English lesson plan for 5th grade English is an interesting thing! English is interesting!

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Different approaches and methods of teaching English In this presentation you can learn different approaches and methods of teaching English…

04/18/2020 Kupalova Barno Kamilovna 97 0

The use of modern techniques and forms of work in the educational process in foreign language lessons. The article describes the modern techniques and forms of work I use in the educational process in foreign language lessons...

10/08/2020 Klyavina Ekaterina Aleksanrovna 7 0

Master class “Elements of project work in English lessons” Master class “Elements of project work in English lessons”…

04/07/2020 Aigul Fanisovna Iskhakova 87 1

Modern pedagogical technologies and their role in the educational process using the example of foreign language lessons. Article previously published in the print publication "Unified Method Day". In this article I share my experience of using modern, non-standard pedagogical technologies in foreign lessons...

05/19/2020 Egorova Zinaida Nikolaevna 63 0

Project on the theme “Christmas” Object of study: British holidays. Purpose: to study and analyze text, audio and video information about the holidays of Great Britain...

02/12/2020 Valentina Alekseevna Pozhilenkova 85 0

Lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard in the 5th grade lesson plan taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard...

08/17/2020 Medvedeva Margarita Sergeevna 88 1

Lesson summary “Travelling by plane” The lesson plan was developed based on the didactic material “Rainbow English”...

10/09/2020 Dubrovina Natalia Vladimirovna 4 0

Technological map of an English lesson in grade 5 Author of UMK Yu.E. Vaulina, D. Dooley “English in Focus” Lesson topic “My Family” Lesson type Lesson on learning new knowledge

10/04/2020 Mukhametzyanova Ravilya Nailevna 15 0

Game as the main means of teaching foreign languages ​​at an early stage. Types of games. LThis work is an article about the importance of using games in an English lesson in primary school. The article discusses types of games...

05/17/2020 Andreeva Yuliana Vasilievna 72 0

Dependent prepositions An interactive exercise to reinforce and/or test your skills in using expressions with prepositions. The exercise can be used as an independent unit, or as a built-in…

09/08/2020 Grishakova Nina Igorevna 73 2

Exercises for lesson 2a Spotlight 6 Exercises for lesson 2a Spotlight 6 (prepositions of time, ordinal numbers)…

09.26.2020 Kadushkina Svetlana Vladimirovna 54 3

Lesson 2 “My English alphabet” Lesson 2 on the topic “My English alphabet” for grade 2, first year of study. Repetition and generalization of learned material, presentation of new material using videos and cards with illustrations. U...

09/16/2020 Piskunova Alexandra Nikolaevna 68 0

Technological map of the English lesson. "School in Great Britain". Technological map of the English lesson. “School in Great Britain”….

09.26.2020 Permyakova Alena Valerievna 41 1

Development of a lesson on the topic “America” Development of an English lesson on the topic “America”...

08/21/2020 Malakhovskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna 45 0

Development of a lesson “My house” Development of an open lesson on the topic “My house” for grade 5….

09.16.2020 Asadullina Anna Iosifovna 52 0

Difference between the words travel, journey, trip, voyage. Exercises to practice the rule. Exercises to practice the difference between the words travel, trip, voyage, journey. Examples of using these words...

08/21/2020 Gaffarova Albina Firdausovna 73 1

Open lesson on the topic “Food” Development of an English lesson on the topic “Food” for grade 4….

08/21/2020 Malakhovskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna 70 0

Lesson summary in 3rd grade on the topic “My School” Systematization and generalization of students’ existing knowledge on the topic “My School”...

10/09/2020 Novikova Zhanna Aleksandrovna 10 0

“Best friends forever” Purpose of the lesson: improving dialogic speech skills Objectives: Activate lexical material within the framework of the lesson topic; Perfection…

07/16/2020 Dikanskaya Maria Viktorovna 78 1

Lesson 7th grade Teen Camps Using the past tense, irregular verbs. was/were in the past tense...

10.10.2020 Prikhodko Victoria Stepanovna 9 0

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