Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group on the topic “Autumn”

Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group on the topic “Autumn”

Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group on the topic “Autumn” using personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving, information and communication technologies.
Program objectives: Educational:
clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the autumn season;
activate children's vocabulary on the topic of the lesson; improve the ability to listen carefully and answer questions; to form in children a generalized idea of ​​the forest and trees in the autumn. consolidate children's knowledge about the main signs of autumn, color and shape. Learn to select leaves for a tree by color. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Developmental:
develop children’s cognitive interest, their attention and memory;
develop interest in completing tasks. develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher. Educational:
to educate children to respect nature;
creating emotional comfort and psychological safety. Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn, looking at illustrations, working with the nature calendar, guessing riddles, looking at autumn leaves, active and didactic games on this topic. Equipment: Envelope with a letter and tasks from the Evil Robber. Hoops for “bumps” Cardboard leaves for the path; Educational cartoon: “Why leaves fall” Vegetables and fruits for salad, leaves of different colors.
Progress of direct educational activities:

Guys, listen to what I want to tell you, this morning, when I opened the window as always to ventilate the group, a letter flew to us.
But in order to find out who the letter is from, you need to guess the riddle, listen to this: Guess the time of year: I am harvesting a beautiful multi-colored forest, the mown fields are getting wet, clouds are walking across the sky, mushroom pickers are rushing into the forests, yellow leaves are flying, a hedgehog is collecting leaves and insulating his burrow. Children: Autumn. Educator: Yes, guys, this letter is correct from Autumn. Let's see what's in the envelope? (opens the envelope, takes out the letter and reads it). Letter: I am an evil, powerful robber. Now I will gather the clouds, I will take all the autumn foliage with me! Don't you want Autumn, kids? So she shouldn’t be in the world! It will be winter for you right away! Cold, ice and snow - darkness! Educator : Oh guys, these are the tricks of the Evil Robber, to help free Autumn we need to complete all his tasks. Well, are you ready? Children: Yes! Educator: But in order to complete the first task, you need to walk along the autumn leaves and not go astray. Well, are you ready? Then let's go. (the guys walk along the autumn leaves laid out like a snake on the floor). Well, here we are. Look at the Nature Calendar in front of us, and here is our first task: 1. Please tell me the seasons? (Winter spring Summer Autumn). 2. What autumn months do you know? (September October November). 3. Tell me please, what is autumn called in September? (Early), why? (Because the leaves on the trees are still green, the sun is shining brightly, it’s warm). 4. What is autumn called in October? (Golden), why? (Because the leaves change color and become yellow, red, orange, the most beautiful natural phenomenon of leaf fall begins, the sun no longer shines so brightly). 5. Well, what do we call autumn in November? (Late), why? (Because it becomes very cold, windy, rainy outside, the trees are preparing for winter by shedding their last leaves). Educator: Please tell me, why do trees shed their leaves? Children's answers: Trees prepare for winter by shedding their leaves; they protect themselves. If the leaves do not fall off, then in winter the branches may break from the weight of the snow. Educator : That's right, now sit down in your seats and let's watch an educational cartoon film together and find out why and why trees shed their leaves. Educational cartoon “Why leaves fall.” Educator: Well done! We completed the task! Here's your next task. Guys, a swamp blocked our path, but you and I are not afraid of difficulties? What do we do? Children: Let's move on. Educator: Guys, we need to step straight on the bumps and not stumble, otherwise you will end up in a swamp, be careful not to fall into the river. (They walk over the bumps, raising their legs high.) How clever you were in overcoming this obstacle. Here comes the next task, listen carefully. Educator: Please tell me, what autumn signs do you know? Children's answers: - The grass turns yellow, the forest becomes colorful, the leaves fall. The days become shorter and the nights longer, birds fly away to warmer regions, the sky becomes gray, and cold rains often fall. Animals are preparing for winter, stocking up, changing their summer coats for winter ones. People harvest vegetables and fruits. Educator : What a great fellow you are and you completed this task successfully. I suggest you don't get bored and play a little. Motor training “We are going to the autumn forest” We are going to the autumn forest. - marching in place And the forest is full of miracles! - we spread our hands to the sides, “we are surprised” It rained in the forest yesterday - we shake the palms of both hands. This is very good. - clap our hands. We will look for mushrooms - put our palm to our forehead, look first in one direction, then in the other, and collect them in a basket. - they bring their hands together in front of them in a “basket” Here are the butterflies sitting, - they bend one finger on both hands at the same time for each name of the mushroom. On the stump - honey mushrooms, And in the moss - chanterelles, Friendly sisters. — make beckoning movements with their hands “Boletus, boletus,” they threaten with the index finger of their right hand. Get into the box! - sit down, hug yourself with your arms Well, and you, fly agaric, - we get up, spread our arms to the sides Decorate the autumn forest! Educator: Well, let’s continue to carry out tasks from the Evil Robber. Pay attention to the envelopes that lie on your tables, these are not simple envelopes, they contain a surprise, but in order to guess the time of year, we need to collect a picture. So, be careful. Ready, let's start!!! Please tell me what is shown in these pictures? What season? What do people do in the fall? (harvest and make preparations), what vegetables and fruits do you know? (children's answers). (The envelopes contain cut-out pictures with different seasons; children collect them and name the season that is depicted in the picture). Educator: How smart you are and you coped with this task, there is very little left and we will free Autumn from the captivity of the Evil Robber. Educator : And now it’s time for us kids to play. “YES or NO Game” - I will read the questions, “will you answer me “yes” or “no”. Do flowers bloom in autumn? Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are the clouds covering the sun? The prickly wind is coming? Are there frosts in the fall? Well, do birds build nests? Do the bugs fly? Do animals close their holes? Is everyone getting the harvest? Are flocks of birds flying away? Does it rain often? Is the sun shining very hot? Can children sunbathe? Well, what should you do - put on jackets, hats? Educator: Well done, you coped with all the tasks so deftly. Practical part: We completed all the tasks of the Evil Robber, but for some reason he is in no hurry to free our captive, so let’s see, there’s another note from him. Let's read it. What does it say (the teacher takes out the note and reads): “I will free your Autumn if you prepare me a delicious vitamin salad.” Educator : Well, guys, let's fulfill the wish of our Evil Robber and prepare him a delicious vitamin salad, he will try it and will definitely become kinder, and free our beautiful Autumn. (the teacher, together with the children, prepares a vitamin salad from carrots, apples and raisins). Well, look at the salad we made, we are handing it over to the evil robber. And he kept his promise and freed our Autumn. Reflection: Look out the window, how beautifully the leaves move in the wind, this is Autumn thanking us for freeing her. Let's wave to her. Today we remembered that autumn can be different. We answered all the riddle questions and created very beautiful pictures of autumn. And they showed themselves to be real experts on nature!

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