Parent meeting 11th grade. WE PERCEIVE 10% of what we READ 20% of what we HEAR 30% of what we SEE 50% of what we SEE. - presentation

Parent meeting on the topic: “How to prepare for the Unified State Exam”

Tips for psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam

Tips for psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam

Tips for graduates: How to prepare for the exam

  • The Unified State Exam is just one of life's tests, many of which still need to be passed. Don't make the event too important so as not to increase the excitement.
  • With the right approach, exams can serve as a means of self-affirmation and increase personal self-esteem.
  • Set a goal in advance that you can achieve. No one can be perfect all the time. Let your achievements not always coincide with the ideal, but they are your personal.
  • Don't be afraid of mistakes. It is known that those who do nothing make no mistakes.
  • People who are determined to succeed achieve much more in life than those who try to avoid failure.
  • Rest assured: everyone who studied at school can pass the Unified State Exam. All assignments are based on the school curriculum. If you prepare properly, you will definitely pass the exam.

Some useful tricks

  • Before starting work, you need to concentrate, relax and calm down. Relaxed concentration is much more effective than tense, constrained attention.
  • Familiarization with the rules and procedure of the exam in advance will remove the effect of surprise in the exam. Training in solving tasks will help you navigate different types of tasks and calculate time. You can also familiarize yourself with the rules for filling out forms in advance.
  • Preparing for the exam requires quite a lot of time, but it should not take up absolutely all of your time. Attention and concentration weaken if you do monotonous work for a long time. Change mental activity to motor activity. Don’t be afraid to take time away from your preparation for walks and your favorite hobbies to avoid overwork, but don’t delay the break either! It is optimal to take 10-15 minute breaks after 40-50 minutes of classes.
  • Active brain function requires a lot of fluid, so it is useful to drink more plain or mineral water, green tea. You can read about proper nutrition in the “Advice for Parents” section (see below).
  • Maintain a sleep and rest schedule. With increased mental stress, it is worth increasing your sleep time by an hour.

Recommendations for learning material

  • The main thing is the distribution of repetitions over time.
  • It is recommended to repeat immediately within 15-20 minutes, after 8-9 hours and after 24 hours.
  • It is useful to repeat the material 15-20 minutes before bedtime and in the morning, with a fresh mind. With each repetition, you need to comprehend the mistakes and pay attention to more difficult places.
  • Repetition will be effective if you reproduce the material in your own words close to the text. It is better to refer to the text if you cannot remember the material within 2-3 minutes.
  • To transfer information into long-term memory, you need to do repetitions after a day, two, and so on, gradually increasing the time intervals between repetitions. This method will ensure long-term memorization.

On the eve of the exam

  • In the evening, stop getting ready, take a shower, take a walk. Get as much sleep as possible so that you can wake up rested, feeling healthy, strong, and in a “fighting” mood. After all, an exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to prove yourself, show your capabilities and abilities.
  • You must arrive at the exam site without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of the test. You need to have a pass, a passport (not a birth certificate) and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.

During the exam

  • Focus! After completing the preliminary part of the test (filling out the forms), when you have clarified all the points that you do not understand, try to concentrate and forget about those around you. For you, there should be only the text of the tasks and the clock regulating the time for completing the test. Hurry up and take your time! Strict time limits should not affect the quality of your answers. Before entering the answer, re-read the question twice and make sure that you correctly understand what is required of you.
  • Start easy! Start answering those questions that you don’t doubt your knowledge of, without stopping at those that may cause long thoughts. Then you will calm down, your head will begin to work more clearly and clearly, and you will get into a working rhythm. You will seem to be freed from nervousness, and all your energy will then be directed to more difficult questions.
  • Skip! We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: in the text there will always be questions that you will definitely be able to cope with. It’s just stupid to lose points just because you didn’t get to “your” tasks, but got stuck on those that cause you difficulties.
  • Read the task to the end! Haste should not lead to you trying to understand the terms of the task “from the first words” and completing the ending in your own imagination. This is a surefire way to make embarrassing mistakes on the easiest questions.
  • Think only about the current task! When you see a new task, forget everything about the previous one. As a rule, tasks in tests are not related to each other, so the knowledge that you applied in one (for example, already solved by you), as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task. This advice also gives you another invaluable psychological effect - forget about failure in the last task (if it turned out to be too tough for you). Just think that every new task is a chance to score points.
  • Eliminate! Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently eliminate those that are clearly not suitable. The elimination method allows you to ultimately concentrate on just one or two options, rather than on all five or seven (which is much more difficult).
  • Plan two laps! Calculate the time so that in two-thirds of the allotted time you will go through all the easy tasks (“first circle”). Then you will have time to score maximum points on those tasks, and then calmly return and think about the difficult ones that you initially had to skip (“second round”).
  • Check it out! Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim your eyes and notice obvious errors. Guess! If you are not sure about the choice of answer, but intuitively you can prefer one answer to others, then you should trust your intuition! At the same time, choose the option that, in your opinion, has a high probability. Do not worry! Strive to complete all tasks, but remember that in practice this is unrealistic. Keep in mind that test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and the number of tasks you solve may well be sufficient for a good grade.


  • It is obvious that parents play a huge role in preparing students for the exam. It is the parents who largely guide them in choosing the subject that their children take, instill confidence in their abilities or, conversely, increase anxiety, help, worry and worry about insufficiently high grades.
  • First of all, parents themselves, as a rule, have a very vague idea of ​​what the Unified State Exam is. It is known that a lack of information increases anxiety, which parents, unwittingly, can pass on to their children. Expanding parents' knowledge about the essence and procedure of the Unified State Exam and becoming familiar with specific tasks can reduce their anxiety, which, in turn, helps parents support their child during this difficult period.

Parental behavior

  • During exam time, the main task of parents is to create optimal comfortable conditions for the child’s preparation and... not to disturb him. Encouragement, support, real help, and most importantly, the calmness of adults help the child successfully cope with his own anxiety.
  • Do not intimidate your child, do not remind him of the complexity and responsibility of the upcoming exams. This does not increase motivation, but only creates emotional barriers that the child himself cannot overcome.
  • It is very important to adjust the graduate's expectations. Explain: for a good result, it is not at all necessary to answer all the questions on the Unified State Exam. It is much more effective to calmly give answers to those questions that he knows for sure than to worry about unsolved tasks.
  • Regardless of the exam result, often, generously and with all your heart tell him that he (she) is the most beloved, and that everything in his (her) life will work out! Belief in success, confidence in your child, his capabilities, stimulating assistance in the form of praise and approval are very important, because “even cacti grow better from a good word.”

Organization of classes

  • It is very important to develop an individual strategy for your child during preparation and during the exam. It is important to help your children understand their strengths and weaknesses, understand their learning style (modify it if necessary), develop the ability to use their own intellectual resources and set them up for success!
  • One of the main causes of pre-exam stress is a situation of uncertainty. Advance familiarization with the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam and filling out forms, and the features of the exam will help resolve this situation.
  • Practicing in solving practice test tasks also removes the feeling of uncertainty.
  • In the process of working with tasks, teach your child to navigate time and be able to distribute it.
  • Provide your graduate with a comfortable place to study so that he or she will enjoy studying there!

Nutrition and daily routine

  • Take care of organizing your daily routine and proper nutrition. Foods such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate brain function. By the way, at this time “you don’t get fat from buns!”
  • Do not overload the child. Every 40-50 minutes of classes, you must take breaks for 10-15 minutes.
  • On the eve of the exam, the child should rest and get a good night's sleep. Keep an eye on this.
  • In the morning before the exam, give your child a chocolate bar... of course, this is not indulgence, but simply glucose stimulates brain activity!


The psychological mood of graduates in the Unified State Examination situation also depends on subject teachers, their actions and words. As a result, it also seems necessary to provide special training for teachers, which consists of teaching techniques for creating a situation of success.

First of all, it is necessary to familiarize students with the methods of preparing for exams.

Help students organize their preparation topics by day.

Children must understand that memorizing all the factual material is ineffective; it is enough to review the key points and grasp the meaning and logic of the material. It is very useful to make short schematic notes and tables, organizing the material being studied according to plan. It is necessary to show children in practice how this is done. Basic formulas and definitions can be written out on pieces of paper and placed in visible places.

It is useful to use this technique when preparing, working with supporting notes (diagram of the material).

  • Develop a system of symbols with your students and take the time to draw up notes on a large sheet of paper or on the board. High school students master the content of the material well through such simple and enjoyable activities.
  • Preparation for exams should begin in advance, working out individual details when passing some tests, etc., i.e. in situations that are not so emotionally intense. Psychotechnical skills for passing exams not only increase the effectiveness of preparing for exams, allow you to behave more successfully during the exam, but also generally contribute to the development of mental work skills, the ability to mobilize yourself in a decisive situation, and master your own emotions.
  • When training on test tasks, teach schoolchildren to navigate time and be able to distribute it. Then they will develop the ability to concentrate throughout the entire test, which will give them peace of mind and relieve excessive anxiety.
  • Advise your children to pay attention to the following when practicing test tasks: a) first you need to skim the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains, this will help you get ready for work; b) carefully read the question to the end and understand its meaning (a typical mistake during testing is that without reading to the end, they already assume the answer from the first words and rush to write it in); c) if a question is difficult, skip it and mark it so you can return to it later.
  • Increase students' self-confidence, because the more a teenager is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes.
  • Encourage students and praise them for what they are doing well.
  • By the way, if a high school student strikes you with stony calm, this is not so good. Lack of some exam anxiety often gets in the way of good answers.
  • Introduce children to techniques for relieving neuropsychic stress and self-regulation of emotional state. Relaxation reduces inner anxiety, improves attention and memory. Relaxation exercises, self-hypnosis and other methods of emotional self-regulation are well suited for relaxation and stress relief (see 2.2.). Master these exercises yourself (they won’t hurt adults either!)
  • Include these exercises in the lesson structure, use them to prepare the class before tests
  • And, most importantly, do not forget about the “optimistic hypothesis”, believe in your strengths and the capabilities of your students!


1. Self-regulation of emotional state

Like any emotional state, the state of students before an exam has a complex structure. Children are in anticipation of the upcoming test, strong worries, internal struggle, encounters with difficult tasks and hopeless situations; prepare to solve them, predict the possible outcome. In this regard, stabilizing the emotional state of students before exams is an important aspect of psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Self-help methods in stress situations

Many people hate school, which becomes a serious stress factor. What to do? The solution is the following: change your lifestyle, change yourself!

What to do to neutralize stress?

  • Firstly, stress quickly depletes the supply of vitamins in the body, especially group B. Many doctors advise taking vitamins daily, but remember about overdose. Everything should be in moderation!
  • Secondly, physical exercise is very beneficial. Go to the gym, do exercises, dance, sing, walk around the city, visit the pool, sauna.
  • Thirdly, mental and physical relaxation is necessary. Try the following methods: listen to relaxing music, look at the night sky, clouds, dream.
  • Fourthly, for a harmonious life, the support of family and friends is necessary. Go to psychological trainings, don’t shy away from family celebrations, meet new interesting people. Pay attention to your parents, grandparents, sister or brother, because they especially need your love, care, and affection.

You need to clearly understand that a lot depends only on you.

The first group of self-regulation methods

When, while preparing for exams, you begin to be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, lose control over your emotions, and fall into despair, it is useful to use the following “real life” tools:

  1. Tell everything to friends who will understand and sympathize.
  2. Go shopping, buy yourself some little thing that will bring you pleasure.
  3. Go to bed (get some sleep).
  4. Play sports (real athletes have not only physical, but also mental health).
  5. Wash clothes or wash dishes.
  6. Listen to your favorite music.
  7. Dance to music, both calm and “violent.”
  8. Walking through the forest, contemplating the movements of a river or the calm surface of a lake, forest sounds and smells can restore peace of mind and efficiency even in the most difficult situations.
  9. Pet a cat or dog.
  10. Cry and laugh. Laughter and crying turn out to be a kind of protection for the nervous system. They can be thought of as a series of short exhalations. These exhalations crush the dangerous flow of impulses.
  11. Take a contrast shower.
  12. Take a warm bath with a pleasant aroma and foam.
  13. Go to church (if you are a believer).
  14. Breathe with ledges. Three or four short exhalations in a row, then the same number of short inhalations. Thanks to this, the flow of impulses going to the brain during a deep breath is broken, which is very important during stress.
  15. Inhale deeply up to 10 times.
  16. Pound a pillow or wring out a towel, even if it is dry - most of the energy of anger accumulates in the muscles of the shoulders, upper arms and fingers.
  17. Make any spontaneous sounds, scream - tension can be “locked” in the throat.
  18. Scream either loudly or quietly.
  19. Sing your favorite song loudly.
  20. Sing your favorite song to yourself (singing songs or exam tasks also has a positive effect on your emotional state).
  21. Crumple the newspaper and throw it away (put your stress into crumpling the newspaper sheet, make this lump as small as possible and throw it away).
  22. Tear the newspaper into small pieces, “even smaller”, then throw in the trash.
  23. Make your own mood from the newspaper.
  24. Paint over a newspaper spread.
  25. Try finger painting (a spoonful of flour, a spoonful of water, a spoonful of paint), draw a few blots, and then talk about them.
  26. Touch rosaries, beads, “Chinese balls” and other small objects with your fingertips.
  27. It is easy to squeeze and unclench a small ball or rubber toy in your hand.
  28. Look at a burning candle.
  29. Observe the rhythmic movement of, for example, a pendulum.
  30. Count the teeth with your tongue from the inside.
  31. Smile at yourself as wide as possible, showing your teeth.

The second group of self-regulation methods

These are methods purposefully created by a person to control himself, or psychotechnical exercises. The meaning of psychotechnics is to achieve and maintain mental, spiritual and physical form through directed concentration. The exercises are based on four methods of self-regulation: relaxation (relaxation), visualization, self-hypnosis and rationalization.

Relaxation techniques (relaxation)

  1. Make a fist with your thumbs curled inward. Exhaling calmly, slowly, clench your fist with force. Then, releasing your fist, inhale. Repeat 5 times. Now try this exercise with your eyes closed, which doubles the effect.
  2. Self-massage techniques help relieve tension:
  • find the point between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose and massage it with smooth circular movements for one minute;
  • place your hand on the back of your neck below the back of the head and gently squeeze and unclench it several times;
  • ask someone to massage your shoulders;
  • Find a point on the back of your hand between your thumb and index finger and massage it lightly for one minute;
  • Lightly massage the tip of your little finger.

Visualization techniques

This group of techniques is based on the use of imagination.

  1. Your emotional stress is a tightly packed balloon. A huge ball. It literally bursts you apart from the inside. In your imagination, pierce this ball with a needle. It burst. Along with it, your tension and despair “burst.”
  2. Imagine packing your troubles into a bag and placing them on a train platform. The train went and took away your misfortunes.
  3. Remember the place where you were happy. Imagine yourself there.
  4. Imagine yourself successful, calm, ready for the exam, knowing and remembering everything (change the “bad chair” to a “good” one).

Self-hypnosis techniques

Self-hypnosis should be positive, life-affirming, constructive (you cannot suggest negative things to yourself); should be expressed in simple, clear and understandable phrases in an affirmative form without the particle “not” (“I want...”, “I can...”, etc.) and involves repeated repetition.

Come up with a few short, optimistic messages to repeat during times of excitement.

For example:

  • Everything will be OK!
  • Now I will feel better!
  • I already feel better!
  • I'm in control!
  • Without a doubt, I can handle it!

Rationalization techniques

These techniques are based on the use of a psychological defense mechanism – rationalization, which contains the active and positive potential of an individual’s behavior.

1. Take a blank sheet of paper. At the top, write the problem that “torments” you - for example, “Unified State Exam”. Then divide the sheet vertically into two halves. On the left, write down in the column all the unpleasant thoughts that come to mind in connection with this problem. In the right column, write down all the advantages that also exist in this situation. Which column is longer? Now reformulate the phrases from the first column so that they sound positive, and rewrite them in the new wording in the right column.

The use of such methods of self-regulation will help you during the exam to ensure self-control and restraint adequate to the problematic situation that inevitably arises during testing.

2. Self-regulation of cognitive activity

Success in completing exam tasks is ensured not only by the correct approach to using your knowledge and skills, but also by the competent use of your own psychological resources.

Self-regulation of memory

It is no secret that success in these cases depends on how completely and correctly you can reproduce the knowledge you have. The success of reproducing material is largely determined by the way it is memorized. For example, the method of grouping material makes it easier to memorize multi-digit numbers and formulas. To memorize the formulations of theorems, it is convenient to use the associative technique, i.e. establish similarities between the content to be remembered and a familiar object. For example, the following phrase helps to remember the Pythagorean theorem: “Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions.” The keyword method will help you remember any repeated material. These words must reflect the meaning of the material being repeated and must be logically connected to each other, forming a chain of keywords. By recalling this chain in your memory, you can easily reproduce the content of the material. Remember that any repeated material is remembered and reproduced much more successfully and efficiently if you clearly understand why you are repeating it.

Rules for self-organization of attention

Plan your time in advance so that nothing distracts you during class hours (visits from friends, phone calls). Sustainability of attention largely depends on how well you understand the material you have studied. Therefore, when starting to study a new topic, preview the previous section. If for some reason you have not studied this material, start by closing the existing gaps. If excitement and anxiety interfere with focusing on the material being studied, then read the material being studied out loud. Once you have managed to focus your attention, read the material you are studying to yourself. Changing academic subjects while doing homework also helps maintain stable attention. The activity of your attention and mental activity will increase, for example, in the presence of pleasant smells of lemon, lavender, etc. or soft background sounds - pleasant soft music, the sound of rain outside the window, etc. It is necessary to take into account that even the most interesting material , the most interesting lecture is continuously perceived by the most attentive people for no longer than 7–8 minutes, after which a short-term switch of attention necessarily occurs. If you are doing monotonous work, it is better to take a long break after an hour and a half. During this break, you can relax with your eyes closed or, conversely, fill the pause with active movements: dance to music, do a few rhythmic exercises.

When you begin to experience tension or extreme fatigue during preparation, you can use the following techniques:

  • stop, pause in work;
  • leave the room in which you are preparing for exams, or move to another part of it;
  • go to the window and look at the sky, trees, people walking down the street, try to imagine what they are thinking about;
  • Place the palms of your hands under cold water for 2-3 minutes;
  • try to have a little time every day allotted for preparing for tests to do activities that bring you satisfaction and joy, etc.
  • write your name in the air with your head (this improves brain performance).

Self-regulation of cognitive activity during an exam

In order to confidently and successfully complete tasks on the Unified State Exam, it is useful to:

  • understand and calmly think about the questions posed in the task, gather your thoughts to solve them;
  • think about possible ways to solve the problem posed in the task;
  • use the time allotted for the exam rationally: first complete those tasks that seem simpler, and then take on more complex tasks;
  • try to maintain positive thinking throughout the entire time allocated for completing the work;
  • do not give in to negative changes in your mood;
  • remember that positive self-esteem is very important, and say to yourself: “I am confident in myself because I evaluate myself positively. I will cope with the tasks assigned, and everything will be fine...”

It should be remembered that psychological methods of self-regulation of cognitive processes are quite individual, so you need to find your own methods when preparing for and taking the exam.

The materials were prepared on the basis of the following sources: 1. Badyina N.P. Problems of psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam // Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process: Materials of a scientific and practical conference (February 17, 2005) / Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Kurgan Region. – Kurgan, 2005. – P.12-18. 2. Badyina N.P. Psychological preparation of graduates for the Unified State Exam // Pedagogical Trans-Urals, 2005. - No. 1. - P.33-35. 3. Practical psychology of education / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. – M., 2000. 4. Savchenko M.Yu. Career guidance. Personal development. Exam readiness training (grades 9-11): A practical guide for class teachers and school psychologists. – M., 2005. 5. Subbotina L.Yu. Stress. – Yaroslavl, 2001. Chibisova M.Yu. Unified State Exam: psychological preparation. – M., 2004 6.

Parent meeting No. 1 material (grade 11) on the topic

Parent meeting No. 1

“How, together with the school, to prepare graduates for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.”

The preparation of students for the Unified State Exam should be systematized in more detail, in relation to our school, taking into account the social level

families. Based on these factors, the school opened clubs to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in Russian on Thursday, in mathematics on Monday and Tuesday, in biology on Friday, in chemistry on Wednesday, and in history on Saturday after school. In addition, teachers of the Russian language and mathematics will come three times a week for the second shift, and the school will be one-shift, preparing the Unified State Exam with students for free.

Therefore, parents are required to have a close relationship with the school, monitor the preparation of students at home for homework, read the necessary literature, and know the necessary formulas in mathematics.

This is the only way, by breaking down and disassembling the school curriculum material piece by piece, that you can successfully pass the Unified State Exam, otherwise students will fail.

  • The fate and future of students depends on passing the Unified State Exam. The child prepares one part of the task on one day, another on the next, and so on throughout the school year. At the end of the week, the teacher takes a test on the topic. Thus, the student consolidates in memory all the necessary material of the school curriculum and will be able to freely complete exam tasks during the exam.
  1. Effective forms and methods in preparing for the Unified State Exam

Today, the Unified State Exam has become the only form of final certification of school graduates; in addition, Russian universities recruit applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Therefore, the most pressing problem for teachers has become the quality preparation of students for the exam in the Unified State Exam format.

The optimal long-term option for preparing students is the partial inclusion of test and measurement materials of the final exam in test papers throughout the entire school course. In this way, students gradually become familiar with the requirements and structure of examination materials in test form, and get used to the wording of tasks and types of tests. The experience of many teachers in preparing students for the exam shows that all students who have good and excellent results in the subject during such preparation, when conducting a test tests easily score well above the established minimum threshold.

The test form of the Unified State Examination tasks obliges teachers to teach graduates the optimal strategy for working with tests:

  1. Self-control of time, since it is important to have time reserve for solving more complex tasks.
  2. Assessment of the objective difficulty of tasks and, accordingly, a reasonable selection of these tasks for priority solution.
  3. Estimation of the boundaries of the results and substitution as a method of verification carried out immediately after solving the task.
  4. Technique of spiral movement along the dough.

The test must be completed not only correctly, but also within the strictly allotted time. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students how to properly distribute working time. For this purpose, we carry out diagnostic measurements - small-format test work that involves mentally performing all intermediate actions and recording only the final answer. These sets of exercises can be used not only as independent work, but also in individual and group training, while weak students can write down the entire solution.

In order to save time on the exam, it is also necessary to teach schoolchildren how to count quickly and rationally. During consultations and individual lessons for students, there is a thorough analysis of common mistakes made by students during the Unified State Examination.

A computer form for passing the Unified State Exam in subjects has not yet been introduced, but we all understand that in the near future there may be such an option for passing the exam, so high-quality preparation in any subject is impossible without the use of information and communication technologies.

Taking into account the individual knowledge and abilities of students, identified at the start of each academic year, each teacher tries to comprehensively implement several forms of distance preparation for the Unified State Exam:

  • independent repetition of educational material and training in completing tasks using ICT
  • on-line testing of students on trusted sites;
  • group mailings and individual consultations on CMM materials in writing via e-mail;
  • individual and group consultations on difficult topics of the program;
  • discussion of tasks of increased complexity

Over the years of the Unified State Examination's existence, a large database of test tasks has been accumulated in many subjects, which can be used by teachers to systematize and monitor students' knowledge.

Parents' meeting No. 2

How to help prepare for exams (practical recommendations for parents)

  • Help the children distribute their preparation topics by day. It is very useful to make short schematic notes and tables, organizing the material being studied according to plan. Basic formulas and definitions can be written down on pieces of paper and hung above your desk.
  • Familiarize your child with the methods of preparing for exams. Prepare different versions of test tasks in the subject and train your child, because testing is different from the written and oral exams he is used to.

• Long before the exams, discuss with your child what exactly he will have to take, which disciplines seem most difficult to him, and why? This information will help you jointly create a preparation plan - which items will need to spend more time on, and what only requires repetition. Together with your child, determine his “golden watch” (“lark” or “night owl”). It is better to study complex topics during the rising hours, and well-known topics during the falling hours. • Read the list of exam questions. Feel free to admit to your child that you no longer remember very well most sections of biology, chemistry, or any other subject that he needs to prepare. Let him enlighten you on certain topics, and you ask questions. The more he has time to tell you, the better. •Agree with your child that the evening before the exam he will stop preparing, take a walk, take a swim and go to bed on time. The last twelve hours should be spent preparing the body, not knowledge. • Discuss the benefits and harms of cheat sheets. Firstly, the child will be interested in knowing your opinion on this matter (perhaps he will even be surprised that you also used cheat sheets and generally know what it is). Secondly, it is necessary to help the child understand that getting a cheat sheet only makes sense when he knows nothing at all. If he thinks that by reading the contents of the cheat sheet he will be able to get a better grade, it is not worth the risk. In any case, only a cheat sheet that is written in his own hand can help a person. • On a day off, when you are not in a hurry, give your child a rehearsal for the written exam. For example, take one of the options for introductory problems in mathematics from the reference book for applicants to universities. Agree that he will have 3 or 4 hours, sit him down at a table free of unnecessary objects, give him several blank sheets of paper, note the time and announce the start of the “exam.” Make sure he is not distracted by the phone or relatives. Stop the test when the time runs out, give the student a rest and check with him that the tasks are completed correctly. Try to correct errors and discuss why they occurred. Talk about the feelings that arose during the home exam: was it funny or uncomfortable, was it possible to concentrate on the task and not be distracted? • Ensure that your child takes regular short breaks during preparation. Explain to him that resting before he gets tired is the best remedy for overwork. It is important that the eleventh grader does without stimulants (coffee, strong tea), the nervous system is already on edge before the exam. Trying to concentrate on textbooks in the same room with a working TV or radio can also cause a lot of harm. If a student wants to work to music, there is no need to prevent this, just agree that it should be music without words. •If your child received a lower grade than you would like, or completely failed the entrance exam, help him cope with this misfortune. Don't judge or mock him; instead, take the opportunity to understand the reason for the failure, discuss what conclusions can be drawn and what the proverbial "bad luck" means in this case.

The school director, Marina Vladimirovna Shavrina, spoke at the parents' meeting. She warned parents about the need to cooperate with the school to jointly prepare students for the Unified State Exam, about the low level of quality of students’ knowledge in the Russian language and mathematics, pointing to the results of tests carried out by the head teacher of the school, Shakhova Svetlana Mikhailovna.

The head teacher of the school for educational work, Ulyana Gasanovna Dalgatova, spoke and pointed out that school graduates violate discipline by being late for classes, which ultimately affects academic performance. Parents were given forms to familiarize themselves with the dates of the Unified State Exam, the location and conditions of the exam, on which they signed.

Parent meeting "Law and responsibility" (9th grade)

Parent meeting “Law and Responsibility”

Objectives: to familiarize students' parents with the articles of the criminal code that determine the extent of responsibility of adolescents and adults for illegal actions; enable parents to obtain the information they are interested in from competent sources.

Format: evening of questions and answers.

Questions for discussion: legal norms, student’s civic position.

Preparatory work: inviting legal experts; preparation of a citizen's dictionary for parents; student survey; The class teacher introduces the invitees in advance to the range of questions of interest to parents.

Progress of the meeting:

  1. introduction

View videos provided by law enforcement agencies (or the school video library).

  1. Presentation of the guests of the evening (representative of the children's room of the police and the commission on juvenile affairs)
  2. Analysis of student surveys by a police children's room specialist.
  3. Discussion of parents' questions.
  4. Discussion of law enforcement statistics materials for the city, region, and country.
  5. Familiarization with the exhibition of special literature on this topic (this could be brochures, books, magazines).
  6. Speech by the school librarian. The school librarian offers parents a selection of materials on legal topics necessary for family discussion.
  7. Summarizing. Speech by a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to familiarize parents with the work of the “Legal Class” on the basis of our school (this is a joint project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Altai Territory and our school).


  • some parents need individual consultation with specialists, so the class teacher discusses the possibility of such consultations in advance with the specialists participating in the meeting;
  • at the end of the meeting, give parents a citizen’s dictionary and contact numbers that will help parents in case of trouble;
  • If necessary, specialists sign up for individual conversations on the topic of conversation.


Citizen's Dictionary


— violation of certain rules of law.

is legal norms, laws that are designed to combat crimes.


- a state body that considers civil, criminal and other cases.


- a legal act, the basis of all legal documents regulating the life of all members of society.


- a set of rules for the behavior of people in society, family and small groups.

Law is a set of rules of behavior that are established and controlled by the state.


  1. With the assertion that no one is safe from money or prison:
  1. Agree;
  2. I don't agree;
  3. Didn't think about it.
  1. Which crimes do you think a teenager could commit from the following?
  1. Steal;
  2. Steal a car or any other vehicle;
  3. Rob;
  4. Beat;
  5. Rape;
  6. Distributing and taking drugs.
  1. What could be the reason for the crimes being committed?
  1. Family situation;
  2. Company;
  3. Character traits;
  4. Unforeseen situation;
  5. ………(fill in your own).
  1. What prevention measures should be used to protect teenagers from breaking the law?
  1. Explanation by specialists of articles of laws and responsibility for them;
  2. Publishing special literature that will explain the laws of society in an interesting and accessible form;
  3. Special courses and electives on legal topics at school;
  4. Trainings and games on legal topics.

Parents' meeting "Child and the Law".


Parents' meeting "Child and the Law".


— improving the legal culture of parents on issues of legal responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.


• Introduce parents to regulatory documents.

• Help parents develop responsibility for raising children and the ability to act adequately and effectively in a difficult problem situation.

Blitz survey of parents (21 forms issued, 14 forms returned)

1) Are you familiar with the concept of “civil responsibility of parents”? yes – 13; no – 1.

2) List what, in your opinion, is included in this concept?

 Responsibility of parents to the state – 4

 Education – 4

 Education – 8

 Health – 3

 Creation of normal living conditions – 3

 Sanctions applied in case of non-compliance with parental rights – 2

 Free time control – 2

 Spiritual development – ​​1

 Happy – 1

3) From what legal documents can you learn about the rights and responsibilities of parents?

 Constitution of the Russian Federation – 2

 Family Code – 6

 Education Law – 1

 Non-specific answers – 3

 Refusal to answer (dash or not interested) – 4

4) Who, in your opinion, should acquaint parents with the rights and responsibilities in relation to children, with regulatory documents?

a) parents themselves should be interested in this issue - 8

b) the state through the media – 11

c) school – 2

In Ancient Rus', children were called grains. This had a deep meaning. In order for the grain to germinate and produce good seedlings, it must be carefully looked after. This ancient Russian image of seed children should be in tune with today’s childhood policies, approaches to the formation of a child’s personality, and his upbringing. Education begins from the moment the child is born. In the family, a child acquires initial social communication skills, the foundations of his character are laid, which largely determine his subsequent upbringing. Uspensky K.D. rightly wrote that “we must not forget that the first concept of a person is formed in the wordless period of a child’s life, and the formation of this concept is decisively influenced by those first personalities that are reflected in the child’s soul and form the basis of his future attitude towards people.” To achieve success in raising a child, adults themselves need to know how to raise a happy, self-confident person.

At what age can you start introducing a child to human rights and citizenship?

It is a mistake to think that civic education and moral and legal concepts are available only to high school students. Already at an early age, children begin to internalize the values ​​of the society in which they live.

What do adults need to know when explaining legal knowledge to children?

In legal education, there are three levels of normative and legal materials.

1st level - international:

• Declaration of the Rights of the Child (adopted by the UN in 1959): The Declaration is a “proclamation”: unlike Conventions and Covenants, it is not so much of a legislative nature as “the nature of a moral guideline”, which reflects the four principles of the implementation of children’s rights and formulated the goals of their international -legal protection.

  • First principle:

    the child must be given the opportunity for normal development (material and spiritual). A hungry child must be fed, a sick child must be cared for, vicious children must be corrected, orphans and street children must be given shelter and everything necessary for their existence.

  • Second principle:

    the child should be the first to receive help in a disaster.

  • Third principle:

    the child must be given the opportunity to earn a living, but must be protected from all forms of exploitation.

  • Fourth principle:

    the child must be brought up with the knowledge that his best qualities will be used for the benefit of the next generation.

• Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989);

Recognizing every human being as a child until the age of 18, she considers children as a special demographic group of the population that needs a special system of protection, creating favorable conditions for the survival, healthy and harmonious development of each child as an individual, recognizing him as an independent subject of law. The Convention sets before states the task of preparing a child for independent life in society, raising him “in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality, solidarity.”

The norms set out in it serve as a guide for states in developing their own programs for children. The Convention defines the tasks of the state, its role in protecting the rights of children, as well as the rights of the child as a subject of international law.

The Convention, unlike all previous international acts on the rights of the child, introduced a number of new rights: to survival and development; to preserve individuality; to freely express their views; to non-participation in hostilities; to the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of victims of abuse and exploitation.

2nd level regulating the rights of the child: (federal)

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 38,42
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (some sections, for example, the section on the legal capacity of minor children).
  • Family Code of the Russian Federation Art. 61 “Equality of rights and responsibilities of parents”, Art. 63 “Rights and responsibilities of parents for the upbringing and education of children”, Art. 64 “Rights and responsibilities of parents to protect the rights and interests of children”, Art. 65 “Implementation parental rights"
  • Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

3rd level regulating the rights of the child: (municipal)

School charter, which defines the rights and responsibilities of parents.

The basic rights of parents of students include:

1) choosing a form of education, type of educational institution for your child;

2) protection of the legal rights and interests of the child;

3) participation in the management of an educational institution;

4) familiarization with the progress and content of the educational process. as well as assessments of the student’s performance;

5) familiarization with the Charter of the educational institution, the license for the right to conduct educational activities with a certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process;

6) consent to the child leaving an educational institution until he receives basic general education upon reaching 15 years of age;

7) consent to conduct initial vocational training in general educational institutions;

8) consent to leave the child for a second course of study if he receives two or more unsatisfactory grades at the final assessment;

9) execution of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services by an educational institution.

Parents (legal representatives) of minors, when the latter receive basic general education, not only have rights, but also bear legal responsibilities for their upbringing, education and maintenance.

Parents of a student or pupil are obliged to:

  • lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of a child’s personality at an early age;
  • submit an application for admission of a child to an educational institution;
  • draw up an agreement with a preschool educational institution if the child enters this institution;
  • pay for the child’s stay in a preschool educational institution;
  • ensure that children receive basic general education;
  • be responsible for raising their children and creating the necessary conditions for them to receive an education;
  • comply with the Charter of the educational institution;
  • control the transfer of students to special (correctional) groups and classes only with their consent and upon the conclusion of the psychological-pedagogical and medical-pedagogical commissions;
  • control the implementation by a civilian educational institution of military training of students only with their consent and on an optional basis;
  • control the conduct of initial vocational training by a general education institution only with their consent and the consent of their child;
  • control the involvement of students in work not provided for in the educational program only with their consent and the consent of their child;
  • be responsible for the elimination of academic debt by students during the next academic year, if the students were conditionally transferred to the next class.

At what age does responsibility before the law begin?

If we talk about the moral responsibility of a child for his actions, then the child is responsible to his parents or persons replacing them, educators and teachers.

From the age of 8, if a child has certain behavioral problems, he/she becomes responsible in the form of placement in a special open-type educational institution. (RF Law No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”).

From the age of 11, a child with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior has a responsibility in the form of placement in a special educational institution for children and adolescents (special school, special boarding school, etc.) (Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

For damage caused by minors, including transactions involving young children (under 14 years of age), only parents bear property liability, but from the age of 14 the responsibility of the child himself increases significantly.

A student who has reached the age of 15 may be expelled from the school by decision of the relevant educational authority for committing illegal actions, gross and repeated violation of the school’s Charter. From the age of 15, criminal liability begins for crimes provided for in Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

From the age of 16, administrative and full criminal liability begins, and from the age of 17, responsibility for failure to fulfill military registration obligations.


Why do people need to know any rights at all? comply with accepted laws?

(So ​​that a person knows exactly what he can count on in life)

Let's try to figure out where in everyday life we ​​exercise our rights, duties and bear responsibility. Human rights can be defined as the basic norms without which people cannot live with dignity. Human rights are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace. Compliance with them allows people and the community as a whole to develop fully.


Both adults and children have rights. But we should not forget that in addition to rights, everyone also has responsibilities to society. When defending your rights, do not forget that other people also have the same rights as yours.

Game "rights and responsibilities"

1st team – “Rights”, 2nd team – “Responsibilities”. So, let's start the game. I will show you the drawings, you look at them carefully, and the “Rights” team will tell you what human rights are violated here,

and the “Responsibilities” command will tell you what responsibilities must be observed in this case.

(Figure No. 1).1 One of the most important human rights is violated here - the right to freedom. All people should be equal, regardless of nationality and skin color.

2 Every person is obliged to respect the right of another person to freedom and his human dignity, and not to turn him into a slave.

(Figure No. 2). 1 “No one has the right to offend another person, humiliate him or severely punish him.

2 Parents are obliged to raise their children, feed them, clothe them, buy them books and toys, give them education, and children are obliged to listen to their parents, love and respect them, and take care of them in old age.”

(Figure No. 3).1 No one has the right to put another person in prison if he is not guilty! Everyone has the right to a fair trial.

2 And every person is obliged to know and observe the law of his country, not to violate it.

(Figure No. 4).1 The laws are the same for everyone and protect everyone, and money cannot change them.

2 And a judge is obliged to be honest and fair to any person even without money.

(Figure No. 5). 1 Every person has the right to a home, to his property, and no one has the right to take it away from him.

2 And every person is obliged to keep his home and the location of his home (city, street, house, entrance) clean and tidy.

(Figure No. 6 and Figure No. 7) 1You must not interfere in the personal lives of other people. Enter someone else's house without permission, read someone else's letters.

2 Before taking someone else’s thing, every person is obliged to ask permission (photo

(Figure No. 6). 1Every person has the right to rest

2 and each person is obliged to respect the right of another person to rest, not to disturb him, to maintain silence and order, to behave culturally in public places, guests and at home. (photo (picture No. 7).


You all probably love fairy tales. Let's look at fairy-tale characters from the other side, from the point of view of violation of rights and their implementation.

1. V. Garshin “Frog Traveler” The frog, having gone on a journey, took advantage of its right to (free movement)

2. Kolobok. The fox ate the bun and violated his right to (life)

3. A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” Pinocchio, by grabbing the rat Shushera by the tail, violated her right to (personal integrity)

4. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” Balda, having hired himself to work for the priest, exercised his right to (labor)

5. “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” Ivan Tsarevich, having stolen the firebird from Tsar Berendey, violated his right to (private property)

6. A. Tolstoy “Pinocchio”. Buratino refused the lessons that Malvina offered him, he did not want to study. Violated the right to (education). Education for children should be compulsory. Pinocchio, did not listen to his father, Papa Carlo, left home and fell under the bad influence of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. Children must obey their parents because... adults are responsible for their children.

Reflection with colored cards:

In conclusion, I suggest you determine:

-the usefulness of our collection;

- relevance of the situations discussed;

-the atmosphere of the meeting.

If you liked our meeting, raise your green card. If you didn’t like our meeting, call it quits.

Today we talked about our rights and responsibilities, that we must develop a sense of responsibility in our children, and, of course, start with ourselves.

Let's listen to the words of V.G. Belinsky: “Parents, only parents, have the most sacred duty to make their children human, while the duty of educational institutions is to make them scientists, citizens, members of the state at all levels. But who did not become first of all

man, he is a bad citizen. So let’s work together to make our children human…”

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