Research work Sports is the key to health with presentation
Features of the most popular sports Football. The most popular and most sought after sport in
How to make a fox from plasticine?
Technological map for modeling middle group: “Fox - little sister”
Are you looking for detailed instructions on how to make a hare from plasticine step by step? In this master class you will find
Role-playing project "PHARMACY" with children of senior preschool age with STD. Author of the project: Chieneva Natalia Evgenievna. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 44", Sarov - presentation
Pharmacy advertising If you plan to open only one pharmacy, advertising cannot have a significant impact
Determining the level of physical fitness of middle group children
Lesson summary on the topic: “EVERY THING HAS ITS PLACE”
Card index of conversations in the senior group Among verbal techniques of interaction with children of senior and middle age
Does your child not like physical education? Summer assignment: gymnastics for children
Complexes of exercises A complex of exercise therapy for flat feet in children includes exercises that are performed from different
Pedagogical project at the preschool educational institution “By playing we learn, by playing we learn!”
Report “Project activities with children in preschool educational institutions” Olga Nazarchuk Report “Project activities with children
The connection between mathematics and music. Scientific and practical research.
Project “Musical Mathematics” It is also interesting that when musicians perceive musical intervals, then
Geometry test on the topic Area of ​​figures (8th grade)
Test on the topic “Areas of figures” Test on the topic “Areas of figures” This test is intended for
Lesson summary on the topic “Arithmetic progression”
Independent work on the topic Arithmetic progression, grade 9 Independent work on the topic “Arithmetic progression”
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