day my wife brought him food, but she couldn’t wake him up. She went up to the den that we had made for him in the hay barn and began patting the bobak on the skin, persuading him to wake up.
9) Terribly angry, he jumped out of the den and, standing on his hind legs, fiercely gnashed his teeth. 10) He was apparently terribly indignant, since he could not forgive her offense until the end of his life. 11) Although his wife cajoled him in every possible way, giving him his most favorite dishes, he threw himself at her every time, trying to grab her hand. 1. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 2. Indicate the numbers of sentences complicated by isolated circumstances expressed by participial phrases. 3. Among sentences 6 – 10, find a sentence complicated by a separate common definition. 4. Among sentences 1 – 6, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 5. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 8. 6. Write down a derived preposition from sentences 1 – 5. 7. Among sentences 9 – 11, find a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 8. Indicate the method of word formation in the word VEGETATION (sentence 3). 9. Among sentences 8 – 11, find and write down all the attributive pronouns. 10. Among sentences 7 – 9, find the passive past participle. 11. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 12. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase OUR BAIBAK (sentence 6). OPTION 2.
1) They gave me a marmot, fat and clumsy. 2) In his homeland, in the steppes, he is called boibak, as he has the amazing ability to sleep for a long time. 3) He sleeps throughout the winter, but when the grasses turn green in the spring, he comes out of the hole and intensively feeds on young vegetation. 4) The heat comes, the grasses dry out - the bobak crawls into the hole again and sleeps until autumn. 5) When the rains pass and the grass turns green, he wakes up a second time and stays awake until winter. 6) Our boibak was tame: he allowed us to pick him up, allowed him to stroke him and feed him tasty things: carrots, dried fruits, milk. 7) One day my wife brought him food, but she couldn’t wake him up. She went up to the den that we had made for him in the hay barn and began patting the bobak on the skin, persuading him to wake up.
9) Terribly angry, he jumped out of the den and, standing on his hind legs, fiercely gnashed his teeth. 10) He was apparently terribly indignant, since he could not forgive her offense until the end of his life. 11) Although his wife cajoled him in every possible way, giving him his most favorite dishes, he threw himself at her every time, trying to grab her hand. 1. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 2. Indicate the numbers of sentences complicated by isolated circumstances expressed by participial phrases. 3. Among sentences 6 – 10, find a sentence complicated by a separate common definition. 4. Among sentences 1 – 6, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 5. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 8. 6. Write down a derived preposition from sentences 1 – 5. 7. Among sentences 9 – 11, find a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 8. Indicate the method of word formation in the word VEGETATION (sentence 3). 9. Among sentences 8 – 11, find and write down all the attributive pronouns. 10. Among sentences 7 – 9, find the passive past participle. 11. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 12. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase OUR BAIBAK (sentence 6). OPTION 2.
1) They gave me a marmot, fat and clumsy. 2) In his homeland, in the steppes, he is called boibak, as he has the amazing ability to sleep for a long time. 3) He sleeps throughout the winter, but when the grasses turn green in the spring, he comes out of the hole and intensively feeds on young vegetation. 4) The heat comes, the grasses dry out - the bobak crawls into the hole again and sleeps until autumn. 5) When the rains pass and the grass turns green, he wakes up a second time and stays awake until winter. 6) Our boibak was tame: he allowed us to pick him up, allowed him to stroke him and feed him tasty things: carrots, dried fruits, milk. 7) One day my wife brought him food, but she couldn’t wake him up. She went up to the den that we had made for him in the hay barn and began patting the bobak on the skin, persuading him to wake up.
9) Terribly angry, he jumped out of the den and, standing on his hind legs, fiercely gnashed his teeth. 10) He was apparently terribly indignant, since he could not forgive her offense until the end of his life. 11) Although his wife cajoled him in every possible way, giving him his most favorite dishes, he threw himself at her every time, trying to grab her hand. 1. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 2. Indicate the numbers of sentences complicated by isolated circumstances expressed by participial phrases. 3. Among sentences 6 – 10, find a sentence complicated by a separate common definition. 4. Among sentences 1 – 6, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 5. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 8. 6. Write down a derived preposition from sentences 1 – 5. 7. Among sentences 9 – 11, find a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 8. Indicate the method of word formation in the word VEGETATION (sentence 3). 9. Among sentences 8 – 11, find and write down all the attributive pronouns. 10. Among sentences 7 – 9, find the passive past participle. 11. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 12. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase OUR BAIBAK (sentence 6). OPTION 2.
1) They gave me a marmot, fat and clumsy. 2) In his homeland, in the steppes, he is called boibak, as he has the amazing ability to sleep for a long time. 3) He sleeps throughout the winter, but when the grasses turn green in the spring, he comes out of the hole and intensively feeds on young vegetation. 4) The heat comes, the grasses dry out - the bobak crawls into the hole again and sleeps until autumn. 5) When the rains pass and the grass turns green, he wakes up a second time and stays awake until winter. 6) Our boibak was tame: he allowed us to pick him up, allowed him to stroke him and feed him tasty things: carrots, dried fruits, milk. 7) One day my wife brought him food, but she couldn’t wake him up. She went up to the den that we had made for him in the hay barn and began patting the bobak on the skin, persuading him to wake up.
9) Terribly angry, he jumped out of the den and, standing on his hind legs, fiercely gnashed his teeth. 10) He was apparently terribly indignant, since he could not forgive her offense until the end of his life. 11) Although his wife cajoled him in every possible way, giving him his most favorite dishes, he threw himself at her every time, trying to grab her hand. 1. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 2. Indicate the numbers of sentences complicated by isolated circumstances expressed by participial phrases. 3. Among sentences 6 – 10, find a sentence complicated by a separate common definition. 4. Among sentences 1 – 6, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 5. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 8. 6. Write down a derived preposition from sentences 1 – 5. 7. Among sentences 9 – 11, find a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 8. Indicate the method of word formation in the word VEGETATION (sentence 3). 9. Among sentences 8 – 11, find and write down all the attributive pronouns. 10. Among sentences 7 – 9, find the passive past participle. 11. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 12. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase OUR BAIBAK (sentence 6). OPTION 4.
1) The warm, windless day has faded. 2) Only far on the horizon, in the place where the sun had set, the sky still glowed with crimson stripes, as if it had been smeared with wide strokes of a huge brush dipped in blood. 3) Against this strange and menacing background, the jagged wall of the coniferous forest was clearly drawn as a rough, dark silhouette, and in some places the transparent round tops of bare birches protruding above it seemed to be painted on the sky with light strokes of delicate greenish ink. 4) A little higher, the pink glow of the fading sunset, imperceptibly for the eyes, turned into a faint shade of faded turquoise... 5) The air had already darkened, and the trunk of each tree, each branch stood out in it, with that soft and pleasant clarity that can only be observed in early spring , in the evenings. 6) Sometimes you could hear an invisible beetle buzzing in a deep bass voice, flying somewhere very close, and how it, dryly plopping against some obstacle, immediately fell silent. 7) Here and there, silver threads of forest streams and swamps flashed through the thicket of trees. The frogs poured into them with their hasty, deafening screams; the toads echoed them with a rarer, melodic hoot. 9) Sometimes a duck flew overhead with a timid quack, and you could hear a snipe ram flying from place to place with a loud and short bleat. (A. Kuprin)
1. From sentence 7, write down a phrase with the connection CONNECTION. 2. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase WITH YOUR SCREAM (sentence 8). 3. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase MORE RDELO (sentence 2). 4. Indicate the method of forming the word FLYING (sentence 6). 5. Indicate the method of forming the word SUNSET (sentence 4). 6. Among sentences 1 – 4, find short passive participles. 7. Among sentences 1 – 5, find demonstrative pronouns. 8. Among sentences 6 – 9, find and write down adverbs of time. 9. Among sentences 2 – 5, find a sentence with a separate common definition. 10. Among sentences 6 – 9, find a sentence with a separate common circumstance. 11. Among sentences 6 – 9, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 12. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 5.
1) The warm, windless day has faded. 2) Only far on the horizon, in the place where the sun had set, the sky still glowed with crimson stripes, as if it had been smeared with wide strokes of a huge brush dipped in blood. 3) Against this strange and menacing background, the jagged wall of the coniferous forest was clearly drawn as a rough, dark silhouette, and in some places the transparent round tops of bare birches protruding above it seemed to be painted on the sky with light strokes of delicate greenish ink. 4) A little higher, the pink glow of the fading sunset, imperceptibly for the eyes, turned into a faint shade of faded turquoise... 5) The air had already darkened, and the trunk of each tree, each branch stood out in it, with that soft and pleasant clarity that can only be observed in early spring , in the evenings. 6) Sometimes you could hear an invisible beetle buzzing in a deep bass voice, flying somewhere very close, and how it, dryly plopping against some obstacle, immediately fell silent. 7) Here and there, silver threads of forest streams and swamps flashed through the thicket of trees. The frogs poured into them with their hasty, deafening screams; the toads echoed them with a rarer, melodic hoot. 9) Sometimes a duck flew overhead with a timid quack, and you could hear a snipe ram flying from place to place with a loud and short bleat. (A. Kuprin)
1. From sentence 7, write down a phrase with the connection CONNECTION. 2. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase WITH YOUR SCREAM (sentence 8). 3. Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase MORE RDELO (sentence 2). 4. Indicate the method of forming the word FLYING (sentence 6). 5. Indicate the method of forming the word SUNSET (sentence 4). 6. Among sentences 1 – 4, find short passive participles. 7. Among sentences 1 – 5, find demonstrative pronouns. 8. Among sentences 6 – 9, find and write down adverbs of time. 9. Among sentences 2 – 5, find a sentence with a separate common definition. 10. Among sentences 6 – 9, find a sentence with a separate common circumstance. 11. Among sentences 6 – 9, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 12. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 5. Option 5 .
1) Already the morning frosts were binding the earth, wetted by autumn rains.
2) The tops of the forest, which at the end of August were still green islands between black fields and stubble, became golden and bright red fancy islands in the middle of bright green winter fields. 3) The hare had already moulted halfway, the fox broods were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were already larger than the dog. 4) It was the best hunting time. 5) Rostov looked out the living room window in the morning, looked into the distance and saw such a morning that nothing could be better for hunting. 6) The sky seemed to melt and descend to the ground without wind. 7) The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic drops of fog descending. 8) Transparent drops hung like pearls on the bare branches of the garden and slowly fell on the recently fallen leaves. 9) The windmill froze half asleep. 10) Not a rustle anywhere. 11) The soil in the garden turned glossy wet black and at a short distance merged with the dull and damp cover of fog. 12) In the distance, hazy and unclear, the sandy paths disappeared. (according to L. Tolstoy) 1. Indicate the method of forming the word MOISTENED (sentence 1). 2. Indicate the category of adjectives FOX (sentence 3) and HUNTING (sentence 4). 3. Write down all the pronouns from sentence 5. 4. Among sentences 7-8, find and write down a non-isolated single gerund, close in meaning to an adverb. 5. Indicate with a number the number of grammatical bases in sentence 3. 6. Determine the method of subordinating connection in the phrase IN THE MISTY DALI (sentence 12). 7. From sentence 5, write down a phrase according to the type of subordinating connection CONCORDING. 8. From sentence 1, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 9. Among sentences 8 – 12, find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions. 10. Among sentences 1 – 4, find a sentence with a separate common definition. 11. Among sentences 3 – 8, find a complex sentence that includes a one-part impersonal sentence. 12. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 7. Option 5
1) Already the morning frosts were binding the earth, wetted by autumn rains. 2) The tops of the forest, which at the end of August were still green islands between black fields and stubble, became golden and bright red fancy islands in the middle of bright green winter fields. 3) The hare had already moulted halfway, the fox broods were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were already larger than the dog. 4) It was the best hunting time. 5) Rostov looked out the living room window in the morning, looked into the distance and saw such a morning that nothing could be better for hunting. 6) The sky seemed to melt and descend to the ground without wind. 7) The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic drops of fog descending. 8) Transparent drops hung like pearls on the bare branches of the garden and slowly fell on the recently fallen leaves. 9) The windmill froze half asleep. 10) Not a rustle anywhere. 11) The soil in the garden turned glossy wet black and at a short distance merged with the dull and damp cover of fog. 12) In the distance, hazy and unclear, the sandy paths disappeared. (according to L. Tolstoy) 1. Indicate the method of forming the word MOISTENED (sentence 1). 2. Indicate the category of adjectives FOX (sentence 3) and HUNTING (sentence 4). 3. Write down all the pronouns from sentence 5. 4. Among sentences 7-8, find and write down a non-isolated single gerund, close in meaning to an adverb. 5. Indicate with a number the number of grammatical bases in sentence 3. 6. Determine the method of subordinating connection in the phrase IN THE MISTY DALI (sentence 12). 7. From sentence 5, write down a phrase according to the type of subordinating connection CONCORDING. 8. From sentence 1, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 9. Among sentences 8 – 12, find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions. 10. Among sentences 1 – 4, find a sentence with a separate common definition. 11. Among sentences 3 – 8, find a complex sentence that includes a one-part impersonal sentence. 12. Indicate the type of subordinate clause in sentence 7. OPTION 6.
1) When the leaves fell from the trees and the gardeners began to bury grapevines in the ground, wild geese flew over the village. 2) They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation - bird by bird and flock by flock. 3) In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flocks of geese flying south were visible and loud cackling was heard. 3) Sometimes a jerk of the headwind knocked down the young geese flying behind them, they broke the line of formation, anxiously circled over the steppe, and the old leader, slowing down the flight, called them in a sharp, guttural voice. 4) They returned to their places, and the flock flew on, into the blue covered with a white haze. 5) And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose remained on a lake or somewhere in the shallow waters of a steppe erik. 6) It was already difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often sinking to the cold ground and resting from the flight... 7) Nimble ducks swam along the long erik, on the bends, near the shore, thin-legged sandpipers wandered through the swamp, and a lonely the goose seemed like a giant to them. (According to V. Zakrutkin.)
1. Indicate the method of forming the word GARDENERS (sentence 1). 2. Indicate the method of forming the word UNHURRY (sentence 2). 3. In sentence 3, find a word formed without a suffix. 4. From the first paragraph, write out the passive past participle. 5. From the second paragraph, write down the active past participle. 6. Determine the method of subordinating connection in the phrase BURY THE VINES (sentence 1). 7. From sentence 6, write down a phrase according to the type of subordinating connection CONCORDING. 8. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 9. Among sentences 1 – 7, find complex sentences, one of the parts of which is one-part impersonal sentences. 10. Among sentences 5 – 7, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 11. Among sentences 1 – 4, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 12. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 7.
1) When the leaves fell from the trees and the gardeners began to bury the vines in the ground, wild geese flew over the village.
2) They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation - bird by bird and flock by flock. 3) In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flocks of geese flying south were visible and loud cackling was heard. 3) Sometimes a jerk of the headwind knocked down the young geese flying behind them, they broke the line of formation, anxiously circled over the steppe, and the old leader, slowing down the flight, called them in a sharp, guttural voice. 4) They returned to their places, and the flock flew on, into the blue covered with a white haze. 5) And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose remained on a lake or somewhere in the shallow waters of a steppe erik. 6) It was already difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often sinking to the cold ground and resting from the flight... 7) Nimble ducks swam along the long erik, on the bends, near the shore, thin-legged sandpipers wandered through the swamp, and a lonely the goose seemed like a giant to them. (According to V. Zakrutkin.) 1. Indicate the method of forming the word GARDENERS (sentence 1). 2. Indicate the method of forming the word UNHURRY (sentence 2). 3. In sentence 3, find a word formed without a suffix. 4. From the first paragraph, write out the passive past participle. 5. From the second paragraph, write down the active past participle. 6. Determine the method of subordinating connection in the phrase BURY THE VINES (sentence 1). 7. From sentence 6, write down a phrase according to the type of subordinating connection CONCORDING. 8. From sentence 4, write down a phrase using the type of subordinating connection CONNECTION. 9. Among sentences 1 – 7, find complex sentences, one of the parts of which is one-part impersonal sentences. 10. Among sentences 5 – 7, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of place. 11. Among sentences 1 – 4, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 12. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 7. ANSWERS
1) Some, all, which | 1) 5 | 1) 3 | 1) They flashed here and there | 1) Suffixal | 1) Addition |
2) Violable, irresistible | 2) 8, 9, 11 | 2) 2,4 | 2) Coordination | 2) Possessives | 2) Suffixal |
3) Almost, almost | 3) 9 | 3) 5 | 3) Adjacency | 3) Those that, nothing. | 3) Flight |
4) 5 | 4) 2 | 4) 5 | 4) Suffixal | 4) Take your time | 4) Curled |
5) It suddenly seemed | 5) Definitive | 5) 1 | 5) Suffixless | 5) 3 | 5) Exhausted |
6) Damp coolness | 6) Within | 6) Prefix-suffixal | 6) Smeared, painted. | 6) Coordination | 6) Management |
7) Management | 7) Apparently | 7) Suffixal | 7) Tom, this, that. | 7) Such a morning | 7) (On) the cold ground |
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9) For the first time | 9) The most, everyone | 9) Again | 9) 2 | 9) 12 | 9) 1, 6 |
10) Suffixal | 10) Angry | 10) Her, which, (to) him, this, who, theirs. | 10) 6 | 10) 2 | 10) 7 |
11. Prefix-suffixal | 11) Climbing in again | 11) Management | 11) 6 | 11) 5 | 11) 1 |
12) 3 | 12) Coordination | 12) Adjacency | 12) Definitive. | 12) Definitive | 12) 3 |