Memo for parents “Age characteristics of children 5 - 6 years old”

What should adults consider when raising an average preschooler, and what approaches are most effective at this stage? What important changes occur in the mental development of a child this year?

The baby is actively developing, learning about the world around him and discovering it through communication with adults and peers. This period of a child’s life can be designated as the transition from early childhood to preschool.

Physiological changes

At 5-6 years old, the physiological changes occurring in the child are little noticeable, but very important. The most noticeable feature of this period is rapid growth. Many children grow by 7-9 cm in 12 months, while the weight changes insignificantly, within 2 kg. The average height for a 6-year-old child is 115.5 cm, the average weight is 20 kg. But these indicators are very individual. If your baby is 10-15% smaller or larger than normal, then he is within the physiological norm.

At the age of 5-6 years, a child’s body becomes resilient. The baby runs a lot, jumps, plays various outdoor games, and the feeling of fatigue appears much later than it was in middle preschool age. While running, the baby can overcome obstacles without stopping, jumping over holes and running around bumps.

If a bicycle was previously mastered, then by the age of 6 the child not only rides it well, but does it very quickly and confidently. Additional exercise in the form of swimming, skiing, and skating is very useful. The more different sports available to a child, the faster and better the muscles of his body develop.

Among outdoor games, most children prefer catch-up and hide-and-seek. A favorite object to play outside is a ball. Coordination between hand movements and vision has improved markedly. A child can throw a ball from any position in different directions and catch it from different distances without any problems. During this period, it is good to teach the baby to play games with a ball that require not only throwing and catching, but also using their knowledge (“Edible-inedible”, “Sabzhe”, “I know five names”).

Strength appears in the hands of a child. He can now hang on the bar for quite a long time with two or one hand. Some children even master rope climbing.

General coordination of movements allows the baby to walk independently along curbs and inclined surfaces. Many children quickly master the skill of crawling up a slide.

The vestibular system becomes perfect, making swings, carousels and trampolines the toddler’s favorite form of entertainment.

Feeling his strength and dexterity, a child of 5-6 years old often takes thoughtless risks. Performing various physical elements, trying to repeat after older children, the baby does not think about safety. Adults should closely monitor the child’s movements and provide insurance if necessary. It would be a good idea to conduct educational discussions on safety precautions. The conversation about the need to be attentive at heights and move calmly up stairs requires special attention. At the age of 5-6 years, a child does not find stairs a very interesting activity; he strives to overcome them as quickly as possible, often jumping over one. It is recommended to constantly remind the person of the importance of being careful when going up and down stairs to avoid injury.

Child at 5 years old

Features of development of children 5 years old

This age refers to middle preschool. We can consider that the child is halfway to school. Consequently, certain achievements in the development of cognitive processes are already important.

From about 5 years of age, attention span begins to develop rapidly. Voluntariness is formed, allowing partial control of attention. Since attention is a special mental process that accompanies perception, memory, imagination and thinking, the development of these cognitive processes is enriched.

As for perception, five-year-olds distinguish all shades of the spectrum and identify parameters for the sizes of objects and figures. That is, they understand that there is length, width, thickness, depth. In middle preschool age, standard series are built that allow the child to recognize such characteristics as “less - more - even more” or “low - higher - even higher - the highest.”

Visual perception acquires such a feature as the sequence of viewing. Now the child’s gaze does not jump chaotically from one point to another, but moves in a more orderly manner. This is an important age-related acquisition that allows one to form more accurate images of objects.

The level of development of imagination allows 5-year-old children to include fairy-tale characters in the game. They can run away from the Serpent Gorynych, play the role of a Fairy with a magic wand. Imagination helps create detailed objects for story games. For example, children sit in a sandbox as if they were sitting in a car, someone is the driver. The girls “set” the table using leaves, twigs and other natural materials.

The child’s memory acquires the most important quality - indirectness. Children aged 5-6 years remember much more than younger preschoolers. At the same time, they rely on the similarity of objects, on pictures. The verbal-logical approach contributes even more to memorization. Thanks to the intensive development of speech at this age stage, the child independently establishes semantic connections between concepts, and thus learns better. This explains the desire of children to correct an adult who is telling his favorite fairy tale in his own words.

In five-year-old children, visual and imaginative thinking dominates. They no longer rely on actions, like kids, but on images and representations of objects. The formation of imaginative thinking is facilitated by the fact that at the age of 4-5, preschoolers actively imitate an adult and constantly model the relationships of the adult world in their games. Also at this age, a logical way of thinking begins to develop. The child notices, analyzes, compares a lot. The reasoning and questions of five-year plans are related to cognitive interests. To understand something, a preschooler asks a chain of clarifying questions.

Knowledge that a 5-6 year old child should have

At 5-6 years old, a child’s knowledge and skills can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Physical skills;
  • Knowledge about yourself and the world.

Both of these groups are equally important and necessary for every child. You should not intensively teach your child mathematics and logic at the expense of outdoor games. The baby needs a constant change of activities. It’s good, after the training session, offer to run or play an outdoor game, and then return to study again.

Among physical skills, at 5-6 years old a child should be able to:

  • run quickly, run around or run over hillocks, jump over small grooves, holes, without slowing down;
  • jump: on 2 legs up, forward, to the sides; on the 1st leg up; through a jump rope, a small obstacle.
  • squat, placing your hands on your belt or spreading them to the side, without falling to your side;
  • to somersault over one's head;
  • walk: on the heels, toes, back and outside of the foot; raising your knees high; different types of steps; at different paces and directions; over long distances;
  • alternate movements;
  • throw the ball from any position in different directions;
  • climb the wall;
  • hang from the crossbar by 1 or 2 hands.

Knowledge about yourself and the world:

  • own first and last name;
  • home address;
  • parents' phone number;
  • rules of behavior in an emergency situation (fire, unlawful actions, deterioration of health). Know emergency numbers;
  • be able to make phone calls, understand and follow the rules of telephone conversations;
  • distinguish between right and left regarding your position;
  • navigate in space and on a plane, be able to explain the location of the named object;
  • understanding the concept of time, ability to use a clock;
  • knowledge of simple antonyms, the ability to select them;
  • count to 10 or more;
  • distinguish the number of objects in different groups, bring them into equal proportions;
  • be able to identify basic materials (plastic, glass, stone);
  • know natural phenomena. Find out the seasons, months, days of the week. Name them in the correct sequence;
  • name the names of fingers (index, middle, ring);
  • know and use in speech the names of household items, furniture, electrical appliances;
  • confidently follow traffic rules for pedestrians;
  • know different types of equipment, brands of cars. Be able to explain why different types are used;
  • navigate and know many domestic and wild animals. Know what they eat, where they live, how they differ from each other and from humans;
  • know a number of birds, insects, fish. Be able to tell the features of each type;
  • find and name parts of the human and animal body;
  • know a number of plants, flowers, trees, shrubs. Be able to explain how they differ from each other;
  • be able to identify unnecessary items from the proposed series;
  • sort the proposed items into groups according to the named characteristics.

This is only a small group of skills that a 5-6 year old child should have. Each child develops according to his own individual plan, to a greater or lesser extent, mastering these skills.

Personality development of a 5-6 year old child

At 5-6 years old, complex processes occur in the child’s psychology. During this period, the base of the baby’s personal qualities is formed. The baby comprehends moral and value guidelines, learns to behave in society and with other people. During this period, the basic understanding of good and evil, morality is laid. By elementary school, you can judge what kind of person a child will grow up to be.

Studying the world around him, the baby now not only notes the external signs and content of objects, he is more interested in relationships and the psychological essence of events. In daily games, you can increasingly see how a child plays out events that happened to him or his friends earlier. This is how the little one comprehends what is happening and draws his own conclusions.

The main driving element of cognition at 5-6 years old remains curiosity. Based on previously gained experience, children gradually begin to show caution and thoughtfulness. If a child has enough freedom and understands that he will have to bear responsibility for his actions, the baby gradually begins to listen to the rules of behavior consciously.

At the age of 5-6 years, the process of formation of the child’s personality occurs, independent of the opinions of the parents. Often during this period, children begin to argue with adults and try to defend their point of view. During this period, there is often a break in the trusting relationship between the child and parents. To avoid this, it is recommended to give the little one the opportunity to speak out, thank him for his opinion and, using facts understandable to the baby, explain why it needs to be done differently.

At 5-6 years old, the child begins to look for his place in the family and it is in the interests of the parents to show him that he is an important member of the family who is listened to. The baby can already listen to a long explanation, understand the meaning of the words, and understand why this or that action needs to be done. The gap between generations occurs due to the unwillingness of adults to listen to children. You don’t need to answer your child’s questions or comments in monosyllables. Try to give complete, detailed answers.

The child's brain is already very well developed. During the period of 5-6 years, children remember and learn a huge amount of different information. The baby learns to think in abstract categories, analyzes what is happening, and looks for the reasons for the events. A new approach to knowledge allows you to quickly assimilate any information offered.

The peak of mental abilities is complemented by the rapid development of self-understanding. Children at 5-6 years old begin to understand their own emotions, sensations, and learn to talk about their feelings.

Cognitive development of children 5-6 years old article (senior group) on the topic

Cognitive development of children

What is cognition? Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature,

Studying the physiology of the child’s brain and observing preschool children of different age groups made it possible to define a view on the process of cognition.

Cognition is a complex formation in which at least 2 components can be distinguished, inextricably interconnected.

The first component includes information, consisting of individual information, facts, events of our world and the mental processes necessary to receive and process information.

In other words, this includes:

What interests the child, what does he choose from the world around him for his knowledge.

How a child receives information, that is, we are talking about methods of cognition and means of cognition.

How a child processes information: what he does with it at different age stages - systematizes, collects, forgets, organizes, and so on.

Information itself (information, facts, life events) is in no way considered an end in itself, as knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Information is considered as a means by which a child must develop the processes, skills, abilities, and ways of knowing necessary for cognitive development.

The second component of cognition is a person’s attitude towards information.

The inseparability and interconnectedness of the components of cognition is obvious.

So, any person, whether he reads a book, watches TV, listens to a scientific report, or just walks down the street, always receives and comes into contact with some information in one form or another. Having received information, a person, against his will, develops a certain attitude towards the information, facts and events that he has comprehended. I liked the book or not, the show caused a feeling of admiration or disappointment, etc. In other words, information, having reached a person, becoming his property, leaves a certain sensory, emotional trace in the soul, which we call “attitude.”

However, adults and children have different attitudes towards what they comprehend.

For adults, information is primary, and attitude to it is secondary. Adults can express and determine their attitude towards something only if they have knowledge, ideas, and experience about it. For example: “How can I express my opinion about the author and his book if I have not read it?”

In young children the opposite is true. For them, as a rule, attitude is primary, and information is secondary.

In other words, they are always ready to learn about what they feel good about, and do not even want to hear about what they feel bad about, negatively.

This feature of children is widely used by teachers in their work in order to ensure that children effectively assimilate certain information. To do this, we first create in children a positive attitude towards the information that we want to convey to them, an atmosphere of general attractiveness, which is the foundation on which knowledge is easily superimposed.

Age 5-6 years is senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal aspects are formed in the child, all moments of the formation of the “I” position are worked out. It is precisely 90% of the development of all personality traits of a child that begins at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.

At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the world around him and expanding his horizons. The best way to get scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, which clearly, scientifically, in accessible language describes to the child any information about the world around him. The child will gain an understanding of space, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

Recommendations for teachers

This period is called sensitive for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. To develop all these aspects, the game material becomes more complex, it becomes logical, intellectual, when the child has to think and reason.

It is good to play word games, since the child already uses synonyms and antonyms in his speech, distinguishes vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of the word).

The designer develops logical thinking well. The important point here is folding according to a pattern - a pattern, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size.

All analyzers - visual, logical, verbal - develop various logical tables. All tasks based on specific, thematic classification force the child’s attention, visual perception and thinking to work. For example, the game “Odd Four” - the pictures show various objects, such as a bus, a truck, a trolleybus and a tram. Of the four items, one is redundant. The child must think and choose this extra item and say why it is extra. The child must still name the remaining three objects in one word (in our case, passenger transport). And there can be a great many such pictures, united in a group based on a common feature. The child must have a broad outlook, be able to analyze the situation and explain and justify his choice.

“Place it in order.” A series of illustrations are offered, related to the same theme, but laid out incorrectly. The child must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later - that is, put it in order. Here the child must see the sequence, trace the logical pattern and justify it.

“Who is more observant?” The child is given a table-exercise for memory, where objects can be drawn and their schematic representation - symbols. Some time is given to memorize, then the child must remember the sequence and reproduce the sign as it should be. In such logic games, the personal aspect of the preschooler can also be traced. Having correctly solved the exercise, the child rejoices, feels self-confidence and the desire to win. There are children who give up, do not believe in themselves, and the task of the parents or psychologist is to develop in the child the desire to win. It is important that the child must know that “I can.”

The main thing in the development of children 5-6 years old is their cognitive development and broadening their horizons. And all games aimed at this will give good results. Do not answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. Answer your child in detail, ask his opinion, make him think and reason. Why is it winter now? Prove it. Why can't you light a fire in the forest? Justify. Children have a lot of unconscious information in their heads, and sometimes they cannot accumulate it or sort it into shelves. And the task of adults is to help them with this.

An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between an adult and an adult or an adult and a child. But parents continue to be an example for their children. If the parents convey positive information, if the child is good at heart, there is no fear, resentment, or anxiety, then any information (personal and intellectual) can be instilled in the child. Take care of the psyche of children.

Teacher-psychologist: Bogdanova O.S.

Communication of a 5-6 year old child

A 5-6 year old child needs communication with other people and peers very much. Through games and conversation, the baby receives new information about the world, communication options, and norms of behavior. By building relationships with other children, he learns to behave in a group. It is very important for children of senior preschool age to learn to make friends and find common ground with their peers, because very soon the child will go to school.

At 5-6 years old, the child can already perform the designated task together with other children. Kids learn to interact and take turns. During this period, it is good to teach your child:

  • to make friends. By your own example, through books and cartoons, show your child how to properly approach another child, say hello, get to know each other, offer to play;
  • build relationships. Tell us why you need to be friendly, what actions and words can offend another person;
  • be tolerant, merciful. Talk to your toddler about the individuality of people, tell them why you need to respect others and forgive mistakes;
  • control your own emotions, avoid aggression;
  • conduct a dialogue, listen to the interlocutor;
  • overcome your fears. Show your little one that it’s not scary to approach a group of children, tell them that they shouldn’t be shy;
  • It is correct to ask for help, to thank for services.

These simple things will help your child quickly get comfortable in any group and make friends. Of course, any skill requires practice. Try to visit children's playgrounds as often as possible, attend various clubs and sections. This is especially important for children who do not attend kindergarten.

The increased need to communicate with peers and other people does not reduce the importance of communication with parents. Often, attention deficit disorder becomes a reaction to decreased communication with loved ones at 5-6 years of age. The child begins to deliberately violate established rules, behave very badly, and anger adults. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the baby is trying to attract attention. Don't think that this behavior will go away on its own over time. If you notice that your baby has begun to change and has become very “harmful,” try to find more time to spend together.

Every day it is necessary to play with the child in the games suggested by him, talk about various topics, and discuss the events that have happened. During games, try to be attentive to what your baby says, answer in detail and honestly.

Memo for parents “Age characteristics of children 5 - 6 years old”

Memo for parents

Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old

This is the age of active development of the child’s physical and cognitive abilities, communication with peers. The game remains the main way of understanding the world around us, although its forms and content are changing.

At this age your child:

Continues to actively explore the world around him. He not only asks a lot of questions, but also formulates answers or creates versions himself . His imagination is used almost 24 hours a day and helps him not only develop, but also adapt to a world that is still complex and inexplicable for him.

Wants to show himself to the world. He often attracts attention to himself because he needs a witness to his self-expression. Sometimes negative attention is more important to him than any attention, so the child can provoke an adult to attract attention by “bad” actions.

It is difficult for him to compare his own “wants” with other people’s needs and capabilities and therefore constantly tests the strength of the boundaries set by other adults , wanting to get what he wants.

Ready to communicate with peers, learning through this communication the rules of interaction with peers. Gradually moves from role-playing games to games according to the rules, in which a mechanism for controlling one’s behavior develops , which then manifests itself in other types of activities. At this age, the child still needs external control - from his playmates. Children control each other first, and then each of themselves.

Strives for greater independence. He wants and can do a lot on his own, but it is still difficult for him to concentrate for a long time on what is not interesting to him .

really wants to be like the adults that matter to him , so he loves to play “adult things” and other social games. The length of games can already be quite significant.

May become aware of gender differences. On this occasion, many questions that are “uncomfortable” for parents may be asked.

Begins to ask questions related to death. Fears may intensify, especially at night and during the period of falling asleep.

It is important for you as his parents:

Respect his fantasies and versions , without grounding his magical thinking. Distinguish between “lies,” defensive fantasy, and simply a game of imagination.

Support the child's desire for positive self-expression , allowing his talents and abilities to develop, but without emphasizing or exploiting them. Try to provide the child with opportunities for a wide variety of creativity.

Be attentive to the child’s wishes, but also be able to set boundaries where his desires are harmful to himself or violate the boundaries of the people around him. It is important to remember that you should not set a boundary that you are not able to defend and maintain .

Provide the child with the opportunity to communicate with peers , helping your child only in case of emotional difficulties, discussing the current difficult situation and together considering options for getting out of it. Ensure communication with loved ones, organizing vacations for the whole family, and discussing joint plans with your child.

Gradually reduce control and guardianship , allowing the child to set himself a wide variety of tasks and solve them. It is important to rejoice at the child’s independent successes and support him in case of problems, jointly examining the reasons for failure.

Remember that at this age (and always) your child will be more willing to respond to a request for help than to an obligation . Realize that by turning to him as an assistant, you develop a more “adult” position in him. By making him subordinate and obligated to fulfill your demands, you develop his “infantile-childish” component.

If possible, do not be afraid and do not evade “inconvenient” but very important questions for the child. Answer clearly and as simply as possible only those questions that he asks, without expanding or complicating it. Be able to explain to him the specifics of gender differences in his language , in accordance with his age, in case of difficulties, stock up on children's literature on this topic.

But answer questions about death as honestly as possible in accordance with your, including religious, ideas. Remember that the lack of information on this topic gives rise to fantasies in the child, which may be more alarming and scary than reality.

Help a child (regardless of gender) cope with fears without judging him or urging him to “not be afraid.”
Listen carefully to the child and sympathize with him, sharing his worries and anxieties. Support him in the process of experiencing fear, be there whenever possible when a fearful child needs it, but also gradually provide him with the opportunity to cope with something less scary on his own. In case of obsessive fears, seek help from psychologists. Author: Goncharova Marina Vladimirovna

Development of mental processes at 5-6 years old

At 5-6 years old, the peak of a child’s mental capabilities begins. The baby not only wants to learn a lot of new things, but can also remember a volume of information that is inaccessible to any other age. Complex operations of thinking and logic are added to the basic skills of studying the world around us. The baby operates with various abstract concepts, looking for connections between objects and events.

The child’s psyche has matured; it is ready to understand and accept almost any information, comprehend it, and find analogies with existing experience.

Of course, the thought processes of a child at 5-6 years old are not yet entirely similar to the reasoning of an adult. The child operates with his own knowledge base and concepts that do not always fit the chosen question. It is recommended at this age to teach a child to reason and develop his intellect. This skill is easily instilled by simple conversations on topics that interest the baby. To any question you need to not just answer “yes” or “no,” but through reasoning, leading questions, lead the little one to your own conclusions.

By the age of 5.5 years, it is good to teach your child to express his opinion using arguments. Using your own example, show how important it is not only to express your desires, but also to give reasons for them. Providing independence in simple matters stimulates this skill well. Let the baby decide for himself what to wear or what to play. Explain that by making a choice, the little one takes responsibility for the action taken. If he breaks something ,

which his mother did not recommend taking, then as punishment he will be deprived of sweets.

It is often at this age that children become interested in how they were born. The choice of answer to this question depends on the parents, but it is advisable to discuss a single answer at the family council in advance. It is not recommended to talk about cabbage or a stork, because it will not be true, and children on the street will tell a different story. You can limit yourself to a story about the parents’ great desire to have a child, as a result of which a baby appeared in the mother’s belly. No details needed.

A child's psyche is greatly influenced by his environment. At 5-6 years old, many children begin to be critical of themselves, comparing their appearance, physical and mental abilities with the capabilities of their peers. It is not recommended to add complexity by comparing him with other children. It’s better to talk about the uniqueness of every person on earth, the characteristics of each person.

Child development at 5 years old

Perception. Attention. Memory

The attention of parents of 5-6 year old children should be focused on the development of such important skills as perception, attention and memory. During this period, there is a transition from involuntary to conscious memorization. It is good to offer your child to improve these skills with simple activities:

  • learn short poems and stories;
  • discuss the learned text, achieving a complete understanding of the meaning;
  • offer to concentrate on classes, removing distracting objects;
  • learn to find differences, build a chain of events;
  • offer to repeat a sequence of actions and words;
  • learn and use new words;
  • improve tactile knowledge and fine motor skills.

In addition to the proposed options for the development of attention and memory, you should talk with the child as often as possible, discussing previous events. Ask them to remember the details and explain why this or that event happened.


The development of thinking in children aged 5-6 years is built around the acquisition of new, more complex skills. It is recommended to teach your child:

  • count up to 100 as tens, up to 20 as units;
  • draw numbers, remembering the image and the corresponding number of objects;
  • simple computational operations (addition, subtraction) within 1-2 units;
  • find simple and complex figures in surrounding objects;
  • letters, find familiar words starting with a given sound;
  • read syllables;
  • colors and shades;
  • distinguish between days of the week and time of day;
  • solve logical problems, come up with your own tasks;
  • pay attention to the characteristics of objects, distinguish, sort, classify.

The most convenient way to teach a child is with the help of collections of tasks for children 5-6 years old. Typically, such publications contain various options for activities that allow you to find the most suitable option for your child.


By the age of 5, children's imagination becomes one of the ways to explore the world. Through imagination, the baby comes up with his own reality, in which he experiences various events and models situations. The line between the fictional and real world is not noticeable for a child; he often transfers his actions from the imaginary world to actions in reality. Many parents of 5-6 year old children are worried about this situation; they think that their daughter or son is starting to lie. This is not true. Most fictitious events and actions appear in a child's speech without malicious intent. It’s just that children do not yet fully understand in what situations fantasy can be used, and where it is better to say it as it really is.

When faced with an imaginary friend or an incredible event that the child is talking about, there is no need to say that the baby is lying. Better use the word “fantasy”, “imagination”. You should not focus on the appearance of non-existent characters or events. The baby will grow up, feel the border between fantasy and reality, and stop composing.

Another question is if the child deliberately composes in order to hide his unseemly actions. It is not advisable to skip a lie, but you should not scold too much either. The issue of honesty needs to be worked out in a playful way using the example of toys and cartoons. Explain to the little one that it is better to tell the bitter truth and be punished than to be afraid that someone will find out and lie.


Normally, at 5-6 years old, a child’s speech should be clear, filled with all parts of speech. The child should be able to form simple and complex sentences without any problems and be able to carry on a conversation. If you have difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds, you should contact a speech therapist for timely correction. By school, the little one must speak clearly and be able to:

  • tell about yourself and your family in a few sentences;
  • make up a story based on pictures;
  • convey the plot of a story heard;
  • be able to control the volume of a conversation and, if necessary, speak in a whisper;
  • communicate with yourself;
  • plan upcoming actions, saying them out loud;
  • highlight the first sound in a word, change the word upon request, removing the named sound from it;
  • use appropriate intonation to emphasize the meaning of what is being said;
  • use abstract concepts;
  • use tenses, declensions, and numbers correctly.

A feature of a child’s speech at 5-6 years old is active word creation. Boys and girls not only learn new objects and events, but also come up with names for them, using their existing vocabulary.

Memo for parents. Children 5-6 years old

Memo for parents

Your child is in the age period of 5-6 years.

This is the age of active development of the child’s physical and cognitive abilities, communication with peers. The game remains the main way of understanding the world around us, although its forms and content are changing.

Age characteristics

children 5-6 years old.

5-6 years is the final period of preschool age, when fundamentally new formations appear in the child’s psyche - voluntary attention, memory, perception, hence the ability to control one’s behavior.

— At this age, the child continues to actively explore the world around him. He not only asks a lot of questions, but also formulates the answers himself or creates versions himself.

- Wants to show himself to the world, often attracts attention to himself, sometimes negative attention is more important to him than others, so a child can provoke an adult to attract attention by bad actions.

- It is difficult to compare “my own wants” with other people’s needs and capabilities, and therefore they will always test the strength of the boundaries set by other adults.

- The desire for greater independence, he wants and can do a lot himself.

“He wants to be like the adults he cares about, so his games take on a social character.

- May begin to recognize gender differences.

It is important for you, as his parents:

Respects his fantasies and versions;

support the child’s desire for positive self-expression;

you should not set a boundary that you are not able to defend and maintain;

provide opportunities to communicate with peers;

provide communication with loved ones;

gradually reduce control and guardianship;

respond to requests for help;

do not evade awkward but very important questions for the child;

explain the specifics of gender differences in his language, in accordance with his age;

Help your child cope with fears without judging him or encouraging him not to be afraid.

It is very useful to play word games with children, since the child already uses synonyms and antonyms in his speech, distinguishes between vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning, middle, end of the word).

The designer develops logical thinking well. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape and size.

The development of elementary logical concepts is facilitated by games and exercises using various logical tables.

This is the basic age when many personal aspects are formed in a child.

We wish you pleasant communication

Developmental diagnostics. Test

To check how harmoniously developed your child is, ask him to take a simple test. It is better to carry out testing in 2 approaches. To do this you will need:

  • 6 “profession” cards (doctor, teacher, builder, salesman, artist, driver);
  • 5 pet cards, 5 wild animal cards;
  • 5 cards “garden flowers”, 5 cards “wild flowers”;
  • 10 cards of different colors (6 spectrum colors, white, black and 2 to choose from);
  • 2 pictures with 6-7 differences;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • drawn circle;
  • several logical series (drawings of 4 objects, 3 of which are united by 1 or 2 common features);
  • puzzle with 24 pieces;
  • designer, drawn drawing of a structure;
  • 8 paired cards;
  • coloring;
  • 3-4 new tongue twisters;
  • 3-4 proverbs;
  • plasticine;
  • alphabet.


  1. Ask your child to look out the window and say what time of year it is, part of the day, day of the week, month.
  2. Ask what the child’s first and last name is, home address;
  3. Show the “profession” cards, ask them to tell you what the people depicted do;
  4. Mix domestic and wild animal cards. Ask them to sort them by location;
  5. Mix wildflowers and garden flowers. Ask to sort;
  6. Show the colored cards. Ask them to name the colors, find them in surrounding objects;
  7. Ask to find familiar shapes in the surrounding objects (circle, square);
  8. Show 2 similar pictures. Ask to find the differences between them;
  9. Draw a wavy line on a blank piece of paper. Ask for your drawing to be repeated;
  10. Show the circle you drew. Suggest dividing it into 2.4 equal parts;
  11. Ask to name the pieces of furniture and toys surrounding the child;
  12. Suggest solving a logical series;
  13. Ask them to put together a puzzle;
  14. Show me the drawing. Offer to build the same object from the constructor;
  15. Get 8 paired cards. Lay them out in front of your child. Ask them to remember the location of each card. Turn them over to the side without the pattern. Ask to find all the pairs by picking up one card at a time;
  16. Say a tongue twister. Ask them to repeat after you at different tempos;
  17. Ask to color the coloring book without going beyond the outlines;
  18. Tell a proverb. Ask for an explanation of the meaning;
  19. Offer to make a figurine of an animal from plasticine;
  20. Take the alphabet. Point to the letter and ask to remember the word starting with it.


  • If your child confidently completed all the tasks, then you don’t have to worry. He is well developed. Continue at the same pace.
  • Karapuz completed 10 to 15 tasks himself, and the rest with your help, then you need to pay attention to your weak points.
  • Up to 5 tasks are completed independently, the rest are not completed or with the help of an adult - consultation with a specialist, additional classes on the weakest areas are required.

Age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Booklet for parents

Olga Belova

Age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Booklet for parents

Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old

The age from four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out of the crisis and generally became calmer, more obedient, and more flexible. The need for friends becomes more and more powerful, and increases .

At this age, your child actively exhibits:

• Striving for independence.

• Ethical ideas. What is good and what is bad.

• Creative skills .

• Fears as a consequence of developed imagination.

• Relationships with peers.

• Active curiosity, which causes children to constantly ask questions about everything they see.

for you as his parents :

• Understand what the rules and laws are in your family that the child is not allowed to break. Remember that there should not be too many laws and prohibitions, otherwise they will be difficult to comply with. Instead of prohibitions, offer alternatives, formulating them like this: “You can’t draw on the wall, but you can on this piece of paper.”


• Do not overload the child's conscience. Excessive disapproval, punishment for minor offenses and mistakes cause a constant feeling of guilt, fear of punishment, and vindictiveness. Passivity may also develop and initiative may disappear.

• Remember that you should not tell various scary stories in front of your child, talk about serious illnesses and death, because for some children such information can become a very strong irritant. It is important to listen to your child, share his fears with him, allowing him to live them with you.

• Provide opportunities for the child to express his or her creativity and self-expression. Be interested in any creative product, if possible without evaluating it in any way, either positively or negatively, inviting the child himself to evaluate his own creativity.

• Provide the child with the opportunity to play together with other children. Such a game not only develops his imagination and imaginative thinking, but is also absolutely necessary for healthy emotional development.

• Understand that the child is already capable of doing what he likes for quite a long time and enthusiastically, and it can be very difficult for him to interrupt the game, so it is worth warning him in advance about the need to end it.

• Be open to the child’s questions, be interested in his opinion, turning his thirst for knowledge into the ability to find answers to the questions that interest him. It is useful to discuss with your child any events and phenomena that interest him, and in his language to formulate the results of your joint reasoning and conclusions.

It should be noted that at the age of 4-5 years, the shortcomings in raising a child begin to gradually take root and turn into stable negative character traits.

We wish you pleasant communication

with your child!

The booklet was prepared by educational psychologist Olga Petrovna Belova




"Combined kindergarten No. 170"

Age characteristics

children 4-5 years old

Development of cognitive processes

At 5-6 years old, a child is able to learn and learn a lot; it is recommended to stimulate curiosity:

  • reading fairy tales and stories that are suitable for the child’s age, topics that are most interesting to the child at the moment;
  • learning letters and numbers. It’s good to start learning to read syllables;
  • development of graphic skills. Show how to write printed letters, numbers, and draw simple animals;
  • teaching numeracy;
  • memory training;
  • through creativity (drawing, sculpting, cutting, applied arts).

It is good to pay special attention to the child’s physical fitness. Boys and girls aged 5-6 years can attend various sports sections. At 5-6 years old, children have access to team games, martial arts, tennis, athletics, gymnastics, figure skating, dance clubs, and karting.

Educational activities

At home, encourage your child to complete tasks that are appropriate for their age and developmental level. Recommended skills for development:

  • Mathematics;
  • Logics;
  • Attention;
  • Memory;
  • Thinking;
  • Study of the physical foundations of current events (why it rains, what will happen if you throw a stone into water);
  • Stimulating the perfection of native speech: games with sounds, composing stories, etc.

It is especially recommended to pay attention to:

  • rules of behavior in society, on the road, at the table, etc.;
  • development of moral qualities;
  • developing a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

All of these skills should be taught at the child’s request in a playful way. It is good to use various pictures, books, cartoons. For educational classes, you can purchase a special collection of age-appropriate assignments. The duration of one training session should not exceed 30 minutes. If the child asks to study more, offer to take a short break, warm up, and then return to the task that interests the child.

Playful and visual activities

At 5-6 years old, the main activity remains playing. By recreating situations during play, the child evaluates actions, actions, and models different behavior options. By portraying this or that character, the child tries to understand the essence of what is happening, understand his attitude, and develop a pattern of actions. It is recommended to stimulate this type of activity by showing how you can create all the necessary elements of the game from scrap materials, participate as an observer or an active participant.

When playing with a child, it is easy to assess his psychological state, understand what worries or worries him. Interaction with an adult at 5-6 years old during play is an important component for maintaining a trusting relationship. At this age, time spent with adults is not so important for a child as the quality of communication.

In addition to play activities, an important element of psychological balance at 5-6 years old is the child’s ability to express his emotions using artistic means. Drawing, modeling, crafts and other types of applied creativity contribute well to the development of this skill.

At 5-6 years old, it is good to invite your child to visit various exhibitions, museums, theatrical performances, circuses, and cinema. Getting to know different types of art helps to broaden one’s horizons and open up new opportunities for self-expression for the child.

“Development of cognitive processes in children 5-6 years old”

Consultation for parents

Development of cognitive processes at 5-6 years old

The cognitive development of older preschoolers is the development of their cognitive interests, needs and abilities, independent search activities based on an enriched consciousness and formed emotional and sensory experience, which is very important for the successful preparation of children for school.


Age 5-6 years is senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal aspects are formed in the child, all moments of the formation of the “I” position are worked out. It is precisely 90% of the development of all personality traits of a child that begins at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.

At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the world around him and expanding his horizons. The best way to get scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, which clearly, scientifically, in accessible language describes to the child any information about the world around him. The child will gain an understanding of space, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

This period is called sensitive for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. To develop all these aspects, the game material becomes more complex, it becomes logical, intellectual, when the child has to think and reason.

It is good to play word games, since the child already uses synonyms and antonyms in his speech, distinguishes vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of the word).

The designer develops logical thinking well. The important point here is folding according to a pattern - a pattern, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size.

All analyzers - visual, logical, verbal - develop various logical tables. All tasks based on specific, thematic classification force the child’s attention, visual perception and thinking to work. For example, the game “Odd Four” - the pictures show various objects, such as a bus, a truck, a trolleybus and a tram. Of the four items, one is redundant. The child must think and choose this extra item and say why it is extra. The child must still name the remaining three objects in one word (in our case, passenger transport). And there can be a great many such pictures, united in a group based on a common feature. The child must have a broad outlook, be able to analyze the situation and explain and justify his choice.

“Place it in order.” A series of illustrations are offered, related to the same theme, but laid out incorrectly. The child must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later - that is, put it in order. Here the child must see the sequence, trace the logical pattern and justify it.

“Who is more observant?” The child is given a table-exercise for memory, where objects can be drawn and their schematic representation - symbols. Some time is given to memorize, then the child must remember the sequence and reproduce the sign as it should be. In such logic games, the personal aspect of the preschooler can also be traced. Having correctly solved the exercise, the child rejoices, feels self-confidence and the desire to win. There are children who give up, do not believe in themselves, and the task of the parents or psychologist is to develop in the child the desire to win. It is important that the child must know that “I can.”

The main thing in the development of children 5-6 years old is their cognitive development and broadening their horizons. And all games aimed at this will give good results. Do not answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. Answer your child in detail, ask his opinion, make him think and reason. Why is it winter now? Prove it. Why can't you light a fire in the forest? Justify. Children have a lot of unconscious information in their heads, and sometimes they cannot accumulate it or sort it into shelves. And the task of adults is to help them with this.

An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between an adult and an adult or an adult and a child. But parents continue to be an example for their children. If the parents convey positive information, if the child is good at heart, there is no fear, resentment, or anxiety, then any information (personal and intellectual) can be instilled in the child.

The main thing in the development of children 5-6 years old is their cognitive development and broadening their horizons. And all games aimed at this will give good results. Do not answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. Answer your child in detail, ask his opinion, make him think and reason. Why is it winter now? Prove it. Why can't you light a fire in the forest? Justify. Children have a lot of unconscious information in their heads, and sometimes they cannot accumulate it or sort it into shelves. And the task of adults is to help them with this.

Main tasks of education

Raising a child is a complex process that presents new questions at each stage of growing up. At 5-6 years old, adults need to pay attention to fostering independence and maintaining the child’s self-esteem.

Nurturing independence

By the age of 5, a child can take care of himself independently:

  • wash;
  • brush your teeth;
  • wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, as soon as they become dirty;
  • to make the bed;
  • collect your toys;
  • dress and undress;
  • put on and take off shoes;
  • choose clothes for a walk;
  • wash;
  • use a handkerchief;
  • eat.

These skills need to not only be developed, but also maintained. If the baby is still hesitant to perform any action, you should not rush him or do it for him. Confidence and habit come with time, with daily repetition of the same actions. The role of an adult is to trust the child, to allow him to learn not only from example, but also from his own mistakes. Seeing your support and not feeling disappointed, the baby will not be afraid to try, but will try to accomplish what was previously inaccessible.

Working with self-esteem

A critical attitude towards oneself, one's appearance, and abilities often appears at the age of 5-5.5 years. This is especially pronounced in girls. During this period, it is good to explain to your daughter or son that all people on earth are different and you need to accept them as they are. Tell your baby that he is unique, unlike any other person in the world. To support your words, try:

  • Do not criticize the baby's appearance. If you notice a stain or untidiness, simply ask for it to be corrected without giving a rating;
  • do not compare with peers or other children. If you want to compare, then refer to the skills of the child himself in the past and now. Show the baby how he has grown, wiser, learned quickly;
  • show example. Children are our reflection. If adults treat others calmly, do not criticize or scold, then children treat their peers and themselves much calmer.

What should parents pay attention to?

For the full development of an older preschooler, it is necessary:

  • Respect your child's imagination and support his desire to express himself.
  • Be attentive to his desires, being able to stop harmful ones in time.
  • Encourage his desire to communicate with peers, as well as ensure meetings with loved ones and family.
  • Encourage the child's independence by reducing control and guardianship.
  • Answer your child’s questions, even if some of them are “inconvenient.”
  • Help to overcome fears, listen to the child, support him.

Recommended Games

The ability to find something to do does not appear out of nowhere. It is formed on experience, knowledge, previously tried games. The task of parents is not only to teach the child all the necessary skills, but also to introduce him to various games. The more different types of games the baby knows, the more of his own he will come up with. What to offer a 5-6 year old child as a game?

Outdoor games

  • Classics;
  • Traffic light;
  • Football;
  • Basketball;
  • Ball games “edible-inedible”, “I know five girls’ names”, “bouncer”, etc.;
  • Hide and seek;
  • Catch-up;
  • Rubber bands;
  • Badminton.

Board games

  • “Erudite”;
  • "Monopoly";
  • “Uno”;
  • “Young piggy”;
  • “Geometrics”;
  • “Imaginarium”;
  • Checkers;
  • “Twister”;
  • "Who am I?";
  • “Considerations”;
  • “Safe Street.”

Sensory and imaginative thinking

During this period, the perception of color, ideas about the structure of objects, their size/shape continue to improve. The accumulated knowledge is systematized. Children should be able to name primary colors/shades/intermediate shades with ease.

Imaginative thinking develops dynamically:

  • Generalization is improved, opening the way for the development of verbal-logical thinking (several factors are taken into account in the grouping process - color/shape, size/color, etc.)
  • There is a development of knowledge about cyclical changes (change of seasons, day/night, development process, increase/decrease).

Recommended books for development

  1. V. Suteev “Fairy tales and pictures”;
  2. S. Marshak “Poems and Tales”;
  3. S. Mikhalkov “Fables”;
  4. K. Chukovsky “Poems and Fairy Tales”;
  5. A. Lindgren “The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking” and others;
  6. G. H. Andersen “Fairy Tales”;
  7. Brothers Grimm “Fairy Tales”;
  8. N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”;
  9. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”;
  10. E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”;
  11. D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cippolino”;
  12. J. Harris “The Tales of Uncle Remus”;
  13. Folk tales;
  14. Tales of the peoples of the world.

Preschool crisis

Senior preschool age is one of the most intense stages for a child. Filled with a large number of new skills, abilities, and preparation for future school life, it often ends in crisis. The baby begins to rebel, behave and try to do everything his own way. Compared to the crisis of 3 years, it passes more calmly, but gives parents anxiety. The main signs of an emerging crisis are:

  • Loss of spontaneity. The baby strives to behave like an adult everywhere and in everything. When asked to play, he says that this is child's play, and he is already big;
  • He is stubborn in response to offers of help and refuses to perform usual routine actions (washing his face, brushing his teeth). So, the child wants to show his independence from adults;
  • Using various arguments, refuses to carry out parental assignments;
  • Copies the behavior of adults, doing it for show, with the appropriate facial expression and intonation;
  • In everything he tries to show his independence, independence.

This behavior of a child can confuse adults and make them doubt the correctness of their upbringing. Why is this happening? The child is already ready for the transition from games to cognitive activity. It is now important for him to do what is beneficial and produces results. What to do in such a situation?

  • Allow the little one to learn like an adult. To begin with, suggest studying at home, like a schoolchild at a table with books, to prepare for first grade;
  • Give maximum independence;
  • Offer to discuss the behavior, offering the baby his own arguments, showing the incorrectness of his judgments. Ideally, as a result of the conversation, you together come to the correct, mutual conclusion;
  • Ignore overtly patterned behavior. If your child behaves badly in public, tell your child what is wrong in his behavior without criticism.

Age 5-6 years is a transitional period. The child gets older, changes his thinking and behavior, and acquires new skills. During this period, adults need to accept the changes that are taking place, recognize that the baby is becoming older and more independent. If you accept the growing up of your son or daughter as a given, and respect the growing desire to make decisions, you can turn from a mentor to a friend and support.

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