Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world in the preparatory group “How primitive people lived”

Homework assignments

Write it down in your dictionary: primitive people.

Primitive people are people who lived during the period of human history before writing was invented.

In the local history museum, visit the section dedicated to the life of primitive people. Look at the finds of archaeologists and talk about them in class.

A story about the life of primitive people for grade 4

In the local history museum we looked at an exhibition that tells about the life of the primitive society of our region.

Archaeologists excavated ancient sites, and from the objects found, they formed an idea of ​​the primitive way of life.

Primitive society lived in small camps and roamed a lot.

They have already learned to use fire, process stone, wood and bones.

Primitive man hunted various animals - deer, bears, mammoths.

For hunting they used sticks with pointed ends and clubs.

They hunted together and often set traps.

Also, people of that time were engaged in collecting berries, mushrooms, and roots.

They lived in caves, where they constantly kept a fire going.

In the museum we saw the simplest devices and tools made by man of that time - hewn stones, fragments, stone axes.

The life of ancient people was difficult and dangerous.

They had to fight for their survival.

They tanned the skins of killed animals and painted scenes of hunting and everyday life on the walls of the caves.

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Presentation “Activities of primitive people” for 4th grade

The pictures depicted the main activities of ancient people: hunting, gathering, making tools and hunting tools, dressing skins, relaxing by the fire, painting pictures in caves.

Ready presentation “Activities of primitive people”

Next lesson

1) Remember what you know about the pyramids of Ancient Egypt.

The pyramids of Ancient Egypt are huge structures that were built over decades on the orders of the pharaohs.

Many pyramids have survived to this day, but many more have been destroyed.

The pyramids hide many secrets and their purpose is still controversial among scientists.

History lesson plan in 4th grade

"Moscow Kremlin. Kremlin towers"

(based on the textbook by E.V. Saplin, A. Saplin “Introduction to History”)

Form (non-standard): lesson - virtual tour

Lesson type: consolidation lesson

Lesson objectives:

1. educational: repetition, consolidation and deepening of knowledge about the history of the Moscow Kremlin; its architectural monuments

2. developmental: development of cognitive activity and creative abilities of children; developing the ability to work cooperatively and harmoniously with classmates; improve mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develop mental processes: memory, thinking, imagination, perception, attention, emotions; development of aesthetic understanding and artistic taste of students;

3. educational: instilling in students an interest in studying the history of their country through acquaintance with architectural sights; fostering a sense of patriotism and pride in one’s homeland; careful, reverent attitude towards historical heritage; nurturing in children the desire and need to bring good to people.

Equipment: TCO: multimedia projector, disk with computer presentation; map of the Moscow Kremlin, handouts for pair work;

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Today I am not just a teacher, but also a tour guide. And I want to invite you on an excursion to the Moscow and Kazan Kremlin. This will be a virtual trip. It won’t be real, but we will go there and get to know a lot of people.

II. Updating of reference knowledge

Before heading to the modern Kremlin, I suggest you remember the history of the Moscow Kremlin. Support cards with words will help you with this, which, if added correctly, will line up in the stages of the emergence of the Moscow Kremlin. You will do this work in pairs. I remind you that you need to work in pairs amicably and quickly. When you finish the task, let me know by raising your hands. I give you 1 minute for this work. Open the small envelopes. Proceed with the task.

Results of pair work.

The correctness of the task is checked. After each explanation of the historical stage of the emergence of the Kremlin, there is a demonstration of a computer presentation of each stage with a view of the wooden, then the white stone, and then the brick Kremlin with portraits of their founders with the additions of the teacher.

Ivan Danilovich Kalita was a smart and cunning man. He even managed to come to an agreement with the Golden Horde. And the Horde did not bother Muscovites with wars for 40 years. During his reign, the lands around Moscow expanded. At the end of his life, Ivan Kalita ordered the construction of new fortress walls to replace the old ones “in a single oak,” which means from durable oak.

A few years later, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy became the Prince of Moscow. He replaced the oak walls with white stone ones. Moscow strengthened its position in Rus', became “the mother of all cities,” which means it was necessary to provide such a city with strong defense. Dmitry Donskoy played the greatest role in the history of Russia - he liberated Rus' from the Golden Horde yoke, uniting all the princes with their troops against the Tatar-Mongols.

When everyone recognized Moscow as the capital, Ivan III was already the Moscow prince. He began to call himself “the sovereign of all Rus'.” On the Moskva River he ordered the construction of a powerful fortress made of red brick. To do this, he invited Italian masters to Moscow. This fortress was never taken by storm. It still stands - this is the current Kremlin. Welcome!

III. Learning new material

Working with a visual aid - a map of the Kremlin.

— Why do you think the Kremlin was built?

Once upon a time there was a simple settlement on the territory of the Kremlin, but much later only very rich and noble people could afford to live in the Kremlin. What follows is the teacher's story about the sights of Cathedral Square, the Tsar Bell, and the Tsar Cannon.

The main square of the Kremlin is Sobornaya. The main Kremlin churches face here with their facades.

In the center of the Kremlin, the architect Aristotle Fioravanti erected the most famous and revered cathedral - the five-domed Assumption Cathedral. It was painted by Russian artists Dionysius and Timofey and the icon painter Horse.

Ten years later, Pskov masters Krivtsov and Myshkin built the Annunciation Cathedral, crowned with nine golden domes; this cathedral served as the home church of the Russian tsars.

The third great Kremlin Cathedral is the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. It is unusual in appearance and more reminiscent of a Venetian palace. It was built by Aleviz Novy. This cathedral became the tomb of the Moscow princes. Five-domed, with a main golden and four small copper domes, the cathedral in its entirety and style was very similar to the Assumption.

In front of us is the Ivan the Great bell tower. For several centuries it remained the tallest building in Moscow (82 meters). Travelers going to the capital saw her many kilometers from the city. The bells of “Ivan the Great” rang on the most important holidays; their ringing could be heard on the remote outskirts of Moscow.

At the foot of Ivan the Great now stands the work of masters father and son Motorin, a worthy Tsar Bell, cast in 1735, weighing 8 thousand poods or 200 tons.

Nearby is the Tsar Cannon, a monument to the foundry art of the 16th century, cast in 1586 by the Russian master A. Chokhov. The barrel weighed 40 tons, length 5.34 m, caliber 890 mm, and was intended for the defense of the Kremlin.

— Look carefully at the map of the Moscow Kremlin. What geometric figure does the Kremlin remind you of?

— Maybe some of you know how long the Kremlin walls are? (The teacher tells the children about the Kremlin walls)

The Italians, experienced builders, erected a first-class fortress in Moscow for those times. Its walls, from 8 to 19 meters high and 3 to 6 meters thick, stretched for more than 2235 m. A wide battle platform ran along the upper edge of the wall, covered on the outside with a thousand teeth, their shape resembled a dovetail.

— Who knows how many towers the Moscow Kremlin has? (20)

Towers stand around the Kremlin, like mighty heroes who came from epics from fairy tales. Twenty stone heroes in high, pointed helmets.

- Why were they built?

Each of the towers was erected at a different time, they are all different in appearance and size. Each of them had its own functions and role. There are travel towers, watchtowers, and archers.

— What names of the Moscow Kremlin towers do you know?

And each Kremlin tower has an interesting story associated with it. For example, Taynitskaya. Why do you think it got this name? A secret well and a passage to the Moscow River were dug under it.

Vodovzvodnaya. - Why does it have such a name?

It once housed a water-lifting machine that pumped water from the tower well to the royal palace.

Kutafya. It got its name from the word “kut” - shelter, corner. Bridgehead fortification of the Kremlin. Its height is 13.5 meters.

Spasskaya. It was named after the icon of the Savior, which was once located above the gates of the tower. This is the most important tower of the Kremlin, but not the tallest, its height is 71 meters.

Trinity. There was a prison in the deep basements of the tower.

Alarm. A signal bell hung on this tower.

In 1937, 5 Kremlin towers were crowned with ruby ​​stars: Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Vodovzvodnaya, Troitskaya, Borovitskaya.

The stars are equipped with powerful incandescent lamps and powerful cooling systems for the lamps, otherwise they would crack from the high temperature. The distance between the two ends of the beams is from 3 to 3.5 meters. Despite their significant mass (about 1.5 tons), stars rotate relatively easily when the wind direction changes. Due to their shape, they are always installed with the frontal side facing the wind. The strength and rigidity of the structure is designed to withstand the maximum pressure of hurricane winds.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material. Brainstorm.

We have repeated and learned a lot. Let's play a game. Illustrations of Kremlin monuments will appear on the screen. In 2 seconds you will need to recognize and name them.

Illustrations appear. Stars, walls, Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Spasskaya Tower, Tsar Bell, Tsar Cannon, Vodovzvodnaya Tower, Alarm Tower, Tainitskaya Tower.

We continue our journey.

— Guys, what clock in Russia counts down the last minutes of the outgoing year and starts the new year? (Kremlin chimes) - On which Kremlin tower are they installed? (on the Spasskaya Tower)

The Kremlin chimes are installed on the Spasskaya Tower. In 1621, the English master H. Golovey made a clock, for which a stone top was built on the tower in 1625. In 1706, a new clock was installed, bought by Peter I in Holland. Modern Kremlin chimes were made in Moscow. The clock mechanism of the chimes occupies three floors of the tower. It weighs 20 tons. The chimes have 4 dials, one on each side of the tower. The diameter of the dial is 6.12 m, the height of the Roman numerals on the clock is 0.72 m, the length of the hour hand is 2.97 m, the minute hand is 3.27 m.

Teacher. Each principality had its own Kremlin. There is such a handsome Kremlin here in Tatarstan.

For the pride of the capital of Tatarstan, the pearl of world culture, a thousand years have not passed without a trace: in the stone of its buildings there are traces of all eras, the works of many generations of architects. A lot of interesting things are hidden behind the white stone walls of the Kremlin.

Let's take a moment to look into our Kremlin.

Spasskaya (passage) tower (XVI century). The main time meter for the residents of Tatarstan - an electronic clock - appeared on the tower relatively recently - in 1963.

Kul Sharif Mosque. Museum of Islamic Culture of the Volga Region. Only twice a year, on the great holidays of Ramadan and Korban Bayram, the Kul Sharif mosque is open for public prayers. Tower Syuyumbike. Architectural symbol of Kazan. The tower was apparently laid in great haste: the depth of its foundation is only 1.4 meters, which was the reason for its tilt.

Annunciation Cathedral. Founded on October 4, 1552, on the day of Tsar Ivan IV’s entry into Kazan.

V. Lesson summary

For five centuries now, a beautiful fortress with high walls, multi-domed temples, elegant pointed towers, and rich chambers has stood in the very center of Moscow. The Kremlin is an amazing monument of history and culture, captivating with its beauty and preserving the memory of the distant past. Our excursion is over.

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