Application of environmentally friendly and waste-free production (grade 10)

Nanotechnology Teacher Salmanova A.I. Completed by 10th grade student Mirgayazova M. - presentation

Nanotechnology Teacher Salmanova A.I. Completed by 10th grade student Mirgayazova M.
Nanotechnology is a field of applied science and technology that deals with the study of the properties of objects and the development of devices with dimensions on the order of a nanometer (according to the SI system of units, meters). Molecular-sized gears based on nanotubes.

The practical aspect of nanotechnology involves the production of devices and their components needed to create, process and manipulate atoms, molecules and nanoparticles.

A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Only the most primitive creatures are measured in nanometers - viruses (their length is on average 100 nm).

On December 29, 1959, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman read a report at the University of California where the concept of nanotechnology was first introduced.

Classification of areas of nanotechnology: - Nanoelectronics - Nanophotonics - Nanobiotechnology - Nanomedicine - Methods and tools for research and certification of nanomaterials and nanodevices - Technologies and special equipment for the creation and production of nanomaterials and nanodevices.

Nanotechnology and Science

What is nanotechnology needed for? -creating new clean energy sources -meeting the need for clean water -improving health and increasing life expectancy -maximizing agricultural productivity -availability of information technology everywhere -advancing space exploration

Discoveries in nanoelectronics... “Smart dust” is a computer chip with a radius of no more than 1 mm, covered with a plastic shell. It moves through the air using air currents, like dust, or in a vacuum. By sending such mini-researchers to other planets, scientists hope to collect information about other worlds.

Nanophotonics is a branch of nanooptics in which a small section studies nanofields with a small number of photons and studies the behavior of light on a nanoscale.

Nanobiotechnology is a section of nanotechnology dealing with the study and influence of nano-range objects on biological objects and their use for the development of nanomedicine

Nanomedicine is the tracking, correction, engineering and control of human biological systems at the molecular level using nanodevices and nanostructures.

And in conclusion... Nanotechnology is the most advanced and promising direction in the development of science and technology today. Already today there are projects to design devices consisting of just one molecule. Some developments are underway in the field of self-replicating mechanisms based on the human DNA molecule.

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Lesson notes on technology for 10th grade


Lesson topic: “Industrial technologies and transport”
Lesson goal:

give an idea of ​​the essence and content of the technological environment,

about the intellectual, spiritual and professional development of a person in a technological environment.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

II . Repetition of learned material.

a) Teacher's opening speech:

In our last lessons we talked about the penetration of modern technologies into many areas of human life:

— business, finance, communications, healthcare, energy, travel. Absolutely all areas that we encounter in our lives are connected with one technology or another.

From obtaining non-traditional types of energy, such as:

  • wind power

    — autonomous wind generators

  • solar energy

    - solar water heater

  • alternative
    - tidal power plants, wave power plants, waterfall power plants
  • geothermal energy

    — thermal power plants (the principle of selecting high-temperature groundwater and using it in a cycle)

Today, such methods of obtaining energy as:

  • hydrogen energy and hydrogen sulfide energy - hydrogen engines (to produce mechanical energy), fuel cells (to produce electricity)
  • distributed energy production is a new trend in the energy sector associated with the production of thermal and electrical energy;
  • space energy - generating electricity in photovoltaic cells located in Earth orbit. Electricity will be transmitted to earth in the form of microwave radiation.

It must be said that the idea to connect the cosmic and terrestrial directions of human activity belongs to the founder of theoretical cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky. When a scientist said: “The planet is the cradle of reason, but you cannot live forever in a cradle,” he did not put forward alternatives - either the Earth or space. Tsiolkovsky never considered going into space as a consequence of some hopelessness of life on Earth. On the contrary, he spoke about the rational transformation of the nature of our planet by the power of reason.

At the beginning of 1945 M.K. Tikhonravov organized a group of RNII specialists to develop a project for a manned high-altitude rocket vehicle (a cabin with two cosmonauts) to study the upper layers of the atmosphere.

In 1950-1953 the efforts of the M.K. group employees Tikhonravov were aimed at studying the problems of creating composite launch vehicles and artificial satellites.

c) Work in a notebook:

  1. The world is now on the threshold of the information society. The beginning of this transition was the introduction of modern means of processing and transmitting information into various spheres of human activity. There are four stages in the development of mankind, called information revolutions

    , which made changes in its development.

  2. Let's write down these steps:

invention of writing.

This led to a giant qualitative and quantitative leap in the development of society. It became possible to accumulate knowledge and transfer it to subsequent generations, i.e. means and methods for accumulating information appeared.

Second (mid-16th century) - the invention of printing

. This gave humanity a new way of storing information.

The third (late 19th century) was the invention of electricity.

The telegraph, telephone and radio appeared, making it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.

The fourth (70s of the twentieth century) is the invention of microprocessor technology and personal computers.

The impetus for this revolution was the creation of computers in the mid-40s. This latest revolution gave impetus to human civilization for the transition from an industrial to an information society - a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

  1. You and I are residents of the 21st century. Today we can gain knowledge in different ways. Name
  2. What is the Internet for a person?

- communication; — entertainment; — self-education; — creativity, self-development, personal growth; — place of making purchases and transactions; - a means of earning money.

  1. The development of modern information technologies has led to the formation of a new concept - a virtual reality

    . This is what you can see, hear, experience through a personal computer and a global computer network. So we can talk about the emergence of another form of existence - this is a new, machine-information existence, developed and actively developed by modern humanity.

  2. But still, who remains the central figure in the development of humanity?

Lesson topic message
. “Technological environment of human life and society.”

Learning new things.
is the highest level of living organisms on Earth.
The question of the essence of man is one of the main ones in the history of philosophical thought.
Man appeared on Earth as a result of a complex and long process of historical and evolutionary development. The human branch became independent 12 - 15 million years ago. We can say about a person that he is a living system, representing the unity of the physical and spiritual, biological and social, hereditary and acquired

The Earth's planetary system includes three interacting parts:
natural environment, technosphere and society . The center of this system is man

In turn, in natural


  • living nature (biosphere) - microorganisms, plants, animals, humanity;
  • inanimate nature - gases, liquids, solids and radioactive substances.

Society: Includes productive forces (base) and relations of production (superstructure).

The technosphere is a totality (system) of objects and processes created as a result of the intelligent transformative activity of people.

The technosphere includes:

  • machines, mechanisms, apparatus, tools, devices;
  • buildings, roads, underground and underwater structures;
  • agricultural land (fields, meadows);
  • artificial reservoirs; forest parks;
  • human-grown animal breeds, plant varieties, microorganisms;
  • food, clothing;
  • processes of transformation of materials, energy, information.

The existence and development of man and society throughout the history of civilization consisted and consist of the development of the material world through the processing of raw materials into a finished product or semi-finished product that satisfies the vital, spiritual or intellectual needs of people. Countless transformations have allowed humanity to create a special artificial world that is not typical of nature and ensure a reliable and stable existence for itself.

The result of changing the world is the totality of all material, energy and information transformations that are necessary for a person for at least two reasons:

  • firstly, as a way to overcome unfavorable environmental conditions (for survival);
  • secondly, as a means of satisfying ever-increasing vital, spiritual and intellectual needs (to improve the quality of life).

Today, people are increasingly moving from the natural environment to the artificially created world (technosphere).

Features of the modern technological world.


- a large and complex global planetary structure, the management of which does not allow us to predict with sufficient probability the results of its changes. The technosphere distances itself from its creator just as much as nature does. Therefore, the problem of “conquering” it arose.

The development of the technosphere is uneven. Discrete increment of the technosphere is achieved through the emergence and implementation of new technical solutions. These solutions are gradually spreading throughout the world. This is how the level of the technosphere is leveled on a planetary scale.

The variety of technological complexes requires an increase not only in resources (human, material, information, energy), but also in the costs of maintaining them in working order (maintenance and control). The larger and more complex the technological world and living environment, the more costs are required for their existence. And the result—meeting human needs—is not always adequate to the costs and consequences.

The development (expansion) of the technosphere does not depend on the will and desire of man and is carried out irreversibly in one direction - towards increasing the quality and quantity of satisfied human needs with a continuous increase in the latter. A stop in technological development is tantamount to the cessation of the existence of human civilization. At the same time, unregulated (chaotic, random, subjective) growth and development of elements of artificial origin can lead to the death of civilization.

Man, being a part of society and natural nature, simultaneously belongs to the “artificial (man-made) nature” system, since, by creating it, he created himself - he developed intellectually and spiritually, and physically changed. The technosphere, life and activity in it have changed and are changing the intellectual and spiritual essence and physiology of man.

Every inhabitant of the Earth directly or indirectly takes part in the development of the technological world, either through the formation of new consumers, or through the disclosure of new laws and patterns of development of society, natural and artificial nature, or through economics, politics, culture, ecology, etc.

The processes and objects that together make up the technological environment of life provide not only mechanization and automation of human labor, but also cybernetization, i.e. replace human labor in the formation and solution of certain technological problems in production, everyday life, economics, transport, communications, etc. In other words, in almost all areas of technological activity, a person is required to participate in the performance of subtle mental and physical procedures and operations.

Thus, the technological development of society creates favorable conditions for improving social life and the intellectual and spiritual improvement of every person.

At the same time, subjective needs (the pursuit of prestige, whims, caprices, etc.), lack of consistency in the development of technology, technocracy, the development and use of elements of the technological environment in the selfish interests of individuals and groups of people can slow down the spiritual development of man and society, reduce its level while increasing material security and turn people into unspiritual consumers.

Now three main threats hang over humanity: nuclear war, environmental disaster and the spiritual impoverishment of people. The humanitarian crisis is deepening all over the world, the consequences of which are crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.

Under these conditions, a person can turn into a soulless consumer of the results of technological culture.

In general, the interaction between the technological environment and humans is presented on the slide

Technological education and the formation of a technological culture
are an objective pattern of development of society and its most important component - the technological environment.
This pattern is explained:

  • the desire of society to lead technical and sociocultural systems to harmonious development;
  • the need of society for better preparation of the younger generation for transformative activities by increasing the intellectual and spiritual content of school classes;
  • the need to strengthen the priority of the production method (technology) over its result, taking into account natural and cultural conformity.

V. Lesson summary

What interacting parts represent the Earth’s planetary system: - natural nature (living nature (biosphere) - microorganisms, plants, animals, humanity and inanimate nature - gases, liquids, solid and radioactive substances;

— technosphere (a set (system) of objects and processes created as a result of the intelligent transformative activity of people: machines, mechanisms, devices, instruments, devices; buildings, roads, underground and underwater structures; agricultural land (fields, meadows);

artificial reservoirs; forest parks; human-grown animal breeds, plant varieties, microorganisms; food, clothing; processes of transformation of materials, energy, information;

- society (productive forces (base) and relations of production (superstructure).

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