Fun math for preschoolers aged 5-6 years and some tasks

What should a 5-6 year old child know in mathematics?

A 5-6 year old child should already have some mathematical concepts. Then, when entering primary school, he will more easily adapt to the workload.

Mathematics classes at preschool educational institutions

The list of what a child should know includes:

  • counting within the first ten and numbers from 1 to 10;
  • addition and subtraction signs, equality, “greater than” and “less than” symbols;
  • generalization and comparison by magnitude;
  • writing and composition of numbers (from 0 to 10);
  • know the shapes square and circle, be able to evenly divide them into two and four component parts;
  • know the countdown;
  • distinguish between concepts - center, left, right and other spatial terms;
  • have an idea of ​​the seasons;
  • distinguish geometric shapes;
  • know the concept of “month”, be able to determine the time of day (not in detail);
  • know the days of the week;
  • correctly name numerals, names of figures, numbers.

Children studying shapes in the garden



. The concept of magnitude. Properties of quantity

. Methodological techniques aimed at developing children's ideas about the size of objects

. Teaching preschool children to organize objects by size (constructing a serial series)





The concept of the size of an object is very important for teaching children mathematics. It is impossible to develop mathematical concepts without a concept of magnitude. Quantity, along with other definitions, has mainly a digital designation. It can decrease, increase, or line up in a serial series. You can perform various mathematical operations with it. And the concept of the size of an object is laid down precisely in preschool age, when the child’s psyche is actively developing. This makes the topic of this work relevant, theoretically and practically significant.

The object of study is the size of the object.

The subject of the study is the methodology for forming ideas about the size of objects in preschool children.

The purpose of the study is to study the forms and methods of forming ideas about the size of objects in preschoolers.

The following tasks were set: to define the concept of quantity and properties of quantity; characterize methodological techniques aimed at developing children’s ideas about the size of objects; identify the features of teaching preschool children to order objects by size (construction of a serial series).

Research methods: observation, comprehension, generalization, comparison.

The work was based on the works of: L.V. Glagoleva, L.S. Metlina, E.A. Nosovoy, L.F. Obukhova, T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik and others.

1. The concept of magnitude. Properties of quantity

The concept of quantity has a fairly common meaning both in mathematics and in everyday life. People encounter size all the time. It is present both in everyday objects and in the human world around us. It is surrounded by large houses, trees, clouds, and sky. The concept of magnitude is given a worthy place in S.I.’s explanatory dictionary. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova. In particular, it says the following: “Magnitude is an indicator of the size, volume, and extent of an object” [6:73].

The size can be small, large, very small and very large, medium, huge. The concept of magnitude also includes such definitions as minimum, maximum, super, hyper, mega, mini.

An object can be negligibly small or incredibly large. The size of an object is known in comparison with other objects, which are called standards and samples. Measures of quantity can be either standard or conventional. So, in a children's cartoon, a monkey measured the size of a boa constrictor's tail using parrots. It was equal to forty parrots.

Objects are measured using length units (millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer). In the old days, such measures as arshin, verst, elbow, span, fathom were also used. Foreign countries use their own measures of size, for example, miles. In maritime affairs there is such a measure of length as cable [6: 29, 75, 333, 637, 692].

The size of objects has the properties of increasing or decreasing. For example, a bun became smaller because part of it was eaten. The ribbon has become half the size, because... it was divided into two. The mountains have become lower because... they have grown old. The tree has become taller because... it grew over the summer. The mushroom has become larger because... it rained and it grew. This moment is described very well and accessible for children in V. Suteev’s book “Under the Mushroom”. At the beginning of the rain, an ant could barely fit under the mushroom. And by the end of the rain, a frog, a sparrow, a butterfly and even a hare were already hiding under it.

The size of an object also increases when several objects are combined. So, when building a house, brick is laid on brick, and a huge wall of a multi-story building grows from small bricks. Thus, the Ostankino television tower and American skyscrapers grew.

Or a game of puzzles that is accessible to children, where a big picture is assembled from small parts.

Thus, the main property of a quantity is its unlimitedness in space and inconstancy. From many small objects you can assemble very large objects (multiply them). Large objects can be delimited and divided into many small ones. Down to the microscopic.

2. Methodological techniques aimed at developing children’s ideas about the size of objects

The child encounters the concept of size already in the first days of his life. As soon as he begins to see, hear, understand, he realizes that the world into which he has come is very huge. As he grows, many objects that seemed large to him become smaller.

The second year of life is characterized by the fact that the child begins to speak, walk, and master simple ways of operating with objects. Of course, he still cannot do without the help of an adult, but he is already much more independent than a baby; he has his own desires, the desire to express them, to make them understandable to an adult.

The speech of children becomes a means of communication with others, and the speech of an adult becomes an important means of their upbringing. Children develop the rudiments of visual and effective thinking. Based on objective actions, the simplest types of display play appear.

Of great importance for improving all behavior, for mastering speech and developing play activity is the child’s ability to imitate: after one and a half years, the child begins to reproduce in play not only the actions specifically shown to him by adults, but also what he sees himself.

Children love to carry objects and perform various actions with them. In connection with the mastery of elementary types of movements, the perception of objects and their properties (shape, size, color, etc.) is improved. The child recognizes familiar objects regardless of their size, color and location. Primary visual generalizations develop. The ability to select objects of a certain color, shape, and size arises. Children learn to adapt their actions to the perceived properties of objects, to their shape, size, and position in space.

In the second year of life, significant differences are noted in the pace and nature of development of individual children, therefore, in upbringing it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

In order to teach children various manual skills, implement sensory education, develop perceptions and form simple thought processes, it is necessary to conduct didactic games and activities with special toys and building materials, while promoting concentration, the ability to achieve results, and teach them to handle things carefully. Learn to act according to an adult’s instructions, monitor his actions, and imitate them. After the teacher has conducted didactic games and activities, give the children appropriate toys and building materials for independent use and monitor their correct use [5:84].

Development of actions with objects in children from 1 year to 1 year 6 months. At this age, a child can be taught to distinguish between sharply contrasting shapes: a ball, a cube, a brick; sharply contrasting sizes: large and small; two or three primary colors and, at the suggestion of an adult, choose one named color from two.

At this age, you can teach children the following actions with objects: roll balls along a groove, roll a ball on the floor, pull a cart with a string, move a gurney using a handle; string 5-8 rings of different sizes onto the rod, filling it entirely, and later - 2 sharply contrasting rings in size (large and small); stick bushings (sticks, mushrooms) into the holes; at the suggestion of an adult, choose sleeves of one (out of two) colors; open and close a single nesting doll, an egg, a box, insert and remove small toys from them; collect a double matryoshka doll; pull a balloon or cart with a string; by pulling a string, cause the sound of a suspended bell, etc.; build a tower by stacking identical cubes or bricks on top of each other; build a “car” by placing a cube on a brick, lay out paths from identical bricks, build a table from a cube and a brick. Encourage children to play with their buildings by giving them additional toys [3:28].

Development of actions with objects in children from 1 year 6 months to 2 years. Now it is possible to develop in children the ability, when working with objects, to distinguish not only sharply contrasting sizes, but also intermediate ones; build a tower from 3, then from 4-5 gradually decreasing rings, assemble a three-seater nesting doll in order. Learn to distinguish objects by size and correctly name big and small, understand smaller words (cube, ring, etc.), smallest and largest.

Learn to distinguish the size of objects regardless of their shape, understand that matryoshka dolls, rings, cubes, bricks, etc. can be large, and also determine the shape regardless of the size and color of the object, know that a ball can be large and small, red and blue, etc. Form generalized ideas about objects.

Develop in children the ability to use simple objects-tools: move a distant object that cannot be reached with your hand (with a stick, move a toy located far away on the table: a ring, a fish, a car, etc.); push small toys out of an unbreakable transparent or opaque tube with a stick; use a stick with a ring at the end (pull a remote cart towards you by throwing the ring on the rod of the cart); use a net to catch floating toys (fish, ducks, balls) from a basin of water; fish out small toys from a jar of water using a scoop with a vertically attached handle; use a shovel and shovel correctly when playing with sand and snow; hammer thick pegs into damp sand with a wooden hammer.

The mental tasks that are posed to children during construction are becoming more complex: the number of parts from which children must construct buildings increases, and the designs are diversified. For buildings, medium or large sized building material is provided. Larger materials make buildings more stable.

Didactic games for children of the first and second junior groups

Develop individual games with educational toys. Organize collective games in which the teacher acts as a leader (explains to children the content and rules of didactic games, gradually develops the ability to play independently). Make games that contain relatively simple tasks more difficult; for example, select objects only based on size. Then complicate the tasks: string multi-colored rings of the same diameter, alternating two or three colors in a certain sequence; arrange one-color objects of three sizes (small, medium, large) in a certain sequence. preschooler thinking magnitude serial

Select objects by color and size (large and small balls of two or three colors); roll balls through gates of the same color or suitable size, for example, a large ball through high gates, a small ball through low ones; assemble a turret from multi-colored rings decreasing in size, alternating two or three colors in a certain sequence; in games with cut pictures depicting familiar objects, first assemble a picture from four, then from six parts: “Our dishes”, “Toys”, etc.

Use objects of different shapes, sizes and quantities in games, teaching children to compare and correctly name these differences. Learn to compare objects (contrasting and identical sizes), denoting the comparison results with words: longer - shorter, identical (equal in length), higher - lower, identical (equal in height), wider - narrower, identical (equal in width), thicker - thinner, identical (equal in thickness), more - less, identical (equal in size) [2:23].

Didactic games for children of the middle age group

In these games, children practice determining the properties of objects using hearing, vision, and touch, learn to compare them by external characteristics, and group objects (dishes: tea, table, kitchen; shoes: summer and winter; clothes: underwear, dresses, coats, fur coats ; headwear: hat, Panama, cap).

During games, encourage children to actively solve problems, cultivate concentration and perseverance. Throughout the year, conduct the following didactic games: “Assemble a turret”, “Collect rings”, “Rolling colored balls”, “Wonderful bag”, etc.

In didactic games “Rolling colored balls”, “Stringing rings”, “Colored dishes”, children learn the names of colors. The idea of ​​size is clarified in games with insert toys (matryoshka dolls, bowls): children compare parts, select identical ones, and arrange them in order of gradual decrease or increase. Orientation in surrounding objects is clarified in games with a variety of toys, household items, pictures, for example: “Wonderful bag”, “Guess what has changed”, etc.

In classes with children of the middle group, elementary mathematical concepts are clarified. In particular, in terms of the size of objects. Children practice comparing objects by length, first by directly applying them to each other, and then by eye, for example: “Give me a strip of the same length,” etc. Arrange objects in ascending or descending order by length, width, height, thickness (for example: the widest, narrower, even narrower; the narrowest, etc.) [8:24].

At math classes with children of the senior preschool group

teach children ordinal counting within 10, the ability to answer questions correctly (“which?” “which?”, “how many?”).

Clarify the idea that the number does not depend on the size of objects, the distance between them, their spatial arrangement and the direction of counting (from left to right or from right to left). Begin to form the concept that some objects can be divided into several equal parts; by 2, 4 (for example, one apple can be cut in half, i.e. divided into 2 parts; an apple can be divided into four parts). Teach children to divide a square or a circle into 2 and 4 parts (by bending). Compare the whole and parts.

Clarify ideas about changes in objects in length, width, height, thickness, teaching them to correctly reflect this in speech (“It has become longer,” “It is thinner,” etc.). To develop the eye of children, to teach them to determine by eye the length or thickness of a stick, the width of a strip, a ribbon, the height of a fence, a tree, assessing the perceived size by comparing it with the size of known objects and actions (thick as a finger, as tall as a person, two steps long, etc.) d.) [8:54].

Children of the preparatory group for school

In mathematics classes, consolidate the skills of forward and backward counting within ten, counting by ear, by touch, counting objects in accordance with the specified number from a larger number (with eyes open and with eyes closed).

Name adjacent numbers to the named number, name the next and previous number, understand the expressions “before” and “after”. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, the ability to correctly answer the questions: “How much?”, “Which?”.

Learn to determine the quantitative composition of a number from individual units on specific objects within 10 (8 is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 and 1 more); count the number of homogeneous and heterogeneous objects in any arrangement (in a circle, in a square, in a row). Learn to decompose a number into two smaller numbers, and from two smaller numbers to form one number (using specific material) within 5.

Learn to divide an object into 2 or 4 equal parts (for example, cut an apple, a bun, a sheet of paper, etc.); establish on specific material that the whole is greater than the part, and the part is less than the whole.

Learn to compose and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using visual materials. When solving a problem, teach children to reason and develop their logical thinking.

Learn to measure the length, width, height of surrounding objects using a conventional measure, determine the volume of liquid and granular bodies using a conventional measure (for example, measure the amount of water in a decanter with a cup, measure the amount of cereal in a bag with a mug, etc.).

Continuing to develop the eye, learn to check your definitions by eye by measuring using conventional standards.

Thus, when teaching children of different age preschool groups the concept of magnitude and the use of magnitude in their actions with objects, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the psychological development of children at different age periods, and gradually complicate the educational and didactic forms of classes.

3. Teaching preschool children to organize objects by size (constructing a serial series)

Teaching preschool children how to organize objects by size is very important because... a clear idea of ​​quantities is the basis of many mathematical concepts.

A serial series is a sequential series of objects that has common characteristics and a common purpose. An example would be a set of dishes (service), where plates or spoons are presented for the first course, for the second course, for dessert. A set of nesting dolls consisting of 3-7 nesting dolls of different sizes, but equally decorated. A set of elephants, so popular in the 40-50s as a decoration for a fireplace or chest of drawers.

At each age, a child is able to assimilate only a certain amount of information. Therefore, training will be based on the age of the child. So, in the middle group, a child can be shown a matryoshka doll made of three objects and asked to choose the smallest one and hide it in a medium-sized doll. Then place these two nesting dolls into the largest nesting doll.

Kids of this age love to assemble a pyramid of colored rings. The teacher asks you to take the largest ring and put it on the rod. Then take a slightly smaller ring and also put it on the rod. And so on until all the rings are threaded onto the rod. The child should be praised for successful work, because... At this age, the child is still poorly oriented in the sizes of objects and it is difficult for him to correctly build a series of colored rings.

Children of senior preschool age have already learned to build a series of rings. Therefore, the task can be complicated. With the same matryoshka. For assembly and disassembly, you can take a matryoshka doll not from 3, but from five to seven items. The pyramid can also be increased from five to 7-9 rings. You can give the task to seat the dolls according to their height, i.e. first small, then larger, then even larger. You can line up the children according to height and let everyone determine their place.

Children in the preparatory group of kindergarten can already think more abstractly. They don't need to see the subject line. They have already learned to imagine actions with objects in their minds. Therefore, to build a serial series with them, you can use works of art. It’s very good to do an analysis of the fairy tales “The Three Bears” and “Turnip”.

In "The Three Bears" the serial sequence constantly repeats the number three. Three bears of different sizes, but the same properties, three chairs, three bowls, three beds. In the fairy tale, this series is arranged from large to small. Children need to ask the question: “What is the difference between Papa Bear’s bowl and Mama Bear’s bowl and little Mishutka’s bowl?” If the children answered correctly, then you need to praise them and confirm: “That’s right, in size, but in all other respects they are the same. Therefore, they can be placed in one subject row.” You can complicate the task and invite the children to find objects in the fairy tale that have the same properties but are different in size.

In the fairy tale “Turnip” there is also a serialization. What unites everyone is that they are living people or animals, that they live in this house. The biggest one is the grandfather, the smaller one is the grandmother, the even smaller one is the granddaughter, the even smaller one is the dog Zhuchka, the even smaller one is the cat, and the smallest one is the mouse. What unites them is that they all pull together a big, big turnip.

Thus, children get an idea of ​​the serial series of quantities, and also learn to build their own serial series.


The concept of quantity has a fairly common meaning both in mathematics and in everyday life. People encounter size all the time. It is present both in everyday objects and in the human world around us. The size can be small, large, very small and very large, medium, huge. The concept of magnitude also includes such definitions as minimum, maximum, super, hyper, mega, mini.

The size of objects has the properties of increasing or decreasing. The child encounters the concept of size already in the first days of his life. When teaching children of different age preschool groups the concept of magnitude and the use of magnitude in their actions with objects, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the psychological development of children at different age periods, and gradually complicate the educational and didactic forms of classes. didactic value serial series preschooler

Teaching preschool children how to organize objects by size is very important because... a clear idea of ​​quantities is the basis of many mathematical concepts. A serial series is a sequential series of objects that has common characteristics and a common purpose. And for the correct construction of a serial series, the presence of a child’s developed eye is of great importance.

Thus, the concept of quantity is one of the most important in the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children. Their further success in learning the laws of mathematics and life depends on how firmly and consistently these ideas are deposited in them.


1. Glagoleva, L.V. Comparison of the sizes of objects in the zero groups of schools [Text] / L.V. Glagoleva. - M.: Education, 1990. - 234 p.

. Metlina, L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten [Text] / L.S. Metlina. - M.: Education, 2004. - 246 p.

. Nosova, E.A. Prepositional training of preschool children. The use of game methods in the formation of mathematical concepts in preschoolers [Text] / E.A. Nosova. - L.: Pedagogy, 2000. - 235 p.

. Nosova, E.A. Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in preschool age. Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten [Text] / E.A. Nosova. - L.: Education, 1999. - 278 p.

. Obukhova, L.F. Stages of development of children's thinking [Text] / L.F. Obukhova. - M.: MSU, 2002. - 289 p.

. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2008. - 944 p.

. Education program in kindergarten [Text] / Ed. E.A. Danilova. — 9th ed., rev. - M.: Education, 1999. - 160 p.

. Rainbow: program and guide for educators. groups of children garden [Text] / T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik et al.; comp. T.N. Doronova. - M.: Education, 1999. - 208 p.


Didactic material and tasks for children in the middle group of kindergarten on the development of mathematical concepts of the size of an object


Game material: strips of paper of different lengths - tape models. Set of pencils.

. Color the longest “ribbon” with a blue pencil, color the shorter “ribbon” with a red pencil, etc.

. Align all the “ribbons” in length.

Lay out the pencils

By touch, arrange pencils of different lengths in ascending or descending order.

Lay out the rugs

Arrange the “rugs” in ascending and descending order by width.

Game with Cuisenaire sticks

Games and exercises with colored Cuisenaire counting sticks most successfully promote the knowledge of magnitude and numerical relationships
Tags: Mathematics in kindergarten Test work Pedagogy

Interesting tasks

Mathematics for children 5-6 years old should be exciting. That is why tasks are carried out in a playful way. Increasingly, active, playful and demonstrative methods of teaching preschool children are being used. The lesson can be taught using didactic games, various cards and special coloring pages. Having fun is half the success!

Educational cards

Educational cards can come in special sets, or can be printed on a regular sheet of paper. You can print both your own cards and ready-made versions, and you can watch them on TV online. At this age, tasks on cards help to study previously covered topics, such as geometric shapes and spatial quantities, in more detail.

The purpose of such cards is to develop attentiveness, thinking, and memory. While working on them, the preschooler trains logic and the ability to generalize, distinguish and group objects.

The cards themselves can have various variations. For example, have different colors and shapes. The teacher can easily ask the children to sort them by shape. For example, put the squares in one pile.


  1. The teacher explains what the figure looks like, voices its distinctive features and outlines it visually. Children are asked to select named shapes from a stack of cards and set them aside.
  2. The teacher quickly shows the cards to the kids, and the kids must say out loud what figure they were given.
  3. The presenter shows a card with the required form. The kids' task is to look around and find objects in the room that have a similar shape. For example, a curtain on a window has the shape of a rectangle.
  4. The presenter shows identical figures on the cards and asks the children to find the extra ones. The guys must quickly cope with the task.

For your information! Cards can be in the form of geometric shapes, different colors and shades, with numbers and any other symbols.

Training and simulators for reading by syllables for preschoolers

If necessary, cards can be used both individually and for the whole group. If the cards are used collectively, a competitive moment appears, which stimulates children to healthy competition. Undoubtedly, cards provide the proper level of teaching and help to educate the child efficiently.

Logic puzzles and educational games

Mathematics for children 5-6 years old includes logic puzzles and didactic games. In the process of learning them, children develop logical thinking, this helps develop the structuring of information.

Math exercises with a ball

Challenges can help develop a competitive spirit. In general, they help to conduct a fun, non-boring lesson and interest the children. In the process, the children will learn to solve simple problems and will be able to learn the concepts of numbers and quantities.

Examples in mathematics for children 5-6 years old:

  1. The teacher uses cards to build a number series, but misses one of the numbers; the children must find which one. For example, "two".
  2. The presenter calls the number and asks the children to name one more number. So, if the leader calls the number “five,” the children should say “six.” The mechanism can be used in both directions.
  3. The teacher throws a ball to the child and asks a question. The preschooler must answer correctly and throw the ball back to the teacher.

Note! There are quite a few variations of ball games. The ball adds variety to the task. The main thing is to set tasks on a mathematical topic within the limits of the children’s knowledge. You can change the condition, and the guys will pass the ball to each other.

Any questions can be used as problems. They don't have to be very complicated.

Sample sample with questions:

  • How many paws do two kittens have?
  • What shape does the step have?
  • How many neighbors does the number 5 have?
  • How many ears does a dog have?
  • How many items of clothing is the child wearing?

For puzzles, you can use any objects that the kindergarten has. These can be toys, tables, chairs and other objects.

Math coloring pages

What child doesn't love to color? Everyone knows about the positive impact of skill on fine motor skills. But, besides this, mathematical coloring books have other benefits. In this coloring book, tasks alternate with coloring by numbers. Alternation of activities has a positive effect on the child; the brain stores more information received.

Math activities with coloring pages

There are also coloring books that simply color by number. As a result, the baby gets a beautiful color picture.

There is also a type of coloring book where you need to color a specified number of geometric shapes. This allows you to teach your baby to count.

The coloring book consists of mini-tasks. Having given the correct answer, the child will be able to beautifully color the picture. The coloring book features any characters that are interesting to the child.

Why simple chess problems are useful for beginners

There is no point in starting straight away with difficult tasks. Only a gradual study of tactics and possible developments on the board will allow you to avoid mistakes when playing with a real opponent. In addition to improving skill, such tasks develop:

  1. Logical thinking. The player must have a clear strategic plan, all moves are interconnected. As a result, logic develops, because without it it is impossible to build a clear strategy for victory.
  2. Concentration. It is impossible to win without this quality. You can get so carried away by your own strategy that you won’t notice your opponent’s cunning combination. Even if you do not have perseverance, the ability to concentrate on a chess game will come naturally with regular training.
  3. Analysis. Even when solving easy chess problems for beginners, you need to carefully analyze the situation on the board. The higher the difficulty level, the more in-depth analysis the game will require.
  4. Systems thinking. The game develops the ability to think clearly and organizedly. This is necessary to build a logical chain of moves, while taking into account the current situation on the board.
  5. Increased learning ability. Nobody likes to lose, and therefore, to develop skills, you will have to read more, access materials on the Internet, and take advice from experienced chess players. All this leads to the fact that a person learns to independently find information and use it for his own purposes.

Tips for conducting classes

When conducting classes, the teacher must look at the child’s real capabilities. The introductory part must be carried out carefully, properly dosing the load. A child's brain will be overloaded if, upon arrival at kindergarten, he is immediately forced to study.

How to quickly teach numbers from 1 to 10 to a preschooler

The teacher can use for his benefit both a methodological manual and various literature for preschool children, use training programs or other useful additional material.

Activities must be appropriate for the child's age. The terms of the assignment must be clear and understandable. You definitely need to interest the baby.

Advice! It is better to alternate and change both the classes themselves and the methods of conducting them.

The child should not be too tired or overexerted. You should not help the preschooler too much, but if he does not understand the question, then it is necessary to explain where the error is.

Classes must be held on an ongoing basis. If the topic is difficult and is not very easy for the children, you can create an additional incentive, for example, sweet prizes.

At the end of the lesson, you must definitely find positive aspects in the work of each student, find something to praise all the guys for. Such activities are sure to be crowned with success.

Praising a child for a successful activity

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Advice from psychologists and teachers

Reluctance to study mathematics can arise for various reasons. The child may not understand it because of his young age. Sometimes a five-year-old child does not have the ability to calculate. Often preschoolers with a humanitarian mindset ignore numbers , but read fluently and write well.
Parents should not overreact to their child’s reluctance to count. If he has an ability for mathematics, but does not want to study, it is necessary to convey to him the importance of the educational process. It is recommended to discuss this issue frequently, demonstrating in practice the need for mathematical calculations.

When a preschooler does not perceive numbers, you need to surround him with them. To do this, use drawings and cards with numbers. Sheets of paper are hung around the house, periodically drawing attention to them. With this approach, your child will quickly begin to add and subtract numbers.

Another practical piece of advice from teachers is to include numbers in speech when communicating with a preschooler. You can play different games in which you need to count down time or recite poems with time. Over time, the child himself will become interested in exact science. If he does not accept game and classical methods of teaching counting, use sweets. When a preschooler gives the correct answer to a given problem, he receives candy. This technique will spur his desire to quickly master the skill of counting.

How to start teaching math to your child

Mathematics for children 6 years old is considered a fascinating and interesting science. The main thing is to make the right choice in the form of training. Activities should not burden children. Ideas for conducting entertaining lessons are all around us, just use your imagination. If you solve arithmetic problems in a playful way, then the preschooler will receive additional motivation to find the correct answer. He will strive to receive the reward by becoming the winner. Scientists have proven that it is during the game that new information is perfectly remembered.

The advantages of learning with the help of mathematical games are the clarity of the material being studied and the development of abstract thinking. Brightly designed number games based on clear examples will help children learn to independently analyze, compare objects and memorize arithmetic operations. At the same time, exciting mathematics for children 5-6 years old will help them get involved not only in the world of numbers and logic, but will also become a starting point for modeling - one of the components of the development of a preschooler’s creative abilities.

The benefits of physical activity

Gymnastics for schoolchildren promotes the development of bone structure and internal organs, strengthens the immune system. Physical education lessons are not enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, so the child needs to be introduced to physical exercises at home.

You can make a gymnastics wall, buy a punching bag, make them play football in the yard. But classes need to be carried out regularly, and the best time for simple physical exercises is the morning, when you can do a simple set of morning exercises. The hygiene of school education often requires taking breaks between lessons for physical exercise, so the complex is also suitable for school physical education minutes.

It is also useful for schoolchildren to strengthen the body by morning jogging and dousing with cold water. But the loads need to be done gradually so that the body strengthens its defense, getting used to unfavorable factors.

A simple set of physical activity

It is better to do exercises in the fresh air or in a ventilated room, preferably with musical accompaniment. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart.

  1. Hands along the body, inhaling air, we raise our hands, exhaling, we lower them.
  2. Slowly rotate your head in one direction and the other. We also tilt our heads, trying to touch our ears to our shoulders.
  3. Place your palms on your shoulders and make circular movements with your elbows.
  4. Hands on the belt, bend to the right and left.
  5. We spread our legs wider and lean forward, touching our toes to the floor.
  6. We squat with our feet completely pressed to the floor.
  7. We jump on the spot.

Of course, you can do more complex exercises, exercise on the horizontal bar or do acrobatic exercises, but a minimal set of exercises will help make physical activity accessible to everyone, keeping the body in good shape with minimal effort.

Learning colors

A child can learn all the colors by visually studying different objects. Any information can be easily absorbed in a playful way.

Red color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is red.

The picture shows a red apple.

The picture shows a red flower.

The picture shows a red tomato.

The picture shows a red car.

The picture shows a red ball.

The picture shows a red pyramid.

Blue color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue bow.

The picture shows a blue bucket.

The picture shows a blue dolphin.

The picture shows blue boots.

The picture shows a blue bird.

The picture shows a blue umbrella.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is yellow.

The picture shows a yellow umbrella.

The picture shows a yellow star.

The picture shows a yellow banana.

The picture shows a yellow lamp.

The picture shows yellow flippers.

The picture shows a yellow lemon.

Green color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is green.

The picture shows a green watermelon.

The picture shows a green frog.

The picture shows a green hat.

The picture shows green leaves.

The picture shows a green sharpener.

The picture shows a green pea pod.

Orange color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is orange.

The picture shows an orange pumpkin.

The picture shows an orange fish.

The picture shows an orange carrot.

The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.

The picture shows an orange ball.

The picture shows an orange cake.

Brown color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is brown.

The picture shows a brown cookie.

The picture shows a brown chicken.

The picture shows a brown briefcase.

The picture shows a brown pot.

The picture shows a brown bear.

Grey colour

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is gray.

The picture shows a gray wolf.

The picture shows a gray mouse.

The picture shows a gray camera.

The picture shows a gray cap.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue cell.

The picture shows a blue teapot.

The picture shows a blue stapler.

The picture shows blue panties.

The picture shows a blue saucepan.

The picture shows a blue salt shaker.

White color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that it is white.

The picture shows a white bunny.

The picture shows a white mug.

The picture shows a white bird.

The picture shows a white dress.

The picture shows a white bow.

Black color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is black.

The picture shows a black teapot.

The picture shows a black notepad.

The picture shows a black computer.

The picture shows a black umbrella.

After learning and reviewing all the colors, watch and do the following exercises. Your child can strengthen his new knowledge. After learning the colors, play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, and attention.

Exercise one “Look and answer correctly”

Look at the following picture and answer the questions.

Is there a red pyramid in the picture?

What color is the pyramid on the left?

What color is the pyramid on the right?

Lists of what colors of the pyramid are drawn in the picture?

Exercise two “Answer the questions correctly”

Look carefully at the following picture. There are three cars drawn here. Answer the following questions carefully.

What colors are there on a police car?

What color is the flashing light on a police car?

What colors are there on an ambulance?

What color are the ambulance wheels?

What colors are on a fire truck?

What color is the flashing light of a fire truck?

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