Class hour: “The beauty of the world begins with the beauty of the soul”

Class hour for 10th grade: Everything in a person should be perfect

“Everything in a person should be beautiful...”

(Class hour about beauty, physical and spiritual for high school students)

(1860-1904 ) Goal: developing students’ ideas about the mental and physical beauty of a person; Objectives: to develop students’ aesthetic taste in clothing, manner of speaking, and behavior in society; introduce students to the model of a perfect person; to instill in students the desire to dress beautifully, take care of their appearance and behave with dignity in society. Explanatory note: We live every day and in the bustle and haste of passing days, sometimes we do not notice the main thing: how we dress, whether we take care of ourselves, how we speak, how we behave in society. But this is very important. This class hour will help high school students build a model of a perfect person, based on the famous phrase of A.P. Chekhov. Teacher: Today we will try to imagine, build a model of the perfect, what are the components of a perfect person? Can a person with an ugly, ugly face be called perfect? Hardly. However, not all people (and you and I are no exception) have classic facial features: a Greek nose, amazing eye shape, long eyelashes... What makes our face, often imperfect, beautiful? How do you think? (The guys answer) And here’s how Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy writes about it: “The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. The eyes are always sad, now they looked at themselves in the mirror especially hopelessly. “Is she flattering me?” thought the princess, turned away and continued reading. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess’s eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so beautiful that very often, despite the ugliness of her entire face, these eyes became more attractive beauty." Reader (1): There are faces like magnificent portals, Where everywhere the great appears in the small. There are faces resembling miserable shacks, where the liver is boiled and the rennet gets wet. Other cold, dead faces are closed with bars, like a dungeon. Others are like towers in which no one has lived or looked out the window for a long time. But I once knew a small hut, It was unprepossessing, not rich, But from its window the breath of a spring day flowed onto me. Truly the world is both great and wonderful!

There are faces - similarities to jubilant songs. From these legs, like the sun, shining, a song of heavenly heights is composed. N. Zabolotsky. About the beauty of human faces

Shining happy faces Reader (2): Among other children playing, She resembles a frog, A thin shirt is tucked into her shorts, Rings of reddish curls are scattered, her mouth is long, her teeth are crooked, Her facial features are sharp and ugly, Two boys her age, Their fathers bought a bicycle each , Today the boys, in no hurry for dinner, are racing around the yard, forgetting about her, She is running after them, Someone else’s joy, just like her own, Torments her and breaks out of her heart, And the girl rejoices and laughs, Captivated by the happiness of being .

Not a shadow of envy, not a hint of evil, does this creature yet know. Everything in the world is so immensely new to her, Everything that is dead to others is so alive! And I don’t want to think, watching, That there will be a day when she, sobbing, Sees with horror that among her friends, She’s just a poor ugly girl! I want to believe that the heart is not a toy, It’s hardly possible to break it suddenly! I want to believe that this pure flame, which burns in its depths, will overcome all its pain and melt the heaviest stone! And even though her features are not good and she has nothing to seduce the imagination, - the infantile grace of the soul is already visible in any of her movements. And if this is so, then what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness Or a fire flickering in the vessel?

N. Zabolotsky. Ugly girl. Teacher: And here is the advice that Emilia Bronte gives to the young man in the novel Wuthering Heights Reader (3) : “Come to the mirror and I will show you what you should desire. Do you see these two lines between your eyebrows? And those thick eyebrows, which instead of rising in an arch, fall down at the bridge of the nose? Do you see this pair of black imps, buried so deeply? They never boldly open the windows, but only look into them furtively, like spies of the devil! So wish and learn to smooth out gloomy wrinkles, lift your eyelids boldly; replace the demons with gullible, innocent angels, looking without suspicion, without fear and always seeing a friend when they do not know for sure that there is an enemy in front of them. Don’t look gloomy and angry...” Reader (1): So, can a person with an ugly face be called perfect? (Adds words about “face” ) Let’s imagine a person with a beautiful face and sloppily, tastelessly dressed. Can such a person be called perfect? (Guys answer) Clothes play an important role in our lives. It should decorate a person, emphasize the advantages of his appearance and hide his shortcomings. Believe me, a person with good appearance can turn into a caricature of himself just from one detail of his costume. Reader (2): Let's remember Princess Diana, her impeccable taste in clothes, manner of speaking, and behavior in public. Her outfits drove all the women on the planet crazy, they imitated and envied her. She was a tall, unusually beautiful woman. For every occasion in her life, she had special outfits; the best fashion designers on the planet made them for her. But what does Academician D.S. think about young people’s ability to dress? Likhachev... Reader (2): “You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. If a young man chooses too carefully a tie for a shirt, a shirt for a suit, he is ridiculous. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible. We must take care to dress decently, but this concern for men should not go beyond certain limits. A man who cares excessively about his appearance is unpleasant. Girls and women are different. Men's clothes should only have a hint of fashion. A perfectly clean shirt, clean shoes and a fresh, but not very bright tie are enough. The suit may be old, it should not just be unkempt.” Teacher: What do you think is the main sign of a person’s taste? (Guys answer) Let's turn to classical literature for help. Reader (3): “At that moment two ladies walked past us to the well, one elderly, the other young... I couldn’t see their faces behind their hats, but they were dressed according to the strict rules of the best taste: nothing superfluous” (M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time")

Teacher: So, the main sign of taste in a person is a sense of proportion. Yes, those dresses and hats are outdated, but taste, good manners, and the absence of vulgarity in clothing and behavior will never become outdated. This is probably why Tatyana Larina is an eternal ideal. Let us remember the lines dedicated to her . Reader (1): She was leisurely, Not cold, not talkative, Without an insolent look for everyone, Without pretensions to success, Without these little antics, Without imitative undertakings... Everything was quiet, it was just about her... No one could call her beautiful ; but from head to toe No one could find in her That which, in autocratic fashion In high London circles, is called vulgar... A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (excerpt from the novel)

Teacher: What other word should be added to the phrase of A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: both the face and...” (Adds the word spoken by the children: “clothes.”) And we continue to find the components of a perfect person. What is it impossible for a person to do without? Let D.I.’s statement serve as a hint. Fonvizin from the comedy “The Minor” Reader (2): “Without... (soul) the most enlightened clever woman is a creature, an ignoramus without... (soul) is a beast”... (The teacher adds the word “soul” guessed by the children to A.P. Chekhov’s statement.)

Teacher: Cultivating a culture of feelings, a soul, is not a task for a decade, a quarter, a year, it is a task for a lifetime, since throughout one’s conscious life a person accumulates, bit by bit, precious experience, manifestations of the best, highest, spiritual qualities. The eighteenth-century American educator Benjamin Franklin, while still a printing shop worker, compiled for himself “thirteen principles of petty, everyday virtue.” They included: restraint, silence, order, determination, activity, frankness, frugality, moderation, cleanliness, calm, chastity, modesty. He persistently and persistently developed and cultivated these qualities in himself. Through self-education, he became one of the most enlightened people of his time, and through self-improvement, he became a humanist. Cultivating a culture of feelings, a culture of human communication, of the soul is not only a long, but also difficult task. It is generally accepted that it is not easy for a person to feel the human being within himself, to grow within himself a soul that would correspond to the ideal. Reader (3) : Don't let your soul be lazy! So as not to pound water in a mortar, the soul must work, day and night, and day and night! Drive her from house to house, Drag her from stage to stage, Through a wasteland, through a brown field, Through a snowdrift, over a pothole! Don't let her sleep in bed By the light of the morning star, Keep the lazy girl in a black body And don't take off her reins! If you decide to give her some slack, freeing her from work, she will rip off your last shirt without pity. And you grab her by the shoulders, Teach her and torture her until it gets dark, So that she can live with you like a human being. She learns again. She is a slave and a queen, She is a worker and a daughter, She is obliged to work Day and night, and day and night! . N. Zabolotsky. Don't let your soul be lazy.

Teacher: A person can experience high spiritual aspirations, sincerely love all of humanity, but all this will remain in vain until he confirms his aspirations in real, albeit seemingly ordinary, matters. Humanity consists of specific people. And each person needs specific goodness, specific sympathy. And how important it is to surround a person with attention and care on time. Reader (1): I had a sad life with my stepfather, but he raised me, and that’s why I sometimes regret that I didn’t have the chance to please him with at least something. When he fell ill and was quietly dying, - His mother says, - Day by day he remembered me more and more often and waited: “If only Shurka... He would have saved me!” I told a homeless grandmother in my native village: I love her so much, that when I grow up, I’ll build her a house myself, I’ll prepare firewood, I’ll buy a cartload of bread. I dreamed about a lot, I promised a lot... In the siege of Leningrad I would have saved an old man from death, But I was a day late, And centuries will not return the day. Now I have walked thousands of roads - I could buy a cart of bread, I could cut down a house. There is no stepfather, And the grandmother has died... Hurry up to do good deeds! A. Yashin. Hurry to do good deeds Teacher: Yes, timely help to specific people is one of the main manifestations of a person’s spiritual qualities. Reader (2): Until the end, Until the quiet cross Let the soul remain pure.

Before this Yellow, provincial Side of My birch, Before the lazy Cloudy and sad, In the days of autumn Sorrowful rains, Before this Strict village council, Before this Herd at the bridge, Before all the Ancient white light I swear: My soul is pure. May she remain pure until the end, until the death cross! N. Rubtsov. To end. Teacher: How do you understand the words of the poet “Let the soul remain pure”? (Guys answer) In order to get closer to the ideal, one last component is needed. These are “thoughts”. (Adds the word “thoughts” to A.P. Chekhov’s statement.) The riches of human thought are inexhaustible. One of the impressive forms of their expression is aphorisms, pearls of human wisdom, cast into a short linguistic form. As the ancient Greek poet Theocritus said: The wisest have an abundant supply of sayings. Everyone can find in it a lot of useful advice for life. Reader (3): “Every person can and should use everything that the collective mind of mankind has developed, but at the same time he can and should use his mind to check the data developed by all of humanity” (L.N. Tolstoy) Reader (1): “ Courage of mind is to... recognize and understand... the world around us and the forces operating in it: ideas and facts, experiences of the past and present... Honesty of mind is to... have the courage to think independently. To be human” (R. Rolland) Teacher: So we built it with the help of A.P.
Chekhov's model of the perfect man. (Reads) “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” There is little left: try to match it...

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Class hour “The appearance and inner world of a person: what is valuable to you?”

Co-author of the development: Nazarova Elena Aleksandrovna.

Class hour

A person’s appearance and inner world: what is valuable to you?


to clarify children’s ideas about the external and internal (spiritual) beauty of a person, to develop the ability to see the best sides of a person; develop attention, thinking, memory; cultivate a desire for internal self-improvement.

The class hour is built in the form of an ethical dialogue with students.

1. Greeting and organizational moment.

- Good afternoon guys. You have chosen the topic for the class hour “The appearance and inner world of a person: what is valuable to you?” I would like you and I to have a sincere conversation, so we will not be shy, we will speak honestly, and not correctly, sincerely expressing our opinion. Then I hope everyone will enjoy our conversation.

(I take out two envelopes from behind my back: one is very beautifully designed, some interesting technique is used; the second envelope is ordinary; both contain a piece of paper with the phrase: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: both body and soul...”)

— One of my friends likes to seal interesting thoughts, statements of himself or famous people in envelopes and give them to loved ones (show the envelopes).

— I have two such envelopes in my hands. Which of these envelopes would you like to open? Take it in your hands, touch it? (at this time, bring the most beautiful envelope to your nose and smell it, saying: “By the way, it smells so delicious...”)

Suggested answer: “Beautiful!”

- And why?

Student answers.

- Yes, it is beautiful, attracts attention, and is also pleasant to the senses.

2. Problematic issue, challenge

-Those. Can I, based on your answers, conclude that (go to the board with the topic of the class hour) appearance is decisive in our world? It is most important? Those. will the internal contents of these envelopes depend on how they look externally?

Answers: no.

- Do you want to open them? Me too. But we will open them with you at the end of our conversation.

3. Dialogue with children

-So, let's try to answer the question of what is the manifestation of external and internal beauty. To make this more clear, I suggest using small scales and beads as weights. A bead is the quality in which external and internal beauty is manifested. (I show scales and beads, beads can be bought in two colors).

- Why did we decide that the envelope (showing a beautiful one) is valuable?

Children's answers:...

(Children name many qualities: beautiful, neat, unusual, etc., but to summarize, I will name only 4)

- So, I agree. The manifestations of external beauty are (I name them and put a bead on the scale for each quality): beautiful, in this case we are talking about an envelope; unusual; neat (neat); stylish.

- What happened to our scales? External beauty outweighed. Have you ever encountered a similar situation in life when appearance turned out to be more important?

Children's answers.

— To continue the dialogue, I suggest you watch a fragment from a cartoon based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” in which we see Gerda approaching the Snow Queen’s castle.

(fragment from film: blizzard, Gerda walks barefoot, with disheveled hair, in tattered clothes).

- Can we call Gerda beautiful at the moment by modern standards? Does she have beautifully styled hair? Is the girl neatly and beautifully dressed?

Children's answers: no.

- But at the same time, does she cause disgust and hostility in us?

Children's answer: no

- And why?!

Children's answers... (does a good deed)

- Yes, that's right. Gerda does a noble deed by saving Kai.

- So what is the manifestation of inner beauty? (approaches the scales)

-Those. can we say that good and noble deeds are a manifestation of inner beauty?

Children's answer: yes

(I put the beads on the second scale)

— What character traits helped Gerda get to the Snow Queen’s castle and save Kai?

Answer: hard work, determination... (bring children to the following qualities: determination, goodwill, mercy, in addition, a sense of humor is important). Making a conclusion about these qualities, we lower the beads onto the scales. There should be four of them!

4. Reflection

— What happened to the scales? The bowls were on the same level. What does this mean?

Children's answers...

— Can we say that one thing is valuable (to match the title of the topic)?

- Let's go back to our envelopes. Do you still want to open them? Now, at the end of our conversation, can you say with confidence that you would only like to open a beautiful envelope?

Children's answers...

(invite two children to help, open both envelopes and read out the contents)

Voice out loud: “ Everything in
a person should
be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”

— These are the words of A.P. Chekhov, which are consonant with the topic of our conversation “The appearance and inner world of a person: what is valuable to you?” We were convinced (pointing to the scales) that both a person’s appearance and inner world are valuable.

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