Lapbook on the basics of home and outdoor safety for preschoolers: how to make it yourself

Both adults and children love puzzles, and crosswords are no exception, of which there are countless on different topics and of different types. The word crossword itself is translated from English as “intersection of words” and consists of rows of cells that are filled with letters, forming words based on given questions.

Everyone knows how to solve crosswords, but not everyone is good at fire crosswords on the topic of fire safety. As a rule, crossword puzzles about firefighters or on a fire theme are made by schoolchildren or university students as part of assignments on the subject of life safety, or by preschool teachers and primary school teachers to teach their students fire safety rules.

In this material you will find ready-made crosswords on a fire theme with questions of varying difficulty and answers to them, and at the end of the article you can watch a video that tells in detail how to make a crossword yourself.

Attention!!! For ease of use, all of the crosswords below are available for download after the article - the “DOWNLOAD” .

Crossword 1

Crossword No. 1

  1. A flame that engulfs something widely.
  2. Fire extinguishing agent.
  3. An object through which water flows when extinguishing a fire.
  4. Burnt place on the body.
  5. A quantity characterizing the thermal state of something.
  6. One of the escape routes.
  7. A particle of a burning or incandescent solid.
  8. One of the sense organs, protected by a special shield (visor).
  9. A group of firefighters.
  10. Training lessons, study time.
  11. Burning and glowing, red-hot fire.


  1. Device for respiratory protection in case of fire.
  2. Hot, highly heated air.
  3. Event to rescue people in case of fire.
  4. The rising gray clouds are volatile combustion products.
  5. Fire alarm system.
  6. Fire department... (a group of people joining forces).
  7. An animal that helps find and save people during emergencies.
  8. One of the aggregate states of a substance capable of exploding.
  9. Fireman's tool.


Horizontally: 1 – fire; 2 – water, 3 – sleeve, 4 – burn, 5 – temperature, 6 – window, 7 – spark, 8 – eyes, 9 – team, 10 – classes, 11 – flame.

Vertical: 1 – gas mask, 2 – heat, 3 – evacuation, 4 – smoke, 5 – alarm, 6 – command, 7 – dog, 8 – gas, 9 – pickaxe.

Similarities and differences between Russian and English puzzles

Before we move directly to decoding, we need to clarify the rules for composing English puzzles.

First, I will name how English rules are similar to Russian ones.

  • Extra letters are cut off, not with a comma, but with a subtraction sign. At least that’s how it looks in the booklet they gave my daughter. If there are other accepted designations, I have not yet come across them.

And now - the main difference. The definition of the rebus given in the book reads:

Rebus – a puzzle consisting of pictures of objects, signs, etc., which, by the sound of their names suggest words or phrases.

  • That is, a rebus is a riddle consisting of pictures, signs, etc., the names of which in their sound . And in Russian puzzles we focus on the similarity in the spelling of words, and not on their sound.

And this feature of English puzzles makes them quite difficult to solve! This can be seen further using the example of the first rebus.

Crossword 5

Crossword No. 5 (author: Gorbunova V.V.)


1. This is a volatile substance with a pungent odor and no color. It flows from the burner in the kitchen; if you strike a match, it will immediately light up.

2. Tourists will come to their camp, They will disperse it in the evening. It will blaze for a long time, warming them with its warmth.

3. Gray cloth stretches out the window, curls, soars, rushes into the sky.

4. In a bright red shirt, trouble-free at work. A device called OP-5 Every student must know!

5. In a canvas jacket and helmet, Forgetting about the chain mail armor. Resolutely and without fear, the knight rushes into the fire!

6. The electric iron suddenly became too hot. What should you do, kids? Remove the plug from...


1. With an iron tip, with a curved hook. Firefighting equipment. Don't you know him?

2. Carbon monoxide smoke began to billow, the room was full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without?

3. I run along paths, I can’t live without a path. Where am I, guys, I’m not there? The light won’t turn on in the house.

4. Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water. With a tongue - but does not bark, Without teeth - but does it bite?

5. It may melt, but not the ice. It's not a lantern, but it gives light.

6. If you want to save your property, don’t leave when it’s drowning...

7. Now the clouds splashed with rain, It suddenly became light, as if it were day. What sparkles dazzlingly and creates deafening thunder? Does he set trees on fire in the forest?

8. Both shirts and pants, He irons for you, kids, But remember, friends, that you can’t play with him!


Horizontally: 1 – gas; 2 – fire; 3 – smoke; 4 – fire extinguisher; 5 – fireman; 6 – sockets.

Vertical: 1 – gaff; 2 – gas mask; 3 – current; 4 – fire; 5 – candle; 6 – oven; 7 – lightning; 8 – iron.

Fire safety game for 4th grade

Intellectual game on fire safety for elementary school “Fire Experts”
Author: Irina Shakirovna Pautova, methodologist of the Municipal Educational Institution “Childhood and Youth House in Cheremkhovo”. Description of material: I offer you the Regulations on conducting a city intellectual game on fire safety and the script for it. This material will be useful to additional education methodologists, directors of youth youth programs, and teachers of educational institutions. The intellectual game is intended for children in 4th grade.

APPROVED BY: Director of the Municipal Educational Inspectorate for Children and Youth _____________ Full name “____”___________2015 Regulations on the city intellectual game on fire safety “Fire Experts” I. General provisions Purpose: To attract students to participate in the promotion of fire safety rules. Objectives: - test students’ knowledge of the basics of fire safety during the game - competition; — to increase interest among schoolchildren in firefighting classes; — to instill respect for the work of firefighters Organizers: The organization and conduct of the competition is carried out by the Municipal Educational Institution “Childhood and Youth House of Cheremkhovo”. Participants of the game: Pupils of 4 classes of city schools take part in the game, the team consists of 6 people. Necessary conditions: To participate in the city intellectual game on fire safety “Fire Experts”, an application for participation (Appendix No. 1) is submitted before November 10, 2020 to the address: e-mail II. Procedure for the game Time and place: November 17, 2015 in the assembly hall – 14:00 MUDO “House of Childhood and Youth”. Evaluation criteria: Correctness of assignments; knowledge of fire safety rules; consistency of team actions and decisions. The winner will be the team with the highest total number of points based on the results of the competition. III. Summarizing. The winners and prize-winners of the city intellectual game on fire safety rules “Fire Experts” are awarded diplomas, participants - certificates. Inquiries by phone: 5-08-06, socio-pedagogical methodologist Irina Shakirovna Pautova. Scenario of the intellectual game “Fire Experts” Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone present at the “Firefighting Experts” game. Today we have a not quite ordinary game, it should be especially hot, since it is united by fire and everything connected with it. Today we will play and review fire safety rules. The game is played by 4 teams of 6 players on each team. Now I invite you to introduce yourself. So, first command. (Command View).
The teams' answers will be evaluated by the jury: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Presenter: Let's welcome our jury. Dunno appears Dunno: Hello kids, girls and boys. Let's play, look what I have. After all, playing with matches is so cool. Look what I can do. Presenter: For fun, don’t pick up matches for playing. A box of matches, even if it’s small, can do a lot of harm. Even a tiny light is not far from a fire. Dunno: Why are you still teaching me? I know everything without you! Now ask me a simple question. Host: Okay. Why do people need matches? Dunno: Couldn’t you have asked anything easier? Eh, I'm an empty head! Guys, tell me, why? (Children answer)

Presenter: Well done, guys! This means fire is our friend. But when can fire turn into an enemy? ( Children's answers).
What causes a fire?
(Children's answers). Dunno: It turns out that if I lit a match and it fell on the floor, a fire would start? Wow! Host: Yes, because around us there are various objects that can catch fire from one match! Dunno: Because of one match? Wow! Thank you for warning me and not letting me make mistakes. Can I stay with you? Host: Of course, remain Dunno. And you guys, each team has an envelope on the table, in each envelope there are questions written, for discussion of which 3 minutes are given. For 1 correct answer, 1 point is awarded. We open the envelopes and answer the questions on pieces of paper. The time has passed. 1st round Questions: 1. What phone number will you dial in case of fire? 1) 02 2) 01 3) 03 4) 04 2. Continue the phrase “Don’t touch the matches, in the matches...” 1) lantern 2) beans 3) fire 4) password 3. What is the name of the place for storing fire extinguishing items? 1) shield 2) disk 3) circle 4) layer 4. What is the exit from the room called in case of fire? 1) spare 2) transitional 3) walk-through 4) underground 5. What color is the fire truck? 1) yellow 2) green 3) blue 4) red 6. What is a fire? 1) game 2) disaster 3) competition 4) entertainment 7. Which of the natural phenomena does not cause a fire? 1) rain 2) wind 3) lightning 4) sun 8. What should you turn off when leaving home? 1) telephone 2) refrigerator 3) electric bell 4) gas, electricity, iron 2nd round. "Rebus". Presenter: Attention to the screen. Guess the puzzle on the topic “Fire Safety”. After solving the rebus, name the object that is encrypted on the screen. The team that answers the fastest gets 1 point. Now tell me how to use it. (answer: fire extinguisher)
. Instructions for use: break the seal, pull out the pin, point the nozzle towards the source of fire at a distance of 1 meter and press the lever).

3 round Puzzles . Presenter: For the correct answer - 1 point. For an incorrect answer, the turn goes to the opposing team. Carbon monoxide smoke began to billow, the room was full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (gas mask)
What kind of ladder is this that grows out of the car, rising above the house, so familiar to all firefighters.
(ladder on a fire truck)
I’m rushing with a siren to the fire, I’m carrying water and foam.
Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant. We are quick, like arrows. (fire truck)
The insidious fire will be defeated by the one whose name is...
A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor.
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand. And quickly fill it up... (with water)
What kind of cramped, cramped house is this?
A hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. Don't joke with the little sisters, Thin... (matches)
He is a friend of the guys, but when they play pranks with him, he becomes an enemy and burns everything around.
It hangs and is silent, but when you turn it over, it hisses and foam flies.
(fire extinguisher)
If something suddenly happens in the house - Smoke billows out of the windows, And fire, and heat blazes - This means there......
This, son, is not just a joke, Without wasting a minute, Don’t think for long, son, - Call on...!

Host: And now you guys should find out from the passage what works these lines are from? Whose team raises the flag forward is responsible. A correct answer is also awarded 1 point. 1. For a long, long time, the crocodile stewed the blue sea with pies and pancakes and dried mushrooms. ( K. Chukovsky “Confusion”)
2. A chicken runs with a bucket, and a rooster runs after her at full speed with a broom.
A pig with a sieve and a goat with a lantern. (S. Marshak “Cat House”)
3. “The master became even more angry and ordered the servants to throw the cockerel into the hot oven.
They caught a cockerel and threw it into a hot oven - straight into the fire. And the cockerel sits in the oven and says: “Spout, spout, pour water!” Spout, spout, pour water!” - and poured out all the fire in the stove.” (Russian fairy tale “The Cockerel - the golden comb and the miracle chalk”)
4. Lena opened the door, the fire jumped from the log, burned the floor in front of the stove, climbed from the tablecloth onto the table.
It ran over the chairs with a crash, crawled up the curtains, covered the walls with smoke, licked the floor and ceiling. (S.Ya. Marshak “Fire”) Fizminutka

4th round “Flammable objects” Presenter: Dear experts, in front of you is a sheet with a task. Look carefully and circle the flammable items. 5th round “Fire shield” Presenter: And now you will need only those items that need to be placed on the fire shield. There is a fire shield in front of you and you will need to glue the pictures that you consider necessary onto the shield. There is tape on the back of each picture; you will need to peel off the protective layer and stick the picture on the shield. 6. tour Fire safety rules need to be explained using the pictures. Host: We look at the screen. Whose team raises the flag, a picture appears for that team. For the correct answer 10 points. Let `s start. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Host: And now we invite our jury to sum up the results, and to do this, go to the deliberation room. And we guys will watch a film about fire safety. Rewarding. Host: Look around, guys! Fire is our everyday friend! But when we are careless with fire, He becomes our enemy! Dunno: Guys, follow the fire safety rules! Our game is over here. Goodbye, see you again!

We recommend watching:

Intellectual game “I want to know everything” for 4th grade Intellectual quiz about plants and animals of the forest for 2-4 grades Game “Clever and smart girls” for 4-5 grades based on Pushkin’s fairy tales Scenario of the game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “My Kazakhstan”, 3 - 4th grade

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Fire safety posters for children

Poster on the theme - house, forest and winter

The image on the fire safety poster will tell you about the many dangers that await children at home and on the street. And also about the rules of conduct with various unsafe objects.

Poster about general fire safety rules for children in the home

The children will learn a lot of new and interesting things in the form of poetry from this image. What not to do with fire and dangerous objects.

To ensure visibility of fire safety rules in an organization, as a rule, fire safety posters


This is one of the most convenient options for informing your staff about the safety rules in the organization. Security in the field of fire safety, civil defense, anti-terrorism protection, labor protection, etc.

Posters and stands on fire safety - from 1800 rubles

You can download the main violations of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, which are committed by property owners checked by fire inspectors


How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for school?

The student already draws quite well, and knows fire safety rules by heart. In art class, as an extracurricular assignment, or at an art exhibition, he will sooner or later be asked to draw a thematic drawing. What can you not depict? First of all, the child can draw a fireman or a fire truck. You can read about how to do this step by step in the article: “ How to draw a fireman and a fire truck step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw a fireman putting out a fire step by step? "

In the student's drawing, a fireman is putting out a fire.

The courage of firefighters is one of the themes of fire safety drawings.

The picture may also depict the famous slogan “In case of fire, call 01” in its various interpretations. The drawing is complemented by the image of a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a fireman in a helmet, a burning house in the background, etc.

Drawing by a schoolchild “In case of fire, call 01.”

Another slogan that children learn from an early age is “Matches are not a toy for children.” It can also be used as the basis for a drawing: depict a little hooligan with a box of matches and burning furniture in the room. I found a box, decided to play, struck a match, and disaster struck. Didn't know fire safety rules. But the rest know now!

Drawing by a schoolboy “Matches are not a toy for children.”

Picture for drawing “Matches are not toys for children.”

Another common cause of fires is improper handling of the gas stove in the kitchen, electrical and household appliances. Do not leave pots and pans unattended or dry laundry over the stove. You cannot use faulty household appliances, plug several powerful devices into one outlet at once, or leave them unattended. Here's another idea for a drawing.

Picture for drawing “Handle electrical appliances carefully.”

New Year's Eve can be marred by a fire if you do not follow safety rules when using crackers, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks. To avoid trouble, children are strictly prohibited from using pyrotechnics on their own.

Picture for drawing “Pyrotechnics are not for children.”

Due to carelessness of people, fire can get out of control not only in the house. Bonfires and barbecues in nature cause fires in dry grass and forest fires. The slogan of a children's drawing could be “Save the forest from fire.”

Drawing by a schoolchild “Protect the forest from fire.”

IMPORTANT: There are many colorful pictures on the Internet for children on the topic of fire safety. If suddenly a student doesn’t come up with his own idea, he can choose one of these pictures to draw.

VIDEO: Exhibition “The Burning Bush” 2020.

Fire safety posters, as opposed to scattered pictures, allow children to cover the broader issue of fighting fires. Within one poster, various topics related to fire safety are discussed. The presented images have a high enough resolution for further printing on large monitors or for use in presentations. Each poster has interesting pictures and accompanying text that will help children become much more familiar with the topic.

Fire safety posters for children presented in the article

- this is an opportunity to easily and quickly set up a safety corner, as well as hold interesting conversations with the children about the rules of behavior with electrical appliances, behavior in the forest, for the New Year, and so on.

How to draw a poster with fire safety rules?

To make a poster with fire safety rules for children or with children, you will need:

  • sheet of whatman paper (reverse side of wallpaper)
  • ruler 30 cm
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • paints, markers, colored pencils

Here are a few ways: The poster will be completely drawn. You can place several of the above thematic pictures on it at once. A sheet of whatman paper is marked so that each picture has its own place. In the center or in one of the corners the following inscriptions are placed: “Fire safety”, “In case of fire call 01”, “Fire requires careful handling”.

Picture to copy: fire safety poster for children.

You can make an applique poster, as in the example below.

Application - collage “Beware of fire!”.

Instead of a poster, they also use a collage of several drawings by children from a school class or kindergarten group.

IMPORTANT: The fire safety poster must contain not only drawings, but also the rules themselves. You can write them in verse. Verse for a poster about fire safety rules “Matches are not toys for children!”

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