Lesson summary on life safety: 'Basic rules of safe behavior when using transport' (grade 5).
Lesson summary No. 26 (3) on life safety, grade 6 04/03/20 Lesson topic: Hardening the body. Hardening methods.
Teaching a child to read syllables correctly: exercises and games
Don't expect school to teach your child everything. How to teach your baby the first steps
Spring applique senior group. Abstract of GCD on application in the senior group on the topic: “Spring flowers
Crafts from natural materials Nature contains an immense amount of materials for beautiful, colorful crafts
International entertaining art quiz “Funny Pencils”
Still life in a butcher shop by Peter Aertsen. The Butcher Shop, or the Kitchen with the Escape Scene
Summary of an open lesson on the natural world in the preparatory group “Green Pharmacy”
Game-travel “Green Pharmacy” 0KOU “Oboyansk boarding school” Game-travel Prepared by: Luneva M.A.
Consultation for parents in kindergarten. Reading fiction
Modern forms of working with parents to introduce preschoolers to fiction Family, family
Journey into the world of art Preparatory group. - presentation
Presentation on the topic “Types of fine arts” Presentation on the topic “Types of fine arts” on fine arts
Fun math for preschoolers aged 5-6 years and some tasks
What should a 5-6 year old child know in mathematics? A 5-6 year old child should already know
control sections for grades 2-11 English language test
A cross-section of knowledge in English for the year, grade 5. Complete the sentence: There.... two
Work program for consultations in mathematics Preparation for the OGE grade 9
Why choose OGE in biology? At the 9th grade level, the material is quite simple. Volumes of information
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