Open music lesson in 6th grade. Music teacher - Yakusheva Elena Ivanovna, KSU secondary school No. 91, Almaty

“Music lesson - art lesson” article on music on the topic

“Music lesson – art lesson”

Music teacher

Tikhonovskaya Marina Vladimirovna

Time is rushing by quickly. Everything around is changing: the world, society, people, views. Our textbooks change, we change. It is difficult to keep up with the times, this is probably why the profession of a teacher is difficult, who must sensitively grasp the pulse of the times, look for something new, and without search, without a new look at the familiar, there is no life in the lesson, there is no viability of the subject as a whole. “A music lesson is an art lesson” is the main thesis of music pedagogy in recent decades.

Music and children are what determine the content of our subject, guide the creative activity of the teacher, and the entire course of the lesson, which is built and developed according to the laws of art. Just as a musical work grows from the thoughts and feelings of a composer, so a lesson is born from the thoughts and feelings of a teacher and his position in the world of art. Without a teacher's personal attitude to art, it is impossible to shape the teacher's attitude to music and life.

A school music lesson is, first and foremost, an art lesson. According to O.A. Apraksina, it has a lot in common with other lessons, because is carried out within the framework of a comprehensive school, where uniform laws apply. At the same time, a school music lesson has specificity as a lesson in the art of musical art, where feelings and emotions play an important role in it. Its second distinctive feature is the complex impact of music on a person (on the psyche, motor skills, imagination, logical processes). The third feature is the unity of the emotional and conscious. The fourth is the obligatory unity of the artistic and technical. These are the distinctive features of a music lesson as an art lesson. “For music (in general for art) you need even more: you can remember in music only what is understood and emotionally felt” - D.B. Kabalevsky.

The content of the school subject “Music” consists of musical art in all its diversity. A music lesson is an art lesson, and therefore the main thing is that children feel that their teacher is passionate about music and strives to convey his attitude to them.

Music affects the emotional and spiritual spheres of a child, making him able to feel and empathize more subtly and deeply. “The teacher, through his attitude to music, his participation in its performance, contributes to the education of the minds and hearts of children.” “A child’s soul is equally sensitive to its native word, to the beauty of nature, and to a musical melody.”

What does teacher mean? This is a person who knows how to convey the main thing that makes up the essence of himself.

And a lesson is a small life that we live with our students. And in this little life everything should be like in real life.

Not only do we teach students, but the kids also teach us. A music lesson is, first of all, a lesson in communication with art, with the world of beauty. This places a special responsibility on us, music teachers, unlike other subject teachers.

Every artistic and pedagogical task, the idea of ​​a lesson, must be deeply experienced by the teacher through himself, his feelings, thoughts, experience, and this process is complex, but only its presence turns the lesson into the real truth of art.

Practice shows that psychological, technical, intellectual, and professional preparation are insufficient for an art lesson. It is also necessary to prepare for the lesson emotionally. Especially important in the emotional side is the professional skill of a music teacher, the ability to find the right tone for the lesson. The term “setting the tone of conversation and performance” has long been used in art. Finding the right tone that would be present and unique in every lesson is one of the most difficult tasks in teacher preparation.

Determine the main thing that students should take with them after the lesson: to be able to understand and appreciate musical works, an active interest in art.

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher must act thoughtfully, focusing on a clear and complete “image of a good lesson.” When planning it, it is necessary, based on the topic of the lesson, (quarter, year), given by the program, to verify the material and subordinate it to your own creative plan.

It is also important to determine not only the alternation of types of musical activities in the lesson, but also the materials needed to prepare for the lesson, the type of lesson, its artistic idea, determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson, i.e. create an “artistic image” of it. When forming the goal of a lesson, understood as the planned result of modern creative activity of the teacher and student, it is necessary to keep in mind that it must be specific and realistically achievable in the lesson.

Recently, the following concepts have emerged and become established in music pedagogy: “lesson dramaturgy”, “lesson script”, “lesson score”. When developing them, it is necessary to take into account that at all stages of a music lesson, communication acts as the main “engine”. Clarification of the content of a musical work, drawing up a performance plan, listener interpretation - all this is achieved through communication and is learned in communication. Musical dramaturgy (system of thematic relations, figurative ....., contrasting comparison of thematic sections) determines the corresponding dramaturgy of the lesson.

If the lessons that a teacher creates are truly the result of his creativity, if he is attracted by creative communication with students, if he feels that this way he can prove himself as a teacher-artist, then the children will believe him and will always be ready for co-creation. Then the music lesson will take place as an art lesson.

Every real lesson, even carefully planned, is an improvisation on the topic of the lesson, because forces the teacher to take into account the mood (his and his students), creative state (his and his students), and attitude to what is happening (his and his students).

In order for a music lesson to take place as an art lesson, the teacher himself must be a creative person.

The pedagogical skill of a music teacher is understood not only as a set of special skills that allow the teacher to effectively manage the educational and cognitive activities of students, but also as the development of the ability to engage in creative creative activities together with students.


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