Methodological development “ABC of financial literacy”. Lesson summary on the topic: “Children about money.”

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Lesson on financial literacy in 7th grade with presentation

Educational lesson on financial literacy for schoolchildren: “Flower store: “Tsvetik Semitsvetik”
Author: Gnezdilova Lyubov Gennadievna, teacher of a mixed-age group Place of work: OGKUSO “Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care, Shelekhov”, Irkutsk Region. Educational lesson for school-age children Educational lesson: “Flower store: “Tsvetik Semitsvetik” (Creative design) Description of the material: We bring to your attention a plan outline of an educational lesson for children from 15 to 17 years old, on the topic: Creative design “Flower store: “ Tsvetik Semitsvetik.”
This material can be used by both teachers of child assistance centers and school teachers. The provided summary has an educational, creative direction, which forms knowledge of economics, confidence in one’s own knowledge, motivation for self-education to achieve goals, and also develops the ability to think, analyze and draw conclusions in children from 15 to 17 years old. Outline of the educational hour: Creative design “Flower store: “Tsvetik Semitsvetik”
TOPIC: Creative design “Flower store: “Tsvetik Semitsvetik” TYPE: consolidation of the studied material. TYPE: Workshop PURPOSE: - generalize, consolidate and deepen knowledge; — develop the ability to systematize studied material, the ability to analyze, compare facts and draw logical conclusions. — to form an understanding that planning and implementing your own business has many risks, which is necessary to achieve financial well-being. TASKS: - Educational: activation and updating of knowledge acquired by children while studying the topic. Learning to plan and calculate a budget taking into account risks, organizing work with a specific project. — Educational: Formation of communication skills for successful cooperation in society, through the presentation of a specific project to formulate the concept of “own business” — Developmental: Development of cognitive interests, outlook of students, in the field of financial literacy. Determination of features and factors of financial socialization for children. Planned results of the lesson Personal: - develop in students the necessary qualities for entrepreneurial activity and the acquisition of missing skills, namely: - be able to act in a group, - develop social activity and independence, - develop cultural communication skills. Subject: - formulate the concept of own business; introduce students to the most important stages of creating their own business; — introduce the main risks and tools to reduce them. Meta-subject: - be able to make choices in accordance with the task; — master the skills of processing information (analysis, synthesis, interpretation, evaluation, argumentation), choosing means of achieving goals in a group and individually. — to develop mobility, the ability to work with information, and make decisions in non-standard situations. Communicative: - development of knowledge about the communicative culture of pupils; — possession of the ability to express one’s thoughts and ideas, discuss information in a working group; — the ability to take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks. Main stages of the lesson: - Updating knowledge. Creating a problematic situation. — Stage of comprehension. Work on the “basket of ideas” technology for developing critical thinking. (what they know about their own business). - Reflection. Assessing your own knowledge. — Discussion, analysis, summing up. Creative design. Equipment: As a source of information:
didactic materials (tests, memos, questionnaires, tables, puzzles, business model template)
As a tool for mastering educational material:
laptop, screen, projector, stationery.
Methodological techniques:
conversation - dialogue, demonstration of presentations, answers to questions (tests and questionnaires), productive activities of children, analysis, summing up.
LESSON PLAN: 1. Updating knowledge. Motivation of children 2. Work on the stages of a creative project 3. Analysis and results. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON: - Organizational moment: Greeting, message of the topic. (2 min.) - Comprehensive test of knowledge: activation of children's mental activity. — Preparation for consolidation of material on the topic: motivation for the transition to creative design. — Checking homework: checking completion for quality and completeness. — Creative design on the topic: Flower shop “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik”. 1. Educator: Good afternoon, guys, today we will consolidate the knowledge we have acquired on the topic of our own business and present your creative ideas on the topic “Flower store “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik”. Introductory speech by the teacher: The epigraph to our lesson will be Jim Rohn’s statement: “Education will help you survive. And self-education will lead you to success.” It is with these lines that I would like to begin our lesson today. Because To create your own business, you need to understand how much work and perseverance is put in so that you can say that I am a businessman. So, let's welcome our guests. We are already familiar with them; these are people who have their own business. (Full name) Greeting children. Educator: There are many concepts that give us deciphered explanations of business. Tell me, guys, you can probably already tell what they are like. Children's answers: 1. Business is a way to earn monetary profit, for some it is a lifestyle, and for others it is a means of earning money while doing what they love. 2. Komlev N.G., says that: “Business is a commercial activity that produces profit.” 3. Bill Gates said that: “Business is a great game: constant competition and a minimum of rules. And the score in this game is kept in money”... Educator: Well done. But we must also remember that business does not always guarantee success. The reason for failure may be poor economic conditions, lack of demand for products, a poorly drawn up business plan, or insufficient financial resources for business development. Take the reminders that are in front of you. In them you can trace the entire chain of creating your own business. (Appendix 1.1) Tell me, why do people start thinking about creating their own business? Children's answers: The reasons why people can start doing business are very different: having a good idea, high professionalism in any field, lack of work at the moment, reluctance to work as part of an organization and obey anyone. 2. Educator: That's right. In the last lesson, you were given homework, where you had to think for yourself about how you can diversify and make the flower sales business more interesting. Hope you have some sketches. Children's answers: (Statements) 3 Educator: Very good. Now let's try to answer the test, which is called: “Possible risks in the process of enterprise operation.” (Appendix 1.2) Questionnaire: “True – false statements” (Appendix 1.3) And our guests will help us. Children's answers in the form of a discussion. 3.1 Educator: Very good, well done guys. And now I suggest you divide into groups of 5 people. And we will work with you a little. We will create an algorithm for developing your own business. You have instructions for this, and our guests who have experience working and creating a business will also help us. Where does it start? Children: (Answers from pupils). They clearly show how the business should develop. (Appendix 1.4) 3.2 Educator: Well done, you coped very well with the first task. Attention, the next task we will solve is Puzzles (Appendix 1.5). Do not forget about the main rule. RULE: Don't shout, don't grumble, don't make noise. Children: Working with puzzles. The puzzles are displayed on the projector, and at this time the teams of children write down their assignments on the answer form. Children answer without interrupting each other. Educator: Very good. And everyone completed the task. Now each team moves on to the next stage of work. You have reminders on your desks, there are algorithms for creating a business, based on them, create an algorithm for business ideas for developing a store: “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik.” (Appendix 1.6) Children: For 5 minutes, children write down an algorithm for business ideas for a store. 4 Educator: Guys, time is coming to an end. Are you on time? Fine. It is clear that teamwork is very interesting to you. So, now you have to go back to your homework in groups. Children: Children's questions: What is this for?... Educator: Today we have a creative design, in which you will have to present a team creative idea for the development of a flower shop. To help you, a business model template by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (Appendix 1.7) In it you can view all the necessary stages of creating and developing your own business. During our classes we studied a lot of interesting materials on this topic. Today we remembered: What is business. What is the algorithm for creating and operating an enterprise? Your idea for development, or maybe one of you would like to approach this business from a completely unknown side, which will be interesting, on the topic: “Flower shop: “Tsvetik Semitsvetik.” Your business plan. Your store operation algorithm And show our jury clearly how it will be. Today we are not just creating a project, but creative designing, I ask you to remember this. After all, our imagination and creative approach can open up this type of activity in a completely new way. Pupils: (Questions: Is it possible to invite guests to help? Is it possible to use literature on the topic? What should the presentation of the project look like?) Educator: I answer in order. Firstly, you cannot attract guests, because... They are the ones who will evaluate your activities. Secondly: Yes, literature and Internet resources are your assistants, but I want to remind you once again that it is the creative and creative process in your work that will be assessed with the highest scores. Thirdly: The presentation of your project is your opinion. The way you see it, the way you perceive it. So, We wish you good luck, but do not forget that you have 25 minutes. Pupils: Get to work, do not forget about the rules that were agreed upon at the beginning of the lesson. 5 Pupils: Presentation of projects. (3 teams of 5 people) Jury: Evaluation. Wishing you good luck in achieving your own goals. Educator: Summing up the work. Survey of children on self-assessment of their work. Educator: Thank you. Guys, look how much new we learned, what creative projects you defended today. I am very happy to see the sparkle in your eyes called joy. Tell me, did you like our lesson? Children: (children's answers) Educator: Let's remember once again what new and interesting things you remember from the series of our classes, which ultimately showed excellent results. Checking understanding of the material: list of questions Quiz: “Your own business” based on the image, in the form of a presentation. (appendix) Survey questions:
What is money?
(Money is a means of paying for goods and services) What types of money do you know? (Commodity money, Cash, Non-cash, Electronic) A means by which you can estimate the value of something? (Money) Is this a competitor? (Business Rival) What is an investment? (A person's investment in my business) What is Business? (a way to achieve your own goals) Educator: Well done guys. I hope you found it interesting today. (Children's answers: Yes, very much). It was very easy for me to work with you. I say goodbye to you, see you again. Appendix 1.1 MEMO Almost any entrepreneur, having decided to create his own business, carries out the following stages of implementing this difficult decision:
1. The emergence and justification of the idea of ​​​​engaging in a certain type of entrepreneurial activity;
2. Setting immediate and long-term goals for the implementation of your entrepreneurial idea; 3. Formation of a specific decision to open a business in a certain organizational and legal form; 4. Selection of co-founders of a new business; 5. Determination of financial sources necessary for conducting business activities, assessment of raw materials and material base; 6. Development of the necessary (depending on the organizational and legal form) constituent documents; 7. Development of a business plan; 8. Control system design; 9. Registration and registration of the enterprise in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Appendix 1.2 Test task to control knowledge on the topic “Creating your own business” 1. To organize your own business, you initially need (one option): a) find a market niche;
b) find buyers; c) form an entrepreneurial idea. (correct answer) 2. A young aspiring entrepreneur can attract sources of financing (several options): a) loan; (correct answer) b) grant; (correct answer) c) subsidy. 3. Organizational and legal forms of business (several options): a) LLC; (correct answer) b) Individual Entrepreneur; (correct answer) c) NPAO; d) holding: e) syndicate; f) financial and industrial group. 4. Registration of which form of business is faster (one option): a) individual entrepreneur; (correct answer) b) LLC; c) the same in time. 5. Why there are different organizational and legal forms (one option): a) freedom of economic activity b) the existing right to choose c) diversity of legislation (correct answer) Presentation on the topic: Test task to control knowledge on the topic “Creating your own business”
Appendix 1 .3 Survey: “True - false statements” Correct statement 1. The most famous book of K. Marx (“Capital”) 2. Lending money for a certain period of time (Loan, credit) 3. Insolvency due to lack of funds (bankruptcy) 4. Operator on the stock exchange (Broker) 5. Place where transactions for the sale of shares and bonds are concluded (Exchange) 6. Name of money in international circulation (Currency) 7. Operation with which an entrepreneur can protect himself from the risk of accidental loss of products ( Insurance) 8. One of the forms of trading in especially valuable goods (Auction) Incorrect statement 1. Lending money for a certain period of time (Investment) 2. Insolvency due to lack of funds (wealth) 6. Name of money in international circulation (DengA) 7 An operation with which an entrepreneur can protect himself from the risk of accidental loss of products (Saving)
Presentation on the topic: Survey: “True - false statements”
Appendix 1.4 Algorithm of actions when organizing your own business

The image is reduced.
Click to see original. Appendix 1.5 Puzzles

Presentation on the topic: Puzzles
Appendix 1.6

Presentation on the topic: 7 main steps to creating a business
Appendix 1.7 Business model template by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

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Thanks to all!

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Financial literacy lesson on the topic “Personal financial plan”

Financial literacy lesson on the topic “Personal financial plan”

The target audience:

10th grade students.


Formation of social and financial competence of students.


1. Teach methods and analysis of personal income distribution and achieving financial goals through personal financial planning.

2. To introduce the types of investment instruments and methods of their application.

3. Develop the skill of effectively using available income and using modern financial instruments.

4. Develop economic thinking and logic.

5. Foster a responsible attitude towards financial activities.


computer, projector, screen.

Planned learning outcomes:

Students should know: Methods for achieving financial goals and using investment instruments, categories of financial risks and ways to reduce them.

Students should be able to: Plan their activities, determine the most effective ways to achieve their goals, see the universal practical significance of educational actions.

Formed UUD:

Regulatory: the ability to formulate the goals and objectives of one’s own activities, independently draw up an action plan, and regulate the time frame allotted for achieving the goal.

Communicative: the ability to develop a common goal and functions of participants in a group, ask questions to the teacher and peers, conduct a dialogue, express one’s own point of view.

Personal: mastering the rules of competent financial behavior, developing the foundations of financially competent behavior, developing skills of cooperation with peers.

Cognitive: the ability to search for information, independently formulate definitions of concepts, analyze the results of activities.

Basic concepts:

Personal financial plan, investing, deposit, savings, investments.

Techniques used in the lesson:

Conversation, independent work (calculations) with a form (financial plan option), activity analysis, personal reflection-syncwine.

Lesson format:


Resources used:, Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting an open lesson on the basics of financial literacy in educational institutions of the Russian Federation, presentation -

Stage Teacher activities Student activities Presentation slides
Motivation for learning activities Working with an epigraph:

He is rich who considers himself so with what he has.

Pierre Buast

Summarizes student responses. Displays the lesson topic and goals on the slide.

Participate in the discussion.

Identify the problem.

They come out on the topic of the lesson.

Formulate goals and objectives.

Construction of new knowledge Introduces the concept of “Personal Financial Plan”. Organizes work with definitions using the “Three Main Words” technique.

Organizes a brainstorming session on the question “What needs to be done before making a financial plan?” Summarizes student answers and displays the summary on a slide.

Offers examples of the most common financial goals. Invites students to make their own list (choose from those proposed in case of difficulty).

Offers to find the difference in the methods of setting a financial goal proposed on the slide and formulate a conclusion.

Offers to get acquainted with the table “My capabilities” on the slide, asks to determine what its meaning is.

Offers to formulate the problems that a person faces when determining his financial capabilities.

Organizes a conversation based on the slide “Managing your own budget”:

- What does it mean to live confidently? effective? safely? (lack of personal finance management skills is as dangerous to life and health as incompetent driving of a car).

— what problem does a person face when drawing up a financial plan? (opportunities do not meet the goal). How to expand opportunities?

They offer options for defining the concept “Personal financial plan”.

Compare the resulting options with the example proposed by the teacher. There are three main words in the definition.

Take part in a brainstorming session. Formulate a conclusion about what needs to be done in order to draw up a personal financial plan.

Make a list of your own financial goals (choose from those proposed in case of difficulty).

Compare ways to set a financial goal. Formulate a conclusion about the correctness of goal setting.

Study the “My Opportunities” table. Analyze. Formulate a conclusion about what is the meaning of determining one’s own capabilities.

They formulate the problems that a person faces when determining his financial capabilities (for example, the inability to manage his own budget).

Study the contents of the slide. Participate in the conversation. Formulate a conclusion about the need to manage your own budget.

They come to the problem of the discrepancy between capabilities and goals. They offer ways to solve this problem (Placing funds in a bank, storing money at home, storing savings in foreign currency, purchasing real estate, antiques and art objects, purchasing precious stones and metals, purchasing various securities).

Formulate a conclusion.

Application of acquired knowledge Organizes practical work for students. Fill out the tables “My goals”, “My opportunities”.

Compare the goal with the possibilities.

Calculate the time frame for achieving the goal.

They are looking for ways to expand opportunities (optimize the budget, find additional sources of income, put their savings to work - deposit).

Present your personal financial plan.

Reflection on learning activities Suggests drawing up a “Personal Financial Plan” syncwine.

As homework, he suggests studying the reasons that prevent a person from becoming rich. In case of agreement, give an example from life, in case of disagreement, give arguments.

1. Let it be a low-paid but stable job.

2. Fear of change.

3.Low self-esteem.

4. Reluctance to be active.

5. Principle: everyone owes me.

The brain has one interesting property: if you have not completed any action you planned within 72 hours, then it begins to consider this task unimportant and “forgets” about it. Get started now!

They make up syncwines. They perform.
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