Quiz with answers on the Russian language for grade 6

We repeat the spelling. 6th grade

Card No. 1

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. For five days now we have been living in the s...natori... .2.One day the heat made me look for... coolness. 3. I took the book n...went to b...se...ke. 4.D...ro...ka grew...small tr...howl and on its sides there were huge pine trees. 5.B...se...ka ra...pol...lived near a large cliff in the shadow of dense trees. 6.The view from the cliff is just...cute! 7. The book was interesting, but in such heat it (didn’t) attract me. 8. I see... shoot at the blue... ribbon of the river to... mouse... the dawn... fields with psh... nit... th. 9.How good...!

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 2

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. On the deck of the walkway, the pa...lo...lived as masons...loaders...and loaders. 2.They were going to new construction sites. 3. Everyone admired the beautiful landscape... the landscape... and the surroundings. 4. There was a freshness and coldness in the air. 5.Here a...floated by...a grove of trees, a pro...til on a...moose bike...a sun...grown boy...n. 6. The passage approached the pier... and the diving began. 7. The loads...are rushing...and the carts...are being driven sharply...by the...spheres. 8. The real work began on the b...reasal t...r...history... of the Yenisei. 9. Everyone works together and harmoniously!

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 3

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. Exit...sh...in early autumn to the nearest grove of ud...vlya...sh...a big...pass...men... . 2. (Not) hear...w...green birds...their voices (not) see...w...swallows. 3.And...there were yellow...blue and blue...flowers. 4. The grass has faded...the fields are empty. 5. On the aspen there are top...l...and oak in...the golden leaves...are. 6. A strong wind blows them away and blows them towards the ravine. 7.Behind him…extreme fields spread out. 8. It was raining in the grove in the morning and there were several puddles on the grove... . 9. Along a narrow path, there are traces of a man following him among the trees.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 4

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1.The summer days have passed and...the rainy autumn has arrived. 2. The water in the river became cloudy and the kingfishers had difficulty finding food for themselves. 3. The first light... castles... villages... ribbed the banks and the cheerful birds... began to move... to another place. 4. There is only one kingfisher left. 5. Every day he sat on a dry branch... bird cherry... sad at the old nest. 6. The river (not) froze yet and the bird f... dil itself with “pl... bitchy” food. 7. But then the… stout m… roses struck and the river became covered with ice. 8. One day the kingfisher rushed (to) the bottom, hit the ice and rubbed...thrashed. 9. He was saved by a boy passing by.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 5

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. A lot of pr…red words have been said about b…rez. 2. These bright, elegant, graceful trees were able to cope with harsh conditions with... faith. 3. On the ... faith of the Americas ... on the Far East ... drain ... r ... stet b ... cut k ... rlikovaya. 4. These are low shrubs no more than a meter high. 5. In Western S...bir... in Kareli... lurking... was a... rez... wriggled... flock. 6. This tree... (doesn’t) have a slender trunk...it almost covers the ground. 7. Very int…res…black b…cuts of North America… 8. They love light so…plo. 9. Furniture and musical instruments are made from such waste.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 6

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. I walked to the cliff and saw a pr...red picture. 2. All the way to the horizon, the… t… stretched out… the ultimate steppe went… into the distance. 3. P...was a wonderful...year. 4. It was…hot from…the air was filled with the aroma…of flowers…fading plants. 5. At the edge of the steppe there was an embankment at the... bottom of a... native railway... railway. 6. Along it, tiny black...carriages t...nulled into...racers. 7. Under the cliff a river flowed... and in its riverbanks there were ducks. 8. None of the banks of the river are now white...crowded, rarely see...the occasional fish...fishing. 9. There is complete peace and quiet here.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 7

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. This month... with... the love... was so ... sung that day and night... fistula... t sch... lka... t. 2. In the morning and in the... black world, all the l... ny inhabitants sing, without a doubt. 3. Then I heard...sh...and sonorous g...voices and a violin and a flute and a b...r...ban and a squeak. 4. With ringing trills, the finches h...k the heels of the beetles and grasshoppers. 5. La...t l...sitsa “cough...t” white partridge in the dawn the bees are buzzing. 6. No one (is) embarrassed if he doesn’t have a voice. 7. Everyone chooses a musical instrument according to their own taste. 8. Everything sounds good! 9. What an orchestra in l...su!

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 8

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. Near the city of Voronezh there is a beaver reserve. 2. Beavers live there, near the l...sny rivers, building huts on the river. 3. You can’t cut down trees in the...reserve; he hunts. 4. I arrived there in June...settled in the hut of a l...snika near...again...sli. 5. Once I took a... blow... tit... on my... l... sl... kick. 6. Suddenly a kingfisher appeared, sat down on a twig... and froze. 7. The bird sm...trew into the water following the fish. 8. Suddenly the kingfisher fell from the branch, dived into the river, instantly emerged with its prey and flew to the birds. 9. Kingfisher's nest is a cave in a cliff above the river next to... a l... cloud of mice.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card No. 9

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. Hl...the sweaty squirrel woke up in...the old spruce tree in his...here. 2. She really wanted to eat and (not) the weather was humming like a sword through the forest. 3. It’s time to try...to...harvest...by dawn and by...the branches of...reveres to the nearest...oak. 4. There are food reserves stored in the hollow there. 5. The squirrel climbed up into a spruce tree and there was already a flock of birds nearby. 6. On the cheek...the l...stung the berries of the...seed...ch...ki and pieces of...bread. 7. Where does this wealth come from? 8. Probably it was the son’s daughters... who were passing by. 9. The squirrel sat down on the edge of his cheeks and ate his fill!

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Card number 10

1).Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

1. It’s summer time to go north... to the tundra. 2. In the ma... still in the air... in... the... snow... wild winds are raging across its vast... extremes. 3. Then the sky will…remove…the snow will…little the…walls.

4. At this time, the birds return here... they try... through the (bad) weather. 5. The tundra is the homeland of these birds. 6. On the banks of light lakes, birds... build nests and lay eggs. 7. Here (not) worth worrying about food because midges and moths themselves crawl into your mouth. 8. The summer time is quickly passing, the chick... is growing up. 9. Soon they will go... beyond the distant mountains of the forest and the sea, and in... sleep they will return here again.

2). Write down all the words that have alternating roots.

3). Write down any two verbs, determine aspect, reflexivity, conjugation, transitivity.

4). Perform the specified analyzes.

Didactic material on the topic “Verb”, 6th grade

Didactic material on the topic

"Verb", 6th grade

TASK: distribute the verbs into two columns: perfect and imperfect verbs.

Remove, go, address, cry, shake, execute, punish, inform, dream, exist, pass, conduct, daydream, put, yearn, put, take, start, shout, sing, bake, lie, reproach, dream, sharpen, frighten, remain silent, turn pale, cunning, bury, tear off.

TASK: copy it down, inserting the missing letters where necessary, choosing the aspectual form of the verb from brackets and adding the missing punctuation marks.

The clouds began to gather . _ _ ( White , white ) in the blue sky a distant ( semi ) ruined church . Over comb forest there thunder like an old man ( turned over , turned over ) . ( Quiet , quiet ) face ... on the right ... road wedge . The flies became even more annoying and suddenly everything ( calm , quiet ). But now ( ran , ran ) and ( got confused , confused ) there was a windy chill in the wind . And then the wind really ( blowed , blew ) . _ We barely ( ran , came running ) home and the rain started pouring down .
TASK: Rewrite, putting the verbs from brackets in the correct present tense form.

The audience (to watch) the new film with interest. It seemed as if bullets (to crush) in the air and people (to breathe) hot lead dust. (Blow) fierce winds, (drive) sailing boats. Heat (to burn) and (to puff). The felt of the yurt slightly (sway). The windshield wipers (break) the ice on the sidewalk. The slanting and annoying rain (whip) in the face. Plumes of smoke (spread) over the roadstead. The sea (breathe) with the most invigorating freshness. (Fight) the waves and wind, stubborn sailors. (Crawl) (move) white ghosts, (hide) in the sea. My hands (hold) tightly to the iron ladder of the wheelhouse. Sea (rumble). Some steps (heard). Hard wood is difficult to saw (sawn). The sun (to hurt) the eyes. (Flap) the wings of the mill. The geese and swans (scream) and (scream) are anxious. (Doze) pine forest. Black waves (to be found) with noise on white stones. (to blow) the wind. It’s sweet (to melt) the spring snow in the clearing. In the gathering twilight (float) snowflakes.

TASK: Insert a vowel before the suffix -l- in past tense verbs, add punctuation marks.

The clear sky was filled with millions of stars. The freshness of the morning hung over the awakened Sorochintsy. His mother cherished and pampered him, as one pampers an only child. Exactly..but he showed up to her in a slightly strange but funny way.. . It was cold outside and the dense clouds hanging over... started to rain. The mournful song made them sad. The crowd began to thin out, then ra..ta..la. . White clouds, torn by the wind, floated across the blue sky. Some (some) k..missar dressed simply like an ordinary Red Army soldier, and ate with them from the same k..tl and walked hand in hand as they walked. Somewhere nearby there was a hall..or with..tanks. Snegirev almost went crazy from fear that his boy would die.

TASK: insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

Anyone who knows a lot will see how carefully one must express one’s judgment so as not to make a mistake.. Youth is the time of year when a person is pulled over the horizon. Together with a friend (not) tired..sh.. of the burden. He who gives receives a lot..t. Each generation adds its finds to the catalogue. We all depend on each other on this journey of life. Labor will..t in man creative forces. We love the Fatherland, this is the air we breathe..m.

TASK: insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

A path runs along..t..everything in life has changed..t..shat, good is shared with good..t..sya but there is no wrong way. Joy wave...t covers...t worries...t. We (not) value the air..m and (don’t) think..m about it while we are breathing normally and without any obstruction..m. Everything is shining..t green..t breathing..t drowned in the heat..t in the sky blue. The whole world is alive...progeny is growing, moving...singing, crying...hiding...t...sya in the tightly closed greenery of the garden. The world is rising up like a huge bird; fistula..t crack..t link..t. The morning is sparkling..t and the rain is splashing..t.

TASK: insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

The rider of the horse is driving, holding the reins, looking ahead, view: the desert is spreading in front of him. He sits confidently on his horse, although he breathes...hardly. The rider (doesn’t) see these deserts, but there’s nothing to do - he has to go. I hear... there is silence all around, only the horse turns its head in one direction or the other. A person depends on him. The horse endures dust, heat and thirst along with it. Offended..sh.. the horse - I’ll regret it myself..sh.. .


TASK: Indicate cases of writing the vowel E in verbs.

1. Sow..sew 11. See you... 21.Bed...sit 31. Cover up
2.Have..to 12.Pala..t 22. Get some sleep 32.Rub..t
3. Correct..sew 13. Light..t 23. Can't..t 33. I'm having fun
4.Hate..t 14. Breathe...breathe 24.Ask...
  1. Not taken into account
5.Ve..t 15. Go out..sh 25.Dream..t 35.Don't herb..t
6.Steel..t 16.Vo..t 26. Drag..t 36.Look..t
7.Ver..is 17. Overcome... 27. Branch..t 37. Don't feed..t
8. I can hear... 18. Looking..t 28.Under construction 38. Love..t
9. Calm...t 19. View..t 29. Rumble..t 39. Del..t
10. Ta.. t 20.Closing..coming 30. In a hurry..in a hurry 40. Meet..t


Indicate cases where the vowel E is written at the end of a verb .

1.You're l...losing 9. rises.. rises 17. you take into account 25. he praised...t
2. he hesitates...hesitates 10. we are offended..m 18. you will wake up 26. he washes his face
3. he's cool..t 11. try..try 19.considering..t 27. cont..t
4. fix...sew 12. respond 20. he splashes..t 28. hate...you
5. she is spinning... 13. you st..sh 21. you are in awe 29. he will shave
6. leaving 14. he is looking...t 22. she is chasing... 30. we are sinning
7. earn..m 15. sorry..sh 23. he hears..t 31. summ..t
8. she notices..t 16. you shout..sh 24. you breathe...those 32. we advise..m

TASK: insert the missing letters E-I in the verbs of the indicative and imperative moods, explain graphically the choice of vowel, indicate the mood of the verbs.

Take out unnecessary things from the room. When you take it out, the room will seem more spacious. As soon as you leave the forest, you will see a village. Leave the class: it needs to be ventilated. Write out the words with the same root from the text. If you write it down correctly, there will be four of them. Select from the given brochure material for the message. When you choose, start decorating it. Send me the certificate I need by registered mail. If you send it in the next few days, I will receive it on time. When you choose the books that suit you, the librarian will write them down in your subscription. Choose no more than three books. Wipe the dust off your desk. When you've wiped it off, take a piece of notepaper and write a reply letter.

TASK: Insert the missing letters into the endings of the verbs, add punctuation marks.

The night.. the shadow and the damp bank are spreading.. the night.. is pulling its golden net into the distance - and soon the shine is dim..t and wane..t. By dusk there is no way to the Alps. The sun is shining all day long. The wind pulls me into the distance... my song resounds... Outside the neighbor’s door the clock is knocking and ice is dripping from the windows. The region passes higher and softer and the wind dries the garden and softly blows into the windows. Soon the thunder will roar louder..and with an eerie brilliance it will light up the distance..t..sya.

TASK: insert the correct vowel into the verb suffixes.

Raise children, make a wish, not be late for class, record lectures, talk about classes, ask about creative plans, look at the watch, tie. .to put on a tie, to ventilate the classroom, to report..to report on academic performance, to talk..to parents, to consult..to friends, to examine..to teach students, to manage an office, to command a parade, to preach ..share views, propagate legal laws, stabilize, honor the hero of the day, participate in the cleanup.

the cases of writing the suffixes OVA and EVA -.

  1. The ground beneath my feet shook...
  2. For several days the storm raged.
  3. We looked at the autographs with curiosity.
  4. Clouds stretch across the sky in long strands.
  5. Evdokia was screaming in a special way.
  6. He was ashamed to express his thoughts.
  7. He envied everyone who drove combat vehicles.
  8. A curious face looked out from behind her shoulder.
  9. Over the years of life, a person accumulates a feeling of the uniqueness of his life.
  10. The snow was flying in flakes, as if a cannonade had shaken off the abundant bird cherry blossom from the sky.
  11. I had to uproot long pine trees.
  12. Lisa was also interrogated...
  13. You stir up the flame of your lips less and less often.
  14. She looked at me with curiosity.
  15. Here it was difficult to count on meeting a person.
  16. Clouds enveloped the mountains.
  17. Alexey felt the end of his wanderings was near.
  18. Tchaikovsky, in his sleep, grasped the melody.
  19. Many girls would envy the beauty of her hands.
  20. And I began to formulate a fairy tale about a beautiful princess.
  21. He began to command again.
  22. You made me very happy with your arrival.
  23. The boy looked at us with a timid smile.
  24. He had to spend the night in the field.
  25. When I stood in line to confess, my heart beat tremblingly.
  26. I ordered the rowers to moor to the shore.
  27. I sneaked up on the cautious bird.
  28. Riders on thin horses galloped away from the colonnade illuminated by fires.
  29. A blackbird lay down on a rowan tree.
  30. Tikhon catches firewood from the river.
  31. He stores them on the shore.
  32. On winter nights, melancholy overcame him.
  33. Chuk and Gek waved their arms.
  34. The guy advised me to fall asleep as soon as possible.

35. Ivan Antonich was in charge of the factory clinic.

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