An intellectual quiz with answers for elementary school students. Animals

Quiz The most-most (animals and plants)


Development of cognitive motives aimed at obtaining new knowledge about living nature; cognitive personality traits associated with mastering the fundamentals of scientific knowledge.

Who is the fastest, most dexterous, most intelligent among animals? What are the records among plants?

Record holders of the animal and plant world can surprise

. The tallest tree in existence is the Hyperion sequoia. The height of this giant is 115.5 meters. This is higher than a thirty-story building! And the age of the tree is estimated at 700-800 years.

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Text. Quiz The most-most (animals and plants)

    The most poisonous snake. Cobra

    The fastest animal. Cheetah

    The animal with the slowest movement speed. Snail

    The largest monkey. Gorilla

    The longest plant. Liana

    The highest jumping animal. Puma

    The most ferocious and bloodthirsty fish living in the rivers of South America. Piranha

    The largest amphibian. Giant salamander

    The largest lizard. Varan

    The largest land turtle is... the elephant

    The smallest bird of our fauna. Korolek

    Highest flight on the bar

    Develops the highest speed during flight. Falcon peregrine

    This is the largest cell of a living organism that is consumed by humans. Egg

    The strongest and largest boa constrictor in the world. Anaconda

    The fastest growing plant. Japanese bamboo

    The largest leaves. Brazilian raffia tedigera palm

    Wild figs have the longest roots

    The largest flowers of Rafflesia Arnold

    Tallest tree of all time. Regal eucalyptus

Record holders among animals in size

blue whales
. The blue whale, or puking whale as it is also called, is not just the largest and heaviest modern animal. It is likely that this huge mammal is the largest animal that has ever lived on earth. Its body length can reach 33 meters, and its weight exceeds 200 tons. A whale's heart is the size of a car, and its tongue is the size of an adult elephant.

Despite such impressive sizes, whales feed on small cephalopods, fish, crustaceans, krill, and plankton. The exact lifespan of giants is not known for certain. But a whale can live a long time - approximately 80-90 years, and the oldest recorded whale lived to the ripe old age of 110 years.

Due to the uncontrolled catching of blue giants, there are not many left on our planet - no more than 10 thousand individuals.

Long-lived animals.

How long did the oldest record-breaking animals live? Everyone knows that some species of birds and fish can exist for more than a hundred years. The sea urchin of the Red Sea is capable of crossing the two-hundred-year mark. The oldest mollusk to date is considered to be an individual whose age was determined to be 405 years old based on the rings on its shell. Another fantastic long-liver is the Arctic sponge. This animal leads an attached lifestyle and grows very slowly. A large specimen was found, whose age is estimated from 15 to 23 thousand years!

But this figure is not the limit. The Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish species is potentially immortal! Having reached maturity, this amazing animal again turns into a polyp, from which new jellyfish will subsequently form. This metamorphosis continues indefinitely, which means that the jellyfish is not in danger of dying from old age.

The largest land animal.

Record holders from the animal world, elephants

, are the largest land creatures living on the planet at the moment. The weight of a male can reach 7 tons and height – 3.5 meters. Elephants are notable not only for their size, they are also one of the most intelligent animals.

An example of the high intelligence of elephants is the fact that they are able to recognize their reflection in the mirror. This is an indicator that these animals have self-awareness, an idea of ​​themselves, their own “I”. Besides humans, only highly developed species of monkeys and dolphins recognize reflections in the mirror. Elephants can use improvised tools, that is, essentially, weapons of labor. For example, these mammals can pick up branches to ward off flies. Creativity is no stranger to giants. Elephants can draw and have a good ear for music.

The smartest animal.

Several species of animals claim the title of the smartest, but still the chimpanzees are closest to humans. Gifted individuals can master sign language and even compose short phrases in it. They have a sense of humor, are able to use words in a figurative sense and even create new concepts based on known ones. Chimpanzees understand speech addressed to them. These are the most photogenic record-breaking animals. Photos of these monkeys can be seen in many collections of original and amazing pictures.

These amazing animals in nature use primitive tools - sticks, leaves, stones - and can combine 2 tools. Chimpanzees break nuts with stones and use thin sticks to extract the kernels; they can sharpen sticks with their teeth and use them for hunting.

The tallest animal.

What do the tallest animals look like? The record holders for growth are giraffes. Males can reach a height of 6 meters and a weight of 1.2 tons, with almost one third of the length being the neck. The step of this majestic animal is 6-8 meters. In order for blood to supply oxygen to the giraffe's brain, it needs a strong eight-kilogram heart muscle. The animal has high blood pressure and thick blood, and its arteries have thick walls and are equipped with a system of valves.

A giraffe can get tasty leaves from the top branches of trees, but it’s hard for him to drink, he has to kneel down. These giants sleep lying down, bending their flexible neck and resting their head on their croup. Thanks to their tall stature and keen eyesight, giraffes can see danger at a distance of two kilometers. They can defend themselves with their front hooves and run at a speed of 60 km/h.

Fastest animal

What is the fastest record-breaking animal?

The cheetah is capable of reaching a speed of 65 km/h from a standstill in just two seconds and reaching a speed of 130 km/h over a short distance. He catches up with the victim in one jump and instantly kills with a precise bite to the neck. After the meal, the animal leaves the carcass, as it is unable to protect it from other predators.

Cheetah is a flexible, slender animal

. These graceful cats are not shy, are not prone to aggression towards humans and often resemble dogs in their behavior. There are known cases of taming cheetahs. Spotted sprinters communicate with each other using soft yelps and soft chirps reminiscent of birds.

Smallest mammal

Record-breaking animals can be tiny. The hog-nosed bat is often called the bumblebee mouse. This tiny mammal really resembles the size of an insect. The mouse's body length barely reaches 3 cm, and its weight is 2 grams. The animal’s nose looks like a small snout, hence the name of the species. These babies live in Myanmar and Thailand and are rare. The animals live in groups, in limestone caves. They are nocturnal and feed on insects.

The smallest bird

Tiny record-breaking animals often resemble insects. Thus, the bee hummingbird is compared either to a butterfly or to a bumblebee. This tiny bird weighs 1.6 g and its body is 5.7 cm long. The tiny birds fly with lightning speed and can reach a speed of 80 km/h. Their wings move so fast that you can hear the buzzing sound. Hummingbirds feed on flower nectar.

Record holders among plants

The tallest tree in existence is the Hyperion sequoia.

. The height of this giant is 115.5 meters. This is higher than a thirty-story building! And the age of the tree is estimated at 700-800 years.

The largest living organism on Earth is “Pando”

— clonal colony of aspen poplar (USA, Utah).
As scientists have established, 47 thousand stems come from one once living poplar. All 47 thousand stems have a single root system and can be called a single organism, whose mass is 6 thousand tons. The age of "Pando" is 80 thousand years (according to some estimates - up to a million years), which makes it one of the main candidates for the title of the longest-lived organism on the planet

The oldest tree today is 4845 years old.

This is an intermountain bristlecone pine named Methuselah, native to California. Bristlecone pines are about 10 meters high, their trunks and branches are twisted, and their bark is often missing. Methuselah also suffered significantly from tourists who tried to take a branch or piece of bark with them as a souvenir. Now the exact location of the tree is kept secret.

Tallest tree of all time - regal eucalyptus

(Eucalyptus regnans). An 1872 report by Australian State Forest Officer William Ferguson mentions a fallen and burnt tree of the species Eucalyptus regnans, which was at least 150 meters tall in life.

Longest plant

is a rattan palm that belongs to the liana family. The length of the rattan stem reaches 300 meters.

Another candidate for the title of the longest-lived and largest clonal organism on Earth is the colony of Posidonia oceanica

south of the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea. Clonal colony of Posidonia oceanica, 8 km in size. in diameter can be up to 100 thousand years old.

The largest tree by volume and, in general, the largest non-clonal living organism on Earth is the sequoiadendron (giant sequoia or mammoth tree) “General Sherman”

, whose volume is 1487 cubic meters. m. The age of “General Sherman” is from 2300 to 2700 years. The height of this giant sequoia is 83.8 m, the diameter at the base is 11.1 m, the trunk circumference is 31.3 m. The tree has a mass of 1910 tons. For comparison: the mass of the largest animal (blue whale) is up to 190 tons.

The oldest non-clonal organism of all time is the bristlecone pine.

The longest-living tree of this species (Prometheus)
was cut down in 1964 in the US state of Nevada.
Only after the tree was cut down was it possible to establish that this was the longest-lived tree of all time - Prometheus was 4862 years old. Another representative of the intermountain bristlecone pine species is the Methuselah tree (named after the biblical long-liver), which is currently 4842 years old and in 21 years Methuselah can surpass Prometheus in life expectancy

The tree with the thickest trunk is Arbol del Tule / Tule Tree

Taxodium species Mexicana. The tree grows right in the middle of the city of Santa Maria del Tule in Mexico. The diameter of the trunk of this tree is 11.62 meters, the circumference of the trunk is 36.2 m. According to the legends of the Zapotecs (Indian people in Mexico), the tree was planted 1,400 years ago by the priest of the Aztec wind god Ehecatl. Scientists confirm that the age of the tree is approximately the same as the Indian legend says.

However, there was a tree even thicker than Arbol del Tule. The circumference of the Hundred Horse Chestnut in Sicily is 57.9 m (measured in 1780). Moreover, the “Hundred Horse Chestnut” at that time had not one trunk, but several (all trunks come from the same root). According to legend, Giovanna I of Aragon, accompanied by a hundred knights, was caught in a thunderstorm. All travelers then found refuge under this tree, which became known as the “Hundred Horse Chestnut.” The age of this tree is from 2 to 4 thousand years. Currently, the tree is divided into 3 trunks, the largest of which has a circumference of 22 meters.

The fastest growing plant is the Japanese madake bamboo.

(Phyllostachys bambusoides), which can grow more than 1 meter in a day.

The plant with the largest flowers is Rafflesia Arnolda.

(Rafflesia arnoldii). Rafflesia Arnold parasitizes the roots and stems of a number of tropical plants; it does not have a distinct stem, leaves or even roots, receiving nutrients from the host’s body. On the affected parts of the plants, flatly spread flowers with 5 very large fleshy leaves are formed. The flowers have a specific aroma (of rotting meat), which attracts insects (the main pollinators are forest flies). The bud ripening lasts for several months, while flowering lasts several days.

The longest roots (120 m) of wild figs

, growing near Echo Cave in the Eastern Transvaal (South Africa).

The largest leaves are those of the Brazilian palm Raffia Tedigera.

(Raphia taedigera), which are more than 22 meters long and almost 12 meters wide.


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