Life safety in 1st grade calendar and thematic planning (1st grade) on the topic

Class hour on life safety for 1st grade “My Safety”

“My Safety” for 1st grade students

Author: Prokopenkova Irina Viktorovna, primary school teacher, MBOU “SSh” No. 17, Smolensk
Class notes for 1st grade students “My Safety”

When staying at home alone, the child must be familiar with the dangers that await him.
The sooner we, teachers, start talking about them, the better the younger student will be adapted to different situations. Goal: to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior during a fire, when handling electrical appliances, gas, and also with strangers. Teacher: guys, when I was going to work, I saw a ball on a tree branch, and a letter was attached to it. Let's find out who it's from. (The teacher opens the letter and reads it out.)
“Help the Kid learn about the dangers that can happen to him both at home and on the street, and how to avoid them.”

Teacher: Let's play the game "My Safety" . We have three teams. I suggest doing a warm-up. FIRE Game “Say the Word” First team.
A coal fell on the floor, set the wooden floor on fire, Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, But fill it up….
Second team.
If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do?
Immediately matches... (take away)
Third team.
Those who are careless with fire may experience a fire.
Children, remember that you cannot joke with... (fire)
Assignment: “After the signal, show a card with the phone number to call the fire brigade if a fire starts in the house.” Teacher: So, remember: Every citizen knows this number - 01. Call there quickly If trouble comes to you, If you don’t have a phone - Call people from the balcony.

In a fire, things, an apartment, and even an entire house can burn down. But the main thing is that people may die. What to do if a fire starts in the house? Rules: 1) Immediately run away from home to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department on your home phone 01, on your cell phone 101, or ask your neighbors about it. 2) Smoke is much more dangerous than fire, so most people die from smoke in a fire. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down and move towards the exit - there is less smoke below. 3) When the firefighters arrive, be sure to listen to them and don’t be afraid - they know better how to save you. Well, in order to prevent a fire, it is better not to touch those objects that can cause a fire. The fire department telephone number is 01, and from a cell phone 101. (The sign is hung on the board) Teacher: In every home there are objects that can threaten human health and even life if they are handled incorrectly. Assignment: There are pictures on the board depicting objects; you need to choose dangerous ones. (Knife, scissors, needles, matches, medicines, electrical appliances, socket, candle) Game: “Say the word” First team.
At home you have sharp knives on the shelf...
(put them). Second team.
If you took out the scissors, take it away, where...
(took it from). Third team.
Don’t scatter the needles, put them all on...
(shelves). Teacher: If you follow all these rules, then “Neither girls nor boys will cut their...(fingers). The teacher invites one person from the team to the tables on which there are cards with numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04, 101, 102, 103, 104 Teacher: Imagine that you and your friend, while mom and dad are at work, decided drink tea. Suddenly your friend accidentally touched a hot kettle with his hand and severely burned his hand. His hand turned red and he began to cry bitterly. We need to call an ambulance. There are phone numbers in front of you, show which number you will call. (Children show either 03 or 103 if calling from a cell phone).

Teacher: Imagine that you smelled gas. I need to call the gas service, what phone number can you use to do this? (04, 104)

Sports competition-relay race “Take a bottle of juice to a friend.”
Teacher: Your friend is sick, you decided to visit him, but he lives far away. To get to it, you need to jump over a ditch (harnesses), climb through a tunnel (hoops), walk along a narrow bridge (drawn straight parallel lines), jump over large hummocks (cubes). ELECTRICITY Student: Do not stick a finger or a nail into a socket - Electricity is dangerous, everyone should know this!

And now I will ask you to tell us about the rules for handling electricity. *When turning off the TV, do not pull the cord. *Don't put your finger in the socket. *Do not touch electrical appliances and wires with wet hands. DANGER IN THE STREET In life there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. They can rob an apartment, kidnap a person, or cause harm. To avoid trouble, you must follow certain rules. From fairy tales you know that villains are very creative. What to do if: First team. Is someone walking or running after you on the street, but it’s far from home? (call loudly for help, run to a crowded place: to a store, to a bus stop...). Second team. If strangers offer you candy and go with them? (don't take anything, go home). Third team. What kind of car would you agree to ride with a kind stranger: a Zhiguli, an Audi, a Mercedes? (none). Teacher: You can call the police, what phone number will you use to do this? (02, 102)

Sports competition "Run away from the bad man." Running with obstacles. (Children run around the chairs placed along the classroom) Teacher: So, guys, you know the safety rules well. Let us repeat the important phone numbers that you should remember for the rest of your life.

Teacher: I will definitely write a letter to the Kid, in which I will tell him how to behave in case of danger. Thank you for your attention! If you liked it, leave a comment!

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Teacher (hereinafter U): - Hello, dear guys. I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. It's only been three months and you've matured so much. Your eyes are full of joyful sparkle, and you probably miss our friendly class.

Safety lesson 1st grade lesson plan (1st grade) on the topic

Safety lesson (1st grade)

September 1

Goal: to create conditions for teaching children to see everything that poses a danger to life and health.

Objectives: develop the ability to control your behavior.

Improve knowledge of the basic rules of behavior on the street.

Promote awareness of the importance of following traffic rules.

Familiarize yourself with the main causes of fires and primary fire extinguishing means. Learn to follow fire safety rules. Learn what to do in the event of a fire. To form in children an idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior on water in the warm season.

Reveal the causes of accidents on water.

Provide an idea of ​​what to do in case of danger. Cultivate caution and accuracy in behavior on the water. To educate a personality ready for creative activity and moral behavior.

Equipment: traffic rules poster; poster with fire safety rules; pictures; “My way to school” schemes; traffic rules; road signs. Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment


— Hello, dear boys and girls, as well as their parents! The solemn day has come - SEPTEMBER 1st. Today you are so beautiful and elegant. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday, on the beginning of school life, on the very first Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you new strong knowledge and the best grades!

And today you and I will go to the Land of Knowledge, where we will get to know you and play,

- Who knows what they teach at school? (Children give their answers.)

— That’s right, at school they teach you to write, and read, and draw, and be friends, and respect each other, and many other good and useful things.

- What is the name of the room you are in? (Class.)

- Look around you. What a beautiful and cozy office awaits you,

“I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you.” We will come to this class for 4 years and try to keep it as clean and cozy. May everything be good in your school life. - Well, now it’s time for us to get acquainted. My name is Maria Sergeevna. I am your first teacher. I will be with you for 4 whole years - 4 years of joy and sorrow, 4 years of learning and discovering something new, For 4 whole years we will be inseparable in studies and games.

-There are so many of you, but I want to get to know you all quickly.

And I will definitely remember your name!

-Now let's meet our girls. I invite all the girls to come to the board.

Elegant, ceremonial,

So beloved

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming.

“Now our girls, like real artists, will say their first and last names loudly, passing the bell to each other.

- So we met the girls. And now I will ask the boys to come to the board.

And the boys are great

So cute

So neat

They're waiting for people like that at school.

- Boys, let's get to know you too.

These are such wonderful guys gathered in our class and it doesn’t matter that we met for the first time and didn’t remember all the names, but we will definitely cope with it.

- Now, guys, we will meet with you every day, spend a lot of time together, we will work and relax together. Therefore we must become friends. Do you agree? (YES)

- We will be friends? (YES)

- Will we respect each other? (YES)

- Will we help each other? (YES)

- Will we trust each other? (YES)

- Will we love each other? (YES)

- Will we be one team? (YES)

Then give us your hands (the children get up from their seats and approach the teacher). We will unite them in a common handshake, like musketeers.

- Do you feel warm? strength? What did the musketeers always say to each other?! ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! we are one team, and we will help each other in everything, including in our main business. What is our main school activity? STUDY!

-Today we will read a very interesting and unusual oral journal. It contains four fascinating stories and they are all devoted to one topic - your health and the safety of your life.

2. New material Page 1 “Road”

The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an alphabet book, Here is the alphabet above your head, signs are hung along the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you. - How do you understand these words? “Today you and I will learn to see everything that poses a danger to life and health, control our behavior, and improve our knowledge of the basic rules of behavior on the street. And I would really like you to understand the importance of following traffic rules. - And our friend Traffic Light will help us (picture) Traffic Light brought us a letter. Let's read his “Guys, guess my riddles”: - The houses stand in two rows - ten, twenty, a hundred in a row - And they look at each other with square eyes. (Street) - Not alive, but leading, motionless, but walking. (Road) - To help you pass the dangerous path, Both day and night are lit - green, yellow, red. (Traffic light) Conversation on the questions: Teacher - How many of you crossed the street when walking around the city? -Who are you going with? — Who helps you cross the street? — How should you cross the street correctly? Only with adults. Along the pedestrian crossing. First look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right. Physical education minute. Banana


— There are a lot of pedestrians and transport in the city. Pedestrians dominate the sidewalks, and vehicles dominate the roads. If both of them follow the traffic rules, then they do not interfere with each other. Listen to the poem and answer the question whether animals behave correctly.

The bears were riding a bicycle, and behind them was a cat - backwards. Wolves are on a mare, lions are in a car. Bunnies are on a tram, a toad is on a broom. They drive and laugh, chew gingerbread. -Do you think animals behave correctly on the road? Why? — What traffic rules do you need to remember? (Work with a reminder on the board, posters). - Look at the pictures and say: do children behave correctly and why? Page 2 “Firehouse”Teacher

- Guess the riddle:

The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry with everyone. He eats wood out of anger for a whole hour, maybe two. Don't touch it with your hand - It bites the whole palm. (Fire)

Teacher: guys, fire can be a friend, or it can be an enemy. Teacher

— A person spends a significant part of his life in his house or apartment. It seems to us that we are completely safe at home. “My home is my castle,” says the famous saying. Therefore, we often neglect the most basic safety rules and allow unforgivable carelessness. Teacher

- Guys, think and name the reasons why a fire can occur: careless handling of fire - matches, fire; violation of fire safety rules when operating stoves; violation of safety rules when using electrical appliances; violation of the rules for storing and using flammable and flammable liquids;

domestic gas leak; careless handling of pyrotechnic products (crackers, firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks, etc.).

Teacher: Fires are dangerous because they bring enormous losses to people, and most importantly, they take human lives. One unextinguished match can burn down an entire house. The best protection against fire is knowledge and compliance with fire safety rules.

  • Do not play around with matches or lighters. This is one of the causes of fires.
  • Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended, especially irons, heaters, TVs, lamps, etc. When leaving home, do not forget to turn them off.
  • Don't forget to turn off the gas stove. If you smell gas, do not light a match or turn on the light. Ventilate the apartment immediately.
  • Light fireworks, candles, and sparklers away from the Christmas tree, preferably outside the house. Teacher.

— Do you know what to do if a fire occurs? Children. Call adults for help, call a fire truck at number 01. Physical exercise Game “Fire - Water” The leader is selected at will, either by counting or in another way. When the presenter says loudly: “Fire,” everyone begins to squat; when he says: “Water,” everyone begins to jump. The presenter tries to confuse the players, sometimes repeating the same word in a row, changing the intonation, making movements corresponding to a different word

Page 3 "Dangerous"


— In the old days, when there were no textbooks, children learned how to behave in a dangerous situation from fairy tales. Let's remember fairy tales and think about why trouble happened to the heroes. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (don’t open the door to strangers).

"Kolobok" (excessive trust in strangers).

“The Fox and the Jug” (think before you do anything).

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” (listen to your elders).

Rules of conduct with strangers

  1. Try to avoid talking. If you speak, be polite.
  2. Don't get into a stranger's car.
  3. Don't play on the way home from school.
  4. Don't play outside in the dark.
  5. Don't tell strangers about your family or neighbors.
  6. Don't let strangers into your apartment.

Page 4 “Water”


“It’s hard to imagine what it would be like on Earth without rivers, ponds, lakes, and seas.” The planet would probably be like a desert or rocky area. Fortunately, there are quite large expanses of water on Earth, and people have long settled on their shores, because where there is water, there is life. At what time of year do you most often head to bodies of water? (Summer and winter). Why in summer? (In summer it’s hot and you want to swim or float on something). Today we will talk in detail about behavior near water in the summer. In order not to spoil your vacation, you must follow certain rules of safe behavior. The most important rule: when we swim, adults must be nearby. – You cannot dive in unfamiliar places. – When playing in the water, you shouldn’t “drown” your friends even as a joke.


- What should you do first when a person drowns? You must immediately shout: “The man is drowning!” - to attract attention. Throw a drowning person an object that will reach him and help him stay on the surface of the water. Right. If possible, then we need to help the person. But if you are a poor swimmer and are not confident in your abilities, then do not get into the water. Otherwise, two people will have to be saved. There is an expression: “The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” How do you understand it? Perhaps a person should help himself somehow. Indeed, the most important thing is not to panic. In this case, it becomes possible to save energy, save your breath, call for help and stay on the water for some time. 3. Lesson summary:


-What rules of behavior did you repeat today?

— Today we have devoted a lesson to considering situations in which danger may arise in everyday life. They also repeated the rules for handling electrical appliances, fire safety rules, traffic rules, outdoor games, communication with strangers, behavior on the water. Violation of safety rules can lead to irreparable consequences. The worst thing is that ignorance or inability to act correctly in certain situations can create a threat to human life and health. I wish everyone good health and hope that our classes will help you grow up as happy and successful people.

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