Control cheating. Russian language. 4th grade. 3rd quarter.

Test cheating for 4th grade students

Test cheating No. 1

Break the text into sentences. Insert the missing letters where necessary. Open the brackets. Write the text carefully, checking every word.

Winter oak

The trumpet rounded the hazel bush and the forest immediately appeared on the other side and in the middle of the clearing stood a huge and majestic shower. d.roar?I respectfully?but the lower branches of the oak tree fell before him like a tent (r.s.)thrown out? (over) a dream. the thick oak trunk was filled (in) the deep wrinkles of the tree, stitched with silver threads of leaves, almost no body. (before) the most v.rshina was n.covered with leaves.yams (A,a)n?a (V,v)asil?evna ro.ko sh.bended (to) the oak tree. The forest quietly rushed towards her. branch.yu.

Disassemble the underlined words in the text according to their composition, highlight the basis.

Come up with 3 words for the diagrams:


Insert the missing letters where necessary. Open the brackets. Write the text carefully, checking every word.


(In) the far northern forest (on) a mossy b.lot grew a small bush. People didn't notice him. The bush rejoiced in its sleep and turned towards the gentle sun. One early morning it bloomed. The bee buzzed (above) him. She (oh, a) put her little boot into a small, colorful, precise cup.

Time passed. Delicate petals began to fall one after another (to) the ground. The wind (p.d) grabbed them and carried them (through) the forest. It was sad, but it was a bush. But there were green balls curling around him. Bush (n.)v.s.lel. Autumn has come. D.rev?I (s,h)threw the golden leaves. And our bush gave people golden blueberries.

1. Find personal pronouns in the text. 2. Identify the person and number.

3. Make a morphological analysis of two of them.

Test cheating No. 3

Copy the text, insert missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. Indicate all spellings graphically in the text. Write out proposals with numbers.

Lesnaya st…lova

1) The frosty morning turned out to be quiet.8) 2) From the spruce forest a... body... came out and sat down on the... stump and put his back... on the ground. 3) On a high bank… a flock of sparrows and bullfinches perched… on their faces. 4) People took care of 5) For the deer and roe deer, they stocked up on fragrant hay, and for the hares, they cut down several ... ties and hung brooms. 6) For the squirrels, the guys placed bowls with nuts and acorns on the trees. 7) The schoolchildren did not forget about the birds. They prepared their favorite delicacies: cereals, bread crumbs and pieces of lard. 9) All day long there is a noise in the l...l...stal..lo... because flocks of birds...flock here. 10) Only in the evening the forest canteen becomes emptier. 11) Feathered friends of man. 12) You need to take care of them. 13) Take them guys! biologists advise.

Grammar task

1. Perform a syntactic analysis of the highlighted sentence.

2. Carry out a phonetic analysis of the word: forest

3. Carry out a morphemic analysis of the word: frosty

Test cheating No. 4

Write down the text.

Spring is coming.

It's getting light. A ray of spring sun ran across the treetops and disappeared into the paws of an old spruce. The snow has darkened. Red thawed patches appeared on the forest edge. These are April freckles. Every day there are more and more of them.

The forest comes to life. Animals crawl out of their winter holes. Foot after foot, their footprints curl in the snow. The joyful voices of birds began to be heard. Crossbills, bullfinches, and finches flew by. A small bird jumps from branch to branch. Now she is not afraid of cold weather. A woodpecker earned money on a pine tree. He notifies forest dwellers about the arrival of spring.

Grammar tasks:

1.From the text, write out one noun, one verb (optional) and make a morphological analysis of them.

2.From the text, write down two words with unstressed vowels, verified by stress, and analyze them according to their composition.

3. Find in the text a sentence with homogeneous members and underline the main and minor members.

Test cheating No. 5

Read the text. Find five spelling mistakes. Write the text correctly.

On the bank of the river I am greeted by a small Easter cake. The sand is streaked with his footprints. The tracks intersect and converge into paths. I follow the trail and see a nest near a willow bush. There are two eggs in the nest. Easter cakes are circling around me. One runs back to the nest and hurriedly sits down. The other accompanies me to the border of his property and becomes silent.

This morning I woke up from the cold. On the tent, on the grass, on the bird cherry tree - there is a white veil everywhere. Unexpected snow in May caused a lot of trouble. Birds are flying and abandoned their nests. The clutch of Easter cakes also died.

Option 2.

Spring morning.

The sun had just risen above the continuous white clouds. The entire neighborhood was illuminated with a joyful light. The road winds ahead like a wide ribbon, between large fields and forest copses. Here and there along the road you come across gloomy willows, young birches with small sticky leaves and old spreading oaks. The trees cast long, motionless shadows on the dry road and on the young green grass that has grown on the sides of the road.

The monotonous noise of the wheels does not drown out the cheerful songs of the larks. The soul is light and calm. I would like to do something good for the people who are traveling with me on a spring morning along a beautiful road.

Option 3.


Spring turned out to be friendly. Occasionally there were heavy but short rains. We were looking forward to our old acquaintances - starlings, cute, cheerful birds. They have to fly many kilometers. How many adventures and dangers there are on a long journey!

In the evening we saw starlings on the branches of poplars. Among the transparent trees, dark, motionless lumps swayed easily on flexible branches. For two days the starlings gained strength and continued to explore last year’s familiar places.

Having settled down in their nests, the starlings began to carry moss, cotton wool, feathers, fluff, rags, straw, and dry blades of grass there. Starlings make a very deep nest so that a cat cannot crawl into it with its paw or a raven can stick its long predatory beak into it.

Option 4.


How wonderful it is to walk in a light birch grove. You will approach a birch tree, press your cheek to the birch bark and feel its warmth. She stands, sways in the wind, delighting everyone with her beauty.

Life is not easy for a birch tree. And they strain the juice from it, and break the branches for brooms, and tear up the birch bark into tueski.

The birch tree will grow old, collapse to the ground, and crush the forest grass. The wood will rot and turn into dust. A small seed will fall from above and germinate in the soft dust. Look, the little birch tree is already pulling leaves - palms from the old stump.

Test cheating No. 6

Write the text, dividing it into sentences. Complete the endings of the adjectives.

Determine the case of the adjectives in the first and second paragraphs.

Sort out the words:

roadside, winter, spacious
Birch tree by the road.

Beyond the extreme... hut in the distance... the village could be seen yellow... a roadside field... a ditch overgrown with grass on the spacious... plain by the road stood a white... birch tree, autumn had turned the trees yellow... the birch tree stood happy....

Winter has come, on winter nights the wind ruffled the branches of the birch tree, the snow covered the fields of the forest, people's homes, everything froze.

But from the spring... rain the roofs of the snowy huts began to smoke... the field sparkled brightly... the sun began to flow, the streams began to talk, the birch tree turned green.

Summer has come in the silk... foliage of the birch, the wind rustled carefree, the flexible branches bowed to the over... green... grass.

Test cheating No. 7

1. Shrubs make young trees reach for the light. 2. Vegetables have been collected from the garden a long time ago, and apples and pears are in the garden. 3. Swallows and swifts were circling in the air. 4. Black clouds covered the horizon. 5. Builders are building new houses. 6. After the thunderstorm, ringing streams began to run. 7. The shadow of the tree fell on the path. 8. The boat floated quickly along the smooth surface of the river.

Test cheating No. 8


1. The mother approached the child’s bed. 2. On a hot day it can be cool in the shade. 3. By nightfall the rain stopped. 4. In the desert, under the scorching rays of the sun, it is impossible to find shade. 5. The kid ran after his shadow. 6. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov taught his soldiers courage and perseverance in battle. 7. The barge was approaching Kazan. 8. You can tell the time by the shadow.


In ancient times, a lovely golden flower was exported from America. The overseas handsome man was tall. The large leaves of the flower were its decoration. The big round head looked like the sun. She always stood facing the luminary.

In one of the villages of Russia, the peasant Bokarev thought about the benefits of this flower. He tested the stem, the root, and dried the leaves. The seeker reached the head of the plant. Bokarev boiled and crushed soft grains. He saw golden droplets. The man was happy that he had found new oil.

(According to E. Permyak)

Test cheating No. 9


There is such an interesting story connected with potatoes. A long time ago, an admiral brought the first potatoes to England. The owner planted a new plant in the garden. He decided to treat his friends to the vegetable. But the cook did not prepare the tubers, but the leaves and stems of the plant. I didn't like the new dish.

The admiral ordered the potato bushes in the garden to be burned. Then they found hot tubers in the ashes. We tried them and liked the potatoes. Since then they began to bake and cook it.

(According to V. Cherkasov)

Test cheating No. 10

Morning in the steppe.

Midnight has passed. Morning was coming. We walked along the steppe along the road to the village. There was a damp smell in the air. A shiver ran through my body. The sun came out of the clouds. Everything was filled with life. We heard living sounds and voices.

Birds sang songs in the blue heights. Geese and ducks swam along the surface of the river. In the shade of the trees, goslings were browsing young grass. Their wet paws were covered with dust. A horse was grazing on the outskirts of the village. The horse's fur glistened in the sun.

Test cheating No. 11

The mowing lasted about a week. My father and I lived in a nice tent, with a fire and a kettle. We slept on fresh hay and fished. In addition, I walked further up the river, where there were lakes in the willow forest, and shot ducks. We cooked ducks using the hunting method, in buckwheat porridge. Despite my real passion for hunting, I have never had the care and patience to properly equip myself. I liked the element of play and chance in hunting. Not surprisingly, I had little booty. (According to A. Green)

Test cheating No. 12

Pink resin.

Each flower has its own “secret”. Pink resin also has it. You touch its stem and feel that your fingers are glued. Why does tar need a sticky resinous stalk? The pink resin flower contains sweet nectar. Insects know this. The bees for whom this delicacy is intended can easily reach the sweet nectar with their proboscis. But it’s more difficult for uninvited guests. An ant will crawl along the stem to a flower and immediately stick. (According to V. Kanakina)

Test cheating No. 13

Forest deli.

You have little food left on your hike. Nature's deli is at your service. The forest will feed you.

Here's a dandelion. A salad is made from young dandelion leaves. Flour is made from young burdock roots. And the bells? Their leaves and sweet roots are also edible.

There are a lot of delicious berries and mushrooms in the forest. Forest and meadow mushrooms are delicious on long hikes. In spring, white spots are visible in the meadows. These are sweet May mushrooms. In the summer, mushrooms, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, and boletus grow.

Test cheating No. 14

In the apiary.

In the summer the children lived in an apiary. The hives stand in a forest clearing. The air is warmed by the sun, saturated with the smell of herbs and flowers.

The boys managed to do everything. We admired the beauty of the forest, splashed in the stream, and studied the life of bees. The guys carried water, lit the stove, and collected honey. In the evenings they talked about forest mysteries and bee habits. In the fall, the guys will help prepare the bees for winter.

Test cheating No. 15

Svetlana also wanted to look underground. For a long time, lying on her stomach, she looked into the black pit. At first she saw only darkness, and then she saw some kind of black sea. And someone there in the sea is making noise and tossing and turning. Must be a shark with two tails. I looked slyly at Svetlana and asked if she had seen a steamboat with two pipes, a gray monkey in a tree and a polar bear on an ice floe. (According to A. Gaidar)

Cheating 4th grade card index in the Russian language (4th grade)

Write down the text. Do spelling checks.

In the forest

Nice in the forest on a hot summer day! Tall pines hang their needle-like tops, and green fir trees arch their long prickly branches1. A white-trunked birch with fragrant leaves shows off. The gray aspen tree is trembling. The stocky oak spread its carved leaves like a tent. From the grass3 the little white eye of a wonderful strawberry looks out. There is already a fragrant berry nearby. White lily of the valley catkins sway between the long leaves. A large green grasshopper sits on a plantain leaf and plays the violin. A spotted woodpecker knocks. The yellow oriole screams pitifully. And here comes the voice of the cuckoo. The gray bunny darted into the bushes. High between the branches a red squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. You stand and are excited by nature.


Write down the text. Do spelling checks.

In the forest

Nice in the forest on a hot summer day! Tall pines hang their needle-like tops, and green fir trees arch their long prickly branches1. A white-trunked birch with fragrant leaves shows off. The gray aspen tree is trembling. The stocky oak spread its carved leaves like a tent. From the grass3 the little white eye of a wonderful strawberry looks out. There is already a fragrant berry nearby. White lily of the valley catkins sway between the long leaves. A large green grasshopper sits on a plantain leaf and plays the violin. A spotted woodpecker knocks. The yellow oriole screams pitifully. And here comes the voice of the cuckoo. The gray bunny darted into the bushes. High between the branches a red squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. You stand and are excited by nature.


Write down the text. Do spelling checks.

In the forest

Nice in the forest on a hot summer day! Tall pines hang their needle-like tops, and green fir trees arch their long prickly branches1. A white-trunked birch with fragrant leaves shows off. The gray aspen tree is trembling. The stocky oak spread its carved leaves like a tent. From the grass3 the little white eye of a wonderful strawberry looks out. There is already a fragrant berry nearby. White lily of the valley catkins sway between the long leaves. A large green grasshopper sits on a plantain leaf and plays the violin. A spotted woodpecker knocks. The yellow oriole screams pitifully. And here comes the voice of the cuckoo. The gray bunny darted into the bushes. High between the branches a red squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. You stand and are excited by nature.


Write down the text.

Forest fires

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire. A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky. A forest fire started. How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die! Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire. And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.


Write down the text.

Forest fires

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire. A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky. A forest fire started. How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die! Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire. And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.


Write down the text.

Forest fires

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire. A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky. A forest fire started. How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die! Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire. And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.


Write the text, opening the brackets.


When we (you) walk (in) the field, we see how there, in the distance, the sky (connects) (with) the earth. How many times have we tried to (get) to the place where the sky (connects) with the earth, and nothing has (failed) for us. We are moving (toward) this strip, but it is moving away (from) us. Why is she leaving? After all, we just want to look at her. As soon as we take a step, she moves (one) step. And if we (by) move (away) from it, it moves (behind) us. You can walk all your life and never (never) come.


Write the text, opening the brackets.


When we (you) walk (in) the field, we see how there, in the distance, the sky (connects) (with) the earth. How many times have we tried to (get) to the place where the sky (connects) with the earth, and nothing has (failed) for us. We are moving (toward) this strip, but it is moving away (from) us. Why is she leaving? After all, we just want to look at her. As soon as we take a step, she moves (one) step. And if we (by) move (away) from it, it moves (behind) us. You can walk all your life and never (never) come.


Write the text, opening the brackets.


When we (you) walk (in) the field, we see how there, in the distance, the sky (connects) (with) the earth. How many times have we tried to (get) to the place where the sky (connects) with the earth, and nothing has (failed) for us. We are moving (toward) this strip, but it is moving away (from) us. Why is she leaving? After all, we just want to look at her. As soon as we take a step, she moves (one) step. And if we (by) move (away) from it, it moves (behind) us. You can walk all your life and never (never) come.


Write the text, opening the brackets.


When we (you) walk (in) the field, we see how there, in the distance, the sky (connects) (with) the earth. How many times have we tried to (get) to the place where the sky (connects) with the earth, and nothing has (failed) for us. We are moving (toward) this strip, but it is moving away (from) us. Why is she leaving? After all, we just want to look at her. As soon as we take a step, she moves (one) step. And if we (by) move (away) from it, it moves (behind) us. You can walk all your life and never (never) come.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Their mother died, their father died during the Patriotic War. The children were very nice. Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs1. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only ten years old. He was stocky, but very dense, with a broad forehead and a wide nape. He was a stubborn and strong boy.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Their mother died, their father died during the Patriotic War. The children were very nice. Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs1. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only ten years old. He was stocky, but very dense, with a broad forehead and a wide nape. He was a stubborn and strong boy.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Nastya and Mitrasha

In one village, two children were orphaned. Their mother died, their father died during the Patriotic War. The children were very nice. Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs1. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only ten years old. He was stocky, but very dense, with a broad forehead and a wide nape. He was a stubborn and strong boy.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

How does a squirrel live in winter?

By winter, the squirrel makes supplies for itself from acorns and various other delicacies. She puts them in hollows or under tree roots, under stones and other secluded corners. She even knows how to dry mushrooms for herself. The squirrel deftly pins them on the sharp ends of branches. It feeds on tree buds and gnaws the bark of young trees.

During severe frosts or blizzards, the squirrel takes refuge in a hollow and sleeps there all day long. The fluffy tail serves as a warm blanket.

A squirrel knows how to destroy other people's nests. Beneficial forest birds especially suffer from it. But the jumper herself often ends up in the teeth and claws of predators.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

How does a squirrel live in winter?

By winter, the squirrel makes supplies for itself from acorns and various other delicacies. She puts them in hollows or under tree roots, under stones and other secluded corners. She even knows how to dry mushrooms for herself. The squirrel deftly pins them on the sharp ends of branches. It feeds on tree buds and gnaws the bark of young trees.

During severe frosts or blizzards, the squirrel takes refuge in a hollow and sleeps there all day long. The fluffy tail serves as a warm blanket.

A squirrel knows how to destroy other people's nests. Beneficial forest birds especially suffer from it. But the jumper herself often ends up in the teeth and claws of predators.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

How does a squirrel live in winter?

By winter, the squirrel makes supplies for itself from acorns and various other delicacies. She puts them in hollows or under tree roots, under stones and other secluded corners. She even knows how to dry mushrooms for herself. The squirrel deftly pins them on the sharp ends of branches. It feeds on tree buds and gnaws the bark of young trees.

During severe frosts or blizzards, the squirrel takes refuge in a hollow and sleeps there all day long. The fluffy tail serves as a warm blanket.

A squirrel knows how to destroy other people's nests. Beneficial forest birds especially suffer from it. But the jumper herself often ends up in the teeth and claws of predators.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

In the forest.

There is always noise in this forest. This is an old and dense forest. Tall pines with red trunks stand in a dense army. Bright ferns emerge from the soil through the pine needles. Lush, fancy, majestic, they spread out their large carved leaves.

I recognize the thin sharp whistle of tits and the alarming cries of magpies. But the gentlest, most melodic voices remain unknown. A slender and graceful bird sits on the top of a young spruce and spreads over the entire forest.

The smell of mushrooms, water and pine needles fills your nose. At such moments a person feels like a part of nature.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

In the forest.

There is always noise in this forest. This is an old and dense forest. Tall pines with red trunks stand in a dense army. Bright ferns emerge from the soil through the pine needles. Lush, fancy, majestic, they spread out their large carved leaves.

I recognize the thin sharp whistle of tits and the alarming cries of magpies. But the gentlest, most melodic voices remain unknown. A slender and graceful bird sits on the top of a young spruce and spreads over the entire forest.

The smell of mushrooms, water and pine needles fills your nose. At such moments a person feels like a part of nature.


Write down the text. Place punctuation marks where necessary.

In the forest.

There is always noise in this forest. This is an old and dense forest. Tall pines with red trunks stand in a dense army. Bright ferns emerge from the soil through the pine needles. Lush, fancy, majestic, they spread out their large carved leaves.

I recognize the thin sharp whistle of tits and the alarming cries of magpies. But the gentlest, most melodic voices remain unknown. A slender and graceful bird sits on the top of a young spruce and spreads over the entire forest.

The smell of mushrooms, water and pine needles fills your nose. At such moments a person feels like a part of nature.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.


The boy was the first to hear the animal's snort. We became silent. Half an hour later, the animal stuck out a wet black nose from the grass, similar to a pig’s snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black eyes appeared from the grass. Finally the striped skin appeared. A small badger crawled out of the thicket. He pressed his paw and looked at me. The animal looked funny. Then he snorted and took a step towards us.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.


The boy was the first to hear the animal's snort. We became silent. Half an hour later, the animal stuck out a wet black nose from the grass, similar to a pig’s snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black eyes appeared from the grass. Finally the striped skin appeared. A small badger crawled out of the thicket. He pressed his paw and looked at me. The animal looked funny. Then he snorted and took a step towards us.


Write down the text. Do a spelling review.


The boy was the first to hear the animal's snort. We became silent. Half an hour later, the animal stuck out a wet black nose from the grass, similar to a pig’s snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black eyes appeared from the grass. Finally the striped skin appeared. A small badger crawled out of the thicket. He pressed his paw and looked at me. The animal looked funny. Then he snorted and took a step towards us.

Write down the text. Do spelling reviews

Winter fun.

It was snowing thickly. Large snowflakes swirled like moths in the light of the window. Overnight, everything in nature changed. The sun has risen. It highlighted the amazing beauty of the winter, snow-white outfit. Each small blade of grass seemed to be covered with swan's down. The kids rolled out the slide to the ice. They rushed towards her with sleds and planks. Everyone wants to ride with the breeze! Cheeks flushed. The kids played snowballs. Sticky lumps of snow flew in all directions. Winter gives people3 a lot of joy4

Write down the text. Do spelling reviews

Winter fun.

It was snowing thickly. Large snowflakes swirled like moths in the light of the window. Overnight, everything in nature changed. The sun has risen. It highlighted the amazing beauty of the winter, snow-white outfit. Each small blade of grass seemed to be covered with swan's down. The kids rolled out the slide to the ice. They rushed towards her with sleds and planks. Everyone wants to ride with the breeze! Cheeks flushed. The kids played snowballs. Sticky lumps of snow flew in all directions. Winter gives people3 a lot of joy4

Write down the text. Do spelling reviews

Winter fun.

It was snowing thickly. Large snowflakes swirled like moths in the light of the window. Overnight, everything in nature changed. The sun has risen. It highlighted the amazing beauty of the winter, snow-white outfit. Each small blade of grass seemed to be covered with swan's down. The kids rolled out the slide to the ice. They rushed towards her with sleds and planks. Everyone wants to ride with the breeze! Cheeks flushed. The kids played snowballs. Sticky lumps of snow flew in all directions. Winter gives people3 a lot of joy4

Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Friends for animals.

In October, Seryozha and Vitya were fishing from a boat in a forest river. Vitya threw the fishing rod and froze in amazement. Squirrels swam along the river. The animals tried to swim across the river. But a strong current carried them away from the shore. The squirrels began to drown. The boys decided to help the animals. With nets and hands3 they caught squirrels4. The passengers sat boldly1 in the boat. The boat was full. Vitya moored to the shore. The squirrels quickly rushed into the forest. The boys worked for more than an hour until they caught the squirrels from the water. The guys helped the animals escape hunger. After all, the squirrels went to look for other forests, where a lot of nuts, cones, and acorns were born this year.

Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Friends for animals.

In October, Seryozha and Vitya were fishing from a boat in a forest river. Vitya threw the fishing rod and froze in amazement. Squirrels swam along the river. The animals tried to swim across the river. But a strong current carried them away from the shore. The squirrels began to drown. The boys decided to help the animals. With nets and hands3 they caught squirrels4. The passengers sat boldly1 in the boat. The boat was full. Vitya moored to the shore. The squirrels quickly rushed into the forest. The boys worked for more than an hour until they caught the squirrels from the water. The guys helped the animals escape hunger. After all, the squirrels went to look for other forests, where a lot of nuts, cones, and acorns were born this year.

Write down the text. Do a spelling review.

Friends for animals.

In October, Seryozha and Vitya were fishing from a boat in a forest river. Vitya threw the fishing rod and froze in amazement. Squirrels swam along the river. The animals tried to swim across the river. But a strong current carried them away from the shore. The squirrels began to drown. The boys decided to help the animals. With nets and hands3 they caught squirrels4. The passengers sat boldly1 in the boat. The boat was full. Vitya moored to the shore. The squirrels quickly rushed into the forest. The boys worked for more than an hour until they caught the squirrels from the water. The guys helped the animals escape hunger. After all, the squirrels went to look for other forests, where a lot of nuts, cones, and acorns were born this year.

Tests for 1st grade for the fourth quarter

1 class. Russian language. Dictations and texts for test copying.

The purpose of the work is to check how children have mastered the basics of Russian graphics: the ability to write words of different sound-syllable structures without skipping or replacing letters; write down a sentence (write words separately, start writing with a capital letter, put a period at the end); the ability to use capital letters in people's names; correctly write combinations of vowels and sibilants in well-known words; the ability to denote the softness of consonants with the letters E, E, Yu, I, I, b (b only at the end of a word).

The work consists of a dictation and two tasks. A dictation of 18-19 words includes words whose spelling does not differ from their pronunciation.

Sentences of simple structure, from 2 to 4 words.

The purpose of the tasks is to test basic skills in the field of phonetics and graphics of the Russian language: establish the number of syllables in words; identify soft consonants in a word.


Option 1.


There was a bush growing in the garden. He was magnificent. There are red roses on the branches. The roses smelled so good! And there are thorns nearby. (18 words.)

Words for reference: nearby.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: BUSH, ROSES, RED.

2. Emphasize soft consonants in the words: NEAR, ON THE BRANCHES.

Option 2.


The day was warm. Katyusha and Lenya were walking in the meadow. There was a bush growing there. The children sat in the shade. (18 words.)

Words for reference: bush.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: SHADOW, SELI, WALKED.

2. In the words DAY, WARM, emphasize soft consonants.

Option 3.


Mom left for work. Yura was scrubbing the floor. Katya washed the cups. Dad brought mimosa. Mom will be happy. (18 words.)

Words for reference: mimosa, will.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: GENDER, JURA, WORK.

2. Emphasize the soft consonants in the words: BROUGHT, KATYA.

Option 4.


Anya has a cat named Murzik. He's all white. There are dark spots on the paws. The tail is fluffy. Murzik loves to play. (18 words.)

Words for reference: on paws.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: CAT, DARK.

2. Emphasize soft consonants in the words: LOVES, PLAY.

Option 5.


The boys Yura and Vanya go into the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels are jumping along the branches. There is a mink under the tree. Gray hedgehogs took refuge there. (25 words.)

Words for reference: nearby, running.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: DOG, HOPI HEDGES.

2. In the words SQUIRRELS, HIDED, emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many sounds and how many letters are in the word BOYS (...sounds,...letters).

Option 6.


It's a warm summer day. A large cloud is floating across the sky. Then a strong thunder struck. The first drops fell to the ground. It began to rain. Where to run? Vasya and Yulia took cover under a canopy. (29 words.)

Words for reference: run, under a canopy.

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: THUNDER, DROPS, HIT.

2. In the words EARTH, SUMMER, emphasize soft consonants.


Test copying aims to test the ability to write a text based on a sample, to compare what is written with the text. The work includes two parts: composing words from syllables (followed by writing) and text for copying with the assignment.

Calligraphic skills are also tested: the outline of letters, their combinations in words, the quality of writing (slant, height, width of letters, ratio of parts).


1. Add syllables to form words: KLU-, MYA-(CHIK); TEA-, KEP- (KA).

2. Write off. Underline the soft consonants in the highlighted words.


Kids are playing. Lena has a top. The girl is spinning a spinning top. The toy hums and sings. Seryozha took the cubes. Boy builds a tower (19 words)

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