Cheating (2nd grade, 1st quarter) educational and methodological manual on the Russian language (2nd grade) on the topic

Dictations 2nd grade

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Knowledge control - a collection of tests, final dictations and tests in the Russian language for grade 2 - the material is conveniently divided into quarters and half-years, topics and rules, texts with grammatical tasks.

Performance evaluation

Dictation serves as a means of testing spelling and punctuation skills. Grammatical analysis is a means of checking the degree of students’ understanding of the grammatical phenomena being studied, the ability to carry out the simplest linguistic analysis of words and sentences.

  • “5” – for work in which there are no errors.
  • “4” – 1–2 mistakes were made.
  • “3” – 3–5 mistakes were made.
  • “2” – more than 5 errors were made.


  • “5” is given for error-free completion of all tasks.
  • “4” is given if the student completed at least 3/4 of the tasks correctly.
  • “3” is given if the student has completed at least 1/2 of the tasks correctly.
  • “2” is given if the student failed to cope with most of the grammatical tasks.

Dictations in Russian 2nd grade Federal State Educational Standard "School of Russia"

Volume of dictations for 2 grades: 1st and 2nd quarter - 25 - 35 words. 3rd and 4th quarter – 35 – 52 words.

  • Dictations:
  • 1 quarter
  • 2nd quarter
  • 3rd quarter
  • 4th quarter

Dictation topics:

  1. "Parts of Speech"
  2. "Proper name"
  3. "Noun"
  4. "Prepositions with words"
  5. "Offer"
  6. "Single-valued and polysemous words"
  7. "Words words words…"
  8. "Sounds and Letters"
  9. “Unstressed vowel sounds in the root”
  10. "Consonant sounds and letters"
  11. "Hard and soft consonants"
  12. “Spelling letter combinations with hissing sounds”

Test dictation “December”
New Year at the gate. Forester's lodge. Uncle Vanya and the guys go into the forest. They bring gifts. For the hare, carrots and cabbage leaves. Salt for moose. For birds, grain and rowan berries. Forest dwellers will welcome guests. (36 words)

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Test dictation "May"

May. Warm days have arrived. Green foliage covered the trees. Blackbirds and siskins sing merrily. There is lush grass on the ground. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Wild berries are ripening. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee flies from flower to flower. The flowers contain sweet juice. Frogs purr by the stream. It's crawling towards the water. (45 words)

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Test dictation “Autumn”

Autumn. The cranes have long since flown south. Bird songs fell silent in the forest. It rains often. A strong wind tears leaves from the trees. Crossbills circled over the spruce. A branch swayed. It was a squirrel that jumped. In the branches of a pine tree the animal lives. (35 words)

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Test dictation “Butterflies”

In the north of Australia there are very large butterflies. Their size reaches twenty-six centimeters. Local residents eat their meat. Butterflies are hunted and shot with arrows. (30 words)

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Test dictation “Nest”

Rooks build nests on the tops of tall trees. The rook looks for a twig and flies with it to the nest. The rook remains to guard the building. Then the rook flies, but the rook remains. The rooks will bring dry feathers and place them in a lush heap on the branches. The nest is built. (38 words)

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Test dictation “Dandelions”

Dandelions appear in late spring. They bloom almost all summer. In many countries, dandelion is considered a weed. And the people of Japan and India grow it and eat it. A salad is made from young leaves. A delicious drink is prepared from dry leaves. (37 words)

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Test dictation “Friendship”

The dog Mukhtar and the cat Murka were friends. In the spring, Murka gave birth to five kittens. The kittens grew quickly. One day the cat left. The kittens squeaked. Mukhtar began to play with the kids. The big kitten climbed onto Mukhtar's back. The dog was happy. Soon Murka came and began feeding the kittens milk. Mukhtar looked at his friends cheerfully. (46 words)

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Test dictation “The hedgehog woke up”

There was a hole under the roots of the birch tree. A joyful spring has arrived. An angry hedgehog slept there all winter. The sun warmed the earth. The hedgehog ran out into the forest clearing. Cheerful streams ran through the forest. The cold stream woke up the little animal and my son. (31 words) / according to G. Skrebitsky

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Test dictation “Hen and Chicks”

A hen leads her chickens through the yard. The fluffy lumps squeak and jump. There is a large flower garden near the porch. And here is the gate to the garden. Tomatoes are turning red in the beds, cabbage is ripening. The chicken noticed a worm on the ground. Grab the poor guy! The chicken clucked. She praises her son. (37 words) / according to N. Pavlova

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Test dictation “Spring has come”

Spring came. A faint breeze passes by. The spring sun drives away the snow. Every bush and blade of grass comes to life. The buds on the trees have swelled. Flowers appeared on the bare branches of the hazel tree. They look like gray thorns on flexible rods (32 words)

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Test dictation “Trees”

Trees are the inhabitants of our earth. They live a very long time. They have their own memory. It is enclosed in annual rings. Wide rings indicate abundant years. Narrow rings will tell about the years of drought. The age of the tree can be determined by the number of rings. How many rings - so many years. (42 words)

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Dictation “Indoor plants”

Indoor plants not only decorate our homes. Long ago, garden geranium was considered in Europe a flower of the urban poor. She healed the damp air in their homes and improved sleep. People believed in the healing power of garden geranium and loved it. (37 words)

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Dictation "April"

Warm April has arrived. Frequent drops fall from the roofs to the ground. Large snowdrifts near the house settled and turned black. A nimble stream runs merrily. Children launch paper boats. The ice is breaking on the river. Rooks walk importantly along the paths. with grammar task

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Dictation "Evening"

The sun disappeared behind a distant spruce forest. Small stars appeared in the dark sky. The summer evening covered the earth with soft silence. It's time to sleep! Tomorrow we need to get up early. At dawn, dad and I will go fishing. with grammar task

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Dictation “In the forest”

There is silence in the forest. Only in the branches of the trees are birds squeaking. Rarely does a woodpecker drum on a dry tree. Sometimes flocks of tits will fly over the tops of pines and spruces. Let the oriole sing his song. with grammar task

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Dictation “On the Hill”

The guys built a slide in the yard. There is noise and fun all day long. Children ride on sleds and ice skates. Mitya runs along the path towards them. Suddenly the baby fell. Gleb helped his friend get up. The boys ran up the hill together. The guys are having fun! with grammar task

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Dictation “Winter has come”

Winter is getting closer. All living things hid from the winter cold. Some climbed under the bark, some buried themselves in the ground, some crawled into the cracks. The animals dressed in warm fur coats. The birds flew to warm countries. with grammar task

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In this section

  • › Dictation “Winter has come”
  • › Dictation “On the Hill”
  • › Dictation “In the forest”
  • › Dictation “Evening”
  • › Dictation “April”
  • › Dictation “Indoor plants”
  • › Test dictation “Trees”
  • › Test dictation “Spring has come”
  • › Test dictation “Hen and Chicks”
  • › Test dictation “The hedgehog woke up”
  • › Test dictation “Friendship”
  • › Test dictation “Dandelions”
  • › Test dictation “Nest”
  • › Test dictation “Autumn”
  • › Test dictation “Butterflies”
  • › Test dictation “May”
  • › Test dictation “December”


  • Dictations 2nd grade 1st quarter
  • Dictations 2nd grade 2nd quarter
  • Dictations 2nd grade 3rd quarter
  • Dictations 2nd grade 4th quarter
  • Dictations on 2nd grade topics

Control cheating

Control cheating. 2nd grade


: test the ability to correctly write words and sentences in calligraphy without omissions, substitutions or distortions of letters; learn how to hyphenate words with a soft separator.

Prepared by: Tashkinova E.A.

MBOU "Lyceum "Erudmt" Rubtsovsk

Test cheating No. 1

Copy the text.


Warm April has arrived. It was a clear day. Frequent drops fall from the roofs. The buds on the maple tree are swollen. Fluffy snowdrifts have settled. A ringing stream runs merrily. Nikita has a boat in his hands. He launched it into the water. The boat is rushing quickly.










Test cheating No. 2

Copy the text. At the end of each sentence, put the necessary punctuation mark: period, question mark, exclamation mark.

Cat Maruska.

One owner had a cat, her name was Maruska, she was skinny, she was poorly fed, one day the cat ran into the forest, there Maruska got fat and looked a lot prettier, she ate mice in the forest like that, a cat










Test cheating No. 3

Copy the text. At the end of each sentence, put the necessary punctuation mark: period, question mark, exclamation mark .


The metro is an underground city, the trains rush fast there, they carry many passengers in the summer, the metro is cool, rainy in the fall and harsh winter, it is warm and dry, a large and beautiful metro in Moscow, we are proud of it










Test cheating No. 4

Copy the text. At the end of each sentence, put the necessary punctuation mark: period, question mark, exclamation mark .

In zoo.

At the zoo, the peacock bear always fluffed his beautiful tail cheerfully and noisily, begging for pieces of sugar, and have you seen the walrus? The walrus is a polar inhabitant. The walrus has sharp and powerful fangs.










Test cheating No. 5

Copy the text. At the end of each sentence, put the necessary punctuation mark: period, question mark, exclamation mark.


The weather was wonderful, the snow was shining and sparkling, we went into the forest on skis, there was a steep descent, the wind was humming merrily in our ears, the skis were flying quickly, the clouds began to cover the sky, we hurried home, and you often take such walks










Test cheating No. 6

Copy the text. At the end of each sentence, put the necessary punctuation mark: period, question mark, exclamation mark

Dream of trees.

The time of winter dreams is coming; the oak tree has taken off its mighty hat; the birch trees have shed their golden blouses; the aspen trees have thrown off their scarlet blouses; the trees have become quiet and dozed off;










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