Brownie amulet: which one to choose and where to place it
The brownie-amulet will help the house in which it is placed to find well-being, prosperity, and financial stability. It also protects against magical influences, various dangers and theft.
There are many types of domovyat figurines: cheerful old men, smiling boys or girls.
An important detail is what object the brownie is holding in his hands - they all have a special meaning:
- Broom.
A brownie with a broom will protect your home from dark forces. A brownie with a broom will protect the house from adversity and evil spirits - A bag of cereal.
Such a detail in the hand of a brownie will allow money to enter the house, which will gradually improve. A brownie with a bag will improve well-being in the home - Spoon.
It is also a sign of prosperity. A brownie with a spoon will use a spoon to scoop wealth and good luck into the house - A house drawn on a bag carried by a brownie, or simply present next to the brownie, symbolizes comfort and happiness in the family.
A brownie in a house will bring happiness and prosperity to the family - A banknote or coin will bring wealth into the house.
A brownie with money will bring wealth to the house - Bast shoes or a bagel will help restore comfort and peace in your home.
A brownie with bagels will save family relationships
- It is better to hang a brownie with a spoon in the kitchen. It will protect your home from “times of hunger.” Food prepared under the gaze of such a brownie will nourish a person not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level.
- A talisman with a broom or broom is placed in the hallway, opposite the front door. The brownie will keep an eye on everyone who enters the house, and if a person comes with bad intentions, he will “sweep” him out of the home.
- Figurines with money or bags are placed in the living room or office. The brownie will monitor your financial situation and, if necessary, help.
- Brownies with bast shoes, houses or bagels will take the right place next to the front door. They will help strengthen family relationships and prevent love from leaving the house.
It is also important where the brownie-amulet will be placed:
Little house girls (domovikhi) are most often depicted with spoons in their hands, so they should be placed in the kitchen. They are suitable for housewives, single women and will become good helpers in household chores. Boy or old amulets are appropriate for placement in the apartments of single people and families.
Housewife helps women in housekeeping
What does Brownie look like?
In most cases, the main Spirit of the dwelling appears in the form of a short, stocky old man , with a long gray beard and a stern look. This once again reminds us that the Brownie is none other than our ancient ancestor , assigned by the wise Gods to the house for protection and order.
These little tales , stories about Domovoy, are told in villages:
“The brownie or owner lives in the yard of the cattle or in a house on a tower. With his figure he resembles the big man in the hut and helps him in everything. The brownie rarely appears in front of people, and if this happens, it is considered superstitious, as an indication of an impending misfortune before a fire, before the death of the head of the family, etc. In the yard, the brownie takes care of the cattle, and especially the horses - grooming them, combing their hair their mane if he likes the horse and, on the contrary, he torments the horse in every possible way if its coat is not to the owner’s liking. No matter how much you feed such a horse, it will still seem thin and skinny. The women still say: “That white horse doesn’t belong in our yard, that’s why they sold it.”
Olonets Provincial Gazette. 1899. No. 53
The Home Spirit can often be found in the kitchen , where it is its rightful place. Sometimes he appears in the bedroom or children's room , where he protects the sleep of the owners, and especially the little household members.
How to make a brownie with your own hands
A talisman made with your own hands will have much greater power than one purchased in a souvenir shop.
After all, when making it, you invest your energy, strength and thoughts. By giving a homemade brownie, you will give your loved ones a strong protector and assistant in home and family affairs.
A homemade brownie can have any size and appearance.
Preparatory stage
First you need to decide on the material from which you will make your brownie. There are many options:
Choose a material that is convenient for you to work with, there are no restrictions.
It is also very important in what mood you approach the making of the amulet.
In order for the brownie to actually perform the necessary functions, it must be done in a good mood, experiencing positive emotions. During the creation process, talk to the brownie, ask him for help, tying a thread in a knot, you can read a conspiracy for success, love or prosperity.
Brownie made of fabric or burlap
A brownie made from burlap or fabric is simple to make and takes you back to the days when children played with rag dolls that their mothers or grandmothers sewed for them.
You can put any detail you want into the hands of the brownie
We will need:
The pattern is very simple: you need to cut out all the details, the hair and mustache are made from threads
Let's move on to making the toy:
Tie the bunches of thread in the middle and trim the edges. We sew burlap for the body and head of the brownie and make hair and beard
The nose is made of durable nylon and padding polyester or cotton wool
Sew with thread the edge where the burlap is unraveled. Also separate the head from the body with a thread. Using a strong thread, we sew the edge with loose threads so that it does not unravel further; we make one more seam to separate the head from the body
You can choose the proportions of the head and body yourself
We make frames for the hands of a brownie. For the eyes, cut out blanks from white and colored paper, glue them together with glue
Cut rectangular pieces from nylon. Pull the nylon over the hands of the brownie, secure them to the wrist with a thread. Sew the connections between the fingers. Fill your hand with padding polyester and sew up the nylon. The size of the hands must correspond to the body of the toy
Sew the arms with regular thread
Glue one piece of burlap on the bottom of the cardboard, put a little padding polyester on top and glue the second piece of burlap. For structural strength, sew the edges of the legs with thread. The legs are glued to the body with good glue
The hat can be decorated with a fur frill. Make sure that the size of the clothing fits the body of the brownie
The burlap brownie is ready. The brownie's face can be made to suit your taste.
Place a spoon, bag, money, broom or any other item you want into the brownie's hand.
Video: brownie made from burlap
Brownie figurine made of salt dough
To make a brownie from salt dough, you need to prepare the base:
Once the dough is ready, start modeling. Modeling from salt dough is as easy as modeling from plasticine or clay. Draw small details of the brownie with a thin knife. After making the brownie figurine, it must be baked in an oven preheated to 60–80 °C for one hour. After the figure has dried and cooled, it should be decorated with paints. Gouache, acrylic or oil paints are suitable. Then the product is varnished.
The brownie can be of any size and decorated with various details: horseshoes, spoons, brooms, etc.
You choose the appearance of the salt dough brownie yourself. You can take any drawing depicting a brownie and sculpt it, focusing on the picture.
Video: how to make salt dough
Nylon toy
To make a nylon toy you will need:
You choose the appearance of the brownie from nylon tights yourself
Let's start the process:
Round nose pliers will help you give your hand the desired shape.
We cover the workpiece with nylon and fix the fabric with thread on the wrist, separating the fingers with seams
We cover the padding polyester intended for the head with nylon. We insert the balls for the cheeks, nose and lips into their places under the nylon, and tighten them with threads. Glue the eyes with glue. Using synthetic padding balls, form the brownie’s cheeks, nose and mouth
The principle of making a doll involves stuffing nylon blanks with padding polyester and manually stitching the doll’s face, arms and legs with ties.
Video: the process of making a brownie from nylon
Brownie made of cardboard and thread
A brownie made from cardboard and thread is easy to make; even a child can handle this process:
Cut a circle inside each one. The size of the cardboard blank can be any, depending on what size brownie you want to make
You need to make a lot of layers so that the brownie is voluminous. Yarn can be chosen in any color
Scissors must be sharp to cope with a thick layer of thread
If you take a lot of threads, the brownie will turn out to be voluminous, and it can be placed as an independent toy; and if you wind threads on cardboard in 2-3 layers, you will get a fairly flat brownie, which will need to be glued to a cardboard base
Video: brownie made of threads
A simple brownie made from a pine cone
Brownie made from pine cones is a simple option that you can make with your child. For production you will need any materials: cones, wood shavings, acorns, twigs, leaves, as well as colored paper.
How to make a brownie from a pine cone:
The brownie can be supplemented with other details
The pine cone brownie can have any appearance you want. You can make his hair from wood shavings or his beard from fur. It all depends only on your imagination.
A brownie made from a pine cone can look very realistic and fit harmoniously into the natural landscape
How to Summon a Brownie
The keeper can respond to the call of the apartment's inhabitants. Even if he doesn’t show up after the ritual, don’t despair. Perhaps the house-elf came in a disembodied shell. Although he may not show up at all. In some cases, the “old man” leaves the house if there is constant swearing and a negative atmosphere.
To call Dedushko for contact, you need to be alone in the apartment, since he is shy and strangers can scare him away.
- The spirit never refuses a treat. In ancient times, our ancestors treated him to buns, cheese and milk.
- Seven days before the ritual, place a saucer with food in the corner of the kitchen.
- Before the ceremony, lay out a snow-white tablecloth and place various sweets (sweets, chocolate, lollipops) on it.
- After this, turn away from the table so that the brownie can eat in peace.
- Say the following phrase three times: “Grandpa, come to me for a treat!”
If the spirit comes, you will immediately feel it. You may hear clattering feet or quiet movements. Under no circumstances turn around and talk to the old man. Otherwise, he will get scared and run away. Give him time to eat and then ask if you can ask him for help or advice. |
To understand the answer, use symbols. For example, touching the left hand means “yes”, touching the right hand means “no”. At the end of the ritual, be sure to thank the spirit. You can turn to face the table after the brownie leaves. A day later, bury the remaining sweets under a tree, not far from the hut where the ritual was performed.
Ritual with pencils
To call a brownie, you can use office supplies. The ritual is allowed only if the family has lived in the house for at least six years. However, you should not call the spirit on trifles. Use the ritual in extreme cases when there is no way to solve the problem yourself.
It is allowed to perform the ceremony with a husband or wife, but not with a blood relative. Everyone takes three pencils and folds them in the shape of the letter “P”. Then clearly say the following words: “Father, please tell me (voice your question). If “yes”, then raise the sticks up, “no” - lower them.”
If the house-elf came to the call, he will definitely answer the questions. Before starting the ritual, carefully consider what you will ask the spirit about. You can only do it three times. At the end of the ritual, thank the guardian and give him several gifts prepared in advance. You are allowed to open your eyes after the brownie leaves. |
Ritual with spoons
An alternative option for summoning a creature. Prepare four spoons and cut strips of paper. Wrap them around the cutlery, leaving a small “tail”. Turn on the light and arrange the objects in a circle. Say the following words: “Come master! If you come, unwrap any spoon and wrap it back.”
If the spirit accepts the invitation, you will hear a characteristic rustling sound. Just don't turn around! Just touch the spoons; if there is no paper on them, it means the brownie is ready to listen to you.
From the video you will learn how to call Grandfather.
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How to activate and use the brownie amulet
You need to understand that a brownie bought in a souvenir shop or made with your own hands is just a toy. In order for it to serve as a real amulet for your home, you need to activate it and charge it with positive energy.
Before charging the amulet, it must be cleared of bad energy. This can be done in two ways:
There are several ways to activate the amulet:
You can use sunlight or moonlight. Place the brownie on the windowsill for two to three hours so that the light from the luminary falls on it. Moonlight has powerful energy
The third way to “turn on” the amulet is with the help of the four elements. For this you will need:
The activation process is as follows:
- Place the brownie on a clean surface. Tell him everything you expect from him. Bless the amulet for the fulfillment of your plans.
- Sprinkle salt, earth, or run a stone over the symbol.
- Spray with water.
- Carefully pass over the fire.
- Hold over the incense stick for a while.
During the contact of the amulet with each of the elements, you need to ask for help and protection from them.
Your amulet is now cleansed and charged. Place it in the right place, and the brownie will begin to help you.
You are required to take care of it, make sure that the brownie is always kept clean and not upset by the mess and dirt in the house.
The brownie should occupy a specific place in your home, and not lie around anywhere
Video: cleaning and charging the amulet
The brownie amulet is a good helper in the household and in family and financial matters. It can protect your home from evil spirits, improve your financial condition and improve family relationships. You need to treat the brownie kindly and with respect, then he will answer you in kind.
Very interesting crafts are offered to the child to make a technology textbook for the 2nd grade of the Perspective program. But here’s the thing: the textbook itself is rarely given to children; only the teacher has it. The child gets a template for the craft, and the teacher must tell him how to do it. What if you listened? What if you don’t understand? What if you get sick? It's okay, we'll tell you and show you how to do it. In this master class we make a brownie from wool yarn and colored cardboard. Step-by-step photographs will help you understand everything.
What kind of Spirit is this? Various Brownie names
Russian Domovoy is one of the most famous Slavic spirits . He always lives where there are people. It’s not for nothing that there is a popular wisdom: “I bought a house with a Domovoi, a house as a house, and a Domovoi for nothing!” It is customary to talk about Domovik as a good creature , however, if you do not respect him or inadvertently anger him, he can do harm . Therefore, good owners must do their best to appease the invisible guardian, then their life will be smooth and easy.
If the home belongs to a married couple, Domovoy will be happy to help maintain good family relationships . In case of material or other everyday problems, you can ask him for help in saving wealth. However, it is worth remembering that a good spirit always favors only clean and hardworking owners.
You can find various names of Brownies. Sometimes he is simply called Grandfather or Neighbor, as a wise and dear gray-haired old man standing guard over the family hearth. The Brownie also has another name, endowed with power and respect - Hostess. Sometimes, due to his small stature, his owners affectionately call him Shishok.
Domovoy should not be confused with other Housing Spirits - Scrubnik, Khokhlik, Mokrukha or Zhirovik. These are completely different creatures, each of which has its own character.
How to make a brownie from yarn using technology
The hardest part of this craft for technology class is making a pompom out of yarn. If you learn how to do this, you can make a lot of fun and beautiful toys! But let's start with the template from the workbook. Let's cut it out. If something didn’t work out for you to cut out or for some reason you don’t have a template (for example, because you are making this brownie not for a technology lesson, but just like that), then print and cut out our template:
Cut out the template. We put it on cardboard and trace the details. Hands, ears, legs and eyes - 2 each. We should have 2 brownie ears, a pair of hands and a pair of legs, a pair of eyes and 1 long tongue. We glue black pupils onto the eyes or draw them with a felt-tip pen.
We round the tongue a little at the end by running the sharp side of the scissors along its tip.
Let's start making the pompom. On a sheet of cardboard we draw 2 circles with a radius of 5 cm. In the center of each - a circle with a radius of 2 cm. Cut out the resulting “steering wheels”. You can make a slot to cut out the inner circle, this will make it easier to wind the threads.
Place the cardboard circles together. We wind the yarn along the entire length.
We wrap the entire ring thickly and thickly. The more you wind, the fluffier and denser the brownie will be.
Now carefully cut the yarn between the cardboard rings with scissors along the entire perimeter of the outer circle. Do not move or remove the cardboards, otherwise the threads will fall apart and you will have to do everything again.
We tie the middle (it is exactly between the sheets of cardboard) with a thread of yarn tightly, and tie it into 2 knots.
Now you can remove the cardboard without fear that the pompom will fall apart.
Fluff it with your hands. Cut off any excessively protruding threads, if any. The result is a smooth, beautiful pom-pom onto which we will glue the rest of the parts. By the way, you can make not only a brownie from this pompom, it all depends on what ears, nose and paws you cut out of cardboard.
We smear the cardboard pieces with glue where the shaded areas are, insert them deep into the brownie’s fur and glue them.
Brownie is a very cute amulet. In addition, you can make it yourself and give it to friends. It is known that the grandfather (as the brownie is also called) has been in the house since ancient times, and his magic has been tested for centuries. Our ancestors believed that a brownie made with their own hands had special magical powers. This is a good spirit, and that is why it is also called a good spirit.
Competitive presentation for students of the Domovenok Kuzka primary school
A good book is used to being respected, And he gets an A in reading, Who has been a big fan of reading since childhood, And he is used to respecting books like his elders. And today we will get acquainted with good, interesting books... Do you love fairy tales? What fairy tale characters do you like? And Baba Yaga? What about the goblin? What about the water one? People have always come up with different mythological representatives: goblins, water goblins, mermaids, kikimoras, brownies who lived next to them, helped or hindered them in life and business. (slide 2) Fertility has always been considered the house spirit, the patron of the house, which ensured the normal life of the family, the health of people and animals. Strong, shaggy, with a beard, hands with wide palms - this is how he is imagined, but no one knows what he really looks like. We love the image of a brownie very much, perhaps this led to the appearance of the little brownie - Kuzka. (slide 3) According to legend, October 8 is the birthday of Kuzka the brownie. (slide 4) Kuzka was born in 1972 in the bathhouse of the artist Vasily Polenov’s estate. (slide 5) He was discovered under a broom by his wife, Valentin Berestov and Tatyana Alexandrova, who lived in Polenovo at that time. “And we now have a little brownie, Kuzka!” - they told everyone joyfully. (slide 6) In the museum-reserve V.D. Polenova (Polenovo estate) celebrate the birthday of the brownie Kuzka. (slide 7) Tatyana Ivanovna Alexandrova is a writer and artist. She then wrote a fairy tale and drew a brownie. (slide
Burlap brownie
Whatever material you make the amulet from, it must certainly be pretty. Then all household members will be pleased that this symbol is next to them. It is believed that his face resembles the owner of the house. So if you have artistic talent, you can convey “photographic precision.”
Our ancestors most often settled the brownie in the part of the house where they prepared food.
In a modern apartment, it will fit perfectly in the kitchen, but you can also find a cozy corner for grandpa in the living room. And prosperity, well-being and harmony are guaranteed to the family.
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General signs of the presence of a brownie
There are several main indicators that there is a new tenant in the apartment:
- Noise (rumble, stomping, knocking). If the house is a mess, then in a similar way Dedushko reminds of the need to clean.
- Animal behavior. Cats, dogs and other pets are able to see the brownie. If they play with something invisible and wag their tail, it means there is a good spirit in the home. An animal showing aggression or fear is a sign that an evil house-elf has settled in the apartment.
- Missing things. The spirit loves to play pranks and is attracted to shiny objects. He can rearrange them, hide them. If sweets disappear, then you should feed the old man.
- Hints in a dream. The Guardian can suggest a solution to the problem during the person's night's rest. Protects him from nightmares.
- Feeling safe. Having crossed the threshold of the house, people feel their anxiety go away and their fears disappear. The spirit creates a favorable atmosphere in the home.
- Warning signals. Broken dishes, a doorbell, falling things - this means that the house-elf wants to warn about impending danger. Check that the gas and water are closed, make sure the sockets are working properly, etc.
- Games with kids. Children under seven years of age are able to see the guardian. Good spirits play with him, and evil spirits scare him.
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How to find out if there is a good brownie in the house
The existence of a “grandfather” in the home is indicated by extraneous sounds, rustling sounds, and night steps. But you shouldn’t be afraid of them, it’s just that when everyone is sleeping, the spirit checks if everything is in order in the house. Cats and dogs see a guardian. The first ones purr for no apparent reason. This means that the house elf is scratching them behind the ear. Sometimes cats play with the spirit.
Dogs are less likely to be evicted from their keeper. Most often, they simply carefully examine something invisible and do not respond to the owner’s call. If the dog does not show aggression and does not growl, then you have a good house elf.
The main signs of the existence of a good spirit in an apartment:
- If you are not afraid to sleep in pitch darkness, it means that you feel safe in your subconscious. Grandfather is worried about her.
- If you have a good “relationship” with the spirit, then it sends prophetic and good dreams. Drives away nightmares and prevents you from oversleeping on work.
- Often a positive guardian will tell you when guests will arrive. For example, a person has a premonition that they are about to ring or knock on the door.
It is pleasant to be in a home with a good house-elf, and there are good relationships in the family. You should be friends with such a “neighbor,” treat him with sweets, and thank him for his help. |
How to find out that there is an evil house spirit in the apartment
It is incorrect to call a bad entity a guardian. If she has settled in the house, people feel uncomfortable sleeping in the dark. Even adults are afraid to stay alone in such a home. The main signs of the existence of an evil spirit in an apartment:
- Constant quarrels and scandals in the family, alcohol abuse and other manifestations of negative energy.
- If people lead the wrong lifestyle, the brownie gets offended and leaves the apartment. An evil spirit “populates” its place.
- Regular illnesses of family members. It is unpleasant to be in a house where evil spirits have settled. I want to leave the room quickly.
The evil entity must be driven away and the good Grandfather called, who in the future will protect the house and its residents from the attacks of evil spirits.
Good brownie
In Northern Russian legends, the brownie appears as the owner of the house, whose demands must be fulfilled, and anger must be softened with offerings. As we move to the southwest, the image of a brownie takes on the features of a capricious and mischievous creature, who with his pranks ruins a person’s life and torments cattle[23].
The brownie protects the well-being of the family and punishes those who quarrel, guards the household, maintains the fire in the stove, cleans the house, dries grain, fetches water, and takes care of livestock. If a brownie loves cattle, then he scratches the mane and tail, weaving in red ribbons, feeds and waters, cleans, and tortures the unloved animal, beats it to death, and puts it under a manger. If the horse is bucking, the brownie may take offense at it and “drive” it - so that by morning the horse will be exhausted and covered in soap, as if after a long race. Therefore, the owners bought horses and cows of the color that was suitable for the court, that is, loved by the brownie. The brownie was asked to take care of the cattle in the spring before the first pasture and in the fall, when the cattle were driven into the barn for the winter[4].
By its behavior or sudden appearance, the brownie warns of dangers and averts trouble. Before the death of a family member, he howls, snores, stomps, knocks, slams doors, meows, leaves bruises on the body of the sleeping person, and strokes him with a cold bare hand. Before the death of the owner of the house, it appears in his hat. Before a fire, knocks on the window, diligently grooms the cattle - there will be a death, jumps from the attic or cries - to trouble; If he laughs, then happiness is expected. Before an important event in the family, the brownie sits on the chest of the sleeping person (see Sleep paralysis). If at this moment you ask “For better or for worse?”, he will answer: if he remains silent or coughs, it will be for worse[4].
Angry brownie
An angry brownie plays pranks like a kikimora: hides things, scares people, makes noise in the basement or attic at night, throws the cat off the stove, breaks dishes, pulls off a blanket from a sleeping person, eats food left behind, confuses yarn, etc. In order not to anger the brownie, you should especially avoid quarrels in the barn and in the yard, you can’t stand on a garbage heap, a woman can’t sleep without underwear or leave the house with her hair down, she can’t work at night or feed a child, go to bed without dinner, take the brownie’s favorite place or put some things there.
You can save yourself from an angry brownie who is trying to strangle you by swearing and making the sign of the cross; he is not afraid of prayers. A bear or a goat was brought into the barn to protect the livestock, and a dead magpie or a mirror was hung. The owner of the house could wave a long linden stick to scare the brownie, or stick a knife above the door.
In the western regions of Russia and Belarus, it was believed that a sorcerer could send someone else’s “nasty” or “dashing” brownie to the family, who would begin to cause harm to the household. There were several ways to help your brownie against a stranger, conspiracies, and wreaths woven for Trinity were hung in the barn.
There were rarely people who believed that a brownie could be close to women, especially young widows. Children born to a brownie died before baptism and lived underground and behind the stove. Like any evil spirit, a brownie could kidnap children, especially those cursed by their mother. Therefore, in a house with an unbaptized child, they did not put out the fire at night[4].
Making the simplest contact
To improve your relationship with your brownie, first of all, start talking to him mentally. If you stumbled with a cup in your hands and didn’t spill a drop, thank him for that; if you found something you thought was lost for a long time, tell him that you couldn’t have done it without his help. It is also recommended to keep the house clean and tidy so that the brownie feels comfortable being around you. And don’t forget to placate him with sweets regularly. They love warm milk, cookies and other sweets, and, of course, honey. Leave these goodies on the table for your pets at night and you will be surprised at how much they will begin to support you.