Summary of GCD in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “Vegetables” Direct educational activities for children
Class hour "Let's talk about etiquette" Class hour "Let's talk about etiquette" Objectives: educational: get to know
so UNT / Lesson developments / Lessons on Russian literature Lesson notes
Summary of the open lesson “Air is invisible” MKOU Toguchinsky district “Bugotakskaya secondary school” Educator: Kazantseva
Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center
Class hour National Unity Day. 1. Opening remarks. Presenter 1. Before we
Practical part of the lesson, drawing a beautiful bouquet. During the lesson they draw a bouquet of flowers in order to
Game features. The game "Perspective" refers to design and analytical games. In the game, participants are invited to “see” their
“Bird Day” Ecological holiday for children of senior preschool age Objectives: Educational: To consolidate children’s knowledge about
Weather forecast: Russia faces a difficult October October is already on the threshold - we