Presentation “Types of Sports” presentation for a physical education lesson (grade 2) on the topic

Components of physical education


Sport is part of physical education. It is characterized by the most effective means and methods of influencing the physical and spiritual spheres of a person. Sport primarily refers to a historically established human activity, the basis of which is competition.

The concept of “sports training” is closely related to the concept of “sport”. This is a set of events that ensures a high level of readiness for competitions and maximum manifestation of the athlete’s capabilities at the time of the main competitions.

The enormous popularity of sport and its role in society are explained by the variety of functions that are inherent in it: in addition to the competitive (main) function, it is also educational, health-improving, cognitive, integrative (unifying), entertainment, and economic functions.

Sports are diverse. It distinguishes sports of the highest achievements (elite sports); mass sports (sport for everyone); professional sports; children's and youth sports associated with elite sports (sports reserves) and mass sports (when solving problems of physical education of children and youth).

Mass sports have the same goals as physical education. Elite sports and professional sports place higher demands on those involved, as they are associated with extreme physical and mental stress.

Physical education

see Physical education

Physical education standards for schoolchildren in the table, 2019-2020

Page contents

Physical education is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. With a lack of movement, the body weakens, and it is physical activity that helps maintain the performance of both the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. During physical education, the child’s body begins to consume much more oxygen than in a calm state, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs. Regular exercise helps increase lung capacity and improve gas exchange, which, in turn, helps the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, and prevents stroke and heart attack.

Physical education standards for schoolchildren in the table, 2019-2020

1 class

Boys Exercise 1st grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
9.910.511.0Shuttle run 3x10 m (sec)10.211.311.7
No time tracking1000 meter run No time tracking
1000900800Six minute run (m)700600500
No time trackingSkiing 1 km No time tracking
975Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)864.8
140115100Standing long jump (cm)13011090
201510Ball throwing 150 g (m)15105
295235195Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)245220200
321Throwing at a target from 6 m / 5 attempts321
403020Jumping rope 60 sec (times)504030
161411Raising the body 30 sec (times)14129
302515Raising the body 60 sec (times)201512
421Hanging pull-up (one time)
1275Lying hanging pull-up (one time)1053
1085Push-ups (one time)853
+6+3+1Bend forward while sitting, legs together (cm)+7+5+3

2nd grade

BoysExercise 2nd gradeGirls
543543 meter run (sec) run 3x10 m (sec)9.710.711.2
12.012.813.2Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)12.412.813.2
No time tracking1000 meter runNo time tracking
1050950850Six minute run (m)750650550
8.309.3010.30Skiing 1 km, min, sec9.0010.0011.30
1086Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)975
150125110Standing long jump (cm)140115100
605040High jump (cm)504035
605030Jumping rope 60 sec (times)655540
403632Squats (number of times/min)363228
231813Ball throwing 150 g (m)16127
151210Tennis ball throw (m)12108
310245215Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)280215175
421Throwing at a target from 6 m / 5 attempts321
421Hanging pull-up (one time)
1497Lying hanging pull-up (one time)1175
18102Hanging with bent arms (sec)1262
1195Push-ups (one time)953
181512Raising the body 30 sec (times)161310
322718Raising the body 60 sec (times)221815
+7+4+2Bend forward while sitting, legs together (cm)+8+6+4

3rd grade

Boys Exercise 3rd grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
8.89.910.2Shuttle run 3x10 m (sec)9.310.310.8 run 4x9 m (sec)11.812.413.0
No time tracking1000 meter run No time tracking
No time trackingRunning 1500 meters (min.sec) No time tracking
11001000900Six minute run (m)800700600
7.308.008.30Skiing 1 km, min, sec8.008.309.00
1297Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)1186
155130120Standing long jump (cm)145125110
807060High jump (cm)706045
706040Jumping rope 60 sec (times)756550
423834Squats (number of times/min)383430
272215Ball throwing 150 g (m)17149
181512Tennis ball throw (m)151210
360270220Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)345265215
191713Raising the body 30 sec (times)171411
333020Raising the body 60 sec (times)252016
+8+5+3Bend forward while sitting, legs together (cm)+9+7+4
531Hanging pull-up (one time)
16119Lying hanging pull-up (one time)1386
20123Hanging with bent arms (sec)1482
12106Push-ups (one time)964

4th grade

Boys Exercise 4th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
11.011.512.060 meter run (sec)11.411.812.2
404650200 meters run (sec)444854 run 3x10 m (sec)
11.211.411.6Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)11.511.812.2
5.105.506.20Running 1000 meters (min)6.006.306.50
No time tracking2000 meter run No time tracking
11501050950Six minute run (m)850750650
7.007.308.00Skiing 1 km, min, sec7.308.008.30
165140130Standing long jump (cm)155135120
290260220Running long jump (cm)260220180
1009080High jump (cm)907060
14108Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)1397
807060Jumping rope 60 sec (times)908570
444036Squats (number of times/min)403632
642Squat on one leg (one time)421
14117Push-ups (one time)1064
532Hanging pull-up (one time)
171311Lying hanging pull-up (one time)1397
23145Hanging with bent arms (sec)16103
302517Ball throwing 150 g (m)191510
211815Tennis ball throw (m)181512
380310270Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)350275230
+9+6+4Bend forward while sitting, legs together (cm)+10+8+5
201815Raising the body 30 sec (times)181512
343222Raising the body 60 sec (times)282218

5th grade

Boys Exercise 5th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
10.811.311.8 60 meter run (sec)11.011.512.0
384144200 meters run (sec)424548 meter run (min.sec)
1.351.411.50400 meter run (min.sec)1.401.532.20 meter run (min.sec)
4.154.305.20800 meter run (min.sec) run 3x10 m (sec)8.99.710
10.510.911.5Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)11.011.411.8
4.404.555.10Running 1000 meters (min)5.255.406.00
8.409.209.50Running 1500 meters (min.sec)9.009.5010.20
No time tracking2000 meter runNo time tracking
120011001000Six minute run (m)900800700
151413Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)141312
302926Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)242220
170160140Standing long jump (cm)160150130
300270250Running long jump (cm)270240210
10510090High jump (cm)1008070
550520490Triple jump (cm)500460420
302520Jumping rope 15 sec (times)353025
908070Jumping rope 60 sec (times)11010075
For equipmentGoat vaultFor equipment
464238Squats (number of times/min)423834
753Squat on one leg (one time)532
332719Ball throwing 150 g (m)201612
252219Tennis ball throw (m)221916
400330290Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)380290240
753Hanging pull-up (one time)
191513Lying hanging pull-up (one time)15108
25156Hanging with bent arms (sec)18125
211916Raising the body 30 sec (times)191613
363324Raising the body 60 sec (times)312320
+10+8+6Bend forward while sitting, legs together (cm)+12+8+5
16128Push-ups (one time)1165
6.307.007.40Skiing 1 km (min, sec)7.007.308.10
14.3015.0015.30Skiing 2 km (min, sec)14.5015.5018.00
502512Swimming without time, m502512

6th grade

Boys Exercise 6th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
10.410.911.460 meter run (sec)10.811.311.8
374043200 meters run (sec)414447 meter run (min.sec)
1.201.301.50400 meter run (min.sec)1.371.472.00
1.552.002.05500 meter run (min.sec)
3.303.404.20800 meter run (min.sec)3.404.105.20
4.284.404.52Running 1000 meters (min)
7.307.508.10Running 1500 meters (min.sec)
No time tracking2000 meter runNo time tracking
125011501050Six minute run (m)950850750 run 3x10 m (sec)
10.210.811.2Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.811.211.6
6.006.307.00Skiing 1 km (min, sec)6.156.457.30
14.0014.3015.00Skiing 2 km (min, sec)14.3015.0015.30
161514Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)141413
323028Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)262422
175165145Standing long jump (cm)165155140
330300270Running long jump (cm)300270240
11010595High jump (cm)1009080
560530500Triple jump (cm)510490450
For equipmentGoat vaultFor equipment
958575Jumping rope 60 sec (times)12511580
362921Ball throwing 150 g (m)231815
282523Tennis ball throw (m)252320
430350305Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)400320250
864Hanging pull-up (one time)
272010Hanging with bent arms (sec)20145
201612Push-ups (one time)1175
373426Raising the body 60 sec (times)322522

7th grade

Boys Exercise 7th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
9.810.310.860 meter run (sec)10.811.311.8
15.115.616.2100 meter run (sec)17.518.519.5
363942200 meters run (sec)404346
581.011.05300 meter run (min.sec) meter run (min.sec)1.301.402.00
1.501.552.00500 meter run (min.sec)
3.103.304.10800 meter run (min.sec)3.304.105.20
4.164.304.45Running 1000 meters (min)4.585.105.50
7.007.308.00Running 1500 meters (min.sec)7.308.008.30
9.4010.4011.30Running 2000 meters (min.sec)11.2012.4013.50
130012001100Six minute run (m)1000900800 run 3x10 m (sec)
9.810.210.6Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.711.011.5
5.456.156.45Skiing 1 km (min, sec)6.156.457.30
13.0014.0014.30Skiing 2 km (min, sec)14.0014.3015.00
171615Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)151413.5
343332Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)282624
180170150Standing long jump (cm)170160145
360330300Running long jump (cm)330300270
115110100High jump (cm)10510085
580550520Triple jump (cm)515500470
1009080Jumping rope 60 sec (times)11010085
For equipmentGoat vaultFor equipment
393123Ball throwing 150 g (m)261916
302826Tennis ball throw (m)282624
465415390Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)430350300
975Hanging pull-up (one time)
302515Hanging with bent arms (sec)22166
262218Push-ups (one time)1275 at support on parallel bars (sec)
383528Raising the body 60 sec (times)342825

8th grade

Boys Exercise 8th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
9.29.710.260 meter run (sec)10.210.711.2
14.715.315.8100 meter run (sec)
353841200 meters run (sec)394245
55581.02300 meter run (min.sec) meter run (min.sec)1.291.391.50
1.451.501.55500 meter run (min.sec)1.552.002.10 meter run (min.sec)3.304.005.10 1000 meters (min)4.485.005.20
9.3010.2011.20Running 2000 meters (min.sec)11.0012.3013.20
135012501150Six minute run (m)1050950850 run 3x10 m (sec)
9.610.010.4Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.610.911.4
5.306.007.00Skiing 1 km (min, sec)6.006.307.30
12.0012.3013.30Skiing 2 km (min, sec)13.0013.3014.30
18.0019.0020.00Skiing 3 km (min, sec)20.0021.3023.00
181716Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)15.51514.5
363534Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)302826
190180165Standing long jump (cm)175165150
380350320Running long jump (cm)350310260
120115110High jump (cm)10510090
620610590Triple jump (cm)520505475
1059585Jumping rope 60 sec (times)11510590
For equipmentGoat vaultFor equipment
423728Ball throwing 150 g (m)272117
343128Tennis ball throw (m)302725
565435395Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)480390340
1085Hanging pull-up (one time)
353020Hanging with bent arms (sec)241911
302622Push-ups (one time)1286 at support on parallel bars (sec)
393629Raising the body 60 sec (times)363027

9th grade

Boys Exercise 9th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec)
8.89.410.060 meter run (sec)9.810.310.8
14.515.015.5100 meter run (sec)16.817.818.2
343740200 meters run (sec)384144
52561.00300 meter run (min.sec)581.011.05 meter run (min.sec)1.281.381.45
1.401.451.50500 meter run (min.sec)1.501.552.05
2.553.103.50800 meter run (min.sec)3.304.005.10
3.574.104.25Running 1000 meters (min)4.394.545.15
9.2010.0011.00Running 2000 meters (min.sec)10.2012.0013.00
140013001200Six minute run (m)11001000900 run 3x10 m (sec)
9.39.910.3Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.510.811.3
5.005.306.30Skiing 1 km (min, sec)5.306.007.00
11.3012.0013.00Skiing 2 km (min, sec)12.3013.0014.00
17.3018.0019.00Skiing 3 km (min, sec)19.3020.0021.30
191817Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)1615.515
373634.5Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)322927
210200180Standing long jump (cm)180170155
410380350Running long jump (cm)360320280
125120115High jump (cm)11010595
640620600Triple jump (cm)525510480
454035Jumping rope 30 sec (times)605040
11010090Jumping rope 60 sec (times)12011095
For equipmentGoat vaultFor equipment
454031Ball throwing 150 g (m)282318
403532Tennis ball throw (m)353230
695530430Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)545445385
1196Hanging pull-up (one time)
864Hanging leg raises (one time)
403525Hanging with bent arms (sec)262115
322824Push-ups (one time)1386
1085Dips (one time) at support on parallel bars (sec)
413730Raising the body 60 sec (times)373128

Grade 10

Boys Exercise 10th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec) meter run (sec)9.710.210.7
14.214.715.2100 meter run (sec)16.517.518.0
323436200 meters run (sec)363942
505557300 meter run (min.sec)571.001.04
1.351.401.45500 meter run (min.sec)1.451.502.00
3.443.584.15Running 1000 meters (min)4.314.455.00
8.409.2010.00Running 2000 meters (min.sec)10.1011.4012.40
13.4014.4015.40Running 3000 meters (min.sec)
145013501250Six minute run (m)11501050950 run 3x10 m (sec)
9.29.810.2Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.410.711.2
201917.5Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)16.51615.5
37.536.535Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)333028
Skiing 1 km (min, sec)5.306.007.00
10.0011.0012.30Skiing 2 km (min, sec)12.0012.3013.30
15.3016.3018.00Skiing 3 km (min, sec)19.0020.0021.00
27.0029.0031.00Skiing 5 km (min, sec)
220210190Standing long jump (cm)185170160
430400370Running long jump (cm)370330300
130125120High jump (cm))11010595
660640620Triple jump (cm)530515490
504535Jumping rope 30 sec (times)655545
11510595Jumping rope 60 sec (times)125115100
322622Throwing a grenade m-700 gr / d-500 gr191512
795600480Medicine ball throw 1 kg (cm)580470405
8.507.505.30Shot put M-5kg / D -3kg (m)6.005.504.50
12107Hanging pull-up (one time)
321Lifting with inversion
1085Hanging leg raises (one time)
454030Hanging with bent arms (sec)302517
353025Push-ups (one time)1497
1196Dips (one time) at support on parallel bars (sec)
423832Raising the body 60 sec (times)383329

Grade 11

Boys Exercise 11th grade Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3 meter run (sec) meter run (sec)9.710.010.5
14.014.515.0100 meter run (sec)
303235200 meters run (sec)363841
495356300 meter run (min.sec)56591.03
1.301.351.45500 meter run (min.sec)1.451.502.00
3.363.504.00Running 1000 meters (min)4.234.404.50
8.309.109.50Running 2000 meters (min.sec)10.0011.2012.20
13.0014.0015.20Running 3000 meters (min.sec)
150014001300Six minute run (m)120011001000 run 3x10 m (sec)
9.19.710.0Shuttle run 4x9 m (sec)10.310.611.2
Skiing 1 km (min, sec)5.306.007.00
10.0011.0012.30Skiing 2 km (min, sec)11.0012.0013.00
15.0016.0017.00Skiing 3 km (min, sec)18.3019.0020.00
25.0027.0039.00Skiing 5 km (min, sec)Without time
20.519.518Multi-jump 8 jumps (m)1716.516
383736Multiple jumps 8 on the right and 8 on the left (m)343028
230220200Standing long jump (cm)185170160
440410380Running long jump (cm)380350320
135130120High jump (cm)115110100
680650630Triple jump (cm)540520500
605040Jumping rope 30 sec (times)706050
120110100Jumping rope 60 sec (times)130120105
383226Throwing a grenade m-700 gr / d-500 gr221916
810630520Medicine ball throwing M-2 kg / D-1kg (cm)600500450 put M-5kg / D -3kg (m)6.506.005.00
14118Hanging pull-up (one time)
432Lifting with inversion
12106Hanging leg raises (one time)
504540Hanging with bent arms (sec)352820
403225Push-ups (one time)15108
12107Dips (one time) at support on parallel bars (sec)
454035Raising the body 60 sec (times)403530

Thanks to moderate loads, the body's defenses increase, and this resists respiratory diseases. Physical education develops the will. She teaches you to overcome various difficulties and achieve your goals. These are very important qualities for teenagers, and it is simply necessary for people who are passive by nature.

By playing sports you can strengthen your musculoskeletal system. They have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of age-related changes. With moderate training, the flow of lymph to the spine increases, and this is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. With the help of physical activity, you can activate the work of the central nervous system, as a result of which not only metabolic but also psychological processes are accelerated. Children involved in physical education can better learn school material. Adults thereby increase their endurance and improve performance.

Why are physical education lessons important at school?

Never before has the problem associated with low physical activity in children and adolescents been as acute as it is today. This is due to many factors, among which is the general fascination of children with computer games and social networks. Parents of the modern children's generation constantly played outdoor games, and now children are only interested in computers. At the same time, physical activity is now experiencing such a deficit that 2-3 physical education classes a week is already a drop in the ocean, which is not capable of influencing the physical development of school students. And if we add to this the increasing statistics of tragic incidents during the passing of standards, then a logical question arises: is it necessary to conduct physical education lessons at school at all? Maybe it’s time to remove them from the school curriculum altogether?

Such a radical approach to eliminating this problem is, of course, unreasonable. Moreover, it can be compared to suggesting the guillotine as a remedy for headaches. It is necessary not to exclude physical education, but to somehow help ensure that it is as useful as possible and the children begin to consider it an integral part of their daily life. For this to happen, fundamental changes must be made to the teaching of such an important subject in schools.

What are the problems in teaching a physics lesson?

Today, physical education in school has to face many problems, namely:

  • Outdated teaching methods;
  • Lack of professional specialists;
  • Lack of funding.

If someone really cares about the health of the younger generation, then it is time to take decisive steps to eliminate the problems of teaching physics in schools, and as soon as possible.

The issue of outdated programs and teaching methods: And this is quite relevant today! A minimum number of students are allocated for physical education classes in schools, and students are required to pass standards, which not everyone can cope with. Apparently, students are expected to train independently after school, which helps improve their athletic performance. However, this approach is nothing other than a utopia, especially considering the current craze of schoolchildren with computer games and the Internet.

Physical education should be aimed not at assessing the physical development of schoolchildren, but at the development itself. Passing the standards from an untrained child will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, it can harm his health. Unfortunately, recently tragic incidents caused by this have even become more frequent.

What are school standards for physical education?

School standards are not a simple whim of the teacher, but an official requirement of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The state should be interested in the health of the next generation, and therefore it develops standards that help motivate students to improve their health and develop physical quality. Standards are divided into five types, namely according to physical qualities:

  • Endurance;
  • Strength;
  • Dexterity;
  • Flexibility;
  • Coordination.

So, to get a good grade in physical education, students must be fully physically developed.

What happens to the standards after they are passed?

After passing the standards and receiving grades, they are sent to statistical data collection centers. There they are processed and averaged. This helps to get a picture of whether the physical development of schoolchildren meets the requirements of the proposed program. If the need arises, the standards can be simplified or complicated, but this depends on the direction of the dynamics. Physiologists use this data to track the age at which children show significant increases in physical performance. In general, standards represent not only an assessment, but also a whole chain of useful data.

Exempting a student from physical education - harm or benefit?

For various reasons, parents try to exempt their child from physical education lessons at school. In particular, some are worried about the health of the child, while others simply do not want their child to have a low grade on their certificate. The basis of any reason should be health problems or poor physical development, which may interfere with the child’s physical education lessons. However, in fact, for students with such problems, on the contrary, physical activity is more beneficial compared to their peers.

Systematic, well-chosen physical exercises and proper nutrition can work real miracles. Moreover, this applies to everyone, especially for children, since their growing body is more susceptible to the beneficial effects of physical education. Taking this into account, parents should not rush to “obtain” the coveted certificate of exemption, which allows them not to go to physical education classes, but instead, it is better to talk with the teacher and find out about health groups or therapeutic exercises, so that physical education becomes an integral part of the little person’s life.

Parents must be persistent in this matter and make every effort in this direction, and then by the end of school, a child who is lagging behind in physical development will be able to receive an excellent grade in the certificate, and, more importantly, good health and excellent physical shape. Isn't this a more valuable reward?! This is especially true for parents of overweight children. Many mothers strive to exempt overweight children from physical education lessons, so that classmates do not laugh at them, but for the child this is a “disservice”! Obese children even more need regular physical activity and outdoor games in physical education.

Standards are developed for all students belonging to the “basic” health group. Students in the “preparatory” group need to take only standards that are not included in the contraindications section. For the “special” group (SMG), there is no provision for passing standards; there is a separate program for it. Ideally, students with health problems should be taught separately, and they should have a special regime.

The importance of physical culture

The system of universal human cultural values ​​includes a high level of health and physical fitness of people. It serves as a kind of basis, without which the process of mastering all other cultural values ​​is ineffective. Health and strength, the beauty of a harmoniously developed human body, good coordination of movements and endurance - isn’t this what young men and women should strive for? Feeling healthy and energetic helps you achieve success in school and work. Physical culture and sports, when used correctly, serve as the most important, if not the only condition for strengthening people's health and achieving physical perfection.


see Health

Physical development

see Physical development

The influence of physical culture on personality

see Physical culture and personality Material from the site

What do children do in physical education lessons?

First grade is the time when children are just getting acquainted with school life. Physical education in 1st grade also involves only familiarization with the basic concepts of this subject. In physical education lessons, first-graders mainly learn various outdoor games and relay races. The theoretical component in physical education classes in elementary school is allocated no more than 3–5 minutes, within the framework of the topic of the current lesson.

To develop initial skills and abilities, drill and physical exercises are conducted in physical education lessons aimed at developing simple movements: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, simple acrobatic and dance movements. Children also receive basic knowledge in basketball, volleyball, skiing and swimming.

When holding relay races, outdoor and sports games, the following goals are pursued:

  • consolidate formed motor skills,
  • develop coordination of movements,
  • develop general endurance and flexibility.

In the middle classes, physical education lessons are more sporty. Children improve their physical qualities in the process of athletics, skiing, and gymnastics training. They study in detail the rules of some sports games, their technical and tactical features.

At the same time, it is important to know that students assigned to the main or additional groups due to health reasons may be allowed to attend physical education lessons. The remaining children are exempt from physical education at school and must engage in physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

Open lesson in physical education

Physical culture as an academic subject

see Physical education as an academic subject

Categories: Physical education Physical therapy Healthy lifestyle

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Message on the topic of what physical education is, grade 2

  • The benefits of physical education short message

  • Objectives of testing in physical culture

  • Physical fitness: what is it and how is it assessed?

  • Report physical education

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