Lesson on speech development in the senior group “Visiting wintering birds”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group Topic: “Wintering birds”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group

Topic: “Wintering birds”

Type of lesson:



teach children to compose coherent stories about birds using mnemonic diagrams.


— Educational:

Activate vocabulary on the topic (wintering birds, bullfinch, tit, feeder, bird food, takes care of birds);

Continue strengthening the muscle tissue of the articulation apparatus, developing strength, as well as flexibility and direction of movement of the organs that are involved in speech.

Strengthen children’s skills in answering a teacher’s question with a complete, common answer;

Learn to form complex adjectives; plural nouns; possessive adjectives;

Improve the composition of a story about birds using mnemonic diagrams;


To develop children's cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds

Develop observation and cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop auditory perception;

— Educational:

Develop the ability to listen to the stories of other children;

Foster a caring attitude towards wintering birds.


toy magpie, letter, figurines of wintering birds, bird food, subject pictures about birds.

Vocabulary work;

They are nouns: bullfinch, tit, feeder, food, feathers, scales;

They are adjectives: migratory, wintering;

Verbs: freeze, leave, fly away, feed, look after, take care of;

Synonyms: leave - fly away, envelope - letter;

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time:


Guys, I’m going to kindergarten today and a magpie is flying towards me. It's cracking. Of course, I didn’t understand anything. Before I had time to say anything, she threw me an envelope from a height and flew away. Let's read what it says there.

I, Soroka Belobok, live in the forest. Today there is a commotion : some birds have flown away

others remained. I do not get it. And the signature : Magpie Belobok.
Educator :

Let us get up, go into the forest and figure out which birds should fly away and which ones should stay with us and send a letter to Magpie White-sided in the forest.




One, two, three, turn around and find yourself at the edge of the forest!
The children turn around and find themselves at the edge of the forest. Bird trills sound .
Introductory part:


Look, guys, how beautiful it is around. Do you hear the birds singing? We are greeted by our friends, the Magpie White-sided birds.


Guys, look how many birds there are at the edge of the forest. And here is Magpie Belobok herself, let’s return the letter to her and find out exactly what happened.


Magpie Belobok, what happened, what’s all this commotion?

Guys, she says that she won’t understand which birds should stay and which ones should fly away. Let's take a look and figure out whether all the birds have flown away or not.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “Wintering Birds”

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 5-6 years old “TRAVEL TO THE WINTER FOREST”

Author :

Kashtanova Galina Aleksandrovna


: Development of coherent speech in children.
Compose a short, coherent story about birds based on the diagram.
Fix the pronunciation of the sound (s). Develop thinking, memory, attention, coherent speech, fine motor skills of the fingers. cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds; ability to work in a team. Equipment
: tape recorder, Christmas trees, silhouettes of birds, winter illustrations, a picture of an old forest man, an envelope with a letter, baskets with tasks, cut-out pictures of winter.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, when I came to the group today, I found a letter on the table.
But I didn’t open it without you. Do you want to know what it says? Then let's open it and read it. "Hello guys.
One of the fairy-tale forest inhabitants is writing to you. There are a lot of different birds in my forest. And among them there is a white-sided magpie. She told me a lot of interesting things about you. And most importantly, she told me that you are smart and quick-witted. Therefore, I invite you to visit me in the winter forest. And who I am you will find out at the end of the journey. At each clearing one of my friends will be waiting for you. For completing the task correctly, my friends will give you part of the overall picture. At the end of the journey, will you put together a picture from the parts and find out who I am?” Well, let's go?
Let's all go together one after another. (to music)
We came to the first clearing.
What is the name of the bird that is waiting for us? Children:
Look, she’s guarding the basket.
Let's see what's in the basket. Yes, here is the task. “This morning I accidentally scattered all the pictures.
But I can’t collect them. Help me?" Well, guys, let's help.?
Children, the tit scattered pictures.
You need to collect your own picture for everyone. DI.
“Make parts into a whole .
What time of year is shown in the picture?
(winter) Educator:
Well done, you completed the task and the tit gives us one part of the picture.
Let's move on.
What is this bird called? (Bullfinch) Educator:
Look, he also prepared a task for us.
Bullfinch prepared diagrams for us to compose stories. Look, in each diagram there is a story about a bird. Guess what kind of bird it is and write a story about it. 3-4 children's stories, the rest guess what bird they are talking about. Well done. You did a good job with this task too. The bullfinch gives us another part of the picture. Educator:
Oh, guys, look, who is meeting us? (magpie).
She sits and guards the box.
Let's see what's in it? Yes, there is also a task here. Magpie invites us to play the game “Say a word..” Quietly, quietly, as in a dream Falls to the ground...(snow) Silver fluffs are sliding from the sky...(snowflakes) Into the clearings, onto the meadow Quietly falls...(snowball) Here's fun for the guys Getting stronger...(snowfall) Everyone is running in a race Everyone wants to play...(snowballs) Like in a white down jacket Dressed up...(snowman) Nearby there is a snow figure This is a girl...(snow maiden) Look at the snow With a red breast...(bullfinches) I am attaching illustrations to the board . Educator:
What words were added?
let's say it in unison. Educator:
What sound do they begin with (with the sound-s) Well done and completed this task. But the magpie has one more task in his box. She invites us to rest.

Physical education minute:

Birds jump and fly.
Birds collect crumbs. The feathers have been cleaned. The beaks have been cleaned. The birds are flying and singing. The birds are pecking at the grains. Educator:
The magpies completed their task and rested.
Forty gave us part of the picture. The magpie has completely chatted us up, but it’s time for us to continue on our way. Oh, who is meeting us in this clearing? (sparrow). Educator:
Look, he also prepared a task for us. “Guys, I’m sure you know a lot of riddles about birds.” Red-breasted, black-winged, He loves to peck grains, With the first snow on the mountain ash He will appear again. (Bullfinch) Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains! Peck, don't be shy! Who is this? (Sparrow) I’m knocking on a tree, I want to get a worm, Even though it’s hidden under the bark, it will still be mine! (Woodpecker) This bird has a crooked beak, and it builds nests in winter, pecking seeds from cones, who can name this bird? (Klest) Sparrow also gives us part of the picture.

The woodpecker is holding a note, let's read what's there." "The artist sent me magic sheets with dots. If you connect all the dots, you get a picture. and which one you will already find out for yourself. help me please.

“Let's help the woodpecker find out what kind of drawing it will turn out to be. Take a seat at the tables. There are leaves on the tables. Connect the dots and let's see what happens. What kind of drawings did you make? (birds). Well done, guys. And the woodpecker gives us another part of the picture.

Look guys, look, my friends gave away all the parts of the picture. Let's put it together and see who comes out? Who is this? (old forest man) Of course, this is the old forest man. He has prepared another message for us. (basket with a letter) “Thank you, children, for your kindness and responsiveness. I really liked that you are so kind, sympathetic, smart, and quick-witted. I was convinced that the white-sided magpie had not deceived me. You have proven your ingenuity to me. And most of all I liked that you work together and together. And for this I have prepared a treat for you. Help yourself to your health. See you soon in my fairy forest. The old man is a forest boy.”

Help yourself, guys! Our journey into the winter forest is over, it's time to return to kindergarten. (to music) Guys, tell me where we went today? Who did you see? How can you call all these birds in one word? What did you like most? I also liked the way you worked.

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