Parent meeting on the topic Legal education of schoolchildren

Parents' meeting “Parents’ responsibility for raising children. Legal aspects."

Conversation with parents

“Parents’ responsibility for raising children.

Legal aspects related to liability

parents for raising children"

Family is a child’s natural habitat. This is where the prerequisites for the development of a physically and spiritually healthy person are laid. In addition, a family for a child is also a kind of refuge that ensures his survival. That is why one of the basic rights of a child is his right to live and be raised in a family. Therefore, the most important issue in the development of a child’s personality is the role of parents in his upbringing.

In the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of Art. 38 of the Constitution establishes that caring for children and their upbringing is an equal right and responsibility of parents.

Art. 61 of the Family Code states that parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights).

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that parents bear primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child, whose best interests should be the primary concern of the parents.

The concept of “raising a child” covers all areas of his development: spiritual, physical, moral, mental. This term also implies material provision of housing, clothing, food, and education.

At the legislative level, raising children occurs up to a certain age. According to generally accepted norms, full adulthood and the formation of an individual capable of making independent decisions occurs from the moment a person reaches 18 years of age. In some cases, the age is reduced to 14 and 16 years. Before this, the father and mother are responsible for the child.

Despite the fact that the responsibility of parents for the improper education of children in all spheres of life is prescribed by law, we must not forget about the moral side of the problem. The further fate of the younger generation directly depends on the foundation laid in them from infancy.

For failure or dishonest fulfillment by parents of their duties, the legislation establishes types of liability, each of which occurs depending on the severity of the consequences concerning the life, health, and mental state of the child: administrative; civil; according to family law; criminal

Criminal liability

  • Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the duties of raising a minor by a parent or other person entrusted with these duties, as well as by a teacher or other employee of an educational, training, medical or other institution obliged to supervise the minor, if this act is associated with cruel treatment of a minor , and entails punishment in the form of a fine of up to one hundred thousand rubles, or compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for the same term.
  • Part 1 of Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for a parent's failure to pay, without good reason, in violation of a court decision or a notarized certified agreement, funds for the maintenance of minor children . This crime is punishable by correctional labor for up to one year, or arrest for up to three months, or imprisonment for up to one year.

Civil liability

  • Art. 151, 1064, 1099 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - a parent who committed violations of his duties, did not fulfill his duties to provide the child with food and clothing, which resulted in harm to the child’s health, may be brought to civil liability in the form of compensation for moral damage and compensation losses.

Administrative and legal responsibility

  • provided for in Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RPF “Failure of parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill their duties for the maintenance and upbringing of minors” consists of the inaction of parents or other legal representatives of minors, i.e. when they deliberately do not fulfill their responsibilities for raising and educating children: they do not care about the moral education, physical development of children and strengthening their health, creating the necessary conditions for their timely receipt of education, successful training, etc.
  • Failure by parents to fulfill their obligations to raise and educate minor children is understood as a systematic pattern of illegal actions (inaction) carried out over a long period of time; This offense is a continuing administrative offense.
  • The lack of parental care, a normal microclimate in the family, the failure of parents to provide adequate financial support to children, the lack of control over their behavior can serve as the basis for a teenager to commit an antisocial act.
  • Administrative liability of parents and persons replacing them under this article has an independent basis and occurs not for the commission of offenses by teenagers, but in connection with them.

Curfew in the Perm region

Law of the Perm Territory No. 844-PK “ On measures to prevent harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development

  • The curfew in the Russian Federation limits children under 16 years of age from visiting the following places: streets; stadiums; parks; train stations; public transport stops; retail outlets and territories; cafes, restaurants, especially those where you can order alcohol; educational and cultural institutions; entertainment outlets.
  • Night time is the time
  • from 11 pm to 6 am local time from May 1 to September 30 inclusive
  • from 22:00 to 6:00 local time from October 1 to April 30 inclusive.
  • Violation of the law entails for parents (other legal representatives) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children - a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles;
  • The same actions, committed repeatedly by a person who was previously subjected to administrative punishment for an offense provided for in Part 1 of this article, entail the imposition of an administrative fine on parents (other legal representatives) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children - in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles;

Responsibility provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation

  • In accordance with Art. 69 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents (one of them) may be deprived of parental rights if they:
  • - evading the duties of parents, including malicious evasion of alimony payments;
  • - refuse, without good reason, to take their child from a maternity hospital (ward) or from another medical institution, educational institution, social welfare institution or similar organizations;
  • - abuse their parental rights;
  • - children are cruelly treated, including physical or mental violence against them, and attacks on their sexual integrity;
  • — are patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • - committed a deliberate crime against the life or health of their children or against the life or health of their spouse.

Each of them can occur both with complete inaction and indifference of the mother and father to the lives of the children, and with their partial neglect of their responsibilities. For its occurrence, illegal actions can be carried out one-time or systematically.

Proceedings on these issues begin from the moment the violations are discovered. There is a certain list of services that have the right to initiate a case against unscrupulous parents: the commission for minors, the police department at the place of registration or residence of the defendants (father and mother); social service authorities, guardianship and trusteeship authorities. In particularly severe cases of abuse, the courts at their place of residence deal with issues of parents’ dishonest performance of their duties.

Types of punishments for improper education

If the upbringing of children interferes with their normal growth and development, or acceptable living conditions are completely absent, the father and mother bear punishment, which manifests itself in the following forms:

  • registration as a dysfunctional family and regular monitoring of the fulfillment of parental responsibilities;
  • restriction of rights for a certain period of time with the obligation of maintenance;
  • deprivation of rights without the possibility of restoration with the collection of funds for their maintenance.

Such measures are aimed exclusively at protecting the interests of children who find themselves in difficult life situations. Condemnation of irresponsible parents occurs not only at the legislative, but also at the public level. In particularly egregious cases of neglect of parental responsibilities, the media broadcast reports to draw attention to dysfunctional families and general condemnation of their actions. Behavior that violates the norms established by law and can cause harm to the health and development of a child as a person must be suppressed by authorized bodies. This is done not only to protect victims, but to prevent deliberate violations in the upbringing of children. The measures taken contribute to the improvement and normalization of development conditions in a particular family and society as a whole.

Child protection is one of the responsibilities of the state, which arose, formed and strengthened due to the irresponsibility of parents and their indifference to the fate of their children.

The child receives his first life lessons in the family. His first teachers and educators were his father and mother. It has long been established that for a child, common family everyday joys and sorrows, successes and failures are the source that gives rise to kindness and sensitivity, and a caring attitude towards people. The family gives the child his first ideas about good and evil, moral standards, community rules, and his first work skills. It is in the family that a person’s life plans and ideals take shape. Family is the most important factor influencing the formation of personality. It is in the family that children simply and naturally join life.

Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people. Therefore, dear parents, we must always remember the great importance of education and the great responsibility to those whom you once decided to have, to children.


“On the responsibility of parents for raising children”

(slide 2) Education is a matter of conscience;

Education is a matter of science. V. Hugo

Raising children is the most important area of ​​our lives. Our children will be participants in the historical process in different capacities, they will be fathers and mothers, they will be educators of their children. But that’s not all: our children are our old age.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that parents are responsible for raising and educating children; not the school, not the public, not friends and acquaintances are responsible for raising children, but parents.

Many parents and members of the public are mistaken in believing that the school is the center of education. This is wrong. Sociological studies show that a child’s upbringing is influenced by: family – 50%, media – 30%, school – 10%, street – 10%. (slide 3).

Nowadays, when parents often have no time to spend time with their children, since they have to spend a lot of time at work to provide for the family, children are left to their own devices. It is very good when parents have time to communicate with their child: walk, play sports, or just talk at home with their daughter or son. Very often in adolescence, a child wants to get out of the house and spend more time outside with friends.

Do you know how your child spends his free time? The conditions for children to spend their free time have changed over the past decade in all developed countries of the world. Due to the increased mobility of the population and the rapid development of mass media (primarily television) and individual leisure (computer games, audio-musical devices, etc.), the relationship between parents and children has changed significantly. The main “eater” of time for both adults and children has become the TV and computer. And today’s children spend less and less time reading.

Why don't modern children like to read? The modern child has a lack of desire to read, although reading books is useful: intelligence, imagination, and logical thinking develop. It is necessary to interest the child so that he devotes time to reading books. For example, lead by example. After all, very often in families where parents do not read, the child does not pick up fiction. Every child has cherished desires and dreams that must come true. Communication with people and the realization of one’s desires develops a person’s sense of self-worth and self-respect (the desire to be liked, the desire to be needed and needed by someone, the desire to be known, the desire to communicate with interesting people). I would like to note that you can satisfy the feeling of communication not only in antisocial youth groups, but also in school, sports, creative groups, and in friendship with your classmates. Therefore, dear parents, you need to encourage your children’s desire to attend any clubs or sports sections

Do you know what clubs, electives and sports sections our school offers? (working schedule for clubs and sections) If a child has nothing to do, he “hangs out” on the street, which can lead to crime or the child’s involvement in an antisocial group. The modern street, uncontrolled pastime, and unemployed teenagers are factors that can provoke illegal behavior in our children: smoking, drinking beer and alcohol, hooliganism, etc. Statistics from the Department of Internal Affairs indicate that more than 60% of crimes and administrative offenses were committed after 23-00 hours. As practice shows, these crimes could be prevented with appropriate parental control over the upbringing and behavior of children.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (after.

Responsibility of parents for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of parental responsibilities

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that caring for children and raising them is an equal right and responsibility of parents (Part 2 of Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents have the right and obligation to raise their children. All these responsibilities are enshrined in Articles 64 and 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for the upbringing and development of children is common and binding for both parents, no matter where they are. Temporary transfer by parents of their children to relatives, strangers, or to one of the child care institutions does not relieve parents of responsibility for the upbringing and development of children. Parents and persons replacing them bear responsibilities for raising children until the child reaches adulthood.

What parental responsibilities are provided for by federal law?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various types of liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one’s duties in raising children.

Criminal liability

Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of duties for the upbringing of a minor by a parent or other person entrusted with these duties, as well as by a teacher or other employee of an educational, training, medical or other institution obliged to supervise a minor, if this the act is connected with cruel treatment of a minor.

Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for malicious evasion of a parent from paying alimony: “Malicious evasion of a parent from paying, by a court decision, funds for the maintenance of minor children, as well as disabled children who have reached the age of eighteen” is punishable by correctional labor for up to one year, or forced labor for the same period, or arrest for a term of up to three months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.

Civil liability

For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of responsibilities for raising children, parents can also be brought to civil liability.

The possibility of recovering compensation in favor of a child for causing moral or property damage to him is not directly provided for by family law, but follows from the provisions of Art. 151, 1064, 1099 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A parent who has committed violations of his duties, has not fulfilled his obligations to provide the child with food and clothing, which resulted in harm to the child’s health, may be brought to civil liability in the form of compensation for moral damage and damages.

Responsibility provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation

In accordance with Art. 69 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents (one of them) may be deprived of parental rights if they:

- evading the duties of parents, including malicious evasion of alimony payments;

- refuse, without good reason, to take their child from a maternity hospital (ward) or from another medical institution, educational institution, social welfare institution or similar organizations;

- abuse their parental rights;

- children are cruelly treated, including physical or mental violence against them, and attacks on their sexual integrity;

— are patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;

- committed a deliberate crime against the life or health of their children or against the life or health of their spouse.

Administrative and legal responsibility

The offense provided for in Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RPF “Failure of parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill their duties for the maintenance and upbringing of minors” consists of the inaction of parents or other legal representatives of minors, i.e. when they deliberately do not fulfill their responsibilities for raising and educating children: they do not care about the moral education, physical development of children and strengthening their health, creating the necessary conditions for their timely receipt of education, successful training, etc.

Failure by parents to fulfill their obligations to raise and educate minor children is understood as a systematic pattern of illegal actions (inaction) carried out over a long period of time; This offense is a continuing administrative offense.

The lack of parental care, a normal microclimate in the family, the failure of parents to provide adequate material support to children, the lack of control over their behavior can serve as the basis for a teenager to commit an antisocial act. Administrative liability of parents and persons replacing them under this article has an independent basis and occurs not for the commission of offenses by teenagers, but in connection with them.

Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-03 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”

In the presence of parents or other legal representatives of children who have reached the age of six years, the circulation of the following information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot is allowed:

- episodic depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (except for sexual violence) without a naturalistic depiction of the process of taking life or causing injury, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (except for violence) is expressed applied in cases of protection of the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

- an image or description that does not encourage the commission of antisocial actions (including the consumption of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, participation in gambling, vagrancy or begging), occasional mention (without demonstration) narcotic drugs, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, provided that the admissibility of antisocial actions is not substantiated or justified, a negative, condemning attitude towards them is expressed and an indication of the danger of consuming these products, means, substances, products is contained;

- episodic non-naturalistic depictions or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman that do not exploit interest in sex and are not of an exciting or offensive nature, with the exception of depictions or descriptions of actions of a sexual nature (Part 5 of Article 11, Article 9).

Law of the Sverdlovsk Region dated June 14, 2005 M 52-03 “On administrative offenses on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region”

Article 5-2. Failure to fulfill the obligation to prevent children under the age of 16 from being in public places at night without being accompanied by parents (persons in their place) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children.

Failure to fulfill the obligation to prevent children under the age of 16 from being in public places at night without the accompaniment of parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from twenty thousand to forty thousand rubles.

Article 5-3. Failure to comply with requirements to ensure measures to promote children's development and prevent harm to them.

Failure to comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Sverdlovsk region for the provision by parents (persons replacing them) of measures to promote the physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development of children and to prevent harm to them shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to five thousand rubles

Law of the Sverdlovsk Region dated July 16, 2009 M 73-03 “On the establishment in the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region of measures to prevent children from being in places where being in which can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, and to prevent children from being in public places at night without the accompaniment of parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children"

Article 4 establishes that the procedure for determining places in which presence may cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, and public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons substitutes), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, are determined by the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Article 5 regulates the procedure for notifying parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children in the event of detection of children in places where being in which may cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development , and at night in public places without the accompaniment of parents (persons replacing them), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children.

In the event of detection of children in such places, internal affairs bodies notify parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children in the manner prescribed by federal legislation.

A list of places where being present can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, and public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons in their place) or carrying out activities involving children

1. In order to prevent harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, it is not allowed for persons under the age of 18 to be present at the facilities (territories, premises) of legal entities or citizens, carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity:

— which are intended for the sale of goods of a sexual nature only;

— which are intended for the sale of only alcoholic beverages, beer and drinks made on its basis;

- who have access to the Internet, as well as for the sale of services in the field of trade and public catering (organizations or points), for entertainment, leisure, where, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, beer and drinks made on its basis is provided.

2. In order to prevent harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, it is not allowed for persons under the age of 16 to be present at night without the accompaniment of their parents (persons replacing them), or persons carrying out activities for education, upbringing, development, health protection, social protection and social services for children, promoting their social adaptation, social rehabilitation and similar activities with the participation of children (hereinafter referred to as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children):

- on the streets;

- at stadiums;

- in parks;

- in public gardens;

— in common areas of residential buildings;

— in public vehicles, the routes of which pass through the territory of the Sverdlovsk region;

- at facilities (territories, premises) of legal entities or citizens carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity, which are intended to provide access to the Internet.

Who, besides parents, can be held administratively liable?

The law equates other persons with parents. These are adoptive parents, guardians and trustees, both individuals and officials of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, public education institutions performing the functions of a state guardian.

Adoptive parents are also obliged to properly fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them: support, raise, educate, protect the rights and interests of their minor children.

A court may hold a parent deprived of parental rights liable for harm caused by his minor child within three years after the parent is deprived of parental rights, if the child’s behavior leading to the harm was the result of improper performance of parental responsibilities.

Who can draw up and review protocols on the administrative responsibility of parents?

Protocols on administrative offenses under Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are drawn up by officials of internal affairs bodies (police), as well as members of commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights.

Cases of administrative offenses are considered by the commission for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights at the place of residence of the person in respect of whom proceedings are being conducted on the case of an administrative offense.

Parents' meeting "Child's rights" material

Parents' meeting "Child's Rights"

Goal: Legal education of parents.


Introduce parents to legal acts designed to protect children's rights.

Enrich parents’ knowledge about raising children with publicly available scientific information;

Provide assistance in building a reasonable relationship with the child.

Increase the cohesion of the parent group.

Preparing for the meeting:

1. Exhibition of literature “Family Code”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, “Law on Education”, “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution”, “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” 2. Design of a visual propaganda stand “Rights and Responsibilities of Parents”

Meeting plan:

  1. Speech “Main directions of work to realize the rights of the child in the family”
  2. View the presentation “Children's Rights”
  3. Protection of the rights and dignity of the child in legislative acts.
  4. Game techniques, analysis of life situations.
  5. Decision of the meeting.

Progress of the meeting

Host: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to our meeting today. Today we have gathered to discuss a very important and pressing problem related to the protection of the rights and dignity of a small child, as well as to consider the rights and responsibilities of parents in relation to the child.

Presenter: - In the modern world, every civilized, educated person, and especially a teacher, educator, parent, is obliged to know his own rights, the rights of his children, be able to defend, protect them, and respect the rights of other children.

The main task of legal education is to provide each child with optimal conditions for the development of individual abilities, the possibility of self-realization, regardless of his psychophysical abilities, individual differences, in other words, the protection of the rights of the child at any stage of his development. – One of the most important areas of cooperation between kindergarten and parents is the prevention of violations of the rights of the child in the family. Very often, recently, the media have reported on yet another fact of violation of the rights of a child in a family or in an educational institution. This reason is not the absence of laws, but the insufficient use of the legal framework and law enforcement. It is difficult for many adults to understand and accept that a child is an equal person with rights, and his rights, like the rights of any person, must be known, respected and not violated. Sometimes they do not know the Convention on the Rights of the Child, they do not know the content of the articles, and therefore cannot implement them in life.

Presenter: Let's all watch a presentation on this topic together.

Presenter: “Children are innocent, vulnerable and dependent,” states the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. In accordance with this provision, the international community for the protection of children's rights has adopted important documents designed to ensure the protection of children's rights throughout the world:

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is the first international document. The 10 principles set out in the Declaration proclaim the rights of children: to a name, citizenship, love, understanding, material security, social protection and the opportunity to receive education, develop physically, morally and spiritually in conditions of freedom and dignity. The Declaration pays special attention to the protection of the child. Based on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, an international document was developed -

Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Convention recognizes for every child, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national, ethnic and social origin, the legal right to: - education; – for development; - for protection; – to actively participate in the life of society.

The Convention links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and protection, and provides the child with the right to participate in decisions affecting his present and future. On the basis of the Convention, regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels are being developed. The Family Code of the Russian Federation is a document regulating legal issues of family relations on the basis of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation and new civil legislation.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation legally enshrines the generally recognized principles and norms of international law: “a child’s right to life and upbringing in a family, to protection, to the opportunity to freely express his opinion.”

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defines the concept of “abuse” and defines protective measures (Article 19), and also establishes:

ensuring to the maximum extent possible the healthy development of the child (Article 6);

protection from arbitrary or unlawful interference in the personal life of a child, from attacks on his honor and reputation (Article 16);

ensuring measures to combat disease and malnutrition (Article 24);

recognition of the right of every child to a standard of living necessary for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (Article 24);

protection of a child from sexual assault (Article 34);

protection of the child from other forms of abuse (Article 37);

measures to help a child who is a victim of cruel treatment (Article 39).

The Criminal Code provides for liability:

for committing physical and sexual violence, incl. and in relation to minors (Articles 106 – 136);

for crimes against family and minors (Articles 150 – 157).

The Family Code of the Russian Federation guarantees:

the child’s right to respect for his human dignity (Article 54);

the child’s right to protection and the duties of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to take measures to protect the child (Article 56);

the measure “deprivation of parental rights” as a measure to protect children from abuse in the family (Article 69);

immediate removal of a child in the event of an immediate threat to life and health (Article 77).

The Law “On Education” affirms the right of children exposed to radiation in all educational institutions to “respect for their human dignity” (Article 5) and provides for administrative punishment of teaching staff for committing physical and mental “violence against the personality of a student or pupil” (Article 56 ).

Let's look at those child rights that are most often violated.

Quite often, parents shift their responsibilities to strangers.

Parents often use corporal punishment in education.

Very often, children, based on the example of their parents, have a negative attitude towards children with disabilities.

Sometimes we really want the child to sit, be silent, and not throw his toys around, thereby we violate his rights.

Article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is often violated when a child is not allowed to live with or visit his parents. During a divorce, one parent prohibits the other from seeing the child.

It also happens when adults exploit children.

When a child suffers physical or mental trauma, the consequences can be immediate and long-term. Subsequently, such children are unable to achieve success in school or professional work, their self-image is disrupted, a feeling of helplessness arises, as a rule, they are often involved in a criminal environment, and they have difficulties in creating their own family.

In Russia, physical punishment is widely used as a disciplinary measure.

Physical abuse is the deliberate infliction of physical damage or injury to a child, as a result of which the child suffers from impairment of physical or mental health and development. However, physical punishment often does not have the educational effect for which it was intended. Rather, on the contrary, the child develops anger, aggressiveness, cruelty towards others, cruelty towards animals.

One of the most destructive types of violence is psychological (emotional) violence.

Emotional violence is a single or repeated mental impact on a child, a hostile or indifferent attitude, as well as other behavior of adults, which causes a child to have a violation of self-esteem, loss of self-confidence, and impedes his development and adaptation in society. Children experiencing emotional abuse have deviations in intelligence, emotional-volitional sphere, experience anxiety, depression, neurotic symptoms, lack of proper attention and care, and love.

If earlier the public education system actually relieved the family of responsibility for raising the child and parents relied entirely on kindergarten and school, now, according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Article 63 stipulates the rights and responsibilities of parents in the upbringing and education of children, emphasizing responsibility for the upbringing, health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of the child.

We have looked at several violations of children's rights, although there are many more of them. Now let's check how you know the rights of your children. After all, if you know the rights, you will not violate them.

“Tricks from the box”

Let's clarify or learn something new about human rights.

In the modern world, every person should know their rights, the rights of the child, and, if possible, observe them.

I will take turns taking out from the box objects symbolizing familiar human rights.

Birth certificate - What kind of document? What right does it remind you of? (About the right to a name).

Heart - What right can a heart represent? (About the right to care and love).

House - Why was the house here? What right does it remind you of? (On the right to property).

Envelope - What does the envelope remind you of? (No one has the right to read other people's letters and peep).

Primer - What right did the primer remind you of? (On the right to education).

Toys - What do these toys remind you of? (About the child’s right to play and relax).

Analysis of life situations will help to trace and analyze violations of children’s rights.

A very frequently repeated situation: for example, your daughter wants to wear her favorite short-sleeved dress in the morning, but you know that it’s cool in the group now and suggest wearing a warm woolen dress. But she never agrees. You know that if you give in to her, then by the evening she will have a runny nose, and the next morning she will have a cough. And so you have a conflict every morning.

Question: How would you resolve this conflict situation? Parents' answers.

Conclusion: With the best intentions, adults sometimes forget that a child has self-esteem, pride, that he has his own opinion that he wants to defend. And we say that this is stubbornness. Instead of convincing the child, we command and demand execution. But the children do not agree. The child must understand what is wanted from him and must feel that his opinion is not indifferent, that he is understood and accepted, that he is taken into account. The Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes every child's right to freely express their views. (Article 13.). And the participating states respect this right of every child. (Article 14.).

Often, supposedly caring for a child, adults allow themselves to display violence: physical, psychological, insult.

This violence and aggression is not always overt; it can be veiled. “Dasha,” says mom, “go have breakfast right away!” How long to wait for you! We'll be late for kindergarten, and I'll be late for work! Have you washed your hands? Why do you need to be reminded of everything? Sit up straight! Don't move around at the table! Why are you digging, eat faster! .. etc.

Question: Would you rate the style of communication with a four-year-old girl? In what mood do you think your child will come to kindergarten?

Parents' answers.

Conclusion: Psychological pressure, insult, humiliation of a child causes him even more harm than physical punishment; this is also humiliation and insult. The Convention on the Rights of the Child interprets that states parties take all necessary measures to protect the child from all forms of physical, psychological violence, insult or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, abuse or exploitation by parents or guardians. (Article 18.).

Game "Tied Child"

the manager calls the parent for a demonstration

Host: You are a child. We say: “Don’t run, don’t jump, don’t fall...” and tie his legs (the called parent’s legs are tied with a ribbon).

Don't touch this, don't touch that... We tie his hands.

Don't listen, this is not for your ears... Let's bandage his ears.

Don't shout, don't talk loudly... Let's gag him.

Don't watch this movie... Let's blindfold him.

Let's ask our “child” how he feels now? (parent's response)

Host: Yes, not everything can be allowed to a child, but there should not be too many prohibitions. Parents raising their child should not forget about his rights.


Let's start our game. Assignments for you. You must name the hero of the fairy tale who could place such an advertisement in the newspaper, remember what the names of the literary works were, who their authors were, and of course the fairy-tale heroes themselves.

1. I offer a new trough, a hut, a pillar of nobility in exchange for a washing machine. (The Old Woman “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin)

2. I lay golden eggs. Expensive. (The Ryaba Hen. Russian folk tale).

3. Lost precious metal key. (Pinocchio. “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.N. Tolstoy).

4. Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world. (Doctor Aibolit. K.I. Chukovsky).

5. I’ll wash everything! (Moidodyr. K.I. Chukovsky).

6. A travel company organizes an air trip along a milk river with jelly banks. (Russian folk tale “Geese - Swans”).

Game “Allowed, prohibited” (for consolidation)

№ 1.

Sing, draw and dance. Attend lessons at school, develop your talents - This is... (allowed)

№ 2.

This line means: Mother and child are separated - This is... (prohibited)

№ 3.

Here the belt around the child, Like a ribbon, wriggles, Beating, punishing - always... (prohibited!)

№ 4.

Here is a child carrying a load, dragging, straining, hard work in childhood... (prohibited!)

№ 5.

This black man bows before the whites. Being over the weak Mr. Strictly... (prohibited!)

Parent meeting decision

1. Accept the child for who he is and love him. 2. Love your child and take care of him constantly. 3. Prevent violations of the rights of the child in the family. 4. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental. 5. Prohibit children from being rude and cruel to peers, animals, and insects. 6. Remove toys that contribute to the development of cruelty and aggressiveness in a child.

At the end of the meeting, I will read a poem:

Just try to become a good wizard!

There is no need for special cunning here.

To understand and fulfill the desire of another -

A pleasure, honestly!

Each of you can become such a wizard. The main thing is to want it. It is important to teach your heart to be sensitive and kind, to surround your children with care and attention, and not to violate their rights. I thank all the parents who took part in the meeting.

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