Experience and advice
Parent meeting in junior group 1 “First time in kindergarten” Summary of the parent meeting
Speech therapy characteristics for a student with ODD level II Speech therapy characteristics for Igor Yu., a student
What is Health Week Preserving and strengthening the health of students is one of the main goals of pedagogical
The objectives of the lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge and methods of work. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, two
History of origin and development The founder of this sport is considered to be William J. Morgan, who worked
Dear children and respected adults! I welcome you all to the “Projects” section. Today our research
Self-care lesson in the senior group of kindergarten Children 5–6 years old have well-developed
Unusual techniques and methods of drawing for children Children really like unconventional methods of drawing. This
The mental development of a preschooler is determined by the degree of: mastery of a pencil and brush; writing and reading skills; skills