COMPETITION “FUNNY MATH” Extracurricular event in mathematics for 6th grade Svetlana Ivanovna Krynina, mathematics teacher MOUSOSH 50, Voronezh Personal. - presentation

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Math quiz for grades 5-6 “The Magnificent Seven”

20.12.2013, 20:19
QUIZ FOR 5-6 CLASSES “THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN” Teams of 7 people from each group participate in the quiz. Teams sit at separate tables. Goals: 1. Instilling interest in mathematics as an element of universal human culture; popularization of entertaining tasks among students, development of cognitive interest and intelligence. 2. Testing students’ knowledge of mandatory learning outcomes. 3. Development of students' skills of good behavior in society, communication skills and joint activities. Equipment: Clock with a second hand, gong, hourglass, posters with the image of the Big Dipper, seven colors of the rainbow, seven planets, cardboard fish with questions written on them, matches, tasks for teams written on separate sheets, scoreboard. Introduction Presenter: Today we have a math evening - a quiz. This quiz is dedicated to the wonderful science of mathematics, about which Lomonosov said: “Mathematics must be taught later, because it puts the mind in order.” The quiz will consist of three rounds: 1st round – competition of captains “Fun Questions” 2nd round – entertaining tasks. Round 3 – mathematical relay race At each table there is a magnificent seven. Mysterious seven Seven wonders of the world. Seven days of the week. Seven colors of the rainbow. Seven weeks of fasting. Seven deadly sins. The Frenchman makes the strongest oath: “Strong as seven.” A happy person feels in seventh heaven. Fairy tale titles: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Seven Goat Heads”. Proverbs: “Measure twice, cut once”, “Seven troubles - one answer”, “Seven do not wait for one”, “Seven Fridays in a week”. The number “7” literally permeates the entire cultural history of the peoples of the Earth. The cult of the number “7” originated in Ancient Babylon. Observing the sky, ancient astronomers counted 7 planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. And yet, why 7? Perhaps the veneration of the seven is connected not only with the deification of the planets? After all, even before the Babylonians, already among the Paleolithic people, there was some kind of special attitude towards ri in ornamentation. And not only in Europe, but also in Asia. The Magnificent Seven The number seven is known to everyone, What can we say about the number seven! There are seven huts in the village, Seven porches, seven old women, Seven puppies, seven smokes, Seven pugnacious roosters sitting on seven fences, They don’t look at each other. They spread seven tails, each tail has seven colors. In the crowded sky on a starry night I found seven bright points. I found seven burning eyes, called a ladle. And the name is Ursa... People believed that the 7th is a special number for a very long time, students will talk about it. Student I: Even the ancient hunters, and then the ancient farmers and herders, watched the sky. Their attention has long been attracted by the constellation Ursa Major. Images of the seven stars of this constellation are often found on ancient products. Student II: Many thousands of years ago, people noticed that stars do not change their position relative to other stars. And only five luminaries: the shining morning star Venus, hurrying Mercury, red Mars, majestic Jupiter and slow Saturn move relative to other stars. These luminaries received the name “planets” (“wandering”) and began to be considered gods. III student: Venus was considered by the Romans to be the goddess of beauty, Mercury was the god of trade, Mars was the god of war, Jupiter was the god of thunder, and Saturn was the god of sowing. And, of course, the sun and moon were gods. In total there were seven gods associated with the sky. IV student: The number 7 was especially revered in the Ancient East. Several thousand years ago, the Sumerians lived between the Tigris and Euphrates. They designated the number 7 with the same sign as the entire universe. Some scientists think that they expressed with this number 6 main directions (up - down, forward - back, left - right), and even the place from which this countdown comes. According to their legends, there were seven gates in the underworld through which the souls of the dead passed. Student V: We are talking about the seven colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. To remember the order of these colors, schoolchildren memorize the sentence: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” At the same time, the eye of a good artist sees much more than seven shades in a rainbow. Presenter: Question to the teams: Remember the proverbs and sayings that mention the number seven? For each saying - 1 point to the team. Answers are provided to the jury in writing. Thinking time: 3 minutes. Host: The fish swam to the quiz and brought funny questions with them. The questions are different - some are easier, others are more difficult. Therefore, each captain will answer the question of the fish that he “catch”. You are given 15 seconds to think about it. 1st round – competition of captains “Funny Questions” For the correct answer - 1 point. Questions: 1. When do we look at the number 2 and say 14? (On the clock). 2. What event happened on February 31? (None). 3. How can you name five days in a row without naming the days of the week or counting them? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow). 4.Round, but not stupid, with a hole, but not a donut. (Zero) 5.What is one and one, and one and a half, and two, and two, and two and a half? (10) 6.What has two ends but no beginning? (Scissors, according to the famous riddle) 7. Five crows and three magpies were sitting on a tree. All the magpies and as many crows have flown away, how many crows are left? (2) 8.Which shirt weighs one ton? (Monochromatic) 9.Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total? (8) 10. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer quickly! (5) 11.A square has 4 corners. How many corners will remain if you cut off one of them? (5) 12. There are 4 of them at the table and chair, 5 at the sofa, and 6 at the chair. what is it about? (About the number of letters in a word) 13. One rooster crowed and woke up one person. How many roosters does it take to wake up 10 people? (1) 14. In what case, looking at the number 3, do we say 15? (When we look at the clock) 15. What shape do the marks on the water from the thrown brick diverge? (Round) 16. This animal has two right and two left legs, two legs in front and the same number in back. How many legs does this animal have? (4) 17.Divide 100 by half. How much will? (200) 18.Which number has as many numbers as there are letters in its name? (One hundred = 100) 19. How many hectares do the stacks occupy in the field? (100 hectares - one hundred hectares) 20. “Mousetrap” from three letters. (Cat) 21. The dog was tied to a 10-meter rope, but went 300 meters away. Like this? (Gone with the rope) 22. Three people waited for the train for three hours. How many hours did each person wait? (3) 23. The loaf was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts were made? (2) 24.Which expression is a synonym for the word “little”? (the cat cried). Round 2 – “Entertaining tasks” Task 1: Presenter: The next task is called “Teacher”. You need to correct mistakes in words. In the first word, the first members of the teams are corrected, in the second - the second members, etc. For the first team: For the second team: 1. algebra 1. mathematics 2. coordination 2. subtraction 3. ray 3. plane 4. leveling 4. prportion 5. abscis 5. ardinata Task 2: Teams of 7 people participate in the competition. The guys are shown for 30 seconds. a sample model that they will have to assemble from the parts suggested by the teacher and paste on a blank sheet of paper, one at a time. (The speed, correctness and accuracy of the application are assessed). Task 3: Mathematics in verse. 1. 1 point – Two sons and two fathers ate two eggs each. How many eggs did each person eat? (one at a time) 2. 2 points – What figure are we talking about? The peak serves as my head. And what you consider legs, Everyone calls sides. (angle) 3. 3 points – What figure are we talking about? I am invisible! This is my point. Although I cannot be measured, I am so insignificant and small. (dot) 4. 4 points - Two went - 3 nails were found. Four will follow - how many nails will they find? (most likely they won’t find anything) 5. 5 points – Mill 12 measures of oats Grinds in an hour and a half. Now tell me: within what period of 16 measures should I complete her lesson? (2 hours) Task 4: Think logically. 1. 1 point – The father of one citizen is called Nikolai Petrovich, and the son of this citizen is Alexey Vladimirovich. What is the citizen's name? (Vladimir Nikolaevich) 2. 2 points - If it rains at 12 o’clock at night, can we expect sunshine 72 hours later? (no, because it will be night) 3. 3 points - A tailor has a piece of cloth 16 m long, from which he cuts 2 m daily. After how many days will he cut the last piece? (7 days) 4. 4 points – Yesterday a friend of mine got caught in the rain. He did not take either a hat or an umbrella with him. There was nowhere to hide from the rain. When he got home, water flowed from him in streams, but not a single hair on his head got wet. Why? (he was bald) 5. 5 points - How can one bag of wheat, after grinding it, fill two bags that are as large as the bag containing the wheat? (You need to put one empty bag into another similar one, and then pour ground wheat into it.) Task 5: Find a pattern. 1. 1 point – Continue the series of numbers: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, … ( 23, 27, …) 2. 2 points – Find the extra word: meter, decimeter, kilogram, centimeter, millimeter (Kilogram) 3. 3 points - Continue the series of numbers: 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, ... (16) 4. 4 points - Lilies grew on the lake. Every day their number doubled, and on the 20th day the entire lake was overgrown. On what day was half the lake overgrown? (On day 19) 5. 5 points – Cow -2, sheep -2, pig -3, dog -3, cat -3, cuckoo -4, rooster -8, donkey - ? (2) Task 6: Logogriffs In the first part of the logogriff you have to guess what word is being said. Then insert one or two additional letters into the guessed word and get a new word. For a correct answer - 1 point. 1. I am an arithmetic sign, In the problem book you will find me In many lines, You will only insert “O”, A sign like me is a geographical point. (Plus-pole). 2. I am a number less than 10. It’s easy for you to find me. But if you order the letter “I” to stand next to you: I am everything: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother! (Seven is family). 3. I am a spatial body, And I am not complicated by nature, If you insert “L” skillfully, I will become a home of culture. (Cube - club). 4. I am a high rock, If there is a letter “A” in a word, If we change “A” to “B”, Then we remember the camel. (Mountain - hump). 5. He is not a very small rodent, For he is a little larger than a squirrel, And if you replace “U” with “O” - It will be a round number. (Marmot - forty). Warm-up “Who is the most attentive” 1 person from each team participates. I’ll tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. I’ll just say word three.” Take the prize immediately. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside. We saw small fish and not just one, but... two. A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Be careful at the start, don’t be tricky. Wait for the command: one, two,..., march. When you want to memorize poems. They are not crammed until late at night. And repeat them to yourself. Once, twice. But better...... five. Recently I had to wait for a train at the station for three hours. Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize and, When was the opportunity to take it? Round 3 – “Math relay” Teams take turns being asked one question each. Thinking time is 30 seconds. For a correct answer - 1 point. 1. What is a third of a day? (8 hours) 2. What is the sixth part of a day? (4 hours) 3. 5 candles were burning. Two of them were extinguished. How many candles are left? (2 candles, those that were extinguished, the rest burned out) 4. A flock of ducks was flying. Only 5. One was killed. How much is left? (one, the rest flew away) 0 X 112 =? (0) 5. What number cannot be divided by? (to 0) 6. What are the numbers that add up called? (addends) 7. What are the numbers that multiply called? (multipliers) 8. How many months in a year contain 30 days? (11, except February) 9. How many months of the year contain 31 days? (seven) 10. A figure with 3 sides, 3 vertices. (triangle) 11. Rectangle with equal sides. (square) 12. What is the name of a figure that has 3 or more angles? (polygon) 13. What is the sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon called? (perimeter) 14. What number is divisible by all numbers without a remainder? (0) 15. What is the product of all digits? (0) 16. A pair of horses ran 30 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (30) 17. Two played checkers for four hours. How many hours did each of them play? (4) 18. There are two fathers and two sons in the family. How many men are there in the family? (3) 19. Parents have five sons. Everyone has one sister. How many children are there in the family? (6) 20. Smallest natural number? (1) 21. Largest natural number? (does not exist) 22. Unit of speed at sea? (knot) 23. What is 1 pood equal to? (16 kg) 24. The perimeter of a square is 20 cm. What is its area? (25) 25. What are we looking for when solving the equation? (root) 26. Subtraction result. (difference) 27. Result of division? (private) 28. How many centners are in a ton? (10) 29. How many numbers are there? (10) 30. What are the third digit numbers called? (hundreds) 31. Smallest three-digit number? (100) 32. How many vertices does a cube have? (8) 33. What is the name of the number from which it is subtracted? (Diminished) 34. Limited part of a straight line? (segment) 35. Result of division? (quotient) 36. What is a tenth of a centimeter equal to? (millimetre) 37. There are 10 spokes in a wheel. How many spaces are there between the spokes? (10) Presenter. The game is over, it's time to find out the result. Who worked the best and distinguished himself in the game? The jury's word. Winner's reward ceremony.
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