Parent meeting on the topic “How to ensure the safety of children”

Parents' meeting "Children's safety is our concern, the concern of parents"

Parent meeting. Children's safety is our concern

October 27, 2018

School-wide parent meeting

Topic: “The safety of children is our concern, the concern of parents”


round table


increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of children's life safety.


— developing parental knowledge about possible dangers for a school-age child; — preserving the life and health of children;

- developing in parents a sense of responsibility for the safety of their child.


Hello, dear parents! We are glad to meet you.

The theme of our meeting is: “Children’s safety is the concern of parents.”

Today we have to discuss very serious issues. The safety of children largely depends on what we advise children and what we teach. Our task is to protect the child, to properly prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations, to do everything to ensure that children feel comfortable in this or that situation.

The epigraph to our meeting will be the following words:

Face danger with courage and composure

there is a better way to protect yourself from it. D. Lubbock

The topic of our meeting was not chosen by chance. Each of you wants to see your children healthy and happy. It's wonderful when children are healthy. Alas, this does not always happen.

Why exactly today did we touch upon the problem of children’s safe behavior? The fact is that your children are growing up, they are becoming more and more independent, and sometimes they have to make their own decisions.

The most important task of the family and school is to teach the child to treat himself and the people around him responsibly, to be able to anticipate and recognize

dangers, follow simple rules of personal safety, develop models of behavior in extreme situations.

The problem of child safety today is one of the most serious and pressing, because... danger awaits our children everywhere: on the road, in the forest, at home, on the Internet, and in any place where a child may be.

The main responsibility of adults towards children is to provide a safe environment in which children can live and develop without threat to their life and health. Therefore, we must always be fully armed in order to be able to prevent those threats that can negatively affect the health and lives of children.

- All of us - teachers and parents - are trying to answer the question: “How to ensure the safety and health of our children?” Let's try to find the answer to it together. Let's start by answering the question, what is security?

Safety is a situation in which there is no danger to anyone (or anything). (Ozhegov’s Dictionary) Safety is a way of life that guarantees health and a happy future.

Security - ensuring safety from threats to human life and health.

The task of adults is to prepare the child to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Dangers can be divided into several groups:

Child and other people

The main idea of ​​this direction: the child must remember what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with strangers. Child and nature.
The task of adults in this area is to tell children about the interconnection and interdependence of all problematic objects that pose a threat to life.

The child is at home.

In this area, issues related to household items that are sources of potential danger to children are considered.

Child's health.

This direction addresses issues related to the value of a healthy lifestyle, conscious concern for one’s own health and the health of others.

Child's emotional well-being.

The main task of adults in this area is the prevention of conflict situations: to teach children ways to get out of conflict situations without bringing them to a violent solution.

Child on the road.

The task of adults is to introduce them to the rules of the road.

Child and the Internet.

The task of adults is to introduce them to the rules of safe Internet use.

We adults need to be aware of what your children are doing outside of school and at home, with whom and how they spend time. This is especially true in the warm season, when children spend more time outside without attention from adults.

If your child is under your control, if you have mutual trust with your son or daughter, if you have authority with them, if your opinion is at least not indifferent to them, your children's risk of getting into trouble is significantly reduced. Believe me, these are by no means general words. Any child safety specialist, no matter what country or locality he works in, will confirm to you: no matter what teachers, the police and the entire society do, it is not enough, because the child is protected, first of all, by the love and attention of his parents.

But in order to teach children the rules of behavior in a given situation, we ourselves must be able to get out of it, so now we will try to find a way out of some problematic situations regarding safety of behavior.

Each of our children may find themselves in an unforeseen situation; who will help a child who is in danger? First of all, himself! Understanding this means taking the first, most important step in learning the basics of life safety. But we adults must be the main helpers on this path. They must teach children to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid them, and, in extreme cases, be as prepared as possible for them.

At our boarding school, great attention is paid to organizing work to instill the basics of safety for students in various fields of activity. These are safety lessons, educational hours, conversations, various events, briefings, etc.

Basics of life support:

In September 2020 according to the calendar educational plan for 2018 - 2020. The month of prevention of children's road traffic injuries “Safe Road” was held at the boarding school.

Thematic educational hours were held throughout the month:

“Know the traffic rules, like a multiplication table,” “Rules for crossing streets and roads.” "Journey to the Land of Road Signs";

There was a quiz “Road signs - signs of attention”;

An exhibition of drawings on traffic rules “Letter to the Driver” was organized

A meeting was also organized with traffic police officers

In October 2020 The month of anti-terrorism and fire safety “Life Safety” was held at the boarding school.

Throughout the month, thematic educational hours were held: “Rules of our safety”, “Terrorism is a threat to society”, “Telephone terrorism and its danger”, “Behavior and actions of students in the event of a fire in a boarding school”.

Training sessions were conducted to practice evacuation in the event of an emergency. An exhibition of drawings and wall newspapers was also organized on the theme: “Your safety is in your hands”

A meeting was organized with internal affairs officers. The territory duty team carried out a “daily tour of the territory.”

November 2020 will be held under the motto “Healthy Generation”, a month of health protection, prevention of alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction.

However, work on the formation of the foundations of life safety on the part of the boarding school is not enough. Parents are the main assistants in work in this area.

How do you think?

Is there a single principle that we should focus on when thinking about the safety of our children? Yes, I have. This is love for a child, but conscious, active, active love.


What word do you think the word “education” comes from? – Parents express their own assumptions. – The word “education” is derived from the word “nutrition”, “absorption”. It was not for nothing that I drew attention to the commonality of the roots of these words, because a child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that his parents “pour” into him. You can convince a child for a long time that smoking is harmful, punish him for a bad habit or incorrect behavior. This is meaningless if he sees that at home his parents or people close to him are doing exactly the opposite. He will most likely “absorb” the example of older and respected people.

Children imitate their parents in everything. Review your safety habits.


In conclusion, I would like to say: do not neglect the safety rules! If you yourself do not follow basic safety rules, then your children will not follow them, no matter how hard you try. We, adults, by our personal positive example, must teach children to follow the rules and, together with the children, apply these rules in life! Have a safe journey to you and your children!

Parent meeting on the topic “Safety and health of our children”

Conversation with parents on the topic: “The health and safety of our children”

Today, at our meeting, we want to touch upon a topic that is very relevant to all of us and we hope that none of you will remain indifferent. The theme of our meeting is “Safety and Health of our Children” - safety at school and at home, safety on the roads. Each of you wants to see your children healthy and happy.

It's wonderful when children are healthy. Alas, this does not always happen. According to the World Health Organization, ten people out of every thousand newborns already suffer from one disease or another. In addition to serious illnesses, our children are exposed to injuries, colds, viruses, and infections. Therefore, only a tiny number of schoolchildren can boast that they have never turned to specialists for medical assistance. School, child, family.... Links of one chain. We face the common task of teaching and educating schoolchildren. And we all together must raise a healthy and educated person.

Each of you wants to see your child healthy and unharmed. And everyone is sure that their smart child will not end up under the wheels of a car, will not receive physical or psychological trauma, and everything will be fine with his health. But if

the child did not come home on time, the parents begin to worry: “is everything okay?”, coming up with various options for the development of events, frantically calling friends and acquaintances with whom their child may be. If only nothing happened! This is the eternal human fear of accident in our time and it is justified by the fact that for several decades now, accidents, as a threat to the health and life of a child, have been ahead of diseases.

Unfortunately, the percentage of injured children in everyday life has increased significantly; danger can lurk for a child everywhere.

STATISTICS (orders on the situation in the region No. 87, 88, local situation)

With the onset of warm weather, when you want to go into nature, take a walk through a beautiful blooming park, enjoy clean and fresh air, danger awaits us - TICKS, which every year become more and more dangerous for human life and health.

STATISTICS (order No. 89)

Children and the road. Prevention of road traffic injuries is very important for us. A child on the road may find himself in different situations - PASSENGER - PEDESTRIAN - ROAD USER (cyclist)

Rules of behavior on the roads are included in the life safety lesson program, in addition, activities are held in all classes. The school has a “Traffic Safety Corner”. Before the holidays, class teachers hold discussions and class hours in all classes. Our school annually participates in the “Safe Wheel” competition (30.04), quizzes and reviews of YID teams.

I suggest watching the competitive performance of the YID school team.

The main thing for parents in raising a law-abiding citizen (including as a road user) should be the principle “Do as I do.” In order for a child not to violate traffic rules, he must not only know them, he must develop the skill of safe behavior on the road. Even if you are late, still cross the road where it is permitted by the Rules; in your own car, obey the speed limit; Wear your seat belts and do not allow children under 12 years of age to sit in the front seat. A clear example from parents will be much more effective than the words “don’t run a red light” repeated hundreds of times. To prevent accidents on the road, one-time measures are not enough - it must be systematic preventive work.

But despite all the work carried out in every school, there are still children who ignore all kinds of prohibitions, parents who do not listen to teachers and police officers.

The most painful aspect of the issue of road safety is SCOOTER RIDERS.

STATISTICS (case in Kr. Pol., order No. 83, plan)

REMINDER (with photo)

In the process of teaching children traffic rules, the main task of parents and teachers is to form three basic behavioral skills that will help the child navigate traffic situations.

Focus skill

- this is the boundary before which it is necessary to stop, pause, for psychological switching in connection with the transition to a dangerous zone, as well as for an adequate assessment of the situation not only with the eyes, but also with the thoughts.

Observation Skill

– the child must see objects surrounding him, both moving (cars moving along the road) and stationary (cars standing by the side of the road, bushes, etc.), blocking the view of the roadway and perceive them as a potential danger.

Self-control skill

– when stepping onto the roadway, the rush and excitement must be left on the sidewalk, remain completely calm and not be distracted by anything during the few minutes it takes to cross the road.

Dear parents! Usually you are busy with your own affairs, you have a lot of troubles, you always lack time. And yet... despite your worries, the eternal rush, remember about those who need your help, advice, your care - about children. This applies to all areas of life, and fully applies to behavior on the street and road. The child must firmly understand that every road user, both adults and children, is obliged to follow the established rules. At the same time, he has the right to expect that other road users will also comply with them.


Is all the food we eat equally healthy?

How secure is your portfolio?

— these and many other questions were answered by the children at the research conference, which took place on April 23 at our school.


And in conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that the example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing safe behavior skills in children. There is a well-known expression: No one will take care of you better than yourself. Take care of your children, their safety! Teach them not to make mistakes on the roads of life!

Take care of your child! Try to do your best to protect him from accidents! What and, most importantly, how well we teach a child, what safe behavior skills we instill in him, will protect him throughout his life.

Do not forget yourself and explain to your children that life is, first of all, health. Take care of your health and the health of your child!

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