Project “Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions and their role in the development of preschool children.”
Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes in the middle group Children 4–5 years old often experience
Biology test Evolution of the organic world. Evidence of the evolution of living nature, grade 11
Option 1 A1. The process of historical development of living nature from the appearance of life on Earth to
Features of speech in children of primary preschool age
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Master class “Sensory development through didactic games”
Master class “Making a game for sensory development” Author: Konovalova Nadezhda Leonidovna, Educator of the Medical Educational Institution No. 65g.
Lesson summary in computer science, grade 8 “Number systems”
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Description of the innovative pedagogical experience of a primary school teacher
From the experience of working as a class teacher. Patriotic education of schoolchildren Patriotic education of schoolchildren. From work experience
Extracurricular event “I am an applicant” grades 9-11
Download material so UNT / Educational work / Biology Extracurricular activity in biology
Thematic material for the middle group. Lexical topic: “Winter”
Technological map for drawing in the senior group Funny Palms
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