Educational hour for students in institutions of the NGO “Pet Day”

Class hour in 3rd grade “Our little brothers.”

Author: Savchenko Svetlana Serafimovna

Educational institution: MBOU "Prechistenskaya Secondary School"

Locality: s. Prechistoye, Smolensk region

Topic: Class hour in 3rd grade “Our little brothers.”

Library Section: Extracurricular Activities

Goal: talk about the importance of animals in people’s lives, give the concept of “Our Little Brothers,” teach not to mock animals, help them in difficult times, take care of them, develop monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to cooperate, cultivate love for animals.


Progress of the lesson.

The “Greet with your elbows” method. Purpose – Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other

The number is the whole class.

Time – 10 minutes

Preparation: Chairs and tables should be set aside to allow students to move freely around the room.

Carrying out:

The teacher asks the students to stand in a circle. Then he invites them to pay for the first, second, third and do the following:

• Each “number one” puts his hands behind his head so that his elbows are pointing in different directions;

• Each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that his elbows are also directed to the right and left;

• Each “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides.

(The teacher tells the students that they are given only five minutes to complete the task. During this time, they must say hello to as many classmates as possible, simply saying their name and touching each other with elbows.

After five minutes, the students gather in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers are together, respectively. After this, they greet each other within their group.

Note: This funny game allows you to have a fun start to the lesson, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between students.).

Goal setting. Work in pairs.

Look into your envelopes, who did you see in them? Make up a short story about these animals together and go out and tell them what you know about them.)

(In the envelope there are photographs: cows, horses, dogs, cats and chickens).

(Students come out and tell what they know about these animals)

- What group of animals do they belong to? Why are they called homemade? What will be the topic of the lesson?

Guess the goal?

(How to care for animals, help them in difficult times)

A story based on a presentation about the benefits of animals. (students talk through a presentation about the benefits of animals).

Conversation based on the story you read. Method "Collect text". — Here are fragments of text. How many parts does it have?

- Work in pairs and restore its chronological order.

A mongrel dog named “Boy” lived in the passage near the Mendeleevskaya metro station for more than five years, and appeared as a puppy. The dog was distinguished by charm and good-natured disposition. He was fed by stall sellers and station workers. One day, the dog caught the eye of a young girl walking along the passage with a fighting dog, which she set against the peacefully standing mongrel. The dog could not be saved.

The circumstances surrounding the dog's death outraged the entire public. Cultural figures appealed to the management of the Moscow metro with a request to give permission to install the monument. The opening of the sculpture took place in 2007. According to the authors, this is a monument not so much to a specific dog, but to all animals that have suffered from human cruelty. The figure of the dog, both in appearance and size, is similar to “Boy”. The dog lies on a granite pedestal with the inscription: “He needs to be petted.” The author of the monument, sculptor Alexander Tsigal, asked police officers and metro employees to allow them to take photographs, place children on the bronze dog and even place bags near it: “Let the Boy protect them, continuing to participate in people’s lives.”

- Read this text. Reading aloud.

-What did you read about? About

Class hour on the topic "Our favorite pets"

Prepared by Kiseleva A, N


instill a love for animals, revealing their characteristics and habits; to cultivate a responsible attitude for the fate of a four-legged friend, an aesthetic sense, and moral qualities. Foster a sense of responsibility for our little brothers. Broaden horizons on the topic, replenish and enrich students’ knowledge about the animal world.


Student #1

Hello guys, hello dear parents.
We are very glad to welcome you here! We are glad that you were able to devote your valuable time to us! today we will talk about our pets. Probably almost all of you have dogs, fish, parrots, hamsters, and cats at home. Four-legged friends! There is no way not to love them. They are helpers in work - Reliable, exemplary, They will help out in trouble, And they are very faithful in friendship.
Student #2

Guys, you know that the ancestor of the domestic dog - the wolf - was the first animal that man accepted into his home. This happened 20,000 years ago. Primitive man was constantly afraid for his life. He listened to every rustle. Gradually, man tamed the dog to guard the house, help in hunting, and guard livestock. Today we invite you to hold our event in the form of a competition between 2 teams. Each team receives a token for the correct answer, and if someone doesn’t guess, then the right to answer goes to the other team. Guys, now guess what kind of pet we are talking about:

This beast lives only at home, Everyone is familiar with this beast. He has a mustache like knitting needles, He purrs and sings a song, Only the mouse is afraid of him. Did you guess it? This …

Student #1

Well done, right. The cat, an affectionate creature with big eyes, cannot leave anyone indifferent. Our affection for kittens comes from our ancestors. The oldest remains of a domestic cat were found during excavations in Armenia. More than 400 million domestic cats live on our planet.

1. In our house, believe it or not, a terrible beast appeared. He scratches at the door, Believe it or not, believe it or not. We need to call for reinforcements, Otherwise, all the jam , sweets, and cookies, our grandmother’s creation, will be eaten, licking his lips, causing damage to the family. Whatever the beast gets and there is no candy left. We need to sit down quickly and eat the candy quickly.

2. The door creaked and opened. There was a terrible beast on the threshold. He doesn't eat jam, nor sweets, nor cookies. He purrs into his mustache. Give me some sausage instead. Or better yet, milk. I came from afar. What kind of little animal is this?


Student #2

And now we will play a little and hold entertaining competitions. So, first, come up with a name for your team. Create an emblem and choose a captain! You have 5 minutes for this task (Are you ready? Now let’s listen and see what you got)

Let's remember what sayings, proverbs, and signs you know about cats. Each team names in turn; you cannot repeat them. (read those that were not named) Signs:

The cat is curled up in the cold.
Into the stove - to bad weather. The cat washes itself with its paw - you need to wait for guests. A black cat crossed the road - to trouble. Words:
- Cats scratch at my soul. - The cat knows whose meat it ate. - They live like a cat and a dog.

Student #1

Well done. You know proverbs, sayings, signs well. Did you know that a cat’s vision is 6 times sharper than its owner’s vision, a cat’s hearing is 3 times more perfect than a person’s hearing, they can predict earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, and fires.

2 competition.

Now you must draw your pet. Meet and decide who you will draw. Decided? And now you will take turns going to the board and drawing individual details (eyes, ears, mustache, muzzle). The drawing is drawn collectively.

– You all love animals and do not offend them. Let's listen to a poem called Kitten, and Yana Bondarchuk will read it to us

Yana Bondarchuk reads a poem

A kitten appeared in the schoolyard, He ran to the people with all his might: “Good people, have pity on me, Give me something to eat, wash me, warm me up!” But people just walked, lowering their eyes: “Why do we need a kitten? After all, he’s not a goat!” Then the girls quickly ran up to him, and gave the kitten his morning breakfast, one fed him, the other warmed him up, and didn’t regret the newest jacket. They told the kitten: “You sit here, but please don’t leave!” As soon as the lessons are over at school, we will take you, baby, and will not allow you to die, because you hope that there will be enough kindness in the world for everyone!

Student #2

– Which of you doesn’t have a dog at home? Who would like to have one? (Listened to everyone)

How I want a puppy, But a living one, not made of plush. So that the sides are plump and the ears stand straight up. I would love him so much, He would love me too, I would go for a walk with him On a rainy and fine day.

— The dog is the very first animal domesticated by man. Later, people developed numerous breeds of dogs. They began to use them for work, in medicine, in the army

A poem about dogs will be read to us by Ekaterina Lopatkina and Kirill Gornostaev KATYA LOPATKINA 1. There are many dogs in the world, both on chains and just like that. Service dogs - border dogs, Ordinary yard balls, And timid young mongrels, Who love to yap from under benches, And those pampered lap dogs, Whose nose is snub and whose voice is thin, And who are no longer good for anything - Stray dogs are always hungry.

2. Among dogs of any breed there are both handsome and ugly. There are giants - these are Great Danes! Short-legged bulldogs, And wire-haired terriers, Some are black, others are gray, And others are offensive to look at: They are so overgrown that you can’t see your eyes! – KATYA READING

KIRILL GORNOSTAYEV READS 3. Everyone knows the properties of a dog: Intelligence, sensitivity and heroism, Love and loyalty, and deceit, And disgusting lordship. And complete obedience, And this is all from upbringing! 4. It’s not for nothing that a dog bites those who throw a stone at it in vain. But if someone is friends with a dog, the dog serves him faithfully! But a faithful dog is a good friend. Depends on good hands.

5.Four-legged friends! There is no way not to love them. They are helpers in work - Reliable, exemplary, They will help out in trouble, And they are very faithful in friendship.


— What kind of work do you think dogs can do?
(We listen to the answers) 1. Behind the stroller with a proud look, Dog walks slowly, will not offend anyone .

The dogs run two in a row, the sleds hold the lungs together. The tundra is drowning in snowy darkness, People are sleeping in warm tents. And in the darkness of the polar night a hoarse bark is heard: The mail is traveling to distant plagues: - Hey, cabman, don’t yawn!
The mighty St. Bernard hurries to the top of the pass. There was a snowfall there, the blizzard was raging... A man calls for help, He could die there, But the St. Bernard will find him, Help him in trouble.


This is the most good-natured and devoted, understanding and obedient guide dog. She helps people with poor hearing and vision, warns them of danger and accompanies disabled people in a wheelchair.

Firefighting dogs.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote a story about a fire dog named Bob, who carried 12 small children out of the fire.

Customs dogs

learned to find explosives and even weapons that bandits and terrorists could use; they find drugs.

Diver dogs

- These are rescuers of drowning people. They dive perfectly, jump into the water from any height, and are able to carefully bring someone in trouble to shore. The dogs come to the aid of a special team; all they need to do is hear the cry of a drowning man.

Donor dog.

Such a dog can become a donor for another dog if that dog needs a blood transfusion.

Dog doctor.

Many doctors suggest that “nervous” people have a dog - this is the best medicine. “Whoever has a dog is healthy in soul.”

Astronaut dogs.

Belka and Strelka were the first cosmonauts to fly into space.

1. It’s hard to even imagine how many feats, big and small, known and unknown, dogs have accomplished. And it is no coincidence that monuments to these beautiful animals have been erected in many countries.

2. In St. Petersburg, where the great Russian academician I.P. Pavlov lived and worked, a monument to a dog serving science was erected.

3. There is an unusual monument in Paris. Against the background of a wall depicting a city, there is a dog with a smart and kind face. And on her back is a child. The kid hugged the dog tightly with his arms. This is a monument to a St. Bernard named Barry, a dog who saved 40 people during snow drifts in the Alps.

4. In Berlin there is a monument to a dog - a guide to the blind.

Student #1

5. In Alaska there is a monument to the dog - the leader of the team, Bolto, who delivered medicine to a snow-covered village during the epidemic.

6. In Italy there is a monument to the dog Verny, who for 14 years came to meet his owner who was killed in the war.

7. You can talk about dogs, their devotion to humans, beauty and intelligence for a very long time. It’s not for nothing that hundreds of books, stories, poems, and songs have been written about them.

8. In Rus', since ancient times, dogs have helped hunters. Peter I had a messenger dog. She delivered letters and orders. But, for example, in Czechoslovakia, a postman dog delivers letters and telegrams to holiday homes and hard-to-reach places.

Now let each team tell us interesting, maybe funny stories that happened to your favorite pets.

and now let’s listen to a song performed by our girls, which is called THE SONG “MISSING DOG”


Guys, there is an epigraph written on the board, these are the words of Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” (Children express their opinions.) - receive tokens

Yes, that's right, well done. Cats and dogs are our little brothers, we must always take care of them, and not just when we are interested in them. We have such amazing friends next to us, we need them, they need us, we are responsible for them, because we are responsible for those we have tamed. It is not for nothing that people have composed many fairy tales in which they describe the life together of people, cats and dogs. Now let's remember who has more films, fairy tales, cartoons, where the main characters were animals...

Student #1


now there is another competition called “Black Box” (We take out 2 black boxes containing a toy each)

The first command answers:

a species of predatory mammals . One of the largest modern animals in its family: its body length (excluding tail) can reach 160 cm, tail length - up to 52 cm, height at the withers - up to 90 cm; body weight can reach up to 86 kg.

It once had a much greater distribution in Eurasia and North America . In our time, its range and the total number of animals have noticeably decreased, mainly as a result of human activity: changes in natural landscapes, urbanization and mass extermination. In many regions of the world it is on the verge of complete extinction, although in the north of the continents its population still remains stable. Despite the fact that their population continues to decline, it is still hunted in many places as a potential danger to humans and livestock, or for entertainment.

As one of the key predators, they play a very important role in the balance of ecosystems biomes such as temperate forests, taiga , tundra , steppes and mountain systems . In total, there are approximately 32 subspecies of these animals, differing in size and shades of fur. ( WOLF)


a very large and massive animal. At first glance, its appearance seems clumsy, its body movements are slow and unhurried, but in fact this animal is very fast and dexterous. The head is large with a wide forehead. The ears are relatively small and round in shape; in winter they are almost invisible due to the high fur. The predator's eyes are very small and dark in color. The exact size of the body is difficult to indicate, due to quite strong age-related, geographical, individual and seasonal changes. The largest of them in our country live in the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The body length of old individuals reaches 250 cm, the height at the withers is up to 135 cm, and the weight reaches 500 kg. It is worth noting that most of the animals have much more modest sizes, so a typical adult weighs on average 250-300 kg. Subspecies living in the south of the country weigh even less - 80-100 kg. The weight of the animal varies greatly at different times of the year. Its tail is very short and hidden in fur. The paws are powerful with bare feet. The claws are large and curved, longer on the front paws than on the hind paws. Can reach 7-10cm. Student #1

Our competition has come to an end!!!!!

Let's summarize. (counted points, presented certificates, congratulated)

And now we invite everyone to sing Funtik’s song about kindness together

It's good to wander around the world with caramel on your cheek. And another one for a friend. Take it in your pocket as a spare.

Because, because Everyone is more necessary and dearer, Everyone is more trusting and stricter In this world, kindness. There is kindness in this world.

It's good to wander down the street with a warm rabbit in your bosom, taking the little knock of your heart as a reward.

Because, because Everyone is more necessary and dearer, Everyone is more trusting and stricter In this world, kindness. There is kindness in this world.

It's good to wander around the city with a white dove in a top hat, with a red ball on a string, and with a smile from ear to ear.

Because, because Everyone is more necessary and dearer, Everyone is more trusting and stricter In this world, kindness. There is kindness in this world.

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