Consultation for parents: “Playing with children”

The role of play in a child's life

A game for a child is not just entertainment or a way to occupy himself in his free time. This is a serious activity, which is the first step in mastering the norms and rules of existence in a social environment. The game makes it possible to unobtrusively, in an interesting and exciting way for the child, to have the following influence on him:

  • open the mind;
  • develop mental processes;
  • satisfy children's emotional and intellectual needs;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • learn to interact in society;
  • to form character and attitude to reality;
  • develop labor and cognitive skills.

Play is a child’s way of entering the adult world, gaining experience of human activity, and rehearsing his future life. Parents' participation in children's play shows that they approve of such activities.

Consultation for parents of children 2–3 years old “Playing at home with children”

Consultation for parents of children 2–3 years old “Playing at home with children”

Game for a preschool child

is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place and the personality as a whole is formed. It is in the family that he gains initial communication experience.

Joint games between parents and children

spiritually and emotionally , satisfies the need to communicate with loved ones, and strengthens self-confidence. The family lays the foundation for the child’s personal qualities.

In order for a child to speak correctly, it is important to focus on correctly delivered speech. To begin with, eliminate filler words and profanity from your conversations. The baby, like a parrot, repeats everything after his parents

. You are an object of imitation and adoration. Therefore, if you want your child’s speech to be correct, first of all control yourself and your manner of communication.

A child who has been properly and effectively taught in early childhood is more receptive to science and creativity at an older age.

Make sure you set aside time every day to play

playing educational games with your baby. And you will see how many positive emotions you and your baby will receive.

Activities with children

2 years should begin with the development of hand motor skills.
Buy blocks, a construction set
your child.
Just don’t play silently
, talk to your child all the time and show emotions.
Say positive words and praise him. During this period, children actively want to take part in household chores
Let them sweep on their own or give them a duster to wipe up dust. This is how you lay the initial foundation for understanding what help is. Always give your child the opportunity to help you, otherwise in the future you will have to force him to do house cleaning

Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills? Because when the fingers work, nerve impulses provoke the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the speech apparatus. This means that fine motor skills are responsible for the development of a child’s speech.

Younger preschoolers not only do not know how to play together

, they don't know how
to play on their own
The kid usually drives the car back and forth aimlessly, not finding any other use for it, he quickly throws it away and demands a new toy. Independence in play is formed gradually, in the process of playful communication with adults, older children
, and peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child’s life is organized in the game.

Every game

- this is a child’s communication with an adult, with other
; This is a school of cooperation in which he learns to both rejoice in the success of his peers and endure his own failures. Goodwill, support, a joyful atmosphere of fiction and fantasy - only in this case will your games be useful for the development of the child.

The even, calm, friendly tone of an equal playing partner gives the child confidence that they understand him and want to play

The joy that you bring to your child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together
will help you make
your life together

Play together with your baby


Snowball throwing

You will need an empty box or drawer and crumpled white paper. Encourage your child to throw snowballs

from paper into a box, first from a short distance.
Make the game more difficult by placing the box further away from the snowball thrower. This game can be played
outside with real snowballs.


Place a long belt on the floor. Show your child how to follow the line from the belt. You can walk straight, or sideways, with an extended step.

Develops: coordination of movements, dexterity.

At 2-3 years old, involuntary memory appears: the baby remembers some words and simple poems. Naturally, in order to remember them, you need to speak and show them repeatedly. This is why children need developmental activities. 2 years is a very important age.

Remove unnecessary things

Place several objects in front of your child (for example, 3 different cars and a ball, or several dolls and a piece from a construction set

) and offer to remove what is unnecessary here. You can play the game both with objects and with cards with images.

Develops: thinking, attentiveness.

Finish the word

When reading familiar poems to a child, pause before the last word of the stanza, giving the child the opportunity to finish the word.

Develops: memory, speech, intelligence.


You are busy preparing dinner. The baby is spinning around you. Invite him to sort out peas, rice, buckwheat or millet. Thus, he will provide you with all possible assistance and train his fingers.

Come up with a riddle

The child comes up with a riddle to describe furniture or toys. For example, it has a seat, a back, and four legs. sit on it

What is this? (CHAIR)

Where's the toy?

Games can be associated with familiarization with prepositions, the size of surrounding objects, and changes in their quantity. For example, the game

with prepositions can be carried out in the
“chair and toy”
: a toy on a chair, under a chair, behind a chair with obligatory active action and clear separate pronunciation of the corresponding prepositions.

Who can do what?

The child is asked to select as many action words as possible for the subject or object. for example, what can a cat do? (purr, arch your back, scratch, jump, run, sleep, play


You can invent games yourself. It all depends on your imagination.

The child is very happy about the minutes given to him by his parents in the game

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Play with the whole family
, putting off your chores even for a few minutes.
The joy that you bring to your child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together
will help you make
your life together

So play with your baby


Educational potential of the game

Raising a preschooler through moral teaching is initially doomed to failure. But using the game as an educational tool will allow you to achieve significant results. The possibilities of the game in this regard are enormous.

Code of Conduct

The child does not need to repeat the rules of behavior ten times in public places, at the table, at a holiday, etc. It’s easier to show this with an example of a game and give the opportunity to practice using them until you develop a stable skill.

Children really like role-playing games “In the store”, “We are passengers”, “At a friend’s birthday”, “Visiting Masha”, etc. Children learn politeness and quickly remember verbal formulations that are used in certain circumstances.

When playing such games, children quickly get used to the role of an adult and themselves begin to give instructions to toys or playmates: “Don’t talk at the table,” “Give up your seat on the bus,” etc. It turns out that now they are becoming the initiator of the implementation of existing norms and rules.

Moreover, during the game you can reproduce both positive and negative methods of action. Emotions and impressions from acting out different forms of behavior will allow children to intuitively choose those that are considered the norm in our society. In this way, preschoolers develop models of correct behavior.

Character Basics

The game is the best way to help develop in a child such character traits as perseverance, will, and the desire to win. A special role in this is given to outdoor games. Most of them are competitive in nature, where the more dexterous, brave, and quick-witted wins. In addition, outdoor games play a huge role in the physical education of preschool children and the development of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Also, during the game, the child is often placed in conditions where he must make an independent choice. This helps him develop responsibility for his actions and self-confidence.

Participation in play activities evokes many emotions in children. Under the influence of this, they develop the ability to empathize, sympathize, and show condescension.

The use of didactic games develops curiosity and intellectual activity in preschoolers. This increases their performance and helps improve cognitive processes.

The game pushes the child to transform the existing reality, to create a fictional new reality. This helps develop fantasy and imagination. Creative, theatrical games help identify the child’s talents and develop aesthetic inclinations.


While playing games, the child has the opportunity to try on various social roles. He reflects patterns of behavior in various situations, which he can then use in his adult life.

During games, children develop the ability to act purposefully, make common efforts to obtain results, and help each other. They interact with each other and learn to establish productive relationships.

Gaming activities play a huge role in the formation of communicative competencies. Children need to learn to negotiate, formulate their thoughts correctly, and use ready-made speech patterns.

Consultation for parents “Why do children need games?”

Through games, children develop personality in all areas: cognitive, emotional, social, creative, motor and motivational. There are a huge number of games, the purpose of which is to develop certain skills of the child, give him new information about the world, and cultivate positive character traits. But we’ll tell you exactly what skills children will gain in the game.

Playing games with lacing improves the eye, attention, perseverance, and strengthens the fingers and the entire hand (fine motor skills). This is the best way to prepare your hand for writing.

Outdoor games develop strength, endurance, agility, and improve posture.

Nowadays there is a large selection of board games in stores. Don't ignore them! They contribute to the development of intelligence and attention. They learn to quickly navigate shape, color, and size. Helps with literacy and numeracy.

Team games teach a child to cooperate, defend his point of view, and resolve conflict situations (even if sometimes with the help of adults).

In role-playing games, kids get used to coping with their emotions. Rejoice and show your happiness in public, hide sadness and disappointment at the right moments, experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

Games of jumping bunnies and quacking ducks develop a sense of humor in children.

Finger games stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, and imagination. Children remember poetic texts better, and their speech becomes more expressive.

By playing with construction sets, building materials and various technical toys (spotting scopes, toy cameras, kaleidoscopes), the child develops ingenuity, displays design abilities and an interest in construction and technology.

Children should definitely have musical toys. This way the child will learn to perceive music. He will have a sense of rhythm, an ear for music and memory, imagination and improvisation.

Theatrical games enrich children's artistic perception.

Interactive games (daughters - mothers) teach the child mutual assistance and interaction with other people, introduces the adult world in children's language.

Nowadays, parents increasingly perceive children's games as a useless activity and entertainment, a waste of time. Many are preparing their children for life in a world based on survival and competition, where success and career depend only on intellectual abilities. They exchange their kids’ favorite games for serious activities - writing, counting, reading and early language learning. But the child still needs play no less than air, water, food.

Through games, children develop personality in all areas: cognitive, emotional, social, creative, motor and motivational. There are a huge number of games, the purpose of which is to develop certain skills of the child, give him new information about the world, and cultivate positive character traits. But we’ll tell you exactly what skills children will gain in the game.

Playing games with lacing improves the eye, attention, perseverance, and strengthens the fingers and the entire hand (fine motor skills). This is the best way to prepare your hand for writing.

Outdoor games develop strength, endurance, agility, and improve posture.

Nowadays there is a large selection of board games in stores. Don't ignore them! They contribute to the development of intelligence and attention. They learn to quickly navigate shape, color, and size. Helps with literacy and numeracy.

Team games teach a child to cooperate, defend his point of view, and resolve conflict situations (even if sometimes with the help of adults).

In role-playing games, kids get used to coping with their emotions. Rejoice and show your happiness in public, hide sadness and disappointment at the right moments, experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

Games of jumping bunnies and quacking ducks develop a sense of humor in children.

Finger games stimulate the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, and imagination. Children remember poetic texts better, and their speech becomes more expressive.

By playing with construction sets, building materials and various technical toys (spotting scopes, toy cameras, kaleidoscopes), the child develops ingenuity, displays design abilities and an interest in construction and technology.

Children should definitely have musical toys. This way the child will learn to perceive music. He will have a sense of rhythm, an ear for music and memory, imagination and improvisation.

Theatrical games enrich children's artistic perception.

Interactive games (daughters - mothers) teach the child mutual assistance and interaction with other people, introduces the adult world in children's language.

How to play with a child

To be able to engage your child in play activities, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations presented at the consultation for parents “Play with your children.”

  • Treat your child as an equal. You should not allow baby talk. Do not perform play actions instead of the baby, but invite him to try it himself or join in a joint activity.
  • Give yourself to the game as fully and enthusiastically as a child.
  • Don't dictate the rules of the game! Tactfully guide its progress, directing the child’s actions in the right direction.
  • Try to use fewer prohibitions.
  • Give your child the opportunity to show independence and initiative.
  • Under no circumstances correct the results of your child’s play activities with the words: “Now I’ll show you how to do it.”
  • Offer different types of games.
  • Allow household items to be used for play.
  • Create a play corner in your home and help keep it tidy.

There is a certain algorithm for involving children in gaming activities. If children are offered a new game, the terms of which they are not familiar with, it is necessary to explain and show how it is played. At first, adults are given the role of leader, and then they become just a playing partner.

It should be remembered that you need to play with your child, and not instead of him!

Consultation for parents: “Playing with children”

For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place and his personality as a whole is formed.

The life of adults interests children not only for its external side. They are attracted to the inner world of people, the relationships between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other loved ones, to the child himself. Their attitude to work and to surrounding objects.

Children imitate their parents: their manner of treating others, their actions, and work activities. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior and forms of attitude.

With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training, upbringing, children’s games become more meaningful, varied in plots, themes, number of roles played, and participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts that are directly perceived by him. But also images of heroes from fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create based on his imagination.

Playing games together between parents and children enriches children spiritually and emotionally, satisfies the need to communicate with loved ones, and strengthens self-confidence.

Younger preschoolers aged 3-4 years not only do not know how to play together, they do not know how to play independently. The kid usually drives the car back and forth aimlessly, not finding any other use for it, he quickly throws it away and demands a new toy. Independence in play is formed gradually, in the process of playful communication with adults, older children, and peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child’s life is organized in the game. Waiting until he starts playing on his own means deliberately hindering the development of a child’s personality.

One of the most important ways to develop the play of a small child is to select toys according to age. For a child, a toy is the center of play, a material support. It prompts him to the theme of the game, gives birth to new connections, makes him want to act with it, and enriches his sensory experience. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children. Sometimes a simple shoebox is more valuable than any wind-up toy. The box can be a trailer for a car in which you can transport blocks, soldiers, bricks, or you can arrange a stroller for dolls in the box.

The participation of adults in children's games can vary. If a child has just been bought a toy and he knows how to play with it, it is better to give him the opportunity to act independently. The even, calm, friendly tone of an equal playing partner gives the child confidence that they understand him and want to play with him.

  • The child is very happy about the minutes given to him by his parents in the game.
  • You can be captivated by a game, but you cannot be forced to play!
  • The nature of the game is such that in the absence of absolute voluntariness, it ceases to be a game.
  • Do not explain to your child how to play, but play with him, taking the position of a partner, not a teacher.
  • Do not forget about the child’s timely transition to more complex ways of playing, using its special forms for this and developing its plot accordingly.
  • Do not lose sight of the fact that the child must learn to coordinate play actions with peer partners, so do not try to always guess the direction of his thoughts. Playing partners must explain the meaning of game actions to each other. Do it yourself and encourage your child to do it.

Bring joy to your child and yourself at the same time - play together. Don't know what? Look below, the proposed games are not only interesting, but also useful.

1. Sun. Draw a large yellow circle on the paper. Then, one by one (one stroke is made by the child, the next by mom or dad, etc.) draw as many rays as possible to the sun.

2. Snake. Draw a big snake. Now you need to paint the snake skin, alternately applying with multi-colored felt-tip pens a pattern of stars, dots, wavy and zigzag lines, etc.

3. Fashion a hedgehog. Collect short thin sticks in a park or forest. Make a short thick sausage out of plasticine and stick the assembled sticks into it: you get a hedgehog.

4. Memory training. Six different small objects are placed on the tray, for example, a toy car, candy, pencil, sharpener, comb, spoon... For a short time, the child remembers what is lying, then the tray is covered with something. What's under the cover? Then switch roles.

5. Veterinary hospital. We put soft toys in bed and treat them: bandage them, give medications, measure the temperature, apply compresses, etc.

6. Blot pictures. Spray ink onto paper. Fold the paper with the blot inward, then unfold it again. Draw a picture from the prints.

7. Figure-rug. Using trousers, a shirt and boots, we lay out a figure on the floor. Draw a face of suitable size on paper, cut it out and apply it.

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