Presentation for a speech at the conference “How to make toothpaste at home.”


Colgate Smiles
Children's toothbrushes that grow with your little ones!

Ideal for the three main stages of oral hygiene and development that every baby goes through

Toothbrush for oral care for the youngest children from 6 months to 2 years who are just beginning to develop teeth. This cheek gently and carefully massages the gums during teething.

Toothbrush for oral care of children from 2 to 5 years old. Gently and thoroughly removes plaque even in hard-to-reach places

oral cavity

Sparkling gel with mint flavor

Specially designed to care for the delicate enamel of children's teeth

Bright packaging design creates a festive atmosphere while brushing your teeth

Formula with sodium fluoride in the permitted concentration, safe for delicate children's teeth

Volume 75 ml

"Doctor Hare"

•Pastes for children from 2 years old


•Formula with sodium fluoride in the permitted concentration, safe for delicate children's teeth

•Paste with strawberry and baby chewing gum flavors.

The best toothpastes for children from 1 to 3 years old

For children over one year old, the composition of the paste should also be natural and safe. In these products, components for strengthening the protection of enamel against caries are more welcome. The amount of abrasive substances should not exceed 20 units.

Babycoccole “Apple Flavored” – a popular toothpaste for baby teeth



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Babycoccole is an Italian paste that does not contain sulfates, parabens, or allergens and is therefore absolutely safe to swallow.

The formula prevents the development of caries and effectively cleanses the oral cavity. The fluoride and calcium contained in the composition strengthen the incompletely formed enamel of baby teeth.

The taste of the paste is pleasant, not cloying. This helps teach your child about daily oral hygiene. Kids also like the packaging with a cute bear. In addition, the manufacturer offers 3 types of pasta to choose from: Strawberry, Banana and Apple. It is recommended to change the flavors from time to time to attract the child's attention to brushing his teeth.

The product is sold in soft tubes with a wide hinged lid. It opens and closes easily with just one movement of your fingers. A small hole in the spout allows you to accurately dispense the paste.


  • presented in most stores;
  • economical and foams well;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • convenient tube;
  • unobtrusive pleasant taste and aroma;
  • safe composition.


  • high price - from 250 rubles for 75 ml.

The paste contains flavors, dyes and fluorine-containing components in an amount of 500 ppm, so dentists and experienced parents recommend Babycoccole for older children - aged 2-3 years.

Chicco strawberry flavor – natural toothpaste



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Chicco with strawberry flavor is a toothpaste with a safe formula for children over one year old. Fluorine-containing substances and abrasives that can damage unformed enamel are excluded from its composition. Xylitol prevents the appearance of caries, and bio-calcium strengthens teeth.

Chicco paste squeezes out well, lays evenly on the brush, and does not spread. It foams quickly in the mouth, so you only need a small amount of product to clean. The tube with a flip top cap is convenient to use.


  • safe composition without fluorine and preservatives;
  • pleasant berry taste;
  • low consumption;
  • foams well;
  • convenient packaging.


  • difficult to find on sale;
  • high cost (about 350 rubles per 50 ml).

Chicco toothpaste is safe, has a pleasant taste and aroma, however, many parents note that more affordable alternatives can be found for brushing teeth at this age.


12 best gels to make teething easier

2-4 years

5-7 years

In 1937, the American company Du Pont developed nylon and the following year it was used for the production of toothbrushes.

Gradually, major toothbrush manufacturers completely abandoned the use of pig bristles.

Although in China and the USSR, natural bristle toothbrushes continued to be produced until the end of the 1980s. However, due to their many negative qualities (low

villous stability; the presence of a hair canal, which led to persistent contamination, etc.) their production has been completely discontinued.

Currently, there are many models of toothbrushes on sale, differing in the size and shape of the working head, the length and type of elastic bristles, the ratio of the angle of the brush head in relation to its handle, etc.

Differences in toothbrush design, as well as the chemical composition and arrangement of bristles and their tufts, have been the subject of numerous studies and publications on the topic of choosing the optimal toothbrush design.

The literature is dominated by the position that the brushes, rounded at the end of the bristles, should be soft, made of nylon, and collected in a bunch on a short head. Each toothbrush consists of a handle and a working part - a head with bushes of bristles planted in it.

Recently, synthetic fibers (nylon, setron, perlon, derlon, polyurethane, etc.) have been used to make brushes.

The frequency and location of the bristles (bush planting) is important in the design of the brush. The optimal distance between bristle bushes is considered to be 2-2.5 mm. The simplest and most effective is their parallel arrangement. However, brushes are often produced with a dense bush, which makes their hygienic maintenance difficult and also reduces the cleaning effect on the lateral surfaces of the teeth.

For children under 12 years old, soft brushes with a working head up to 25 mm are recommended, and from 12 years old, depending on the size of the oral cavity, children can use brushes ranging in size from 25 to 32 mm. It's important to follow

parents for the condition of the brush. Depending on its quality, the brush can be used for 100-150 teeth cleanings, i.e. within 2 months (Marthaler TM,

1988; 1990).

Sizes and number of tufts of bristles in toothbrushes for children aged 2 to 12 years (A) and over 12 years old (B)

A – 3 rows of beams B – 4 rows of beams

In addition to the frequency of arrangement of tufts of bristles, there is the concept of “trimming the brush field and bushes.”

Most modern brushes have a serrated surface, in which the edge bristles in the bushes sit lower than the central ones. This design allows the central long bristles to enter the narrow interdental spaces, but if the bristles are hard, then only the central bristles have the cleaning ability, since they do not allow the side bristles to touch the surface of the tooth during brushing. Brushes made of soft bristles with a smooth cutting surface remove plaque well without damaging the mucous membrane of the gums.

The service life of bristles varies widely. It is difficult to regulate the timing of replacing a toothbrush, since the quality of its bristles varies. The toothbrush must be replaced if its bristles are deformed.

On average, the service life of a brush does not exceed 2-2.5 months.

However, with proper oral care, children's toothbrushes become deformed somewhat earlier and require immediate replacement. It is advisable to recommend that patients have two brushes at the same time and use them alternately.

It should be noted that the toothbrush must be strictly individual.

When choosing a toothbrush, you should be guided by the following:

the brush should have a comfortable handle and not rotate during cleaning

the design of the brush should not determine its movement

the brush should not promote horizontal movements; (d) the brush must be appropriate for the person’s age

Basic types of relationship between the working head and the handle of a toothbrush

Enamel surface polishing tool

Three circles of fiber bundles

Elastic polymer pad for cleaning the tongue and buccal mucosa (side view)

Children's toothpastes - Presentation 186630

In 1939, the first electric toothbrush was developed in Switzerland

Colgate Smiles

oral cavity

Volume 75 ml

"Doctor Hare"


The best toothpastes for children aged 3 to 5 years

Children aged 3-5 years begin to change their baby teeth, so the requirements for the protective and strengthening qualities of pastes increase. Here you need to pay attention to the number of abrasive particles - 50 units is considered an acceptable indicator.

Lapikka “Milk pudding” – edible toothpaste



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Lapikka gently cleans baby teeth and massages delicate gums. The formula excludes parabens, fluoride or sodium lauryl sulfate. Calcium and phosphorus - the main components of enamel - strengthen teeth and resist caries.

The unusual taste of milk pudding attracts most children, and they enjoy brushing their teeth. And parents note the pronounced cleaning properties of the paste.

The product is available in 45 g tubes with a flip-top cap. The small volume allows you to take the paste on the go and change flavors more often.


  • inexpensive (100 rubles per tube);
  • small volume;
  • cleans plaque well;
  • edible formula without harmful components;
  • strengthens teeth.


  • doesn't foam well.

Lapikka “Milk Pudding” is an inexpensive and safe children’s toothpaste made in Russia. It effectively cleanses the mouth, but some children do not like the aftertaste. For this case, the manufacturer has a selection of other pastes for children over 3 years old.

New pearl "Orange" - universal children's paste



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buyers recommend this product

Inexpensive toothpaste for baby teeth has a universal formula, does not contain fluoride, is safe to swallow and prevents the formation of tartar. And calcium and phosphorus in its composition strengthen the enamel.

The juicy citrus flavor and bright orange dragon packaging make daily oral hygiene fun.

The product is sold in soft laminate tubes of 50 ml - it is convenient to squeeze out the paste from them to the last drop.

Usually this volume is enough for babies for a month with daily use. The wide lid makes it easy to store the packaging in a vertical position.


  • low price (50 rubles per tube);
  • available in almost every store;
  • bright and convenient packaging;
  • rich taste;
  • low consumption.


  • unnatural composition.

for children from one to 6 years old. However, due to its slight abrasiveness, dentists recommend using it after reaching at least 3 years of age.

Toothpastes for children

The problem of developing optimal toothpastes for children, especially the youngest, remains open to this day. A contradiction arises between the high need of low-mineralized tissues of newly erupted teeth for fluoride and the impossibility of introducing its optimal concentrations due to involuntary swallowing of the paste.

Low content (or absence) of fluoride, preventing the possibility of developing fluorosis due to involuntary swallowing of the paste. This condition is necessary when using toothpastes for children under 6 years of age; after this age, the child can use toothpaste with a higher fluoride content (youth or adult).

Low abrasiveness. For temporary teeth and newly erupted permanent teeth, as well as with reduced acid resistance of the enamel, the use of gel pastes is optimal. The RDA value for baby toothpastes should not exceed SO.

The absence of flavoring additives that can make a child want to eat pasta or accustom him to a sweet taste. It is preferable to use neutral, mint or fruit flavors that do not cause rejection in the child.

Attractive appearance and easy for children to use

Blend-a-med (0.055% NaF - 250 ppm F-)

Colgate Junior (contains Na2PO3F)

My first Colgate (NaF)

Disney Mickey Mouse (500 ppm F-)

Duradont medical (aminofluoride - 500 ppm F-)

Elmex enfant (aminofluoride - 250 ppm F-)

Lacalut (blue bear) (amino fluoride - 250 ppm F-, vitamins A, E)

Oral-B Stages fruity (NaF - 500 ppm F-)

Pokemon (Na2PO3F - 500 ppm F-)

New Pearls for Children (Na2PO3F - 500 ppm F-)

Children's pearl complex Na2PO3F - 500 ppm F-, calcium glycerophosphate,


Raspberry (Na2PO3F, chitosan)

Chistyulya (NaF, calcium glycerophosphate)

Drakosha (Na2PO3F - 500 ppm F-, calcium glycerophosphate, calendula extract)

Blend-a-med (Junior Gel) (NaF, phosphates);

Colgate junior (0.15% NaF - 680 ppm F-);

Colgate junior super star (0.76% Na2PO3F - 1000 ppm F-);

My first Colgate (NaF);

Dental dream for children (0.5% Na2PO3F - 660 ppm F-, calcium lactate);

Four Fruit (Na2PO3F, NaF);

Mildfresh junior (0.76% Na2PO3F - 1000 ppm F-);

Sanino Junior (Na2PO3F);

New Pearl Junior 7-12 years (0.76% Na2PO3F - 1000 ppm F-, tea tree oil);

Children's pearl complex (Na2PO3F - 500 ppm F-, calcium glycerophosphate);

Karimed for children (NaF, calcium gluconate);

Prodent for teenagers (NaF Na2PO3F).

When children use toothpastes, especially during the period of learning to brush their teeth, parental supervision is necessary.

It is known that the antibacterial and remineralizing effect of toothpastes occurs when the paste is in the mouth for at least 2-3 minutes, which requires thorough brushing of the teeth.

Project “Unusual uses of toothpaste.” project (senior group) on the topic

Slide 1

Senior group project No. 5 Leaders: Allaeva D.A. Adina M.V. Yugorsk 2020 Unusual use of toothpaste Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 6”

Slide 2

Type: mono project. Educational field “Cognitive development” By nature of activity: research By number of participants: collective By duration of implementation: average duration

Slide 3

One day Polina told us that at home her mother used toothpaste to remove a greasy stain on the wall. The children were interested to learn about such an unusual use. How else can you use toothpaste in a non-standard way at home?

Slide 4

The problem is that children do not know about additional ways to use toothpaste at home. Hypothesis: if toothpaste can remove various types of contaminants, then it can be used not only for oral hygiene, but also for household purposes.

Slide 5

Purpose of the work: to find out where toothpaste can be used at home. Objectives: To study the history of toothpaste. Select interesting information about how you can use toothpaste at home. Study the composition of toothpaste. To experimentally establish the possibility of using toothpaste for household purposes.

Slide 6

Object: toothpaste Subject of research: use of toothpaste for household purposes

Slide 7

Stages of work: 1. Motivational - defining the problem, setting the goals and objectives of the project: defining the project product planning actions to work on the project collecting the necessary information on the topic 2. Problem-based activity - enriching ideas, developing research skills: Reading, conversations, stories about the history of the appearance modern toothpaste Viewing a presentation about toothpaste, organizing an exhibition Meeting with a dentist in a kindergarten Experimental research activities 3. Creative - design of a collective product and public presentation of the project: design of a memo “Unusual uses of toothpaste”, participation in a city educational competition research materials.

Slide 8

Methods Visual: exhibition, albums, presentations Verbal: conversations, reading, stories, meeting with a dentist Practical: experiments

Slide 9

Adults talked about the history of modern toothpaste

Slide 10

And we decided to organize a real exhibition in the group.

Slide 11

Ulyana’s mother is Natalya Alexandrovna, a dentist by profession. She told us what toothpaste is and what it consists of.

Slide 12

Substance Positive influence Negative influence Fluorine Contributes to the prevention of caries Large amounts of fluoride are dangerous Calcium Contributes to the prevention of caries Phosphorus Contributes to the prevention of caries Cleaning substance Removes plaque Surfactant substance Forms foam and helps to squeeze out foam Additives and dyes Add flavor and color Artificial - dangerous for children. Sugar destroys teeth. Medicinal supplements Help prevent diseases of teeth and gums. Destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria. Composition of toothpaste We learned that toothpaste consists of various substances. Each substance has its own effect: good or bad.

Slide 13

Experiment No. 1. Toothpaste can be used to clean the white sole of sneakers. We rub the sole of the sneakers and the lines disappear. Conclusion: toothpaste will protect sneakers with white soles, which often have black lines that cannot be washed off. We decided to conduct several experiments on the unusual use of toothpaste.

Slide 14

Experiment No. 2. Toothpaste cleans the surface of the iron. Apply paste to the soleplate of the iron. We wait for it to dry a little and wipe it with a napkin. Conclusion: Using toothpaste you can remove stains on the soleplate of your iron.

Slide 15

Experience No. 3. Toothpaste will restore the beauty of a shabby white bag or jacket. To do this, take a small amount of toothpaste and rub the rubbed areas with a soft napkin. Then wipe with a slightly damp cloth. Conclusion: the white leather of the bag or jacket is like new!

Slide 16

Experiment No. 4. Toothpaste will help remove traces of felt-tip pens and colored pencils from painted walls. Rub the paste in with a damp cloth, then rinse with water. Conclusion: the walls are completely clean.

Slide 17

Result: We learned that toothpaste consists of various substances: foaming, preventive, cleansing, antimicrobial and others. This is what allows it to be used for various purposes on the farm. Our hypothesis was completely confirmed.

Slide 18

Perspective: A survey conducted among parents showed that most of them do not know about the possibility of using toothpaste for household purposes. We plan to introduce them to the results of the project through a presentation and design of a memo.

The best toothpastes for children aged 5 to 7 years

Children over 5 years of age are allowed to brush their teeth with compounds containing fluoride, but their amount should not exceed 500 ppm. The permitted concentration of abrasive particles is no more than 50 units.

ROCS Kids “Citrus Rainbow” - the best toothpaste for changing teeth



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

ROCS Kids was developed together with dentists for children from 4 to 7 years old. Its citrus taste is very similar to natural fruits and leaves a pleasant smell for a long time.

The soft tube makes it easy to squeeze out the right amount of product, and the flip-top lid opens and snaps easily.

The paste contains xylitol and the proprietary Amifluor complex with amino fluoride at a concentration of 500 ppm, which protect teeth from caries and other damage, and also prevent gum inflammation and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.

Due to the low content of abrasive substances, the formula does not damage the enamel.


  • convenient packaging;
  • pleasant citrus taste;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • prevents the appearance of caries and gum inflammation.


  • the price is above average - from 200 rubles per 45 g;
  • high consumption.

With daily brushing of teeth 2 times a day, ROCS Kids tubes last only 2 weeks.

Colgate Elmex "Junior" - strengthening and protection



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Elmex Junior is a children's toothpaste for daily oral hygiene. The composition includes amino fluoride, which strengthens and protects the enamel of molars from caries.

The product has a pleasant unsweetened taste, there are no preservatives or dyes in the formula, and the effectiveness of the paste has been clinically proven by the results of several studies.

It is used economically. In addition, parents note that the product effectively copes with plaque - the teeth become noticeably lighter after brushing. Many dentists recommend this particular paste for children with molars that have already emerged.


  • pleasant taste;
  • low consumption;
  • prevents the appearance of caries;
  • cleans teeth well.


  • expensive (350 rubles for 75 ml);
  • difficult to find on sale.

The composition of Elmex Junior is not intended for swallowing, so dentists and parents recommend using it for older children.


15 best toothbrushes

Are herbal extracts needed in children's toothpastes?

Herbs are rarely used in children's toothpastes. Although there are brands that promote herbal medicine by adding chamomile and calendula extracts. They do not have any anti-caries effect - they are useless for teeth. But calendula, for example, has good anti-inflammatory properties - it has a positive effect on the oral mucosa.

My personal observation: using pastes with herbal extracts can cause pigmented plaque to appear.

Not for everyone and not always. Take care of your teeth! If pigmented plaque appears, it is better to avoid toothpastes with herbal extracts.

The best toothpastes for children aged 7 to 9 years

The composition of toothpastes for children over 7 years old is close to adult teeth cleaning products. The enamel is already strong enough, and the child becomes more conscious and does not swallow the paste. The permitted concentration of fluoride components in this group is 1400 ppm.

Biorepair Junior Mint – sweet mint flavor



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Biorepair Junior Mint is an Italian toothpaste for children aged 7 to 14 years. It contains vitamin E to relieve gum inflammation.

The proprietary microRepair component protects and restores microdamage to the enamel. The formula effectively cleanses, kills bacteria and keeps your breath fresh for a long time.

Most children like the taste and aroma of sweet mint. The paste does not contain sulfates, parabens, or fluorine. There are no abrasive particles or allergens here.


  • safe composition;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • protects and restores enamel.


  • high price (450 rubles);
  • not available in all stores.

Biorepair Junior Mint paste is recommended not only for daily oral hygiene, but also for children with damaged or transparent enamel, caries or increased plaque formation.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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