Experience and advice
Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes in the middle group Children 4–5 years old often experience
Option 1 A1. The process of historical development of living nature from the appearance of life on Earth to
“Development of speech of children of primary preschool age in play activities” Author: Timofeeva Irina Sergeevna, teacher
Master class “Making a game for sensory development” Author: Konovalova Nadezhda Leonidovna, Educator of the Medical Educational Institution No. 65g.
Reports and messages Miscellaneous Number systems We are accustomed to numbers called Arabic. Are called
Lesson-concert on music (1st grade) General lesson-concert on the topic: “Music around us.” 1st class
From the experience of working as a class teacher. Patriotic education of schoolchildren Patriotic education of schoolchildren. From work experience
Download material so UNT / Educational work / Biology Extracurricular activity in biology