Presentation for a Russian language lesson in grade 3 on the topic “Synonyms and Antonyms” on the topic “Synonyms and Antonyms” Teacher: Busurkina Natalya Ivanovna MKOU Secondary School. - presentation
Guys, the topic of our lesson is: “Synonyms and antonyms.” Today we will recall the definitions of these lexical concepts,
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Cockerel”
In addition, we use a simple pencil of medium hardness (HB), drawing paper and tinted paper
Lesson summary and presentation in Russian on the topic “Writing” (grade 5)
Presentations on the Russian language Create your teacher website PC and PPK courses Video lessons of the Olympiad
Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the preparatory group
Formation of self-care skills in children of primary preschool age Dear friends, we are pleased to introduce you
Speech therapy lesson on the topic “Possessive adjectives” (1st lesson)
Consultation for parents: “On the benefits of family reading”
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Training of useful communication skills in a classroom setting. 3–4 grade
Training “We are friendly!” for 5th grade students Training “We are friendly!” For 5th grade students.
Lesson notes for children with visual impairments (primary school age)
Article “Means and methods of working with blind children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” Means and
Didactic game for automating and differentiating sounds [s] - [sh]
A collection of didactic games for differentiating mixed sounds in preschool children MUNICIPAL STATE PRESCHOOL
How to teach your child the English alphabet - ideas for parents
Today I offer you tasks and exercises on the English alphabet for children. Consolidating English
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