Lesson summary of the surrounding world in 1st grade. Plant structure

Plants play an important role in our lives. We know indoor and wild plants. Indoor ones grow on our windowsills in pots, and many children are very familiar with them.

If you are introducing children to plants in class, you can try asking the question: what houseplants do children know? Surely they will name at least a few.

Medicinal plants are also of great importance: many medicines are made from them. When telling children about medicinal plants, do not forget to mention plantain. Children should definitely know what a plantain looks like. The kids run a lot outside and often fall, scraping their knees. Plantain can be the best medicine for wounds and scratches if you apply a clean leaf to the wound in time. Plantain is our reliable friend on hikes, when there may not be medicine at hand. The juice of this plant is often infused with alcohol and drunk for colds. So every child should know the plantain by sight.

What's the best way to introduce children to plants? Images, coloring pages, riddles and poems on our website will help with this.

Related materials

Children need to be introduced not only to the appearance of plants, but a detailed description will help parents or educators with this. They will benefit from information about what parts plants contain. The structure of plants is presented in pictures and diagrams on our website.

In this article on my blog you can download free pictures, coloring pages, riddles and poems, as well as a game for the most inquisitive kids about the parts and structure of individual plants. The game is called "Children about plants." In it, your child will get acquainted with all known flowers, learn what their parts and structure are. Each flower consists of a flower, leaves, stem and roots. The game consists of colored pictures - flowers that you can cut into cards and connect like puzzles.

Plant structure

You can download the game “Children about plants” here for free - click on the picture below. Here you can find out what the structure of a flower is and what its parts are.

This game can be played individually or can be used in early childhood schools and kindergartens. It will complement any lessons about plants well and is even suitable as a first introduction to plants for children. With the help of the game “Children about plants”, your child will broaden his horizons, learn what parts and structure, and in addition, such games develop fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby stimulating the development of speech and, of course, memory, attentiveness, logic and perseverance.

Other schemes

Flower structure.

The structure of a tree branch. Flower structure.

Parts of a tree.

Coloring pages

Coloring books can play a huge role in a child's development. In them you can find both indoor and medicinal plants, for example, plantain, lily of the valley, geranium, etc.

Coloring pages will not only teach you about the parts of plants, but will also allow children to know what color they are. Coloring books develop perseverance, a sense of color and shadow, and attentiveness.


How to understand that a houseplant does not have enough light?

How to properly care?

Medicinal plants

Poems and riddles

Poems and riddles can enhance interesting tasks and games about plants. One of the main characters of poetic works is the lily of the valley. Lily of the valley blooms in spring: its inflorescences are very similar to bells, and the surprisingly white color symbolizes purity. That is why many poets have lily of the valley in their dedications to spring and love. Poems and riddles where lily of the valley is present are among the most common. Riddles develop intelligence and ingenuity, and poems are useful for memory.

Riddles and poems usually contain wild plants, but indoor plants can also be found.


What are the types of flowers?

A few words about lilies of the valley

Developmental tasks on the topic

Write a story using the pictures.

Choose the appropriate flower size for each watering can.

Build a logical chain.

An assignment in English about plants.

Let's develop logic.

What does a flower breathe?

Help the chicken count all the worms hidden among the plants.

Help the girl count all the flowers.

Find it in the forest.

How many flowers are hidden here?

We develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Plants of the forest.
Use all forms of tasks for the development of children: they will definitely be beneficial. Have fun developing!

Plant structure

We continue to get acquainted with plants

, and today in class we will look at
their structure

All living organisms

consist of
similar substances: inorganic and organic.
Inorganic substances are
water and mineral salts
Organic substances
sugar and starch

You already know that among plants

there are
trees, shrubs and grasses
No matter how different the plants are in appearance
, most of them have
a similar structure
All plants are made up of organs
They have a root, a shoot, a flower and a fruit with seeds.

- is found in the soil, which is why it is called
the underground organ of the plant
A shoot, a flower, a fruit with seeds
above-ground organs
Now we will get to know them better. The root grows down and anchors the plant in the soil
From the soil
it absorbs
the water
The roots
of different plants may differ
in appearance

Sometimes in the roots

can be stored in reserve , and then their
Radishes, carrots, and beets
store nutrients
in their roots
, which are correctly called
root vegetables

The part of the plant that is above the ground is called a shoot

The shoot
develops from the bud.
The shoot
of a stem, leaves and buds .
A stem is
an organ of a plant that bears leaves, flowers and fruits
The stems
carry the leaves up into the sunlight and connect them to the roots.
Most plants have erect stems
, growing vertically upward.


they can also twine around a support, for example in
or spread along the ground, for example in

The escape

Let's look at the structure
of the kidney
On the outside they are covered with dense leathery scales
The scales
the internal parts of the kidneys from damage and adverse environmental conditions.
buds leaf and flower
Leaf and flower buds have small green leaves
They are located on a very short stem
Inside the flower buds, in addition to the leaves, there are small flower buds
Flower buds
are larger than
leaf buds
and have a more rounded shape.

In different species

buds are located differently
on the shoots; they have
different shapes, sizes and colors
Based on these features, you can determine the name of a tree or shrub even in winter


is also
part of the escape
The leaves
of different plant species are very
different from each other
They can have different shapes
, such as
round, oval, linear, heart-shaped and lobed.

leaves , while others have very
small ones
For example, in the greenhouses of botanical gardens
they grow
a tropical aquatic plant Victoria Amazonica
, which is related to our
water lilies
. The Victoria leaf is so large that a small child can sit on it, like a raft, and the leaf will keep him afloat.

Most plants have two leaf parts

leaf blade and petiole
The leaf blade
is the expanded part of the leaf, in most cases it is green in color.
From below it passes into the petiole
the narrowed part of the leaf
With its help, the leaf blade
is attached to the stem.
The leaves of some plants
, such as aloe,
do not have a petiole
They are attached to the stem by the lower part of the leaf blade


Leaves are divided into simple and complex

Simple leaves consist of one leaf blade.
They are characteristic, for example, of
linden, maple, oak

Compound leaves
consist of several leaf blades
connected to a common
by small
Such leaves
are characteristic of
chestnut, rowan and other plants



- the most beautiful organ.
A flower
, like a shoot,
develops from a bud.
Large flowers usually develop
one at a time on a shoot
Small flowers

most often arranged
in groups
, i.e. collected in inflorescences .
The inflorescences
are characteristic, for example, of
chamomile, pear, dill and lilac

You, of course, paid attention to the variety of forms

of plant flowers.
But they all have common structural features
At the bottom of the flower are the sepals.
Most often they are green and resemble plant leaves.

The petals

are located above the sepals .
In the middle of the flower
there is a pistil, and around it are
the stamens
They contain pollen
In order for the fruit
pollen from the stamens must reach the pistil
By the end of summer, almost all plants fade


Fruits appear in place of flowers

They develop from flowers
, primarily from the lower
part of the pistil
A fruit
an organ of flowering plants that contains seeds
They gradually grow and mature
Different plants have different fruits
These are bright rowan, grape and raspberry berries
, juicy
apricot, peach and orange fruits
, completely dry

hazel nuts dressed in a strong


In some plants

one seed
inside the fruit , while others have
The fruits protect the seeds from damage
The life of a plant begins with seeds
Plant seeds
in shape, color, size, weight
, but they all have
a similar structure
Orchids have seeds
so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. And in some palm trees the mass of seeds reaches several kilograms.

Let's get acquainted with the building

seed .
Beans have large seeds
One side of the seed is convex, the other is concave
The outside of the seed is covered
with a shiny, smooth
seed coat
It protects the seed from drying out and damage. Under the seed coat
the embryo
An embryo
a small new organism
Large cotyledons
a supply of nutrients
that are needed for the growth of the embryo.

bean seed

Summarize. All plants are made up of organs

They have an underground organ
the root
, and
above-ground organs
the stem, leaves, flower and fruit with seeds.

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