Game program for children in grades 1-3 on the theme: Autumn. Scenario

Game program for primary school students of correctional schools on the theme: Autumn

“AUTUMN FUN” Game program for primary school students in correctional schools
The script was compiled for holding a holiday for children in correctional schools, taking into account their characteristics. The holiday script “Autumn Fun” is intended for teachers, educators, and for teachers of additional education in correctional schools in primary schools.

Goal : organizing interesting, positively emotional leisure time for children through songs, dances, and games. Objectives : 1.formation of emotional responsiveness 2.relief of psycho-emotional stress. HOST : Good afternoon, dear guests! You are welcome, make yourself at home! Meet everyone you don't know yet. Today we have gathered in this hall together again to rejoice and have fun at the holiday. And what it is dedicated to, you will immediately guess if you listen to my riddle. -If the sky outside the window is frowning, If the rain makes the asphalt shine on the street, If the puddles measure the children’s feet, If the wind blows the leaves along the road, If we are already wearing coats and jackets, It means it has come... CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn! HOST : That's right, guys. The season has changed: after the cheerful, mischievous summer came the rainy autumn season. But we won’t be sad today! I'll try to cheer you up. And now I would like to play with you. You will need to stand up and repeat all my movements, achieving acceleration. (All movements are performed while standing, first at a slow pace, then faster and, finally, very quickly.) Autumn flew in like a bird (flapping wings are imitated) She told me to go mushroom hunting (they squat, collecting imaginary mushrooms) The leaves are circling again (shuttle movement) - hands in front of the chest) We quickly run for a walk (run in place) Everyone jumped into the puddle together (jump) We need to measure it (alternately raise their legs) We don’t take umbrellas with us (arms crossed over our heads, representing a roof) You and I love autumn (bow). HOST: Tell us why you love autumn? Children read poems about autumn - 3rd grade: 1. Autumn is a glorious time. Kids love autumn. Plums, pears, grapes - Everything is ripe for the children 2. And seeing an important watermelon, the children will perk up - And everyone will cordially say: Hello, it’s time for autumn! 3. The cranes are flying south. Hello, hello, autumn! Come to our holiday. We really, really ask! 4. Here we are celebrating a joyful holiday. Come, we are waiting for you, golden autumn! Presenter: Let's call Autumn with a beautiful song, guys. She will hear and come to visit us: “Oh, what autumn” (music by Z. Root) (Prepare musical triangles) 1. Where are you, where are you, dear autumn? We've been waiting for you all year. We will go to meet you along the path into the autumn forest. Chorus (repeated 2 times): Oh, what an autumn, oh, what, All of yellow leaves, golden! And the silver drops of the rain sing songs. 2. The sun’s rays are hidden in the cobwebs between the birches. Save berries, mushrooms, nuts for us. Chorus: 3. The wind dances with autumn, And the falling leaves swirl. Multi-colored leaves fly in a joyful waltz. Chorus: Autumn enters the hall for the musical performance at the end of the song. AUTUMN: Hello, my friends! I'm glad to see you all! We haven't seen each other for a whole year, but today we met! Of course, you guessed who I am? That's right, I am Golden Autumn! I am always happy to come to your school garden for a holiday. I like to have fun, play with the guys. The HOST reads poetry: (AUTUMN is handing out leaves to the children at this time) In the empty old park, Autumn makes gifts: Oak and birch leaves, Orange and pink leaves, Crimson-fire leaves - Choose any one for yourself! And we’ll take the leaves and go dance with them! AUTUMN: Dear guests, today Autumn will dance a waltz with the guys. "AUTUMN WALTZ WITH LEAVES." (The sound is “Waltz” by A. Petrov). After the dance, the children give the leaves to AUTUMN) HOST: Look at what a beautiful bouquet of autumn leaves we have made! Let's play the game “Make a bouquet of autumn leaves.” (From the leaves that have fallen to the ground, you need to choose the leaves of one particular tree. The one who does it faster will win. Before the game, give each playing child a leaf: maple, oak, birch and aspen) HOST: What else does the autumn forest give us, guys ?.. That's right, berries and mushrooms. AUTUMN: Everyone knows this, September is the month of mushrooms! Now we will play - collect mushrooms in baskets. Presenter: The rain is long in the fall, from heaven to earth. Rain, rain, more, more, so that the mushrooms grow faster!” (Mushrooms are placed on the floor to the music) GAME “Who can fill the basket with autumn mushrooms the fastest?” Children collect mushrooms in baskets while the music plays. They start on the command: “1-2-3 – pick mushrooms!” 2-3 people play. AUTUMN: Well done! You guys are nimble! And now it’s time to relax and listen to autumn poems and songs. Children read poems: The stormy autumn season has come again. October with frequent rains drives us out of the yard. Drops are rolling down the glass, but I can’t erase them. The birch tree in a yellow dress was chilled in the wind. 3rd grade students perform the song “Sweet Birch Tree” (music by Z. Root). -Why, little birch tree, are you so sad And rustle your leaves sadly? Even the sun does not make you happy, Dear birch tree, my beauty - All my leaves have turned yellow, The wind carries them to distant lands. And my sisters are all sad too. We will be sad until spring. -And in the spring, under the sun, I will smile, I will extend the twigs to him to warm. Let's sing tender songs, remember the bad weather of autumn. 4th grade students perform the song “Autumn” (music by C. Cui). 1. Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the bare bushes look sad. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow, Only the winter crops turn green in the fields. 2. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine, the wind howls in the field, the rain drizzles. The waters of the fast stream rustled, The birds flew away to warmer lands. AUTUMN: In autumn, not only clouds walk across the sky, in autumn people harvest. To achieve a harvest by autumn, Everyone knows very well: you have to work hard! Presenter: Dear Autumn, we did a great job in the garden. Look at the vegetables we have produced! Hurry up in a circle and sing a song together! The song “Gather the Harvest” is performed (music by A. Filippenko) 1. We carry baskets and sing a song in the choir. Collect the harvest and store it for the winter! Oh - yes, collect it. And stock up for the winter! 2. We are great guys, we collect cucumbers, beans and peas - our harvest is not bad! Oh, yes, and peas. - Our harvest is not bad! 3. You, pot-bellied zucchini, lay down on your side, Don’t be lazy, don’t yawn, And climb into the basket, Oh, yes, don’t yawn, And crawl into the basket! 4. We're going, we're going home by truck. Open the gates, the harvest is coming from the field! Oh, yes, open it, the harvest is coming from the field! AUTUMN: You worked not in vain. Your harvest is wonderful. And now it's time for you and me to play. I want to know if you guys can solve my riddles from the garden? Autumn makes riddles, takes the answers (plastic vegetables) out of the basket and places them on the table. RIDDLES: - A curious red nose has grown into the ground up to the top of its head, Only green heels stick out in the garden bed... (carrot) - He is mustachioed and creeping, he hid the kernels in a pod, You can’t figure it out since he’s dried up, it’s called... (peas) - In the garden bed he fell on his side Solid striped ... (zucchini) - It is round and red, like the eye of a traffic light, Among vegetables there is no juicier ... (tomato) - Under a leaf by the fence, a frog sleeps in the garden bed, All green, pimply, and a whitish tummy (cucumber) - Round-faced, white-faced, loves to drink plenty of water. It has crunchy leaves, and its name is... (cabbage). AUTUMN: And one more riddle for you guys: - Unsightly, lumpy, but it will come to the table - The guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly, delicious!” (Potato) GAME “BE SMART!” (Any dance tune sounds, to which the children walk in a circle. There is a potato on the floor (one potato less than the number of participants). When the music stops, everyone takes a potato from the floor. The one who is left without a potato leaves the game. The game continues until the last participant remains). AUTUMN: I brought you a lot of vegetables and fruits for the holiday. Yes, they are coming here themselves. STAGE “VEGETABLE DISPUTE” (grades 3 – 4) HOST: Our harvest is good, it’s abundant: carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, blue eggplants, red tomatoes. They start a long and serious argument. -Which of us, vegetables, is both tastier and more useful? Who will be the most useful in all diseases? HOST: A pea popped out - what a braggart! PEA: I'm such a good, little green boy! If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas! HOST: Blushing with offense, the beet growled: BEET: Let me say a word, listen first! I am needed for both borscht and vinaigrette. Eat and treat yourself - there is nothing better than beets! CABBAGE: You beets, shut up! They make cabbage soup from cabbage, and what delicious cabbage pies! CUCUMBER: You will be very pleased after eating a lightly salted cucumber! And everyone will like a fresh cucumber, of course. It crunches on the teeth, crunches... I can treat you! CARROTS: It’s not a long story about me. Who doesn't know vitamins? Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots - then, my friend, you will be strong, brave, dexterous. HOST: Then the tomato pouted and said sternly: TOMATO: Don’t talk, carrot, nonsense, shut up a little! The most delicious and enjoyable, of course, is tomato juice, it contains a lot of vitamins! HOST: We drink it willingly! ONION: I am the seasoning in every dish and am always useful to people! You guessed it - I'm your friend. I am a simple green onion! POTATO: I, the potato, am so modest: I didn’t say a word. But everyone needs potatoes: both big and small! EGGPLANT: Eggplant caviar is so tasty and healthy! HOST: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue! To be healthy and strong, you need to love vegetables without exception! There is no doubt about it! -Everyone has a benefit and a taste. And I can’t decide which of you is tastier, which of you is more needed! HOST: Listen to the song “VEGETABLES” (music by Xilin). Maybe she can help resolve the vegetable dispute! AUTUMN: I suggest you play, sort vegetables! A GAME is being held - RELAY RACE “SORTING VEGETABLES”. 2 people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins. Presenter: Well done guys, you did the task well. Now let's see if the gifts of autumn taste good? A GAME. “Identify autumn vegetables and fruits by taste, touch and smell” (Prepare a table, blindfolds, vegetables, cut fruits, toothpicks, napkins) AUTUMN: Well done! You sang and played, and guessed riddles, and read poems to us. And for this - respect, accept the treat! Autumn brings in a pie or a basket of apples and hands it to the host. Presenter: Thank you, dear Autumn, for coming to us, For bringing gifts to the children, Thank you for the rich harvest, Come to us again, don’t forget! AUTUMN: It's time for me to leave, guys, But it's not Autumn's fault. Winter follows me and brings the New Year with it. And I will come to you again, friends, But only next year (Autumn leaves with music). The jury evaluates the children's crafts. Presenter: And I invite everyone to the festive table. Help yourself, don't be shy. Autumn has left us gifts. Children go to class to the sound of cheerful music.

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