Game-experimentation in early age groups
Organization of cognitive and research activities of young children.” “Be able to discover something in the world around you for your child
“Creative Workshop” program for students in grades 1–4 and grades 5–8
work program of the “Creative Workshop” circle for educational and cognitive interest in arts and crafts as one
Requirements for a modern physical education lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard
Drill exercises in physical education lessons Drill drills are motor actions of students performed simultaneously
Topic: “Techniques for written division by a single-digit number” UMK “School of Russia” Mathematics, 4th grade Author: Malakhova T.S. 1. - presentation
Techniques for writing division of a multi-digit number by a single-digit number. Mathematics: 4th grade Writing division techniques
Summary of the lesson “Snail” on modeling from salt dough in the middle group
What is needed to sculpt a snail from plasticine First of all, parents should purchase a quality
DIY layout for kindergarten. Master class “Arctic”
Geography for children! Travel to Antarctica! 3+ A few weeks ago the kids and I were exploring
Orange" danger code of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano - METE NEWS from FOBOS
The world around us 2nd grade test Shapes of the earth's surface answers
Shapes of the earth's surface test Distance learning students were asked to do homework and take
How to make a hundred to one game in powerpoint?
Intellectual game "One Hundred to One"
Description of the game The goal of the participants in the game “Hundred to One” is to guess the most
Fine art 6th grade Landscape in Russian painting I.I. Levitan. June day.
Presentation for classes on decorative composition “Stylized Landscape”
Landscape in Russian painting. Fine Arts 6th grade. Fine art 6th grade Landscape in Russian painting
February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. - presentation
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