Methodological development “Say NO to bad habits”

Extracurricular activity “Say NO to bad habits” lesson plan (8th, 9th grade)

Extracurricular event for grades 8-9 “Say NO to bad habits!”


  • helping to prevent the formation of bad habits in children;
  • the development in adolescents of a conscious rejection of bad habits as ways of influencing their personality;


Educational: systematization of children’s knowledge about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Educational: instilling in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, the desire to maintain and strengthen their own health, and the formation of an active life position in them on this issue.

Developmental: development in children of creative abilities, self-confidence, memory, attention, cognitive interest, communication abilities.

Design: On the board is the Kingdom of bad habits - alcohol, drugs, nicotine.

The kingdom of good habits - work, sports, music, reading, hygiene, nature.

The posters on the stands represent bad habits.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part. Guys, you all know that the most important need of every person in modern society is to strengthen and maintain health, good health and mood, high performance, and creative longevity.

Question: What factors do you think influence our health? (Children's answers)

One of the most effective and accessible means of satisfying this need is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

A habit is something we consistently repeat day after day, as opposed to our mistakes, which we learn from.

Habits can be harmful, bad, unreasonable and sometimes dangerous. The first habits take their origins from childhood. The most unpleasant thing in our life is bad habits. We know. That they are bad, and often we can’t do anything about ourselves - we’re used to it!

What is a bad habit? (the guys give the concept of “bad habit”)

A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of the bad habit.

Bad habits can be unhelpful or downright harmful. Such automatic actions occur due to weakness of will. If a person cannot show the willpower to take a progressive action, then he falls under the force of habit, which returns him to the old rut, the habitual action.

A habitual action is a habit. But, on the one hand, there are good, useful habits and manners and, on the other hand, there are bad or harmful habits.

We can name useful habits such as:

  • maintain a daily routine,
  • do exercises in the morning,
  • wash your hands before eating,
  • put all your things in their place,
  • brush your teeth every day
  • eat right, etc.

Proper implementation of the regime, alternating physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve performance, discipline a person, and strengthen his health.

A bad habit can be considered a disease or pathological addiction. But along with bad habits, there are unhelpful actions that cannot be considered as a disease, but which arise due to imbalance of the nervous system.

Bad habits include the following:

  1. Alcoholism
  2. Addiction
  3. Smoking
  4. Gambling addiction or gambling addiction
  5. TV addiction
  6. Internet addiction
  7. Habit of biting nails
  8. Technomania
  9. Habit of chewing a pencil or pen
  10. Habit of spitting on the floor
  11. Use of obscene language
  12. Abuse of “filler words”
  13. Habit of envying others
  14. Underestimate yourself
  15. The habit of imitating someone
  16. Habit of being late
  17. Extreme talkativeness
  18. Laziness and sloppiness

Here is just a small list of bad habits that interfere with our lives and sometimes create conflicts.

Today we will take a closer look at drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking.

1 student


Drugs are an even more serious poison; they are designed for simpletons who, having become accustomed to them, will not be able to live without them and will pay a lot of money to die as quickly as possible. Drugs are snorted, smoked, injected, or taken in pill form. They instantly enter the bloodstream. The drug acts with its poisons strongly and quickly - literally from the first time a person can become a drug addict! A person experiences hallucinations and nightmares. A drug addict is ready to commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs are highly addictive psychologically but not physically addictive. Others, on the contrary, cause strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

There is a distinction between positive attachment - taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment - taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and poor health. Physical dependence means painful and even painful sensations, a painful state during a break from constant drug use (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal). These sensations can be temporarily relieved by resuming drug use.

Currently, the problem of the spread of snus among schoolchildren is very relevant; we will look at what it is and what effect it has on the body in more detail in the next video.

2 student


Doctor 1. Alcoholism is the most common bad habit, often turning into a serious disease characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol. Drunkenness very quickly develops into mania - alcoholism. Alcohol is the most common drug, killing hundreds of people every year. This is also poison, it disrupts the functioning of all internal organs. A drunk man is a repulsive sight.

But an alcoholic is indifferent to the opinions of others, he loses his human appearance and becomes a slave to his bad habit. Not only the drunkards themselves suffer from alcoholism, but also those close to them: mothers, wives, children. A huge number of crimes are committed due to drunkenness, many families are destroyed, and destinies are broken. These are not just bad, but also very dangerous habits.

Question: Why is drunkenness harmful? (Children's answers: has a detrimental effect on the brain; speech becomes unclear, incomprehensible; uneven gait; waking up after taking a large dose of alcohol, a person experiences fatigue, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, dry mouth and increased thirst; decreased performance, etc.) Leads drunkenness leads to car accidents, crimes, and work accidents.

Doctor 2 – The student will tell you about the dangers of smoking. Tobacco contains 1200 toxic substances:

Smoking affects the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract. Smokers suffer from lung cancer several times more often than non-smokers and make up 96-100% of all lung cancer patients. Smoking increases the likelihood of other types of malignant tumors (oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, stomach, colon, kidney, liver).

A clear example of the difference between the lungs of a smoker and the lungs of a person who does not smoke:

According to doctors: 1 cigarette shortens life by 15 minutes; 1 pack of cigarettes - by 5 hours; Someone who smokes for 1 year loses 3 months of life; Someone who smokes for 4 years loses 1 year of life; Someone who smokes for 20 years loses 5 years ;Whoever smokes for 40 years loses 10 years of life. Nicotine kills: 0.00001 g. – sparrow 0.004 – 0.005 g. - horse 0.000001 gr. – frog 0.01 – 0.08 g. - person

In the next video we will take a closer look at how nicotine acts on the human body.

Looking at these shots, think carefully about whether you should start trying smoking,

because your life is in your hands.

There are also other types of addiction:

Gaming addiction is an alleged form of psychological addiction, manifested in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction - a pathological tendency to gambling consists of frequent repeated episodes of participation in gambling, which dominate a person’s life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values, such a person does not pay due attention to his responsibilities in these areas.

TV addiction. Television has become the most common way of escaping from oneself into a world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person and has become a familiar companion in his life.

According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This represents about half of his free time and about 9 years of everyone's lives.

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in a timely manner. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level

The main 6 types of Internet addiction are:

1. Obsessive web surfing - endless travel on the World Wide Web, searching for information.

2. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual dating - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chat rooms, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Internet.

3. Gaming addiction - an obsessive passion for playing computer games over the Internet.

4. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

5. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without stopping due to the fact that almost any movie or program can be watched online.

Question: Do you have any addictions: television, Internet, gaming (children’s answers)

Habit of biting nails. Science still doesn't know what causes people to bite their nails. Although there are many theories trying to explain why people bite their nails: from thoughtfulness to stress. One of the most common theories is that the habit of biting nails is caused by stress. They chew to relax, they chew to help them think better, they chew when they are nervous.

Technomania. The desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and household appliances, to buy newer and more improved models. The constant need to purchase new phone models is not uncommon. As a rule, this is justified by several new functions, updated menu design, etc. The same applies to other technology. This addiction has also become a disease that leads to depression and nervous disorders if there is no financial or any other opportunity to purchase the desired thing.

The most harmless bad habits on this list are the use of filler words in speech, obscene language, spitting on the floor and the habit of chewing a pencil or pen.

Question: What bad habits do you have and how do you fight them? (take turns naming their bad habits)

The most important thing is to try to find the reasons for this habit.

If you have already decided to give up bad habits, under no circumstances give yourself any concessions.

Fighting bad habits is something that almost every person should do (we are all, alas, imperfect). Let's outline the basic principles of getting rid of unproductive patterns of behavior.

Wean yourself off

  • Motivate yourself
  • Organize yourself
  • Motivate others to organize you (find yourself a “shepherd”)

Wean others off

  • or wean him off altogether so that he doesn’t do this anywhere and never,
  • so that he doesn’t do something near you.

At the same time, it’s one thing to wean strangers, another thing to wean your loved ones, while weaning your children is different than weaning your parents.

- So, what conclusion can we draw? (every person has habits, some have more good ones, some have more bad ones, some habits pass over time, others remain with a person for life). — The peculiarity of each person is the ability to get used to any actions and sensations. Habits are formed as a result of repeated repetitions, when a person often performs the same actions, he gets used to repeating them without thinking. Psychologists say that in 21 days you can develop a new positive habit - this is a proven fact!

— Which of the above bad habits do you have? (students' answers). - I hope that you will fight these habits.


Human health is a vital value; it consists of many interconnected components.

Today we learned what bad habits a person has and how to deal with them. Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences or are harbingers of serious illnesses.

Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one can take care of you better than you.

Class hour “Bad habits. Know how to say “no!”

Topic: “Bad habits. Know how to say “no!”

Objectives: To form an idea of ​​the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol, and drugs on the children's body; develop the ability to defend one’s own beliefs and evaluate one’s actions; develop healthy lifestyle skills. LESSON PROGRESS 1. Class organization: - Hello, guys! Guests came to our event today. Let's welcome them. 2. Motivation for the goals and objectives of the event. — Today we will talk about health. About how to preserve it and strengthen it. After all, health is the most precious thing a person has. Since ancient times, in folk songs, fairy tales, legends, and proverbs, people have glorified and exalted a physically strong, strong and healthy person. Maintaining health and ability to work throughout life is considered great happiness for everyone. Therefore, today we will talk about what a healthy lifestyle includes, we will learn to say “no” to temptations and temptations that lie in wait for a person on the path of life, destroying, taking away his health and even life. - But before we talk about bad habits, let's remember some good habits. - Children's answers: brush your teeth regularly, ventilate the room before going to bed, use a handkerchief, put things back... - Well done. There are many more good habits: do not talk badly about people (especially those who are not nearby); do not only the work that you like, but also the work that needs to be done; be honest about what you think, etc. 3. — And what a person who has only good habits gets, you will find out by solving this crossword puzzle: 1. A set of procedures aimed at strengthening the body. (hardening) 2. Compliance with certain rules of conduct. (discipline) 3. What restores strength to a person. (Dream) 4. Eating healthy foods. (proper nutrition) 5. The healthiest drink for children. (milk) 6. - life. (Movement) 7. What word is hidden in “yayayayayaya”. (Family) 8. What is the name of the science that studies conditions affecting human health and develops means to eliminate factors harmful to health. 4. — Guys, is it easy to develop good, healthy habits? - Of course not. It's very difficult. 5. This is confirmed by the following Russian proverb: “He who is harsh with himself is healthy.” - How do you understand this proverb? 6. Yes, to be healthy, you have to force yourself to work hard. 7. And now I offer you the following task: correctly connect the parts of the proverbs: First parts: Who smokes tobacco, Has enough wine - More people drown in a glass, Second parts: than in the sea. he is his own enemy. the young man is gone. - Read the received proverbs. — What habits are we talking about in these proverbs? 8. Yes, smoking and drinking or alcoholism are bad habits. 9. Telling children about the dangers of smoking. Smoking is harmful to health. A smoker must remember that he harms not only himself, but also those around him. Breathing cigarette smoke is very harmful. The smoke of one cigarette contains up to twenty toxic substances, including nicotine - the strongest poison. If you extract nicotine from five cigarettes, it will kill a rabbit, and from a hundred, it will kill a horse. A few drops of pure nicotine are enough to kill a person. After smoking 60 cigarettes without a break, a person dies from acute nicotine poisoning. A habitual smoker does not experience fatal poisoning only because nicotine enters his body in portions. Smoking stunts growth, weakens vision, and reduces memory. A smoker's face becomes covered with a dense network of wrinkles, the teeth become yellow-brown and deteriorate early. The smoking girl looks older than her age, her voice becomes hoarse and rough. Premature aging of the body occurs. Toxic substances that a smoker inhales destroy the body and can lead to death. Smokers often suffer from pulmonary diseases; nicotine affects their brain and other organs. Smoking contributes to the development of a serious disease - cancer. 10. Poster with a list of signs of a smoker:

Say no to smoking!

Smoking leads to terrible diseases such as lung cancer or worse! It is very easy to start smoking, but it is much more difficult to stop, and sometimes it is so difficult that it is simply impossible!

Just think about how many different interesting and useful activities there are in life. So why smoke? Smokers, what benefit does this have for you? Is it tasty, or does it make you cooler? I know a lot of smokers, and almost all of them are students and schoolchildren, and when I ask them the question: Why do you smoke? - the answer doesn’t sound anything expedient, just something like this: “Why not” or “What else?” do". So decide whether to be healthy, strong or weak, with smoke-filled lungs.

There are many different stories about smokers, such as where all of one’s teeth have turned black, another coughs up blood every 20 minutes... This, of course, can happen to any smoker if you don’t stop in time. But what’s the point of explaining and proving to teenagers that smoking is terribly harmful! It's easier to teach a monkey to play chess.

Nowadays, schoolchildren can no longer be surprised by anything or frightened by anything, not by terrible diseases, even a living example will not separate them from a bad habit.

Not everyone can quit smoking and start running, but only those who have a huge supply of willpower, nerves of steel and a smart head on their shoulders. Until a person convinces himself of this, no one can cure him of a bad habit, and no one can get into his head about the colossal harm!

I believe that this requires a psychological approach. If parents want their child not to smoke, not to drink, and generally to be an example for other children, then he cannot be pampered, he must be taught to respect his own life, not raise his voice at him, in general, do everything that will prevent him from even thinking about something bad. Well, in general, see for yourself, this was just my opinion on this matter. I was just expressing my point of view about smoking!

no smoking

Now let's move on to another evil word, alcohol. If you approach any schoolchild and ask if he knows what alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs are, then the probability that he will answer: “yes, I know” is 99 percent!

Deciding which is worse: “alcohol, smoking or drugs” is pointless. All options have many disadvantages, and none of them have advantages! Alcohol kills people no worse than cigarettes. Regarding alcohol, Russia, unfortunately, is in the first place among the entire planet. There's nothing you can do about it...

Alcohol is very harmful to the human body, especially to the liver, kidneys and heart. This means it affects all sports performance! Athletes are generally strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. If you get drunk one day, it’s like you haven’t worked for a month. A whole month of classes to enjoy! Well, of course, not everyone succeeds in not drinking at all; even those who would really like not to drink fail to do so. On holidays you still have to try a little of this crap. There's nothing you can do about that either :(

Guys, don't drink alcohol, it significantly shortens your life span and the quality of your vital organs!

I am for a healthy lifestyle! I am against alcohol! If you want to celebrate a holiday, drink kvass, or better yet, tea with cookies. That's it!

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