Lesson summary and presentation in Russian on the topic “Writing” (grade 5)

Presentations on Russian language

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Spelling zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu The presentation complies with the Federal State Educational Standard and is intended for primary school teachers working in any program….

08/10/2020 Potapova Svetlana Ivanovna 99 0

Presentation. Participle. Repetition and generalization of the material studied The presentation is intended for teaching a lesson in grade 7 on the topic “Communion. Repetition and generalization of the studied material”...

06/19/2020 Gafurova Shakhnoz Eminzhanovna 58 2

General lesson on the topic “Noun. K.G. Paustovsky. Story “Badger Nose” This presentation is intended for final lessons on the topic “Noun” and on the story “Badger Nose” by K. G. Paustovsky....

06/08/2020 Khudekov Ashirmurat Khudekovich 80 0

Summary of an open lesson in 8th grade. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” This presentation can be used in Russian and Turkmen language lessons. ...

06/15/2020 Khudekov Ashirmurat Khudekovich 86 0

A. Platonov Yushka Presentation for students of 9th grade schools with Uzbek and other languages ​​of instruction on the topic: A. Platonov Yushka…

04/05/2020 Dzhumadullaeva Gulzinat Kokanovna 86 1

Presentation for the lesson Topic: Adjective as a part of speech. Lesson Objectives: Educational:

04/03/2020 Ibragimova Gulbahor Berdierovna 101 0

One-part sentences This development summarizes the material on the topic: “One-part sentences.” The presentation offers theoretical information and practical tasks on this topic....

08/10/2020 Zabolotskikh Elena Vyacheslavovna 51 1

Research work “Learn to speak correctly.” The material from the research work “Learn to Speak Correctly” can be used by the teacher not only in Russian language lessons, but also in literature lessons, during class hours, during extracurricular activities...

08/19/2020 Musaeva Nina Mikhailovna 40 0

Biography of M.Yu. Lermontov, poem “Sail”. About the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov. Get acquainted with the poem “Sail”...

04/12/2020 Tursunova Mokhidil Sabirzhanovna 79 1

Presentation: “City - Sevastopol” Project theme: Hero City Sevastopol. žProject goal: To introduce the hero city. žProject objectives: 1.Study the history of the city of Sevastopol in…

10/05/2020 Krasilnikova Olga Nikolaevna 13 0

Presentation of a lesson on the topic “Wise Old Age” Presentation on the topic “Wise Old Age”...

09/11/2020 Svetlana Borisovna Vorontsova 49 0

“Stressed and unstressed vowels in a word” Explanation and introduction of new material on the topic: “Stressed and unstressed vowels in a word”...

06/14/2020 Arepyeva Marina Anatolyevna 98 1

Description of the room. Lexical topic: “ROOM OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.” Description of the room. Presentation of a Russian language lesson….

09/11/2020 Nazarova Zulhumor Sadullaevna 23 0

“Spelling of negative pronouns” - learn to find negative pronouns based on lexical and grammatical features; —formulate rules for spelling negative pronouns; —learn to apply these rules in writing….

05/22/2020 Ziberova Inna Viktorovna 98 1

Task 24 Lexical meaning of the word Task 24 Lexical meaning of the word. Material for preparing for the Unified State Exam 2020 in Russian....

06/08/2020 Borisova Alena Khasanovna 88 0

The role of developing the professionalism of a teacher in increasing the GIA indicators. The main direction of work at school is the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students….

11.21.2019 Bannova Olga Nikolaevna 89 0

Description essay based on the painting “Boys” by F.P. Reshetnikov. The presentation “Description essay based on F.P. Reshetnikov’s painting “Boys” will help children better prepare for working on the essay….

10/05/2020 Kazantseva Olga Aleksandrovna 16 1

Do you know Russian phraseological units? Increasing the activity of students in Russian language classes is facilitated by the teacher’s creative use of various methods and techniques, the use of tasks and exercises of varying complexity...

06/12/2020 Khudekov Ashirmurat Khudekovich 75 1

Predicate and ways of expressing it This presentation was created to prepare students for the State Examination, to repeat the topic studied….

08/28/2020 Neshta Roza Gazizovna 60 1

Presentation for a Russian language lesson in 10th grade. Section "Vocabulary and Lexicology". Topic: “The word is the basic unit of language. Lexical meaning of the word."" The presentation consists of 34 demonstration slides. This material will be of interest when preparing for lessons on the topic “Vocabulary”….

10/08/2020 Stasyuk Irina Valerievna 8 1

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Presentations on the Russian language presentation for a lesson on the Russian language

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Orthoepy Performed by: Milovanova A.V.

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Orthoepy (Greek - correct speech) A branch of science that covers issues of standard pronunciation A branch of linguistics that studies standard literary pronunciation

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Orthoepy (from the Greek: orthos - correctly, epos - speech) includes the rules for the pronunciation of unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants, the rules for the pronunciation of individual grammatical forms, words of foreign origin, as well as the placement of stress.

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To successfully master the spelling norm, you must: Learn to listen carefully and critically to your own speech and the speech of others; Constantly check spelling dictionaries; Stop being sensitive to comments in this area - distinguish between two styles of pronunciation - strict and colloquial

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Features of Russian stress Stress in the Russian language is varied, that is, it is not assigned to a specific syllable Sredstva Dos U g Catal O g Asymmetry I I Variability makes stress in the Russian language an individual feature of each individual word! E U O I

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The stress in Russian is mobile, i.e. can move within the word form g O hospital in the hospital Y x g E rb o coat of arms E z A occupied busy A started started A

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Stress in the Russian language plays a semantically distinctive role.

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Words can have a main and collateral stress in the European Religion P O stskr Iptum O Plot-plot G O SSL U Zhba s U perobl Ozhka in complex and compound abbreviated words in words with foreign language prefixes about American In words with a collateral vowel reduction does not occur with stress

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Stress in short adjectives He is right - she is right A - they are right A you He is cheerful - she is cheerful A - they are in E villages He is stupid - she is stupid A - they are stupid He is deaf - she is deaf A - they are deaf He is proud - she is proud A - they are proud He is rude - she is rude A - they are gr U He is alive - she is alive A - they are He is strong - she is strong A - they are strong He is busy - she is busy A - they employed

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Verbs with an accent on the stem in all forms except the feminine form He took – she took A – they br A did He take – she took A – they took I did He drove – she drove A – they gn A did He live – she lived A - they f Or He called - she called A - they called A Did He take it off - she took it off A - they slept I Did He sleep - she slept A - they slept A

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Verbs with an accent on the prefix, except for the feminine form He froze - she froze A - they froze He started - she started A - they started He O departed - she departed A - they O departed He p O accepted - she understood A - they understood He accepted - she accepted A - they accepted He accepted - she accepted A - they accepted He hired - she hired A - they hired

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Two groups of verbs to - to vote and to block and to guarantee and to disqualify and to discuss and to stage and to copy and to bombard and to engrave and to group and to varnish and to seal and to reward and to form a block and premired The same in the participles I I I I I I I A A A A A A A A A O

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Verbs with an accent on the ending include I - you turn on I sh - he turned on And t - they turn on A t conclude I - you conclude I sh - he concludes I t - they conclude A t ringing I t - you ring And sew - he ringing And t - they ringing I t lighten I t - you lighten And sew - he lightens And t - they lighten And t repeat I t - you repeat And sew - they repeat I t cheer up And sew - you cheer up And sew - they cheer up I t Worse I t - you aggravate I t - they aggravate I t

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Is there a hard or soft consonant before the letter E? pool Soft consonant Hard consonant words - “foreigners” term museum patent overcoat jurisprudence sandwich business dean dispensary neoglobalism devaluation misinformation

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E or Yo? scam E E being sedentary-settled life guardianship birch bark gall-bile loan maneuver-maneuverable beets divorced disabled switched on carried out

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Do not insert extra letters into the following words compromise competitive capable of ascertaining intriguer lawyer consultant precedent perspective extraordinary under slip under the handwriting

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Respect the “remnants” of the Old Moscow pronunciation chn [ shn ] of course boring birdhouse laundry scrambled eggs bachelorette party mustard plaster loser

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ZHI - SHI write with the letter And mouse and already ski and sh and on CHA - SHCHA write with the letter A dacha and cloud and candle and locust and CHU - SHU write with the letter U sch u ka ch u lok ch u desa monster

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Where can we rely on the analogy? monolo o g-dial o g-katal o g-necrol o g philanthro o p-philanthro piya kulin a r-kulin aria veterin a r-veterin aria refl e x-reflex xia concentrate chi-concentration provide-provide-provide-sew-discovery-discovery-detection e deniya-revelation

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Name unpronounceable consonants instead of periods where necessary. State a fact, madness, act harshly, skilled craftsman, large scale, full-fledged argument, splash water, take part in a performance, core of a fruit, dominate people , marching around the city, a young lieutenant, whipping a horse, Russian literature, a complete presentation, a new e...scalator, a forest flight, a rare specimen, the development of limestone, the same age ...nickname of the century, oblique...looks, serious danger, crunch...of a branch, dependent person.

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Pronounce these words correctly. Determine in which cases two pronunciation options are acceptable ([shn] and [chn]), in which cases only one of them is acceptable. Greedy, antique, careless, bakery, counter, mustard plaster, feverish, summer resident, Ilyinichna, of course, Kuzminichna, camouflage, milky, milkman, on purpose, Nikitichna, in-line, laundry, trifling, wheat, river, hearty, birdhouse, boring, creamy, shooting, spot.

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Thank you for your attention!!!!!!

TOPIC OF TEXT. presentation for a Russian language lesson (grade 5) on the topic

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Topic of the text: Russian language lesson in 5th grade

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Warm-up Insert the missing letter, graphically indicate the spelling: Option 1 Option 2 ud...vlyat(?)sya - unit - ud...lyat(?)sya - zad...zhat - izv...nit(?)sya - prophecy (bed ) - open (door) - dedicate (with fire) dedicate (verse) - sad ... walk (down the street) - walk (over the kids) - Conclusion: about the spelling of the tested vowels and consonants at the root of the word 2. Insert a letter in the unstressed personal ending of the verb: dance...t - announce...t - mutter...t jump...t - praise...t - gon...t - kle...t - hear...t - look...t - kle... t - view...t - read...t Conclusion: about the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs.

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Creative dictation Replace the highlighted phrases with verbs -TSYA and -TSYA a) Otrya... had to make a stop. The detachment had to (what to do?) stop. b) The enemy stopped resisting. The enemy stopped (what to do?) resist. c) The silence was broken by the ringing of mosquitoes. The silence (what is it doing?) is broken by the sound of mosquitoes. Conclusion: about spelling -tsya and -tsya in verbs.

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Topic of the text What is the text called? A text is several sentences related in meaning and arranged in a certain sequence. The sequence of sentences corresponds to the sequence of events. The text can be titled. What is the topic of the text? The topic of the text is what the text is about.

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Working with text Title the text, expressing the topic of the text in the title. 1. The elk calf waited for his mother all night, but she did not return. Suddenly the branches began to crack. The bushes parted and two short creatures appeared in the clearing. These were the forester's children. The elk calf trustingly and joyfully approached them. 2. One day the black cat Stepan was sitting, as always, on the porch and, slowly, washing himself... Suddenly Stepan felt someone’s gaze. He looked around and froze with anger. A small dog stood nearby.

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Working with text (orally) Purpose: compose a text from these sentences. Name its topic, title it. It hesitated a little, as if entangled in the branches of trees, and suddenly rolled out into the open like a golden wheel with fiery spokes. The edge of the sun appeared above the neighboring forest. The whole meadow sparkled and sparkled, blinding the eyes with thousands of multi-colored, iridescent lights.

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The topic is broad and narrow. Work with the textbook. Observations on page 35. Which plan corresponds to this topic: The approach of autumn a) 1. In the grove in autumn b) 1. Frequent rains 2. An unexpected meeting with a hedgehog 2. Rotten leaves in the forest 3. A hedgehog in the forester’s house 3. Change of green color for gold 4. The joy of children 4. Rare voices of birds. From the recorded topics, choose a broad one that would include all other narrow topics: Autumn leaf fall; In autumn on our river; Fall has come…; Autumn morning in the grove; Last autumn flowers; My rowan tree in late autumn “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

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Vocabulary work Ryab ina - “ripple” - motley, pockmarked pockmarked Inka ripple innik ripple innovy Ryab ininew brushes, slender rippled Inca

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Select and write down narrow topics to broad Winter entertainment. My garden. Field work. Favorite corner of nature. Work (orally) with exercise No. 80 p. 36

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Creative work Goal: write an essay on this topic; define the topic, clarify its boundaries; title. One day in the summer (autumn, winter, spring) I went (went) for a walk to the lake (to the park, to the bank of the river, to the sea, to the grove, to the forest). The weather was wonderful, and my soul was light and joyful.....

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Homework Finish the essay. Who finds it difficult to complete a creative task: textbook - ex. 81 page 36

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